// Method with alt form using gauss hermite
        public static double[] ComplementsHermite(Normal[] distributions, int order)
            double[] complementProbs = new double[distributions.Length];
            distributions = NegateDistributions(distributions); // This change is local to this method

            for (int i = 0; i < distributions.Length; i++)
                Normal distribution_i = distributions[i];

                Func <double, double> xOfZ = (double z) => distribution_i.Mean + z * Math.Sqrt(2) * distribution_i.StdDev; // Converts Z to X

                Func <double, double> integrand = z =>
                    double product = 1; // The density is already factored into the method
                    for (int j = 0; j < distributions.Length; j++)
                        if (j != i)
                            product *= distributions[j].CumulativeDistribution(xOfZ(z));

                //complementProbs[i] = (1 / Math.Sqrt(Math.PI)) * GaussHermite.Integrate(integrand, order);
                complementProbs[i] = GaussHermite.Integrate(integrand, order);
                //Console.WriteLine($"GH[{i}]: {complementProbs[i]}");

Esempio n. 2
        public void ProbaMeasure(double lambda, RrFunction sigma, Duration probaMaturity, Duration simulationMaturity,
                                 int quadratureNbPoints, double precision)
            var refDate = DateTime.Parse("07/06/2009");
            var hw1     = new Hw1Model(TimeMeasure.Act365(refDate), Currency.Eur, lambda, sigma);

            var probaMeasure = new PaymentInfo(hw1.Currency, refDate + probaMaturity);
            var t            = refDate + simulationMaturity;

            var hw1PathGen     = new Hw1ModelPathGeneratorFactory().Build(hw1, null, probaMeasure, new[] { t });
            var brownianBridge = BrownianBridge.Create(hw1PathGen.AllSimulatedDates);
            var hw1Zc          = new Hw1ModelZcRepresentation(hw1);
            var numeraireZc    = hw1Zc.Zc(t, probaMeasure.Date, 1.0);

            Assert.AreEqual(hw1PathGen.AllSimulatedDates.Length, 1);

            double[] x, w;
            GaussHermite.GetQuadrature(quadratureNbPoints, out x, out w);

            double flow = 0.0;

            for (int i = 0; i < x.Length; i++)
                var dw       = brownianBridge.PathIncrements(new[] { x[i] }, 1);
                var ornstein = hw1PathGen.Path(dw).GetProcessValue(0);
                flow += w[i] * 1.0 / numeraireZc.Eval(ornstein);

            var error = Math.Abs(flow - 1.0);

            Assert.LessOrEqual(error, precision);
Esempio n. 3
    public static double p00_gauss_hermite(ref p00Data data, int problem, int order)

    //  Purpose:
    //    P00_GAUSS_HERMITE applies a Gauss-Hermite quadrature rule.
    //  Licensing:
    //    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
    //  Modified:
    //    26 May 2009
    //  Author:
    //    John Burkardt
    //  Parameters:
    //    Input, int PROBLEM, the index of the problem.
    //    Input, int ORDER, the order of the rule to apply.
    //    Output, double P00_GAUSS_HERMITE, the approximate integral.
        double[] f_vec  = new double[order];
        double[] weight = new double[order];
        double[] xtab   = new double[order];

        GaussHermite.hermite_compute(order, ref xtab, ref weight);

        const int option = 1;

        p00_fun(ref data, problem, option, order, xtab, ref f_vec);

        double result = typeMethods.r8vec_dot_product(order, weight, f_vec);

Esempio n. 4
        public void Zc(double lambda, Duration zcStart, Duration zcDuration, int quadratureNbPoints, double precision)
            var sigma   = new StepFunction(new[] { 0.0, 1.0, 2.0 }, new[] { 0.007, 0.004, 0.0065 }, 0.0);
            var refDate = DateTime.Parse("07/06/2009");

            var hw1   = new Hw1Model(TimeMeasure.Act365(refDate), Currency.Eur, lambda, sigma);
            var hw1Zc = new Hw1ModelZcRepresentation(hw1);

            var zcDate = refDate + zcStart;
            var zc     = hw1Zc.Zc(zcDate, zcDate + zcDuration, 1.0);

            var drift  = hw1.DriftTerm();
            var stdDev = Math.Sqrt(drift.Eval(hw1.Time[zcDate]));

            double[] x, w;
            GaussHermite.GetQuadrature(quadratureNbPoints, out x, out w);
            double zcQuad = x.Select((t, i) => w[i] * zc.Eval(new[] { stdDev *t })).Sum();

            var error = Math.Abs(zcQuad - 1.0);

            Assert.LessOrEqual(error, precision);
Esempio n. 5
        void App_Startup(object sender, StartupEventArgs e)
            Func <double, double> function = null;
            int  funSelection = 0;
            bool isParsable   = false;
            bool isBetween    = false;

                Console.WriteLine("Wybierz wariant funkcji do całkowania:");
                Console.WriteLine("(1). f(x) = 4x^4 -2x^3 + 4x^2 -4x +1 ");
                Console.WriteLine("(2). f(x) = 4sin(2x) ");
                Console.WriteLine("(3). f(x) = 2|x^3|");
                isParsable = Int32.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out funSelection);
                isBetween  = funSelection.IsBetween(1, 3);
            } while(!(isParsable && isBetween));

            switch (funSelection)
            case 1:
                function = Example.Polynomial;

            case 2:
                function = Example.Sinus;

            case 3:
                function = Example.Absolute;

            Console.Write("Nieskończone przedziały? (t/*)");
            bool isInifniteRange = Console.ReadKey().IsKey('t');


            double a, b;

            if (isInifniteRange)
                a = double.NegativeInfinity;
                b = double.PositiveInfinity;
                bool isNumber  = false;
                bool isCorrect = false;
                    Console.WriteLine("Określ przedziały całkowania:");
                    isNumber = double.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out a);
                    isNumber  = double.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out b);
                    isCorrect = a < b;
                } while (!isNumber || !isCorrect);

            double epsilon          = 0;
            bool   isEpsilonCorrect = false;

                Console.Write("Określ dokładność obliczeń: ");
                isEpsilonCorrect = double.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out epsilon);
            } while (!isEpsilonCorrect);

            if (double.IsInfinity(a) || double.IsInfinity(b))
                a = Utilis.CalculateLimit(0, -2, Example.Exponent(function));
                b = Utilis.CalculateLimit(0, 2, Example.Exponent(function));

            Newton_Cotes  NewtonCotes;
            Gauss_Hermite GaussHermite;

            if (isInifniteRange)
                NewtonCotes  = new Newton_Cotes(Example.Exponent(function), a, b, epsilon);
                GaussHermite = new Gauss_Hermite(function, epsilon);
                NewtonCotes  = new Newton_Cotes(Example.Exponent(function), a, b, epsilon);
                GaussHermite = null;

            Console.WriteLine("Całka obliczona przy użyciu metody Newtona-Cotesa wynosi: " + NewtonCotes.GetResult());
            Console.WriteLine("Liczba węzłów: " + NewtonCotes.GetIterationsCount());
            if (!(GaussHermite is null))
                Console.WriteLine("Całka obliczona przy użyciu kwadratury Gaussa wynosi: " + GaussHermite.GetResult());
                Console.WriteLine("Liczba węzłów: " + GaussHermite.GetIterationsCount());

            MainWindow mainWindow = new MainWindow();

            mainWindow.Plot.NewtonCotesValues = NewtonCotes.GetNodes();
            mainWindow.Plot.Values            = NewtonCotes.GetValues();
Esempio n. 6
    public static double[] product_weights(int dim_num, int[] order_1d, int order_nd, int rule)

    //  Purpose:
    //    PRODUCT_WEIGHTS computes the weights of a product rule.
    //  Discussion:
    //    This routine computes the weights for a quadrature rule which is
    //    a product of closed rules of varying order.
    //  Licensing:
    //    This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
    //  Modified:
    //    09 November 2007
    //  Author:
    //    John Burkardt
    //  Parameters:
    //    Input, int DIM_NUM, the spatial dimension.
    //    Input, int ORDER_1D[DIM_NUM], the order of the 1D rules.
    //    Input, int ORDER_ND, the order of the product rule.
    //    Input, int RULE, the index of the rule.
    //    1, "CC", Clenshaw Curtis Closed Fully Nested rule.
    //    2, "F1", Fejer 1 Open Fully Nested rule.
    //    3, "F2", Fejer 2 Open Fully Nested rule.
    //    4, "GP", Gauss Patterson Open Fully Nested rule.
    //    5, "GL", Gauss Legendre Open Weakly Nested rule.
    //    6, "GH", Gauss Hermite Open Weakly Nested rule.
    //    7, "LG", Gauss Laguerre Open Non Nested rule.
    //    Output, double PRODUCT_WEIGHTS_CC[DIM_NUM*ORDER_ND],
    //    the product rule weights.
        int dim;
        int order;

        typeMethods.r8vecDPData data = new();

        double[] w_nd = new double[order_nd];

        for (order = 0; order < order_nd; order++)
            w_nd[order] = 1.0;

        for (dim = 0; dim < dim_num; dim++)
            double[] w_1d;
            switch (rule)
            case 1:
                w_1d = ClenshawCurtis.cc_weights(order_1d[dim]);

            case 2:
                w_1d = Fejer1.f1_weights(order_1d[dim]);

            case 3:
                w_1d = Fejer2.f2_weights(order_1d[dim]);

            case 4:
                w_1d = PattersonQuadrature.gp_weights(order_1d[dim]);

            case 5:
                w_1d = GaussQuadrature.gl_weights(order_1d[dim]);

            case 6:
                w_1d = GaussHermite.gh_weights(order_1d[dim]);

            case 7:
                w_1d = Legendre.QuadratureRule.lg_weights(order_1d[dim]);

                Console.WriteLine("PRODUCT_WEIGHTS - Fatal error!");
                Console.WriteLine("  Unrecognized rule number = " + rule + "");

            typeMethods.r8vec_direct_product2(ref data, dim, order_1d[dim], w_1d, dim_num,
                                              order_nd, ref w_nd);

 public BlackScholesWithDividendOption(double spot, AffineDivCurveUtils affineDivUtils, int quadratureNbPoints = 10)
     this.affineDivUtils = affineDivUtils;
     this.spot           = spot;
     GaussHermite.GetQuadrature(quadratureNbPoints, out quadPoints, out quadWeights);