Esempio n. 1
    private static int Main(string[] args)
        // * Init GTK.
        Gtk.Application.Init ("Color", ref args);

        // * Init GtkGLExt.
        GtkGL.Application.Init (ref args);

        // * Display mode.
        GdkGL.ConfigMode mode = GdkGL.ConfigMode.Index;

        for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
            if (args[i] == "--rgb")
                mode = GdkGL.ConfigMode.Rgb;

        // * Query OpenGL extension version.
        int major, minor;
        Query.Version (out major, out minor);
        Console.WriteLine ("\nOpenGL extension version - {0}.{1}", major, minor);

        // * Configure OpenGL-capable visual.
        // Try double-buffered visual
        GdkGL.Config glconfig = new GdkGL.Config (mode | GdkGL.ConfigMode.Depth | GdkGL.ConfigMode.Double);
        if (glconfig == null) {
          		Console.WriteLine ("*** Cannot find the double-buffered visual.\n*** Trying single-buffered visual.");
            glconfig = new GdkGL.Config (mode | GdkGL.ConfigMode.Depth);
            if (glconfig == null) {
                  Console.WriteLine ("*** Cannot find any OpenGL-capable visual.");
                  return 1;

        GlUtilities.WriteOutConfig (glconfig);
        bool is_rgba = glconfig.IsRgba;

        // Top-level window.
        Window window = new Window (WindowType.Toplevel);
        window.Title = "color";

        // Perform the resizes immediately
        window.ResizeMode = ResizeMode.Immediate;

        // Get automatically redrawn if any of their children changed allocation.
        window.ReallocateRedraws = true;

        window.DeleteEvent += new DeleteEventHandler (Window_Delete);

        // VBox.
        VBox vbox = new VBox (false, 0);
        window.Add (vbox);
        vbox.Show ();

        // Drawing area for drawing OpenGL scene.
        ColorTriangle drawing_area = new ColorTriangle (glconfig);
        drawing_area.SetSizeRequest (200, 200);

        vbox.PackStart (drawing_area, true, true, 0);
        drawing_area.Show ();

        // Simple quit button.
        Button button = new Button ("Quit");
        button.Pressed += new EventHandler (Button_Click);
        vbox.PackStart (button, false, false, 0);
        button.Show ();

        // * Show window.
        window.Show ();

        // * Allocate colors.
        if (!is_rgba) {
            Gdk.Colormap colormap = glconfig.Colormap;
            Console.WriteLine ("\nAllocate colors.");

            // Allocate writable color cells.
            bool[] success = new bool [NUM_COLORS];
            int not_allocated = colormap.AllocColors (colors, NUM_COLORS, false, false, success);
            for (int i = 0; i < NUM_COLORS; i++)
                Console.WriteLine ("{0}", success[i]);

            Console.WriteLine ("Not allocated = {0}", not_allocated);

            for (int i = 0; i < NUM_COLORS; i++)
                Console.WriteLine ("colors[{0}] = [ {1}, {2}, {3}, {4} ]",  i,
            Console.WriteLine ("\nQuery colors.");

            for (int i = 0; i < NUM_COLORS; i++) {
                Gdk.Color color = new Gdk.Color ();
                color.Pixel = colors[i].Pixel;
                colormap.QueryColor (colors[i].Pixel, ref color);
                Console.WriteLine ("colors[{0}] = { {1}, {2}, {3}, {4} }",  i,
            Console.WriteLine ();

        // * Main loop.
        Gtk.Application.Run ();
        return 0;
Esempio n. 2
    static int Main(string[] args)
        // Init GTK.
        Gtk.Application.Init ("Button", ref args);

        // Init GtkGLExt.
        GtkGL.Application.Init (ref args);

        // Configure OpenGL-capable visual.

        // Try double-buffered visual
        GdkGL.Config glconfig = new GdkGL.Config (GdkGL.ConfigMode.Rgb | GdkGL.ConfigMode.Depth | GdkGL.ConfigMode.Double);

        if (glconfig == null) {
            Console.WriteLine ("*** Cannot find the double-buffered visual.");
            Console.WriteLine ("*** Trying single-buffered visual.");

            // Try single-buffered visual
            glconfig = new GdkGL.Config (GdkGL.ConfigMode.Rgb | GdkGL.ConfigMode.Depth);
            if (glconfig == null) {
                Console.WriteLine ("*** No appropriate OpenGL-capable visual found.");
                return 1;

        // Top-level window.
        Window window = new Window (WindowType.Toplevel);
        window.Title = "button";

        // Perform the resizes immediately
        window.ResizeMode = ResizeMode.Immediate;

        // Get automatically redrawn if any of their children changed allocation.
        window.ReallocateRedraws = true;

        // Set border width.
        window.BorderWidth = 10;

        window.DeleteEvent += new DeleteEventHandler (Window_Delete);

        // Toggle button which contains an OpenGL scene.
         		GlToggleButton button = new GlToggleButton (glconfig);
          		button.Show ();

        window.Add (button);

        // Show window.
        window.Show ();

        // Main Loop
        return 0;
Esempio n. 3
    public static int Main(string[] args)
            * Init GTK.
            Gtk.Application.Init (/*"Gears3D", null*/);

            * Init GtkGLExt.
            GtkGL.Application.Init (ref args);

            * Command line options.
            for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
                if (args[i] ==  "--async")
                    is_sync = false;

            * Configure OpenGL-capable visual.

            /* Try double-buffered visual */
            GdkGL.Config glconfig = new GdkGL.Config (GdkGL.ConfigMode.Rgb | GdkGL.ConfigMode.Depth | GdkGL.ConfigMode.Double);
            if (glconfig == null) {
          		Console.WriteLine ("*** Cannot find the double-buffered visual.\n*** Trying single-buffered visual.");
                /* Try single-buffered visual */
                glconfig = new GdkGL.Config (GdkGL.ConfigMode.Rgb | GdkGL.ConfigMode.Depth);
                if (glconfig == null) {
                      Console.WriteLine ("*** Cannot find any OpenGL-capable visual.");
                      return 1;

            * Top-level window.
            Window window = new Window (WindowType.Toplevel);
            window.Title = "gears";

            /* Get automatically redrawn if any of their children changed allocation. */
            window.ReallocateRedraws = true;

            window.DeleteEvent += new DeleteEventHandler (Window_Delete);

            * VBox.
            VBox vbox = new VBox (false, 0);
            window.Add (vbox);
            vbox.Show ();

            * Drawing area for drawing OpenGL scene.
            /* Set OpenGL-capability to the widget. */
            GearsArea drawing_area = new GearsArea (glconfig);
            drawing_area.SetSizeRequest (300, 300);

            window.KeyPressEvent += new KeyPressEventHandler (drawing_area.OnKeyPress);

            vbox.PackStart (drawing_area, true, true, 0);
            drawing_area.Show ();

            * Simple quit button.
            Button button = new Button ("Quit");
            button.Clicked += new EventHandler (Button_Click);
            vbox.PackStart (button, false, false, 0);
            button.Show ();

            * Show window.
            window.Show ();

            * Main loop.
            Gtk.Application.Run ();
            return 0;