Esempio n. 1
        static async Task Main()
            // Sets up Miki.Logging for internal library logging. Can be removed if you do not want to
            // see internal logs.

            // Fetches your token from environment values.
            var token = ExampleHelper.GetTokenFromEnv();

            var memCache = new InMemoryCacheClient(new ProtobufSerializer());

            var apiClient = new DiscordApiClient(token, memCache);

            // Discord direct gateway implementation.
            var gateway = new GatewayCluster(
                new GatewayProperties
                ShardCount = 1,
                ShardId    = 0,
                Token      = token.ToString(),

            var discordClient = new DiscordClient(apiClient, gateway, memCache);

            // Subscribe to ready event.

            // Start the connection to the gateway.
            await gateway.StartAsync();

            // Wait, else the application will close.
            await Task.Delay(-1);
Esempio n. 2
        static async Task MainAsync(string[] args)
            // Enables library wide logging for all Miki libraries. Consider using this logging for debugging or general information.
            new LogBuilder().SetLogHeader(x => $"[{DateTime.UtcNow.ToLongTimeString()}]")
            .AddLogEvent((msg, level) =>
                if (level >= logLevel)

            // A cache client is needed to store ratelimits and entities.
            // This is an in-memory cache, and will be used as a local storage repository.
            IExtendedCacheClient cache = new InMemoryCacheClient(
                new ProtobufSerializer()

            // Discord REST API implementation gets set up.
            IApiClient api = new DiscordApiClient(Token, cache);

            // Discord direct gateway implementation.
            IGateway gateway = new GatewayCluster(new GatewayProperties
                ShardCount             = 1,
                ShardId                = 0,
                Token                  = Token,
                Compressed             = true,
                WebSocketClientFactory = () => new BasicWebSocketClient()

            // This function adds additional utility, caching systems and more.
            DiscordClient bot = new DiscordClient(new DiscordClientConfigurations
                ApiClient   = api,
                Gateway     = gateway,
                CacheClient = cache

            // Add caching events for the gateway.
            new BasicCacheStage().Initialize(gateway, cache);

            // Hook up on the MessageCreate event. This will send every message through this flow.
            bot.MessageCreate += async(msg) => {
                if (msg.Content == "ping")
                    IDiscordTextChannel channel = await msg.GetChannelAsync();

                    await channel.SendMessageAsync("pong!");

            // Start the connection to the gateway.
            await gateway.StartAsync();

            // Wait, else the application will close.
            await Task.Delay(-1);
Esempio n. 3
        public async Task GetOnPremisesDataGatewayClustersCanBeSerializedAndDeSerialized()
            // Arrange
            var clusterId            = Guid.NewGuid();
            var gatewayClusterObject = new GatewayCluster
                Id          = clusterId,
                Name        = "the cluster name",
                Description = "the cluster description",
                Status      = "the status",
                Region      = "the region",
                Permissions = new Permission[]
                    new Permission
                        Id                 = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                        PrincipalType      = "User",
                        TenantId           = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                        Role               = "Admin",
                        AllowedDataSources = new string[]
                        ClusterId = clusterId.ToString()
                DataSourceIds = new Guid[]
                Type           = "the type",
                MemberGateways = new MemberGateway[]
                    new MemberGateway
                        Id          = clusterId,
                        Name        = "the member name",
                        Description = "the member description",
                        Status      = "the member status",
                        Region      = "the member region",
                        Type        = "the member type",
                        Version     = "the version",
                        Annotation  = "the annotation",
                        ClusterId   = clusterId

            var oDataResponse = new ODataResponseList <GatewayCluster>
                ODataContext = "$metadata#gatewayClusters",
                Value        = new GatewayCluster[]

            var serializedODataRepsonse = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(oDataResponse);
            var client = Utilities.GetTestClient(serializedODataRepsonse);

            // Act
            var result = await client.GetGatewayClusters(true);

            // Assert
        public void GetOnPremisesDataGatewayClusterReturnsExpectedResults()
            // Arrange
            var clusterId        = Guid.NewGuid();
            var expectedResponse = new GatewayCluster
                Id          = clusterId,
                Name        = "the cluster name",
                Description = "the cluster description",
                Status      = "the status",
                Region      = "the region",
                Permissions = new Permission[]
                    new Permission
                        Id                 = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                        PrincipalType      = "User",
                        TenantId           = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                        Role               = "Admin",
                        AllowedDataSources = new string[]
                        ClusterId = clusterId.ToString()
                DataSourceIds = new Guid[]
                Type           = "the type",
                MemberGateways = new MemberGateway[]
                    new MemberGateway
                        Id          = clusterId,
                        Name        = "the member name",
                        Description = "the member description",
                        Status      = "the member status",
                        Region      = "the member region",
                        Type        = "the member type",
                        Version     = "the version",
                        Annotation  = "the annotation",
                        ClusterId   = clusterId

            var client = new Mock <IPowerBIApiClient>();

            client.Setup(x => x.Gateways
                         .GetGatewayClusters(clusterId, true))

            var initFactory = new TestPowerBICmdletInitFactory(client.Object);
            var cmdlet      = new GetOnPremisesDataGatewayCluster(initFactory)
                GatewayClusterId = clusterId

            // Act

            // Assert
            TestUtilities.AssertExpectedUnitTestResults(expectedResponse, client, initFactory);