Esempio n. 1
        public void TestConstruction()
            var weapon = new GameWeapon("snowball", 10);

            Assert.AreEqual(, "snowball");
            Assert.AreEqual(weapon.damage, 10);
Esempio n. 2
 public override bool Think(edict_t self)
     float[] aim = new float[] { 0, 0, 0 };
     Math3D.VectorSet(aim, Defines.MELEE_DISTANCE, 0, 0);
     GameWeapon.Fire_hit(self, aim, 5, 0);
Esempio n. 3
 public override bool Think(edict_t self)
     float[] aim = new float[] { 0, 0, 0 };
     Math3D.VectorSet(aim, Defines.MELEE_DISTANCE, self.mins[0], -4);
     GameWeapon.Fire_hit(self, aim, (5 + (Lib.Rand() % 6)), 400);
Esempio n. 4
 public override bool Think(edict_t self)
     float[] aim = new float[] { 0, 0, 0 };
     Math3D.VectorSet(aim, Defines.MELEE_DISTANCE, self.maxs[0], 0);
     GameWeapon.Fire_hit(self, aim, 5, 0);, Defines.CHAN_WEAPON, sound_slash, 1, Defines.ATTN_NORM, 0);
Esempio n. 5
 public override bool Think(edict_t self)
     float[] aim = new float[] { 0, 0, 0 };
     Math3D.VectorSet(aim, Defines.MELEE_DISTANCE, 0, 0);
     if (GameWeapon.Fire_hit(self, aim, (5 + (Lib.Rand() % 5)), 50))
     {, Defines.CHAN_WEAPON, sound_punch_hit, 1, Defines.ATTN_NORM, 0);
Esempio n. 6
 public override bool Think(edict_t self)
     float[] aim = new float[] { 0, 0, 0 };
     Math3D.VectorSet(aim, Defines.MELEE_DISTANCE, 0, 8);
     if (GameWeapon.Fire_hit(self, aim, (10 + (Lib.Rand() % 5)), -600) && GameBase.skill.value > 0)
         self.spawnflags |= 65536;
     }, Defines.CHAN_WEAPON, sound_tentacles_retract, 1, Defines.ATTN_NORM, 0);
Esempio n. 7
 public override bool Think(edict_t self)
     float[] aim = new float[] { 0, 0, 0 };
     Math3D.VectorSet(aim, Defines.MELEE_DISTANCE, self.mins[0], -4);
     if (GameWeapon.Fire_hit(self, aim, (20 + (Lib.Rand() % 5)), 300))
     {, Defines.CHAN_AUTO, sound_cleaver_hit, 1, Defines.ATTN_NORM, 0);
     {, Defines.CHAN_AUTO, sound_cleaver_miss, 1, Defines.ATTN_NORM, 0);
Esempio n. 8
 public override bool Think(edict_t self)
     float[] aim = new float[] { 0, 0, 0 };
     Math3D.VectorSet(aim, Defines.MELEE_DISTANCE, self.maxs[0], 8);
     if (GameWeapon.Fire_hit(self, aim, (10 + (Lib.Rand() % 5)), 100))
     {, Defines.CHAN_WEAPON, sound_hit2, 1, Defines.ATTN_NORM, 0);
     {, Defines.CHAN_WEAPON, sound_swing, 1, Defines.ATTN_NORM, 0);
Esempio n. 9
        static void Main(string[] args)
            CultureInfo.CurrentCulture   = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
            CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture;

            List <weapon>     weaponsData = InformationRetrieval.RetrieveWeaponsData();
            List <GameWeapon> gameWeapons = InformationExtraction.ExtractWeaponInformation(weaponsData);

            if (gameWeapons.Count < weaponsData.Count)
                Console.WriteLine($"{weaponsData.Count - gameWeapons.Count} were dropped.");
            Console.WriteLine($"Weapons: {gameWeapons.Count}");

            Console.Write("Writing weapon details to file ... ");
            using (FileStream stream = File.Create(WeaponGeneratorConstants.FILE_WEAPONS)) {
                using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(stream)) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < gameWeapons.Count; ++i)
                        GameWeapon weapon = gameWeapons[i];

                        writer.WriteLine($"[{i + 1}] {weapon.Name}");
                        writer.WriteLine($"\tType: {weapon.Type}");
                        writer.WriteLine($"\tLength: {weapon.Length}");
                        writer.WriteLine($"\tAttack: {weapon.Attack}");
                        writer.WriteLine($"\tDefense: {weapon.Defense}");
                        writer.WriteLine($"\tWield type: {weapon.WieldType}");
                        writer.WriteLine($"\tPrice: {weapon.Price}");

            Console.WriteLine($"Details about weapons can be read in file: {WeaponGeneratorConstants.FILE_WEAPONS}");

            Console.Write("THE END ");
Esempio n. 10
        public static List <GameWeapon> ExtractWeaponInformation(List <weapon> weaponDatas)
            List <GameWeapon> weapons = new List <GameWeapon>(weaponDatas.Count);

            Console.WriteLine("Extracting numeric values ... ");
            for (int i = 0; i < weaponDatas.Count; ++i)
                Console.WriteLine($"Extracting numeric values: {i + 1}/{weaponDatas.Count}");

                weapon data = weaponDatas[i];

                GameWeapon weapon = new GameWeapon();
                weapon.Name = data.weap_name;

                // page 54
                // Weapon Classification
                    // We initially took the approach of classifying the articles into the identified weapon types by using term frequency using pre-determined weapon classification terms. This is achieved by counting the number of times a word that is associated with a weapon type appears.

                    // Stop words are needed to avoid false positives.
                    if (STOPWORDS.Any(sw => Regex.Match(data.weap_text, sw).Success))

                    Dictionary <string, int> frequencies = new Dictionary <string, int>(TERMS_CLASSIFICATION_ALL.Length);

                    // To improve our technique, we used weighted term frequency, where the weapon classification terms were given more weighting depending on where they appeared in the text. Terms that appeared in the first two sentences of the article text were given 5 points, while terms that appeared in the category box at the bottom of the web page were also given 5 points.
                    string introAndCat;
                        string first2Sentences;
                            Regex regex = new Regex(@"\.(\[\d\])? ");
                            Match first = regex.Match(data.weap_text);
                            if (!first.Success)
                                first2Sentences = data.weap_text;
                                Match second = first.NextMatch();
                                if (!second.Success)
                                    first2Sentences = data.weap_text;
                                    first2Sentences = data.weap_text.Substring(0, second.Index);
                        string categories = data.weap_cat;
                        introAndCat = first2Sentences + " " + categories;

                    foreach (string term in TERMS_CLASSIFICATION_ALL)
                        int weight = introAndCat.Contains(term) ? 5 : 1;
                        int freq   = Regex.Matches(data.weap_text, term).Count;
                        freq *= weight;
                        frequencies.Add(term, freq);

                    // The weapon type with the highest number is then assigned to the article being classified.
                    WeaponType type    = WeaponType.Unknown;
                    int        highest = -1;
                    foreach (var pair in TERMS_CLASSIFICATION)
                        int score = pair.Value.Sum(term => frequencies[term]);
                        if (score > highest)
                            type    = pair.Key;
                            highest = score;
                    weapon.Type = type;

                string weap_text_lower = data.weap_text.ToLower();

                // page 55
                // Extracting an Attack and a Defence value
                    // To extract values for Attack and Defence, we used a similar method to the one used to classify weapons, we used term frequency for all of the words to determine values that could express that concept.
                    weapon.Attack = TERMS_ATTACK.Sum(term => Regex.Matches(weap_text_lower, term).Count);
                    //Debug.Assert(weapon.Attack > 0);
                    if (weapon.Attack == 0)
                        // useless weapon
                    weapon.Defense = TERMS_DEFENSE.Sum(term => Regex.Matches(weap_text_lower, term).Count);

                // page 56
                // Extracting a Range value
                    // We extract the range of the weapon by first finding all values of length in the text. We limit this to values that are measured in metres, centimetres and feet. This is done by using a Regex expression.
                    // lengths in metres
                    List <double> lengths = new List <double>();
                        // metres
                        Regex           regex   = new Regex(@"(\d*\.?\d+) m(et(re|er))?");
                        MatchCollection matches = regex.Matches(data.weap_text);
                        foreach (Match match in matches)
                            string stringValue = match.Groups[1].Value;
                            double metreValue  = double.Parse(stringValue);
                        // centimetres
                        regex   = new Regex(@"(\d*\.?\d+) c(enti)?m(et(re|er))?");
                        matches = regex.Matches(data.weap_text);
                        foreach (Match match in matches)
                            string stringValue     = match.Groups[1].Value;
                            double centimetreValue = double.Parse(stringValue);
                            double metreValue      = centimetreValue / 100;
                        // feet
                        regex   = new Regex(@"(\d*\.?\d+) f(ee|oo)?t");
                        matches = regex.Matches(data.weap_text);
                        foreach (Match match in matches)
                            string stringValue = match.Groups[1].Value;
                            double feetValue   = double.Parse(stringValue);
                            double metreValue  = feetValue * 0.3048;

                    // To determine a value for each article, we simply compare the result of the average of the values returned to the average length of the article’s weapon type.
                    int    valuesCount = lengths.Count;
                    double weapLength  = double.NaN;
                    double avgLength   = weapon.Type.GetAverageLength();
                    if (valuesCount != 0)
                        weapLength = lengths.Average();
                    if (valuesCount == 0 || weapLength < (avgLength * 0.5))
                        // If no values were returned, or if the average of the values returned is significantly lower compared to the average length of its weapon type, then a random number from half the average length to the average length is assigned.
                        weapLength = RandomHelper.Between(avgLength * 0.5, avgLength);
                    else if (weapLength > (avgLength * 1.5))
                        // If, on the other hand, the average of the values returned is significantly higher compared to the average length of its weapon type, then a random number from the average length to 1.5 times the average length is assigned.
                        weapLength = RandomHelper.Between(avgLength, avgLength * 1.5);

                    weapon.Length = weapLength;

                // page 57
                // Extracting the weapon’s wield type
                    // Only weapons that fit in a certain weapon type may override the default wield type according to the instances found in the article text.
                    // We set a default value depending on the weapon type.
                    weapon.WieldType = weapon.Type.GetDefaultWieldType();
                    if (!weapon.Type.IsWieldTypeStatic())
                        // Similar to the way we extracted the values for Attack and Defence, we extract the weapon’s wield type using term frequency.
                        // We thus search the article text for instances of any words with hand in them, notably words such as one-handed, two-handed or offhand and count the instances of each.
                        // comment by Grega: why the 'offhand'? I'm going to ignore it for now
                        Regex regex        = new Regex(@"(one|1)-?hand");
                        int   oneHandCount = regex.Matches(weap_text_lower).Count;
                        regex = new Regex(@"(two|2)-?hand");
                        int twoHandCount = regex.Matches(weap_text_lower).Count;
                        // Similarly to the weapon’s range, we cannot be certain that all weapons have a wield type written down in the article text.
                        if (oneHandCount + twoHandCount > 0)
                            if (oneHandCount > twoHandCount)
                                weapon.WieldType = WieldType.OneHanded;
                            else if (twoHandCount > oneHandCount)
                                weapon.WieldType = WieldType.TwoHanded;

                // page 58
                // Price Determination
                    //  Instead of analyzing the article text again to directly determine the price, we opt for a different route by setting a price based on the values of attack, defence and range that have already been retrieved.
                    weapon.Price = weapon.Attack * 100 + weapon.Defense * 100 + (int)Math.Floor(weapon.Length / 100) * 100;


Esempio n. 11
 public void ConstructorThrowsOnNullName()
     var notOk = new GameWeapon(null, 0);
Esempio n. 12
 public void ConstructorThrowsOnNegativeDamage()
     var notOk = new GameWeapon("fist", -1);
Esempio n. 13
        public void ConstructorAcceptsZeroDamage()
            var weapon = new GameWeapon("foot", 0);

            Assert.AreEqual(weapon.damage, 0);
Esempio n. 14
 public override bool Think(edict_t self)
 {, Defines.CHAN_WEAPON, sound_attack3, 1, Defines.ATTN_NORM, 0);
     GameWeapon.Fire_hit(self, aim, 5 + Lib.Rand() % 6, -50);
Esempio n. 15
 public override bool Think(edict_t self)
     float[] aim = new[] { Defines.MELEE_DISTANCE, 0F, -24F };
     GameWeapon.Fire_hit(self, aim, (15 + (Lib.Rand() % 6)), 400);