public static void Draw(Rect rect, ThingDef thingDef, Color color) { rect = new Rect(rect.MiddleX() - 17, rect.MiddleY() - 17, 34, 34); GUI.color = color; // EdB: Inline copy of static Widgets.ThingIcon(Rect, ThingDef) with the selected // color based on the stuff. // EdB: Inline copy of static private method with modifications to keep scaled icons within the // bounds of the specified Rect and to draw them using the stuff color. //Widgets.ThingIconWorker(rect, thing.def, thingDef.uiIcon); float num = GenUI.IconDrawScale(thingDef); Rect resizedRect = rect; if (num != 1f) { // For items that are going to scale out of the bounds of the icon rect, we need to shrink // the bounds a little. if (num > 1) { resizedRect = rect.ContractedBy(4); } resizedRect.width *= num; resizedRect.height *= num; =; } GUI.DrawTexture(resizedRect, thingDef.uiIcon); GUI.color = Color.white; }
public Designator_Build(BuildableDef entDef) { this.entDef = entDef; base.icon = entDef.uiIcon; base.iconAngle = entDef.uiIconAngle; base.hotKey = entDef.designationHotKey; base.tutorTag = entDef.defName; ThingDef thingDef = entDef as ThingDef; if (thingDef != null && thingDef.uiIconPath.NullOrEmpty()) { base.iconProportions = thingDef.graphicData.drawSize; base.iconDrawScale = GenUI.IconDrawScale(thingDef); } else { base.iconProportions = new Vector2(1f, 1f); base.iconDrawScale = 1f; } TerrainDef terrainDef = entDef as TerrainDef; if (terrainDef != null) { Vector2 terrainTextureCroppedSize = Designator_Build.TerrainTextureCroppedSize; float width = terrainTextureCroppedSize.x / (float)base.icon.width; Vector2 terrainTextureCroppedSize2 = Designator_Build.TerrainTextureCroppedSize; base.iconTexCoords = new Rect(0f, 0f, width, terrainTextureCroppedSize2.y / (float)base.icon.height); } this.ResetStuffToDefault(); }
public Designator_Build(BuildableDef entDef) { this.entDef = entDef; icon = entDef.uiIcon; iconAngle = entDef.uiIconAngle; iconOffset = entDef.uiIconOffset; hotKey = entDef.designationHotKey; tutorTag = entDef.defName; order = 20f; ThingDef thingDef = entDef as ThingDef; if (thingDef != null) { iconProportions = thingDef.graphicData.drawSize.RotatedBy(thingDef.defaultPlacingRot); iconDrawScale = GenUI.IconDrawScale(thingDef); } else { iconProportions = new Vector2(1f, 1f); iconDrawScale = 1f; } if (entDef is TerrainDef) { iconTexCoords = Widgets.CroppedTerrainTextureRect(icon); } ResetStuffToDefault(); }
public Designator_Build(BuildableDef entDef) { this.entDef = entDef; this.icon = entDef.uiIcon; this.iconAngle = entDef.uiIconAngle; this.iconOffset = entDef.uiIconOffset; this.hotKey = entDef.designationHotKey; this.tutorTag = entDef.defName; this.order = 20f; ThingDef thingDef = entDef as ThingDef; if (thingDef != null) { this.iconProportions = thingDef.graphicData.drawSize.RotatedBy(thingDef.defaultPlacingRot); this.iconDrawScale = GenUI.IconDrawScale(thingDef); } else { this.iconProportions = new Vector2(1f, 1f); this.iconDrawScale = 1f; } TerrainDef terrainDef = entDef as TerrainDef; if (terrainDef != null) { this.iconTexCoords = new Rect(0f, 0f, Designator_Build.TerrainTextureCroppedSize.x / (float)this.icon.width, Designator_Build.TerrainTextureCroppedSize.y / (float)this.icon.height); } this.ResetStuffToDefault(); }
private void SetDesignatorIcon() { // use graphic in first designator if (SelectedItem.PlacingDef == null && def.debug) { Controller.Logger.Warning("Failed to get def for icon automatically."); } else { #if DEBUG_ICON Controller.Logger.Message($"using {SelectedItem.PlacingDef.defName} uiIcon"); #endif icon = SelectedItem.PlacingDef.uiIcon; var thingDef = SelectedItem.PlacingDef as ThingDef; if (thingDef != null && thingDef.uiIconPath.NullOrEmpty()) { iconProportions = thingDef.graphicData.drawSize; iconDrawScale = GenUI.IconDrawScale(thingDef); } else { iconProportions = new Vector2(1f, 1f); iconDrawScale = 1f; } if (SelectedItem.PlacingDef is TerrainDef) { iconTexCoords = new Rect(0.0f, 0.0f, TerrainTextureCroppedSize.x / icon.width, TerrainTextureCroppedSize.y / icon.height); } } }
public Designator_HaulCryptosleep() { defaultLabel = "FrontierDevelopments.DeadCryptosleep.Designator.Label".Translate(); defaultDesc = "FrontierDevelopments.DeadCryptosleep.Designator.Desc".Translate(); icon = DeadCryptosleepDefOf.CryptosleepCasket.uiIcon; iconAngle = DeadCryptosleepDefOf.CryptosleepCasket.uiIconAngle; iconOffset = DeadCryptosleepDefOf.CryptosleepCasket.uiIconOffset; iconProportions = DeadCryptosleepDefOf.CryptosleepCasket.graphicData.drawSize.RotatedBy(DeadCryptosleepDefOf.CryptosleepCasket.defaultPlacingRot); iconDrawScale = GenUI.IconDrawScale(DeadCryptosleepDefOf.CryptosleepCasket); }
private static void ThingIconWorker(Rect rect, ThingDef thingDef, Texture resolvedIcon, float resolvedIconAngle, float scale = 1f) { Vector2 texProportions = new Vector2(resolvedIcon.width, resolvedIcon.height); Rect texCoords = new Rect(0f, 0f, 1f, 1f); if (thingDef.graphicData != null) { texProportions = thingDef.graphicData.drawSize.RotatedBy(thingDef.defaultPlacingRot); if (thingDef.uiIconPath.NullOrEmpty() && thingDef.graphicData.linkFlags != 0) { texCoords = new Rect(0f, 0.5f, 0.25f, 0.25f); } } Widgets.DrawTextureFitted(rect, resolvedIcon, GenUI.IconDrawScale(thingDef) * scale, texProportions, texCoords, resolvedIconAngle); }
public static void Draw(Rect rect, Thing thing, Color color) { rect = new Rect( - 17, - 17, 38, 38); GUI.color = color; // EdB: Inline copy of static Widgets.ThingIcon(Rect, Thing) with graphics switched to show a side view // instead of a front view. GUI.color = thing.DrawColor; Texture resolvedIcon; if (!thing.def.uiIconPath.NullOrEmpty()) { resolvedIcon = thing.def.uiIcon; } else if (thing is Pawn) { Pawn pawn = (Pawn)thing; if (! {; } Material matSingle =; resolvedIcon = matSingle.mainTexture; GUI.color = matSingle.color; } else { resolvedIcon = thing.Graphic.ExtractInnerGraphicFor(thing).MatSide.mainTexture; } // EdB: Inline copy of static private method. //Widgets.ThingIconWorker(rect, thing.def, resolvedIcon); float num = GenUI.IconDrawScale(thing.def); if (num != 1f) { Vector2 center =; rect.width *= num; rect.height *= num; = center; } GUI.DrawTexture(rect, resolvedIcon); GUI.color = Color.white; }
public Designator_MicroRecipe(RecipeDef recipeDef, BuildableDef thingUser) { this.recipeDef = recipeDef; defaultLabel = recipeDef.label; defaultDesc = recipeDef.description; soundDragSustain = SoundDefOf.Designate_DragStandard; soundDragChanged = SoundDefOf.Designate_DragStandard_Changed; soundSucceeded = SoundDefOf.Designate_Claim; //useMouseIcon = true; try { designationDef = DefDatabase <DesignationDef> .AllDefsListForReading.FirstOrDefault(x => x.defName == recipeDef.defName + "Designation"); } catch { Log.Message($"weird thing happened, couldn't load DesignationDef for Designator({this})"); } entDef = thingUser; icon = entDef.uiIcon; iconAngle = entDef.uiIconAngle; iconOffset = entDef.uiIconOffset; order = 200f; ThingDef thingDef = entDef as ThingDef; if (thingDef == null) { iconProportions = thingDef.graphicData.drawSize.RotatedBy(thingDef.defaultPlacingRot); iconDrawScale = GenUI.IconDrawScale(thingDef); } else { iconProportions = new Vector2(1f, 1f); iconDrawScale = 1f; } TerrainDef terrainDef = entDef as TerrainDef; if (terrainDef != null) { iconTexCoords = new Rect(0f, 0f, TerrainTextureCroppedSize.x / icon.width, TerrainTextureCroppedSize.y / icon.height); } ResetStuffToDefault(); }
private void DrawThingDefRow(ref float y, float width, ThingDef thingDef) { Rect rect = new Rect(0f, y, width, 28f); if (Mouse.IsOver(rect)) { GUI.color = new Color(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1f); GUI.DrawTexture(rect, TexUI.HighlightTex); } if (thingDef.DrawMatSingle != null && thingDef.DrawMatSingle.mainTexture != null) { if (thingDef.graphicData != null && GenUI.IconDrawScale(thingDef) <= 1.5f) { Widgets.ThingIcon(new Rect(4f, y, 28f, 28f), thingDef); } } Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; GUI.color = new Color(0.9f, 0.9f, 0.9f, 1f); Rect rect5 = new Rect(36f, y, rect.width - 36f, rect.height); Text.WordWrap = false; Widgets.Label(rect5, thingDef.LabelCap.Truncate(rect5.width, null)); Text.WordWrap = true; string text2 = thingDef.description; if (y > -28f) { TooltipHandler.TipRegion(rect, string.IsNullOrEmpty(text2) ? "PRFNoDesc".Translate().RawText : text2); } if (GUI.Button(rect, "", Widgets.EmptyStyle)) { if (SelBuilding.ThingToGenerate != thingDef) { SelBuilding.ThingToGenerate = thingDef; } SoundDefOf.Click.PlayOneShot(SoundInfo.OnCamera()); } Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; y += 28f; }
public override IEnumerable <Gizmo> GetGizmos() { foreach (Gizmo c in base.GetGizmos()) { yield return(c); } if (this.CanUnburrowNow) { yield return(new Command_Action { defaultLabel = "Unburrow".Translate(), defaultDesc = "Unburrow Turret.".Translate(), icon = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get("UI/Commands/GTMunburrow", true), iconAngle = 0, iconOffset =, iconDrawScale = GenUI.IconDrawScale(this.def), action = delegate { this.UnburrowTurret(); } }); } }
public override IEnumerable <Gizmo> CompGetGizmosExtra() { foreach (Gizmo c in base.CompGetGizmosExtra()) { yield return(c); } if (this.parent.Faction == Faction.OfPlayer) { yield return(new Command_Action { defaultLabel = "burrow".Translate(), defaultDesc = "burrow Turret.".Translate(), icon = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get("UI/Commands/GTMburrow", true), iconAngle = 0, iconOffset =, iconDrawScale = GenUI.IconDrawScale(parent.def), action = delegate { this.burrowTurret(); } }); } }
public override IEnumerable <Gizmo> CompGetGizmosExtra() { foreach (var gizmo in base.CompGetGizmosExtra()) { yield return(gizmo); } if (nextAmmoItem != null) { yield return new Command_Action { defaultLabel = "CommandExtractShell".Translate(), defaultDesc = "CommandExtractShellDesc".Translate(), icon = nextAmmoItem.def.uiIcon, iconAngle = nextAmmoItem.def.uiIconAngle, iconOffset = nextAmmoItem.def.uiIconOffset, iconDrawScale = GenUI.IconDrawScale(nextAmmoItem.def), action = delegate { container.TryDrop(nextAmmoItem, parent.Position, parent.Map, ThingPlaceMode.Near, 1, out var thing); if (!container.Any) { nextAmmoItem = null; } } } } ; yield return(new Gizmo_LevelReadout { Label = "Remaining shells", Value = LoadedShells, MaxValue = Props.MaxShells }); }
public override IEnumerable <Gizmo> CompGetGizmosExtra() { foreach (Gizmo gizmo in StorageSettingsClipboard.CopyPasteGizmosFor(settings)) { yield return(gizmo); } if (loaded) { if (SoftWarmBedsSettings.manuallyUnmakeBed) { Props.commandTexture = Props.beddingDef.graphicData.texPath; foreach (Gizmo gizmo in base.CompGetGizmosExtra()) { yield return(gizmo); } } else { Command_Action unmake = new Command_Action { defaultLabel = Props.commandLabelKey.Translate(), defaultDesc = Props.commandDescKey.Translate(), icon = LoadedBedding.uiIcon, iconAngle = LoadedBedding.uiIconAngle, iconOffset = LoadedBedding.uiIconOffset, iconDrawScale = GenUI.IconDrawScale(LoadedBedding), action = delegate() { Unmake(); } }; yield return(unmake); } } yield break; }
// Token: 0x06007DD8 RID: 32216 RVA: 0x00054920 File Offset: 0x00052B20 public override IEnumerable <Gizmo> GetGizmos() { foreach (Gizmo gizmo in base.GetGizmos()) { yield return(gizmo); } IEnumerator <Gizmo> enumerator = null; if (this.CanExtractShell) { AERIALChangeableProjectile compChangeableProjectile = this.gun.TryGetComp <AERIALChangeableProjectile>(); yield return(new Command_Action { defaultLabel = "CommandExtractShell".Translate(), defaultDesc = "CommandExtractShellDesc".Translate(), icon = compChangeableProjectile.loadedShells[compChangeableProjectile.loadedShells.Count - 1].uiIcon, iconAngle = compChangeableProjectile.loadedShells[compChangeableProjectile.loadedShells.Count - 1].uiIconAngle, iconOffset = compChangeableProjectile.loadedShells[compChangeableProjectile.loadedShells.Count - 1].uiIconOffset, iconDrawScale = GenUI.IconDrawScale(compChangeableProjectile.loadedShells[compChangeableProjectile.loadedShells.Count - 1]), action = delegate() { this.ExtractShell(); } }); } AERIALChangeableProjectile compChangeableProjectile2 = this.gun.TryGetComp <AERIALChangeableProjectile>(); if (compChangeableProjectile2 != null) { StorageSettings storeSettings = compChangeableProjectile2.GetStoreSettings(); foreach (Gizmo gizmo2 in StorageSettingsClipboard.CopyPasteGizmosFor(storeSettings)) { yield return(gizmo2); } enumerator = null; } if (this.CanSetForcedTarget) { Command_VerbTarget command_VerbTarget = new Command_VerbTarget(); command_VerbTarget.defaultLabel = "CommandSetForceAttackTarget".Translate(); command_VerbTarget.defaultDesc = "CommandSetForceAttackTargetDesc".Translate(); command_VerbTarget.icon = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get("UI/Commands/Attack", true); command_VerbTarget.verb = this.AttackVerb; command_VerbTarget.hotKey = KeyBindingDefOf.Misc4; command_VerbTarget.drawRadius = false; if (base.Spawned && this.IsMortarOrProjectileFliesOverhead && base.Position.Roofed(base.Map)) { command_VerbTarget.Disable("CannotFire".Translate() + ": " + "Roofed".Translate().CapitalizeFirst()); } yield return(command_VerbTarget); } if (this.forcedTarget.IsValid) { Command_Action command_Action = new Command_Action(); command_Action.defaultLabel = "CommandStopForceAttack".Translate(); command_Action.defaultDesc = "CommandStopForceAttackDesc".Translate(); command_Action.icon = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get("UI/Commands/Halt", true); command_Action.action = delegate() { this.ResetForcedTarget(); SoundDefOf.Tick_Low.PlayOneShotOnCamera(null); }; if (!this.forcedTarget.IsValid) { command_Action.Disable("CommandStopAttackFailNotForceAttacking".Translate()); } command_Action.hotKey = KeyBindingDefOf.Misc5; yield return(command_Action); } if (this.CanToggleHoldFire) { yield return(new Command_Toggle { defaultLabel = "CommandHoldFire".Translate(), defaultDesc = "CommandHoldFireDesc".Translate(), icon = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get("UI/Commands/HoldFire", true), hotKey = KeyBindingDefOf.Misc6, toggleAction = delegate() { this.holdFire = !this.holdFire; if (this.holdFire) { this.ResetForcedTarget(); } }, isActive = (() => this.holdFire) }); } yield break; yield break; }
protected void DrawEquipmentIcon(Rect rect, EquipmentDatabaseEntry entry) { GUI.color = entry.color; if (entry.thing == null) { // EdB: Inline copy of static Widgets.ThingIcon(Rect, ThingDef) with the selected // color based on the stuff. GUI.color = entry.color; // EdB: Inline copy of static private method with modifications to keep scaled icons within the // bounds of the specified Rect and to draw them using the stuff color. //Widgets.ThingIconWorker(rect, thing.def, thingDef.uiIcon); float num = GenUI.IconDrawScale(entry.def); Rect resizedRect = rect; if (num != 1f) { // For items that are going to scale out of the bounds of the icon rect, we need to shrink // the bounds a little. if (num > 1) { resizedRect = rect.ContractedBy(4); } resizedRect.width *= num; resizedRect.height *= num; =; } GUI.DrawTexture(resizedRect, entry.def.uiIcon); GUI.color = Color.white; } else { // EdB: Inline copy of static Widgets.ThingIcon(Rect, Thing) with graphics switched to show a side view // instead of a front view. Thing thing = entry.thing; GUI.color = thing.DrawColor; Texture resolvedIcon; if (!thing.def.uiIconPath.NullOrEmpty()) { resolvedIcon = thing.def.uiIcon; } else if (thing is Pawn) { Pawn pawn = (Pawn)thing; if (! {; } Material matSingle =; resolvedIcon = matSingle.mainTexture; GUI.color = matSingle.color; } else { resolvedIcon = thing.Graphic.ExtractInnerGraphicFor(thing).MatSide.mainTexture; } // EdB: Inline copy of static private method. //Widgets.ThingIconWorker(rect, thing.def, resolvedIcon); float num = GenUI.IconDrawScale(thing.def); if (num != 1f) { Vector2 center =; rect.width *= num; rect.height *= num; = center; } GUI.DrawTexture(rect, resolvedIcon); } GUI.color = Color.white; }
public void DrawDetailedLegend(Rect canvas, ref Vector2 scrollPos, int?max, bool positiveOnly = false, bool negativeOnly = false) { // set sign int sign = negativeOnly ? -1 : 1; List <Chapter> ChaptersOrdered = _chapters .Where(chapter => !positiveOnly || chapter.pages[periodShown].Any(i => i > 0)) .Where(chapter => !negativeOnly || chapter.pages[periodShown].Any(i => i < 0)) .OrderByDescending(chapter => chapter.Last(periodShown) * sign).ToList(); // get out early if no chapters. if (ChaptersOrdered.Count == 0) { GUI.DrawTexture(canvas.ContractedBy(Utilities.Margin), Resources.SlightlyDarkBackground); Utilities.Label(canvas, "FM.HistoryNoChapters".Translate(), null, TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, color: Color.grey); return; } // max float _max = max ?? (DrawMaxMarkers ? ChaptersOrdered.Max(chapter => chapter.TrueMax) : ChaptersOrdered.FirstOrDefault()?.Last(periodShown) * sign) ?? 0; // cell height var height = 30f; var barHeight = 18f; // n rows int n = ChaptersOrdered.Count; // scrolling region Rect viewRect = canvas; viewRect.height = n * height; if (viewRect.height > canvas.height) { viewRect.width -= 16f + Utilities.Margin; canvas.width -= Utilities.Margin; canvas.height -= 1f; } Widgets.BeginScrollView(canvas, ref scrollPos, viewRect); for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) { // set up rects var row = new Rect(0f, height * i, viewRect.width, height); Rect icon = new Rect(Utilities.Margin, height * i, height, height).ContractedBy(Utilities.Margin / 2f); // icon is square, size defined by height. var bar = new Rect(Utilities.Margin + height, height * i, viewRect.width - height - Utilities.Margin, height); // if icons should not be drawn make the bar full size. if (!DrawIcons) { bar.xMin -= height + Utilities.Margin; } // bar details. Rect barBox = bar.ContractedBy((height - barHeight) / 2f); Rect barFill = barBox.ContractedBy(2f); float maxWidth = barFill.width; if (MaxPerChapter) { barFill.width *= ChaptersOrdered[i].Last(periodShown) * sign / (float)ChaptersOrdered[i].TrueMax; } else { barFill.width *= ChaptersOrdered[i].Last(periodShown) * sign / _max; } GUI.BeginGroup(viewRect); // if DrawIcons and a thing is set, draw the icon. ThingDef thing = ChaptersOrdered[i].ThingCount.thingDef; if (DrawIcons && thing != null) { // draw the icon in correct proportions float proportion = GenUI.IconDrawScale(thing); Widgets.DrawTextureFitted(icon, thing.uiIcon, proportion); // draw counts in upper left corner if (DrawCounts) { Utilities.LabelOutline(icon, ChaptersOrdered[i].ThingCount.count.ToString(), null, TextAnchor.UpperLeft, 0f, 0f, GameFont.Tiny, Color.white,; } } // if desired, draw ghost bar if (DrawMaxMarkers) { Rect ghostBarFill = barFill; ghostBarFill.width = MaxPerChapter ? maxWidth : maxWidth * (ChaptersOrdered[i].TrueMax / _max); GUI.color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, .2f); GUI.DrawTexture(ghostBarFill, ChaptersOrdered[i].Texture); // coloured texture GUI.color = Color.white; } // draw the main bar. GUI.DrawTexture(barBox, Resources.SlightlyDarkBackground); GUI.DrawTexture(barFill, ChaptersOrdered[i].Texture); // coloured texture GUI.DrawTexture(barFill, Resources.BarShader); // slightly fancy overlay (emboss). // draw on bar info if (DrawInfoInBar) { string info = ChaptersOrdered[i].label + ": " + FormatCount(ChaptersOrdered[i].Last(periodShown) * sign); if (DrawMaxMarkers) { info += " / " + FormatCount(ChaptersOrdered[i].TrueMax); } // offset label a bit downwards and to the right Rect rowInfoRect = row; rowInfoRect.y += 3f; rowInfoRect.x += Utilities.Margin * 2; // x offset float xOffset = DrawIcons && thing != null ? height + Utilities.Margin * 2 : Utilities.Margin * 2; Utilities.LabelOutline(rowInfoRect, info, null, TextAnchor.MiddleLeft, xOffset, 0f, GameFont.Tiny, Color.white,; } // are we currently showing this line? bool shown = _chaptersShown.Contains(ChaptersOrdered[i]); // tooltip on entire row string tooltip = ChaptersOrdered[i].label + ": " + FormatCount(Mathf.Abs(ChaptersOrdered[i].Last(periodShown))); tooltip += "FM.HistoryClickToEnable".Translate(shown ? "hide" : "show", ChaptersOrdered[i].label); TooltipHandler.TipRegion(row, tooltip); // handle input if (Widgets.ButtonInvisible(row)) { if (Event.current.button == 0) { if (shown) { _chaptersShown.Remove(ChaptersOrdered[i]); } else { _chaptersShown.Add(ChaptersOrdered[i]); } } else if (Event.current.button == 1) { _chaptersShown.Clear(); _chaptersShown.Add(ChaptersOrdered[i]); } } // UI feedback for disabled row if (!shown) { GUI.DrawTexture(row, Resources.SlightlyDarkBackground); } GUI.EndGroup(); } Widgets.EndScrollView(); }
public override IEnumerable <Gizmo> GetGizmos() { foreach (Gizmo c in base.GetGizmos()) { yield return(c); } if (this.CanExtractShell) { CompChangeableProjectile changeableProjectile = this.gun.TryGetComp <CompChangeableProjectile>(); yield return(new Command_Action { defaultLabel = "CommandExtractShell".Translate(), defaultDesc = "CommandExtractShellDesc".Translate(), icon = changeableProjectile.LoadedShell.uiIcon, iconAngle = changeableProjectile.LoadedShell.uiIconAngle, iconOffset = changeableProjectile.LoadedShell.uiIconOffset, iconDrawScale = GenUI.IconDrawScale(changeableProjectile.LoadedShell), action = delegate { this.$this.ExtractShell(); } }); } if (this.CanSetForcedTarget) { Command_VerbTarget attack = new Command_VerbTarget(); attack.defaultLabel = "CommandSetForceAttackTarget".Translate(); attack.defaultDesc = "CommandSetForceAttackTargetDesc".Translate(); attack.icon = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get("UI/Commands/Attack", true); attack.verb = this.AttackVerb; attack.hotKey = KeyBindingDefOf.Misc4; if (base.Spawned && this.IsMortarOrProjectileFliesOverhead && base.Position.Roofed(base.Map)) { attack.Disable("CannotFire".Translate() + ": " + "Roofed".Translate().CapitalizeFirst()); } yield return(attack); } if (this.forcedTarget.IsValid) { Command_Action stop = new Command_Action(); stop.defaultLabel = "CommandStopForceAttack".Translate(); stop.defaultDesc = "CommandStopForceAttackDesc".Translate(); stop.icon = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get("UI/Commands/Halt", true); stop.action = delegate { this.$this.ResetForcedTarget(); SoundDefOf.Tick_Low.PlayOneShotOnCamera(null); }; if (!this.forcedTarget.IsValid) { stop.Disable("CommandStopAttackFailNotForceAttacking".Translate()); } stop.hotKey = KeyBindingDefOf.Misc5; yield return(stop); } if (this.CanToggleHoldFire) { yield return(new Command_Toggle { defaultLabel = "CommandHoldFire".Translate(), defaultDesc = "CommandHoldFireDesc".Translate(), icon = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get("UI/Commands/HoldFire", true), hotKey = KeyBindingDefOf.Misc6, toggleAction = delegate { this.$this.holdFire = !this.$this.holdFire; if (this.$this.holdFire) { this.$this.ResetForcedTarget(); } }, isActive = (() => this.$this.holdFire) }); } }
public override IEnumerable <Gizmo> GetGizmos() { foreach (Gizmo gizmo in base.GetGizmos()) { yield return(gizmo); } if (CanExtractShell) { CompChangeableProjectile compChangeableProjectile = gun.TryGetComp <CompChangeableProjectile>(); Command_Action command_Action = new Command_Action(); command_Action.defaultLabel = "CommandExtractShell".Translate(); command_Action.defaultDesc = "CommandExtractShellDesc".Translate(); command_Action.icon = compChangeableProjectile.LoadedShell.uiIcon; command_Action.iconAngle = compChangeableProjectile.LoadedShell.uiIconAngle; command_Action.iconOffset = compChangeableProjectile.LoadedShell.uiIconOffset; command_Action.iconDrawScale = GenUI.IconDrawScale(compChangeableProjectile.LoadedShell); command_Action.action = delegate { ExtractShell(); }; yield return(command_Action); } CompChangeableProjectile compChangeableProjectile2 = gun.TryGetComp <CompChangeableProjectile>(); if (compChangeableProjectile2 != null) { StorageSettings storeSettings = compChangeableProjectile2.GetStoreSettings(); foreach (Gizmo item in StorageSettingsClipboard.CopyPasteGizmosFor(storeSettings)) { yield return(item); } } if (CanSetForcedTarget) { Command_VerbTarget command_VerbTarget = new Command_VerbTarget(); command_VerbTarget.defaultLabel = "CommandSetForceAttackTarget".Translate(); command_VerbTarget.defaultDesc = "CommandSetForceAttackTargetDesc".Translate(); command_VerbTarget.icon = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get("UI/Commands/Attack"); command_VerbTarget.verb = AttackVerb; command_VerbTarget.hotKey = KeyBindingDefOf.Misc4; command_VerbTarget.drawRadius = false; if (base.Spawned && IsMortarOrProjectileFliesOverhead && base.Position.Roofed(base.Map)) { command_VerbTarget.Disable("CannotFire".Translate() + ": " + "Roofed".Translate().CapitalizeFirst()); } yield return(command_VerbTarget); } if (forcedTarget.IsValid) { Command_Action command_Action2 = new Command_Action(); command_Action2.defaultLabel = "CommandStopForceAttack".Translate(); command_Action2.defaultDesc = "CommandStopForceAttackDesc".Translate(); command_Action2.icon = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get("UI/Commands/Halt"); command_Action2.action = delegate { ResetForcedTarget(); SoundDefOf.Tick_Low.PlayOneShotOnCamera(); }; if (!forcedTarget.IsValid) { command_Action2.Disable("CommandStopAttackFailNotForceAttacking".Translate()); } command_Action2.hotKey = KeyBindingDefOf.Misc5; yield return(command_Action2); } if (!CanToggleHoldFire) { yield break; } Command_Toggle command_Toggle = new Command_Toggle(); command_Toggle.defaultLabel = "CommandHoldFire".Translate(); command_Toggle.defaultDesc = "CommandHoldFireDesc".Translate(); command_Toggle.icon = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get("UI/Commands/HoldFire"); command_Toggle.hotKey = KeyBindingDefOf.Misc6; command_Toggle.toggleAction = delegate { holdFire = !holdFire; if (holdFire) { ResetForcedTarget(); } }; command_Toggle.isActive = () => holdFire; yield return(command_Toggle); }
public override IEnumerable <Gizmo> GetGizmos() { using (IEnumerator <Gizmo> enumerator = base.GetGizmos().GetEnumerator()) { if (enumerator.MoveNext()) { Gizmo c = enumerator.Current; yield return(c); /*Error: Unable to find new state assignment for yield return*/; } } if (CanExtractShell) { CompChangeableProjectile changeableProjectile = gun.TryGetComp <CompChangeableProjectile>(); yield return((Gizmo) new Command_Action { defaultLabel = "CommandExtractShell".Translate(), defaultDesc = "CommandExtractShellDesc".Translate(), icon = changeableProjectile.LoadedShell.uiIcon, iconAngle = changeableProjectile.LoadedShell.uiIconAngle, iconOffset = changeableProjectile.LoadedShell.uiIconOffset, iconDrawScale = GenUI.IconDrawScale(changeableProjectile.LoadedShell), action = delegate { ((_003CGetGizmos_003Ec__Iterator0) /*Error near IL_018d: stateMachine*/)._0024this.ExtractShell(); } }); /*Error: Unable to find new state assignment for yield return*/; } if (CanSetForcedTarget) { Command_VerbTarget attack = new Command_VerbTarget { defaultLabel = "CommandSetForceAttackTarget".Translate(), defaultDesc = "CommandSetForceAttackTargetDesc".Translate(), icon = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get("UI/Commands/Attack"), verb = AttackVerb, hotKey = KeyBindingDefOf.Misc4 }; if (base.Spawned && IsMortarOrProjectileFliesOverhead && base.Position.Roofed(base.Map)) { attack.Disable("CannotFire".Translate() + ": " + "Roofed".Translate().CapitalizeFirst()); } yield return((Gizmo)attack); /*Error: Unable to find new state assignment for yield return*/; } if (forcedTarget.IsValid) { Command_Action stop = new Command_Action { defaultLabel = "CommandStopForceAttack".Translate(), defaultDesc = "CommandStopForceAttackDesc".Translate(), icon = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get("UI/Commands/Halt"), action = delegate { ((_003CGetGizmos_003Ec__Iterator0) /*Error near IL_0333: stateMachine*/)._0024this.ResetForcedTarget(); SoundDefOf.Tick_Low.PlayOneShotOnCamera(); } }; if (!forcedTarget.IsValid) { stop.Disable("CommandStopAttackFailNotForceAttacking".Translate()); } stop.hotKey = KeyBindingDefOf.Misc5; yield return((Gizmo)stop); /*Error: Unable to find new state assignment for yield return*/; } if (CanToggleHoldFire) { yield return((Gizmo) new Command_Toggle { defaultLabel = "CommandHoldFire".Translate(), defaultDesc = "CommandHoldFireDesc".Translate(), icon = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get("UI/Commands/HoldFire"), hotKey = KeyBindingDefOf.Misc6, toggleAction = delegate { ((_003CGetGizmos_003Ec__Iterator0) /*Error near IL_040f: stateMachine*/)._0024this.holdFire = !((_003CGetGizmos_003Ec__Iterator0) /*Error near IL_040f: stateMachine*/)._0024this.holdFire; if (((_003CGetGizmos_003Ec__Iterator0) /*Error near IL_040f: stateMachine*/)._0024this.holdFire) { ((_003CGetGizmos_003Ec__Iterator0) /*Error near IL_040f: stateMachine*/)._0024this.ResetForcedTarget(); } }, isActive = (() => ((_003CGetGizmos_003Ec__Iterator0) /*Error near IL_0426: stateMachine*/)._0024this.holdFire) }); /*Error: Unable to find new state assignment for yield return*/; } yield break; IL_0460: /*Error near IL_0461: Unexpected return in MoveNext()*/; }
public static PurposeInfo Make(LocalTargetInfo targetInfo) { //reports of nullrefs in here for somereason. try { PurposeInfo purposeInfo = new PurposeInfo(); if (targetInfo.IsValid) { purposeInfo.pos = targetInfo.CenterVector3; } if (targetInfo.Thing is Thing target) { target = MinifyUtility.GetInnerIfMinified(target); BuildableDef def = target.def; purposeInfo.pos = target.DrawPos; purposeInfo.color = target.DrawColor; if (target is Pawn || target is Corpse) { Pawn pawn = target as Pawn; if (pawn == null) { pawn = ((Corpse)target).InnerPawn; } if (!pawn.RaceProps.Humanlike) { //This seems unnecessary //if (! //{ //; //} Material matSingle =; purposeInfo.icon = matSingle.mainTexture; purposeInfo.color = matSingle.color; } else { purposeInfo.icon = PortraitsCache.Get(pawn, * Gizmo.Height, Rot4.South, cameraZoom: 1.5f); } purposeInfo.proportions = new Vector2(purposeInfo.icon.width, purposeInfo.icon.height); } else { if (target is IConstructible buildThing) { def = target.def.entityDefToBuild; if (buildThing.EntityToBuildStuff() != null) { purposeInfo.color = buildThing.EntityToBuildStuff().stuffProps.color; } else { purposeInfo.color = def.uiIconColor; } } purposeInfo.icon = def.uiIcon; if (def is ThingDef td) { purposeInfo.proportions = td.graphicData.drawSize; purposeInfo.scale = GenUI.IconDrawScale(td); } if (def is TerrainDef) { //private static readonly Vector2 TerrainTextureCroppedSize = new Vector2(64f, 64f); purposeInfo.texCoords = new Rect(0f, 0f, 64f / purposeInfo.icon.width, 64f / purposeInfo.icon.height); } else if (def.uiIconPath.NullOrEmpty()) { Material iconMat = def.graphic.MatSingle; purposeInfo.texCoords = new Rect(iconMat.mainTextureOffset, iconMat.mainTextureScale); } } } return(purposeInfo); } catch (NullReferenceException) { return(null); } }
/// <summary> /// Draw extra information on GUI for Transferable <paramref name="trad"/> /// </summary> /// <param name="trad"></param> /// <param name="idRect"></param> /// <param name="labelColor"></param> public static void DrawVehicleTransferableInfo(Transferable trad, Rect idRect, Color labelColor) { if (!trad.HasAnyThing && trad.IsThing) { return; } if (Mouse.IsOver(idRect)) { Widgets.DrawHighlight(idRect); } Rect rect = new Rect(0f, 0f, 27f, 27f); //Draw Vehicle Icon if (trad.AnyThing is VehiclePawn vehicle) { try { Texture2D vehicleIcon = VehicleTex.VehicleTexture(vehicle.VehicleDef, Rot8.East); Rect texCoords = new Rect(0, 0, 1, 1); Vector2 texProportions = vehicle.VehicleDef.graphicData.drawSize; float x = texProportions.x; texProportions.x = texProportions.y; texProportions.y = x; Widgets.DrawTextureFitted(rect, vehicleIcon, GenUI.IconDrawScale(vehicle.VehicleDef), texProportions, texCoords, 0, vehicle.VehicleGraphic.MatAt(Rot8.East, vehicle.pattern)); if (vehicle.CompCannons is CompCannons comp) { //REDO //foreach (VehicleTurret turret in comp.Cannons) //{ // if (turret.NoGraphic) // { // continue; // } // Vector2 drawSize = turret.turretDef.graphicData.drawSize; // //Rect turretRect = new Rect(0, 0, rect.width / drawSize.x,); // Widgets.DrawTextureFitted(rect, turret.CannonTexture, 1, drawSize, texCoords, Rot8.East.AsAngle + turret.defaultAngleRotated, turret.CannonMaterial); //} } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.ErrorOnce($"Unable to draw {vehicle.Label} for vehicle transferable item. Exception = \"{ex.Message}\"", vehicle.GetHashCode() ^ "TransferableIcon".GetHashCode()); } } if (trad.IsThing) { //Widgets.InfoCardButton(40f, 0f, trad.AnyThing); } Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; Rect rect2 = new Rect(40f, 0f, idRect.width - 80f, idRect.height); Text.WordWrap = false; GUI.color = labelColor; Widgets.Label(rect2, trad.LabelCap); GUI.color = Color.white; Text.WordWrap = true; if (Mouse.IsOver(idRect)) { Transferable localTrad = trad; TooltipHandler.TipRegion(idRect, new TipSignal(delegate() { if (!localTrad.HasAnyThing && localTrad.IsThing) { return(string.Empty); } string text = localTrad.LabelCap; string tipDescription = localTrad.TipDescription; if (!tipDescription.NullOrEmpty()) { text = text + ": " + tipDescription; } return(text); }, localTrad.GetHashCode())); } }
private void DrawVehicleSelect(Rect rect) { Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; Rect viewRect = new Rect(0f, rect.yMin, rect.width - ButtonPadding * 2, rect.yMax); Widgets.BeginScrollView(rect, ref scrollPosition, viewRect, true); float num = scrollPosition.y - 30f; float num2 = scrollPosition.y + rect.height; float num3 = 30f; for (int i = 0; i < availableVehicles.Count; i++) { VehiclePawn vehicle = availableVehicles[i]; Rect iconRect = new Rect(5f, num3 + 5f, 30f, 30f); Rect rowRect = new Rect(iconRect.x, iconRect.y, rect.width, 30f); if (i % 2 == 1) { Widgets.DrawLightHighlight(rowRect); } rowRect.x = iconRect.width + 10f; if ( { Rect texCoords = new Rect(0, 0, 1, 1); Vector2 texProportions = vehicle.VehicleDef.graphicData.drawSize; float x = texProportions.x; texProportions.x = texProportions.y; texProportions.y = x; Widgets.DrawTextureFitted(iconRect, VehicleTex.VehicleTexture(vehicle.VehicleDef, Rot8.East), GenUI.IconDrawScale(vehicle.VehicleDef), texProportions, texCoords, 0, vehicle.VehicleGraphic.MatAt(Rot8.East, vehicle.pattern)); } else { Widgets.ButtonImageFitted(iconRect, VehicleTex.CachedTextureIcons[vehicle.VehicleDef]); } Widgets.Label(rowRect, vehicle.LabelShortCap); bool flag = storedVehicles.Contains(vehicle); Vector2 checkposition = new Vector2(rect.width - iconRect.width * 1.5f, rowRect.y + 5f); Widgets.Checkbox(checkposition, ref flag); if (flag && !storedVehicles.Contains(vehicle)) { storedVehicles.Add(vehicle); } else if (!flag && storedVehicles.Contains(vehicle)) { storedVehicles.Remove(vehicle); } num3 += rowRect.height; } Widgets.EndScrollView(); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; }
public override IEnumerable <Gizmo> GetGizmos() { foreach (Gizmo c in base.GetGizmos()) // added { yield return(c); } // added if (this.def.defName == "AvaliTurretLarge") { yield return(new Command_Action { action = delegate { InterfaceChangeTurretShootDelay(-1f); }, defaultLabel = "-1", defaultDesc = "CommandDecreaseTurretShootDelayDesc".Translate(), hotKey = KeyBindingDefOf.Misc5, icon = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get("UI/Commands/DecreaseDelay", true) }); yield return(new Command_Action { action = delegate { InterfaceChangeTurretShootDelay(-0.1f); }, defaultLabel = "-0.1", defaultDesc = "CommandDecreaseTurretShootDelayDesc".Translate(), hotKey = KeyBindingDefOf.Misc4, icon = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get("UI/Commands/DecreaseDelay", true) }); yield return(new Command_Action { action = delegate { turretBurstCooldownTime = defaultDelay; def.building.turretBurstCooldownTime = turretBurstCooldownTime; SoundDefOf.Tick_Tiny.PlayOneShotOnCamera(null); MoteMaker.ThrowText(this.TrueCenter() + new Vector3(0.5f, 0f, 0.5f), this.Map, turretBurstCooldownTime.ToString(), Color.white, -1f); }, defaultLabel = "CommandDefaultTurretShootDelay".Translate(), defaultDesc = "CommandDefaultTurretShootDelayDesc".Translate(), hotKey = KeyBindingDefOf.Misc1, icon = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get("UI/Commands/DefaultDelay", true) }); yield return(new Command_Action { action = delegate { InterfaceChangeTurretShootDelay(0.1f); }, defaultLabel = "+0.1", defaultDesc = "CommandIncreaseTurretShootDelayDesc".Translate(), hotKey = KeyBindingDefOf.Misc2, icon = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get("UI/Commands/IncreaseDelay", true) }); yield return(new Command_Action { action = delegate { InterfaceChangeTurretShootDelay(1f); }, defaultLabel = "+1", defaultDesc = "CommandIncreaseTurretShootDelayDesc".Translate(), hotKey = KeyBindingDefOf.Misc3, icon = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get("UI/Commands/IncreaseDelay", true) }); } // added if (this.CanExtractShell) { CompChangeableProjectile changeableProjectile = this.gun.TryGetComp <CompChangeableProjectile>(); yield return(new Command_Action { defaultLabel = "CommandExtractShell".Translate(), defaultDesc = "CommandExtractShellDesc".Translate(), icon = changeableProjectile.LoadedShell.uiIcon, iconAngle = changeableProjectile.LoadedShell.uiIconAngle, iconOffset = changeableProjectile.LoadedShell.uiIconOffset, iconDrawScale = GenUI.IconDrawScale(changeableProjectile.LoadedShell), alsoClickIfOtherInGroupClicked = false, action = delegate { GenPlace.TryPlaceThing(changeableProjectile.RemoveShell(), this.Position, this.Map, ThingPlaceMode.Near, null, null); } }); } if (this.CanSetForcedTarget) { Command_VerbTarget attack = new Command_VerbTarget(); attack.defaultLabel = "CommandSetForceAttackTarget".Translate(); attack.defaultDesc = "CommandSetForceAttackTargetDesc".Translate(); attack.icon = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get("UI/Commands/Attack", true); attack.verb = this.AttackVerb; attack.hotKey = KeyBindingDefOf.Misc4; if (base.Spawned && this.IsMortarOrProjectileFliesOverhead && base.Position.Roofed(base.Map)) { attack.Disable("CannotFire".Translate() + ": " + "Roofed".Translate().CapitalizeFirst()); } yield return(attack); } if (this.forcedTarget.IsValid) { Command_Action stop = new Command_Action(); stop.defaultLabel = "CommandStopForceAttack".Translate(); stop.defaultDesc = "CommandStopForceAttackDesc".Translate(); stop.icon = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get("UI/Commands/Halt", true); stop.action = delegate { this.ResetForcedTarget(); SoundDefOf.Tick_Low.PlayOneShotOnCamera(null); }; if (!this.forcedTarget.IsValid) { stop.Disable("CommandStopAttackFailNotForceAttacking".Translate()); } stop.hotKey = KeyBindingDefOf.Misc5; yield return(stop); } if (this.CanToggleHoldFire) { yield return(new Command_Toggle { defaultLabel = "CommandHoldFire".Translate(), defaultDesc = "CommandHoldFireDesc".Translate(), icon = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get("UI/Commands/HoldFire", true), hotKey = KeyBindingDefOf.Misc6, toggleAction = delegate { this.holdFire = !this.holdFire; if (this.holdFire) { this.ResetForcedTarget(); } }, isActive = (() => this.holdFire) }); } yield break; }