Esempio n. 1
        private unsafe void ApplyAndSwap(ImageSurface dst, bool swap)

            var       dest_width = dst.Width;
            var       dst_ptr    = (ColorBgra *)dst.DataPtr;
            var       mask_index = 0;
            ColorBgra swap_pixel;

            fixed(ColorBgra *fixed_ptr = pixels)
                var pixel_ptr = fixed_ptr;

                dst_ptr += bounds.X + bounds.Y * dest_width;

                for (int y = bounds.Y; y <= bounds.GetBottom(); y++)
                    for (int x = bounds.X; x <= bounds.GetRight(); x++)
                        if (bitmask[mask_index++])
                            if (swap)
                                swap_pixel = *dst_ptr;
                                *dst_ptr     = *pixel_ptr;
                                *pixel_ptr++ = swap_pixel;
                                *dst_ptr = *pixel_ptr++;


                    dst_ptr += dest_width - bounds.Width;

Esempio n. 2
        protected override unsafe void AddSurfaceRectangleToHistogram(ImageSurface surface, Gdk.Rectangle rect)
            long[] histogramB = histogram[0];
            long[] histogramG = histogram[1];
            long[] histogramR = histogram[2];

            int rect_right = rect.GetRight();

            for (int y = rect.Y; y <= rect.GetBottom(); ++y)
                ColorBgra *ptr = surface.GetPointAddressUnchecked(rect.X, y);
                for (int x = rect.X; x <= rect_right; ++x)
Esempio n. 3
        protected unsafe override void OnMouseMove(object o, Gtk.MotionNotifyEventArgs args, Cairo.PointD point)
            Document doc = PintaCore.Workspace.ActiveDocument;

            ColorBgra old_color;
            ColorBgra new_color;

            if (mouse_button == 1)
                old_color = PintaCore.Palette.PrimaryColor.ToColorBgra();
                new_color = PintaCore.Palette.SecondaryColor.ToColorBgra();
            else if (mouse_button == 3)
                old_color = PintaCore.Palette.SecondaryColor.ToColorBgra();
                new_color = PintaCore.Palette.PrimaryColor.ToColorBgra();
                last_point = point_empty;

            int x = (int)point.X;
            int y = (int)point.Y;

            if (last_point.Equals(point_empty))
                last_point = new Point(x, y);

            if (doc.Workspace.PointInCanvas(point))
                surface_modified = true;

            ImageSurface surf      = doc.CurrentUserLayer.Surface;
            ImageSurface tmp_layer = doc.ToolLayer.Surface;

            Gdk.Rectangle roi = GetRectangleFromPoints(last_point, new Point(x, y));

            roi         = PintaCore.Workspace.ClampToImageSize(roi);
            myTolerance = (int)(Tolerance * 256);


            ColorBgra *tmp_data_ptr  = (ColorBgra *)tmp_layer.DataPtr;
            int        tmp_width     = tmp_layer.Width;
            ColorBgra *surf_data_ptr = (ColorBgra *)surf.DataPtr;
            int        surf_width    = surf.Width;

            // The stencil lets us know if we've already checked this
            // pixel, providing a nice perf boost
            // Maybe this should be changed to a BitVector2DSurfaceAdapter?
            for (int i = roi.X; i <= roi.GetRight(); i++)
                for (int j = roi.Y; j <= roi.GetBottom(); j++)
                    if (stencil[i, j])

                    if (IsColorInTolerance(new_color, surf.GetColorBgraUnchecked(surf_data_ptr, surf_width, i, j)))
                        *tmp_layer.GetPointAddressUnchecked(tmp_data_ptr, tmp_width, i, j) = AdjustColorDifference(new_color, old_color, surf.GetColorBgraUnchecked(surf_data_ptr, surf_width, i, j));

                    stencil[i, j] = true;


            using (Context g = new Context(surf)) {
                g.FillRule = FillRule.EvenOdd;

                g.Antialias = UseAntialiasing ? Antialias.Subpixel : Antialias.None;

                g.MoveTo(last_point.X, last_point.Y);
                g.LineTo(x, y);

                g.LineWidth = BrushWidth;
                g.LineJoin  = LineJoin.Round;
                g.LineCap   = LineCap.Round;




            last_point = new Point(x, y);
Esempio n. 4
        private ColorBgra[] GetPixelsFromPoint(PointD point)
            var doc = PintaCore.Workspace.ActiveDocument;
            var x = (int)point.X;
            var y = (int)point.Y;
            var size = SampleSize;
            var half = size / 2;

            // Short circuit for single pixel
            if (size == 1)
                return new ColorBgra[] { GetPixel (x, y) };

            // Find the pixels we need (clamp to the size of the image)
            var rect = new Gdk.Rectangle (x - half, y - half, size, size);
            rect.Intersect (new Gdk.Rectangle (Gdk.Point.Zero, doc.ImageSize));

            var pixels = new List<ColorBgra> ();

            for (int i = rect.Left; i <= rect.GetRight (); i++)
                for (int j = rect.Top; j <= rect.GetBottom (); j++)
                    pixels.Add (GetPixel (i, j));

            return pixels.ToArray ();
Esempio n. 5
		public static unsafe SurfaceDiff Create (ImageSurface original, ImageSurface updated_surf, bool force = false)
			if (original.Width != updated_surf.Width || original.Height != updated_surf.Height) {
				// If the surface changed size, only throw an error if the user forced the use of a diff.
				if (force) {
					throw new InvalidOperationException ("SurfaceDiff requires surfaces to be same size.");
				} else {
					return null;

			// Cache some pinvokes
			var orig_width = original.Width;
			var orig_height = original.Height;

			Console.WriteLine ("Original surface size: {0}x{1}", orig_width, orig_height);
			System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch timer = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();

			// STEP 1 - Find the bounds of the changed pixels.
			var orig_ptr = (int*)original.DataPtr;
			var updated_ptr = (int*)updated_surf.DataPtr;

			DiffBounds diff_bounds = new DiffBounds (orig_width, orig_height);
			object diff_bounds_lock = new Object();

			// Split up the work among several threads, each of which processes one row at a time
			// and updates the bounds of the changed pixels it has seen so far. At the end, the
			// results from each thread are merged together to find the overall bounds of the changed
			// pixels.
			Parallel.For<DiffBounds>(0, orig_height, () => new DiffBounds (orig_width, orig_height),
                     		(row, loop, my_bounds) => {

					var offset = row * orig_width;
					var orig = orig_ptr + offset;
					var updated = updated_ptr + offset;
					bool change_in_row = false;

					for (int i = 0; i < orig_width; ++i) {
						if (*(orig++) != *(updated++)) {
							change_in_row = true;
							my_bounds.left = System.Math.Min(my_bounds.left, i);
							my_bounds.right = System.Math.Max(my_bounds.right, i);

					if (change_in_row) { = System.Math.Min(, row);
						my_bounds.bottom = System.Math.Max(my_bounds.bottom, row);

					return my_bounds;

			},	(my_bounds) => {
					lock (diff_bounds_lock) {
						diff_bounds.Merge (my_bounds);

			var bounds = new Gdk.Rectangle (diff_bounds.left,,
			                                diff_bounds.right - diff_bounds.left + 1,
			                                diff_bounds.bottom - + 1);

			Console.WriteLine ("Truncated surface size: {0}x{1}", bounds.Width, bounds.Height);

			// STEP 2 - Create a bitarray of whether each pixel in the bounds has changed, and count
			// how many changed pixels we need to store.
			var bitmask = new BitArray (bounds.Width * bounds.Height);
			int index = 0;
			int num_changed = 0;

			int bottom = bounds.GetBottom ();
			int right = bounds.GetRight ();
			int bounds_x = bounds.X;
			int bounds_y = bounds.Y;

			for (int y = bounds_y; y <= bottom; ++y) {
				var offset = y * orig_width;
				var updated = updated_ptr + offset + bounds_x;
				var orig = orig_ptr + offset + bounds_x;

				for (int x = bounds_x; x <= right; ++x) {
					bool changed = *(orig++) != *(updated++);
					bitmask[index++] = changed;
					if (changed) {

			var savings = 100 - (float)num_changed / (float)(orig_width * orig_height) * 100;
			Console.WriteLine ("Compressed bitmask: {0}/{1} = {2}%", num_changed, orig_height * orig_width, 100 - savings);

			if (!force && savings < MINIMUM_SAVINGS_PERCENT) {
				Console.WriteLine ("Savings too small, returning null");
				return null;

			// Store the old pixels.
			var pixels = new ColorBgra[num_changed];
			var new_ptr = (ColorBgra*)original.DataPtr;
			int mask_index = 0;

			fixed (ColorBgra* fixed_ptr = pixels) {
				var pixel_ptr = fixed_ptr;

				for (int y = bounds_y; y <= bottom; ++y) {
					var new_pixel_ptr = new_ptr + bounds_x + y * orig_width;

					for (int x = bounds_x; x <= right; ++x) {
						if (bitmask[mask_index++]) {
							*pixel_ptr++ = *new_pixel_ptr;


			System.Console.WriteLine("SurfaceDiff time: " + timer.ElapsedMilliseconds);

			return new SurfaceDiff (bitmask, bounds, pixels);
Esempio n. 6
        //same as RenderRect, except the histogram is alpha-weighted instead of keeping a separate alpha channel histogram.
        public unsafe void RenderRectWithAlpha(
            int rad,
            ImageSurface src,
            ImageSurface dst,
            Gdk.Rectangle rect)
            int width  = src.Width;
            int height = src.Height;

            int *leadingEdgeX = stackalloc int[rad + 1];
            int  stride       = src.Stride / sizeof(ColorBgra);

            // approximately (rad + 0.5)^2
            int cutoff = ((rad * 2 + 1) * (rad * 2 + 1) + 2) / 4;

            for (int v = 0; v <= rad; ++v)
                for (int u = 0; u <= rad; ++u)
                    if (u * u + v * v <= cutoff)
                        leadingEdgeX[v] = u;

            const int hLength = 256;
            int *     hb      = stackalloc int[hLength];
            int *     hg      = stackalloc int[hLength];
            int *     hr      = stackalloc int[hLength];
            uint      hSize   = (uint)(sizeof(int) * hLength);

            for (int y = rect.Top; y <= rect.GetBottom(); y++)
                SetToZero(hb, hSize);
                SetToZero(hg, hSize);
                SetToZero(hr, hSize);

                int area = 0;
                int sum  = 0;

                ColorBgra *ps = src.GetPointAddressUnchecked(rect.Left, y);
                ColorBgra *pd = dst.GetPointAddressUnchecked(rect.Left, y);

                // assert: v + y >= 0
                int top = -Math.Min(rad, y);

                // assert: v + y <= height - 1
                int bottom = Math.Min(rad, height - 1 - y);

                // assert: u + x >= 0
                int left = -Math.Min(rad, rect.Left);

                // assert: u + x <= width - 1
                int right = Math.Min(rad, width - 1 - rect.Left);

                for (int v = top; v <= bottom; ++v)
                    ColorBgra *psamp = src.GetPointAddressUnchecked(rect.Left + left, y + v);

                    for (int u = left; u <= right; ++u)
                        byte w = psamp->A;
                        if ((u * u + v * v) <= cutoff)
                            sum          += w;
                            hb[psamp->B] += w;
                            hg[psamp->G] += w;
                            hr[psamp->R] += w;


                for (int x = rect.Left; x <= rect.GetRight(); x++)
                    *pd = ApplyWithAlpha(*ps, area, sum, hb, hg, hr);

                    // assert: u + x >= 0
                    left = -Math.Min(rad, x);

                    // assert: u + x <= width - 1
                    right = Math.Min(rad + 1, width - 1 - x);

                    // Subtract trailing edge top half
                    int v = -1;

                    while (v >= top)
                        int u = leadingEdgeX[-v];

                        if (-u >= left)


                    while (v >= top)
                        int        u = leadingEdgeX[-v];
                        ColorBgra *p = unchecked (ps + (v * stride)) - u;
                        byte       w = p->A;

                        hb[p->B] -= w;
                        hg[p->G] -= w;
                        hr[p->R] -= w;
                        sum      -= w;


                    // add leading edge top half
                    v = -1;
                    while (v >= top)
                        int u = leadingEdgeX[-v];

                        if (u + 1 <= right)


                    while (v >= top)
                        int        u = leadingEdgeX[-v];
                        ColorBgra *p = unchecked (ps + (v * stride)) + u + 1;
                        byte       w = p->A;

                        hb[p->B] += w;
                        hg[p->G] += w;
                        hr[p->R] += w;
                        sum      += w;


                    // Subtract trailing edge bottom half
                    v = 0;

                    while (v <= bottom)
                        int u = leadingEdgeX[v];

                        if (-u >= left)


                    while (v <= bottom)
                        int        u = leadingEdgeX[v];
                        ColorBgra *p = ps + v * stride - u;
                        byte       w = p->A;

                        hb[p->B] -= w;
                        hg[p->G] -= w;
                        hr[p->R] -= w;
                        sum      -= w;


                    // add leading edge bottom half
                    v = 0;

                    while (v <= bottom)
                        int u = leadingEdgeX[v];

                        if (u + 1 <= right)


                    while (v <= bottom)
                        int        u = leadingEdgeX[v];
                        ColorBgra *p = ps + v * stride + u + 1;
                        byte       w = p->A;

                        hb[p->B] += w;
                        hg[p->G] += w;
                        hr[p->R] += w;
                        sum      += w;


Esempio n. 7
        public static unsafe SurfaceDiff Create(ImageSurface original, ImageSurface updated_surf, bool force = false)
            if (original.Width != updated_surf.Width || original.Height != updated_surf.Height)
                // If the surface changed size, only throw an error if the user forced the use of a diff.
                if (force)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("SurfaceDiff requires surfaces to be same size.");

            // Cache some pinvokes
            var orig_width  = original.Width;
            var orig_height = original.Height;

            Console.WriteLine("Original surface size: {0}x{1}", orig_width, orig_height);
            System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch timer = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();

            // STEP 1 - Find the bounds of the changed pixels.
            var orig_ptr    = (int *)original.DataPtr;
            var updated_ptr = (int *)updated_surf.DataPtr;

            DiffBounds diff_bounds      = new DiffBounds(orig_width, orig_height);
            object     diff_bounds_lock = new Object();

            // Split up the work among several threads, each of which processes one row at a time
            // and updates the bounds of the changed pixels it has seen so far. At the end, the
            // results from each thread are merged together to find the overall bounds of the changed
            // pixels.
            Parallel.For <DiffBounds>(0, orig_height, () => new DiffBounds(orig_width, orig_height),
                                      (row, loop, my_bounds) => {
                var offset         = row * orig_width;
                var orig           = orig_ptr + offset;
                var updated        = updated_ptr + offset;
                bool change_in_row = false;

                for (int i = 0; i < orig_width; ++i)
                    if (*(orig++) != *(updated++))
                        change_in_row   = true;
                        my_bounds.left  = System.Math.Min(my_bounds.left, i);
                        my_bounds.right = System.Math.Max(my_bounds.right, i);

                if (change_in_row)
              = System.Math.Min(, row);
                    my_bounds.bottom = System.Math.Max(my_bounds.bottom, row);

            }, (my_bounds) => {
                lock (diff_bounds_lock) {

            var bounds = new Gdk.Rectangle(diff_bounds.left,,
                                           diff_bounds.right - diff_bounds.left + 1,
                                           diff_bounds.bottom - + 1);

            Console.WriteLine("Truncated surface size: {0}x{1}", bounds.Width, bounds.Height);

            // STEP 2 - Create a bitarray of whether each pixel in the bounds has changed, and count
            // how many changed pixels we need to store.
            var bitmask     = new BitArray(bounds.Width * bounds.Height);
            int index       = 0;
            int num_changed = 0;

            int bottom   = bounds.GetBottom();
            int right    = bounds.GetRight();
            int bounds_x = bounds.X;
            int bounds_y = bounds.Y;

            for (int y = bounds_y; y <= bottom; ++y)
                var offset  = y * orig_width;
                var updated = updated_ptr + offset + bounds_x;
                var orig    = orig_ptr + offset + bounds_x;

                for (int x = bounds_x; x <= right; ++x)
                    bool changed = *(orig++) != *(updated++);
                    bitmask[index++] = changed;
                    if (changed)

            var savings = 100 - (float)num_changed / (float)(orig_width * orig_height) * 100;
            Console.WriteLine("Compressed bitmask: {0}/{1} = {2}%", num_changed, orig_height * orig_width, 100 - savings);

            if (!force && savings < MINIMUM_SAVINGS_PERCENT)
                Console.WriteLine("Savings too small, returning null");

            // Store the old pixels.
            var pixels     = new ColorBgra[num_changed];
            var new_ptr    = (ColorBgra *)original.DataPtr;
            int mask_index = 0;

            fixed(ColorBgra *fixed_ptr = pixels)
                var pixel_ptr = fixed_ptr;

                for (int y = bounds_y; y <= bottom; ++y)
                    var new_pixel_ptr = new_ptr + bounds_x + y * orig_width;

                    for (int x = bounds_x; x <= right; ++x)
                        if (bitmask[mask_index++])
                            *pixel_ptr++ = *new_pixel_ptr;


            System.Console.WriteLine("SurfaceDiff time: " + timer.ElapsedMilliseconds);

            return(new SurfaceDiff(bitmask, bounds, pixels));
Esempio n. 8
        public static unsafe SurfaceDiff Create(ImageSurface original, ImageSurface updated, bool force = false)
            if (original.Width != updated.Width || original.Height != updated.Height)
                // If the surface changed size, only throw an error if the user forced the use of a diff.
                if (force)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("SurfaceDiff requires surfaces to be same size.");

            // Cache some pinvokes
            var orig_width  = original.Width;
            var orig_height = original.Height;

            Console.WriteLine("Original surface size: {0}x{1}", orig_width, orig_height);

            // STEP 1 - Create a bitarray of whether each pixel is changed (true for changed)
            var bitmask = new BitArray(orig_width * orig_height);

            var hit_first_change = false;
            var first_change     = -1;
            var last_change      = -1;

            var orig_ptr    = (int *)original.DataPtr;
            var updated_ptr = (int *)updated.DataPtr;

            for (int i = 0; i < bitmask.Length; i++)
                var changed = *(orig_ptr++) == *(updated_ptr++) ? false : true;
                bitmask.Set(i, changed);

                if (!hit_first_change)
                    if (changed)
                        first_change     = i;
                        hit_first_change = true;

                if (changed)
                    last_change = i;

            // STEP 2 - Figure out the bounds of the changed pixels
            var first_row = first_change / orig_width;
            var last_row  = last_change / orig_width + 1;

            // We have to loop through the bitmask to find the first and last column
            first_change     = -1;
            last_change      = -1;
            hit_first_change = false;

            for (int x = 0; x < orig_width; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < orig_height; y++)
                    var changed = bitmask[x + (y * orig_width)];

                    if (!hit_first_change)
                        if (changed)
                            first_change     = (x * orig_height) + y;
                            hit_first_change = true;

                    if (changed)
                        last_change = (x * orig_height) + y;

            var first_col = first_change / orig_height;
            var last_col  = last_change / orig_height + 1;

            var bounds = new Gdk.Rectangle(first_col, first_row, last_col - first_col, last_row - first_row);

            Console.WriteLine("Truncated surface size: {0}x{1}", bounds.Width, bounds.Height);

            // If truncating doesn't save us at least x%, don't bother
            if (100 - (float)(bounds.Width * bounds.Height) / (float)(orig_width * orig_height) * 100 < MINIMUM_SAVINGS_PERCENT)
                bounds = new Gdk.Rectangle(0, 0, orig_width, orig_height);

                Console.WriteLine("Truncating not worth it, skipping.");

            // STEP 3 - Truncate our bitarray to the bounding rectangle
            if (bounds.Width != orig_width || bounds.Height != orig_height)
                var new_bitmask = new BitArray(bounds.Width * bounds.Height);

                int index = 0;

                for (int y = bounds.Y; y <= bounds.GetBottom(); y++)
                    for (int x = bounds.X; x <= bounds.GetRight(); x++)
                        new_bitmask[index++] = bitmask[y * orig_width + x];

                bitmask = new_bitmask;

            // STEP 4 - Count how many changed pixels we need to store
            var length = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < bitmask.Length; i++)
                if (bitmask[i])

            var savings = 100 - (float)length / (float)(orig_width * orig_height) * 100;
            Console.WriteLine("Compressed bitmask: {0}/{1} = {2}%", length, orig_height * orig_width, 100 - savings);

            if (!force && savings < MINIMUM_SAVINGS_PERCENT)
                Console.WriteLine("Savings too small, returning null");

            // Store the old pixels
            var pixels  = new ColorBgra[length];
            var new_ptr = (ColorBgra *)original.DataPtr;

            var mask_index = 0;

            fixed(ColorBgra *fixed_ptr = pixels)
                var pixel_ptr = fixed_ptr;

                new_ptr += bounds.X + bounds.Y * orig_width;

                for (int y = bounds.Y; y <= bounds.GetBottom(); y++)
                    for (int x = bounds.X; x <= bounds.GetRight(); x++)
                        if (bitmask[mask_index++])
                            *pixel_ptr++ = *new_ptr;


                    new_ptr += orig_width - bounds.Width;

            return(new SurfaceDiff(bitmask, bounds, pixels));
Esempio n. 9
 /// <summary>
 /// There was a bug in gdk-sharp where this returns incorrect values.
 /// We will probably have to use this for a long time until every distro
 /// has an updated gdk.
 /// </summary>
 public static bool ContainsCorrect(this Gdk.Rectangle r, int x, int y)
     return((((x >= r.Left) && (x <= r.GetRight())) && (y >= r.Top)) && (y <= r.GetBottom()));