Esempio n. 1
            /// <summary>
            /// Updates the GaugeText items with the current
            /// cell Value
            /// </summary>
            private void UpdateText(double value)
                if (EditorCell != null)
                    GaugeText text = GaugeItems[0] as GaugeText;

                    if (text != null)
                        text.Text = value.ToString();

                        text.ForeColor = value > 0 ? Color.Green : Color.Crimson;
Esempio n. 2
 private void CopyGaugeText(GaugeText gt, GaugeText clone)
     if (gt != null && clone != null)
Esempio n. 3
            /// <summary>
            /// Initializes our gauge
            /// </summary>
            private void InitGauge()
                Frame.Style = GaugeFrameStyle.None;

                GaugeLinearScale scale = new GaugeLinearScale();

                scale.Width = .3f;

                scale.Size        = new SizeF(.7f, .51f);
                scale.Location    = new PointF(.6f, .5f);
                scale.BorderColor = Color.DimGray;
                scale.BorderWidth = 1;
                scale.MinValue    = -20;
                scale.MaxValue    = 20;

                scale.MinPin.Visible = false;
                scale.MaxPin.Visible = false;

                scale.Labels.Layout.Font     = new Font("Arial", 10);
                scale.Labels.Layout.AutoSize = false;

                scale.MajorTickMarks.Layout.Width                 = .2f;
                scale.MajorTickMarks.Layout.Length                = .2f;
                scale.MajorTickMarks.Layout.Style                 = GaugeMarkerStyle.Circle;
                scale.MajorTickMarks.Layout.FillColor             = new GradientFillColor(Color.White);
                scale.MajorTickMarks.Layout.FillColor.BorderColor = Color.DimGray;
                scale.MajorTickMarks.Layout.FillColor.BorderWidth = 1;

                GaugeText text = new GaugeText();

                text.AutoSize      = false;
                text.Location      = new PointF(.12f, .5f);
                text.TextAlignment = TextAlignment.MiddleRight;



                GaugeSection section = new GaugeSection(scale);

                section.Width     = .8f;
                section.FillColor = new GradientFillColor(Color.Red, Color.Green);


                GaugePointer pointer = new GaugePointer(scale);

                pointer.Name        = "Pointer1";
                pointer.Style       = PointerStyle.Marker;
                pointer.MarkerStyle = GaugeMarkerStyle.Triangle;
                pointer.Placement   = DisplayPlacement.Far;
                pointer.ScaleOffset = .03f;
                pointer.Width       = .3f;
                pointer.Length      = .3f;

                pointer.Origin         = PointerOrigin.Custom;
                pointer.OriginInterval = 0;

                pointer.AllowUserChange = true;
                pointer.ChangeCursor    = Cursors.Hand;

                pointer.FillColor             = new GradientFillColor(Color.Yellow);
                pointer.FillColor.BorderColor = Color.DimGray;
                pointer.FillColor.BorderWidth = 1;

Esempio n. 4
        private void SetHThermometerDesignTimeDefaults()
            _GaugeControl.Frame.Style = GaugeFrameStyle.Rectangular;


            GaugeLinearScale scale = new GaugeLinearScale(_GaugeControl);
            scale.Name = "Scale1";
            scale.Width = 0.1F;

            scale.Location = new PointF(.55f, .51f);

            scale.MinValue = -30;
            scale.MaxValue = 40;

            scale.Labels.FormatString = "0°";

            scale.MajorTickMarks.Layout.Placement = DisplayPlacement.Near;
            scale.MajorTickMarks.Layout.Style = GaugeMarkerStyle.Rectangle;
            scale.MajorTickMarks.Layout.Width = 0.008F;

            scale.MinPin.Visible = false;
            scale.MaxPin.Visible = false;

            scale.MinorTickMarks.Layout.Placement = DisplayPlacement.Near;
            scale.MinorTickMarks.Layout.Width = 0.016F;

            GaugeSection section = new GaugeSection(scale);
            section.Name = "Section1";

            section.FillColor.Color1 = Color.SteelBlue;
            section.FillColor.Color2 = Color.LightCyan;
            section.FillColor.GradientFillType = GradientFillType.HorizontalCenter;


            GaugePointer pointer = new GaugePointer(scale);
            pointer.Name = "Pointer1";
            pointer.Width = 0.1F;

            pointer.Style = PointerStyle.Thermometer;
            pointer.BulbSize = 0.132F;
            pointer.BulbOffset = .026F;

            pointer.FillColor.Color1 = Color.Red;
            pointer.FillColor.Color2 = Color.Empty;
            pointer.ThermoBackColor.Color1 = Color.FromArgb(100, 60, 60, 60);

            pointer.Value = 12;



            scale = new GaugeLinearScale(_GaugeControl);
            scale.Name = "Scale2";

            scale.Width = 0.1F;
            scale.Location = new PointF(.55f, .51f);

            scale.MinValue = -22;
            scale.MaxValue = 104;

            scale.Labels.FormatString = "0°";
            scale.Labels.Layout.Placement = DisplayPlacement.Far;
            scale.Labels.ShowMaxLabel = false;
            scale.Labels.ShowMinLabel = false;

            scale.MinPin.Visible = false;
            scale.MaxPin.Visible = false;

            scale.MajorTickMarks.Interval = 20;
            scale.MajorTickMarks.IntervalOffset = 2;
            scale.MajorTickMarks.Layout.Placement = DisplayPlacement.Far;
            scale.MajorTickMarks.Layout.Style = GaugeMarkerStyle.Rectangle;
            scale.MajorTickMarks.Layout.Width = 0.008F;

            scale.MinorTickMarks.Interval = 4;
            scale.MinorTickMarks.IntervalOffset = 2;
            scale.MinorTickMarks.Layout.Placement = DisplayPlacement.Far;
            scale.MinorTickMarks.Layout.Width = 0.016F;


            GaugeText text = new GaugeText(_GaugeControl);
            text.Location = new PointF(.08f, .28f);
            text.Name = "Text1";
            text.Text = "C°";


            text = new GaugeText(_GaugeControl);
            text.Location = new PointF(.08f, .73f);
            text.Name = "Text2";
            text.Text = "F°";
