void Update() { if (Program.I().deckManager != null) { if (loaded_code != code) { Texture2D t = GameTextureManager.get(code, GameTextureType.card_picture, defaults); if (t != null) { uiTexture.mainTexture = t; uiTexture.aspectRatio = ((float)t.width) / ((float)t.height); uiTexture.forceWidth((int)(uiTexture.height * uiTexture.aspectRatio)); loaded_code = code; loaded_banlist = null; } } if (loaded_banlist != Program.I().deckManager.currentBanlist) { loaded_banlist = Program.I().deckManager.currentBanlist; if (ico != null) { if (loaded_banlist == null) { ico.show(3); return; } ico.show(loaded_banlist.GetQuantity(code)); } } } }
void Update() { if (loadedPicCode != cardData.Id) { Texture2D pic = GameTextureManager.get(cardData.Id, GameTextureType.card_picture); if (pic != null) { loadedPicCode = cardData.Id; gameObject.transform.FindChild("face").GetComponent <Renderer>().material.mainTexture = pic; } } if (Program.I().deckManager.currentBanlist != loaded_banlist) { ban_icon ico = GetComponentInChildren <ban_icon>(); loaded_banlist = Program.I().deckManager.currentBanlist; if (loaded_banlist != null) { ico.show(loaded_banlist.GetQuantity(cardData.Id)); } else { ico.show(3); } } if (isDraging) { gameObject.transform.position += (getGoodPosition(4) - gameObject.transform.position) * 0.3f; } if (Vector3.Distance(Vector3.zero, gameObject.transform.position) > 50 && bool_physicalON) { killIt(); } }
/// <summary> /// Texture used by the UITexture. You can set it directly, without the need to specify a material. /// </summary> /// protected override void OnStart() { base.OnStart(); if (mOutPath != "") { mainTexture = GameTextureManager.get(mOutPath); } }
/// <summary> /// Change the visual state. /// </summary> public override void SetState(State state, bool immediate) { base.SetState(state, immediate); if (mSprite != null) { switch (state) { case State.Normal: SetSprite(mNormalSprite); break; case State.Hover: SetSprite(string.IsNullOrEmpty(hoverSprite) ? mNormalSprite : hoverSprite); break; case State.Pressed: SetSprite(pressedSprite); break; case State.Disabled: SetSprite(disabledSprite); break; } } else if (mSprite2D != null) { switch (state) { case State.Normal: SetSprite(mNormalSprite2D); break; case State.Hover: SetSprite(hoverSprite2D == null ? mNormalSprite2D : hoverSprite2D); break; case State.Pressed: SetSprite(pressedSprite2D); break; case State.Disabled: SetSprite(disabledSprite2D); break; } } if (texure2d == null) { texure2d = GetComponentInChildren <UITexture>(); } if (texure2d != null) { switch (state) { case State.Normal: if (mTextureOutNormal != "") { texure2d.mainTexture = GameTextureManager.get(mTextureOutNormal); } break; case State.Hover: case State.Pressed: if (mTextureOutPressed != "") { texure2d.mainTexture = GameTextureManager.get(mTextureOutPressed); } break; } } }
void Update() { if (coli != null) { if (Program.InputGetMouseButtonDown_0) { if (Program.pointedCollider == coli) { ((CardDescription)(Program.I().cardDescription)).setData(YGOSharp.CardsManager.Get(code), GameTextureManager.myBack, "", true); } } } if (Program.I().deckManager != null) { if (loaded_code != code) { Texture2D t = GameTextureManager.get(code, GameTextureType.card_picture, defaults); if (t != null) { uiTexture.mainTexture = t; uiTexture.aspectRatio = ((float)t.width) / ((float)t.height); uiTexture.forceWidth((int)(uiTexture.height * uiTexture.aspectRatio)); loaded_code = code; loaded_banlist = null; } } if (loaded_banlist != Program.I().deckManager.currentBanlist) { loaded_banlist = Program.I().deckManager.currentBanlist; if (ico != null) { if (loaded_banlist == null) { ico.show(3); return; } ico.show(loaded_banlist.GetQuantity(code)); } if (ico_ot != null) { //[1: OCG]、[2: TCG]、[3: OCG&TCG]、[4: Anime] if (data.Ot == 2 || data.Ot == 4) { ico_ot.show(data.Ot); return; } ico_ot.show(3); } } } }
public void show(int i) { UITexture t = gameObject.GetComponent <UITexture>(); if (t != null) { t.mainTexture = GameTextureManager.get("ban_" + i.ToString()); } else { Renderer r = GetComponent <Renderer>(); r.material.mainTexture = GameTextureManager.get("ban_" + i.ToString()); } }
void Start() { pics[0] = GameTextureManager.get("jiandao"); pics[1] = GameTextureManager.get("shitou"); pics[2] = GameTextureManager.get("bu"); texture_0.mainTexture = pics[me]; texture_1.mainTexture = pics[op]; GameObject_0.transform.position = Program.camera_main_2d.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector3(Screen.width / 2, -Screen.height * 1.5f, 0)); iTweenExtensions.MoveToAction(GameObject_0, Program.camera_main_2d.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector3(Screen.width / 2, Screen.height / 2 - 80, 0)), 1f, () => { Destroy(GameObject_0, 0.3f); }, 0); GameObject_1.transform.position = Program.camera_main_2d.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector3(Screen.width / 2, Screen.height * 1.5f, 0)); iTweenExtensions.MoveToAction(GameObject_1, Program.camera_main_2d.ScreenToWorldPoint(new Vector3(Screen.width / 2, Screen.height / 2 + 80, 0)), 1f, () => { Destroy(GameObject_1, 0.3f); }, 0); }
public void show(int i) { UITexture t = gameObject.GetComponent <UITexture>(); if (t != null) { if (i == 2 || i == 4) //[1: OCG]、[2: TCG]、[3: OCG&TCG]、[4: Anime] { if (File.Exists("texture/ui/ban_ot_" + i.ToString() + ".png")) { t.mainTexture = GameTextureManager.get("ban_ot_" + i.ToString()); } else { Texture2D icon = (Texture2D)Resources.Load("ui/ban_ot_" + i.ToString()); t.mainTexture = icon; } } else { Texture2D icon = (Texture2D)Resources.Load("ui/ban_ot_3"); t.mainTexture = icon; } } else { Renderer r = GetComponent <Renderer>(); if (i == 2 || i == 4) //[1: OCG]、[2: TCG]、[3: OCG&TCG]、[4: Anime] { if (File.Exists("texture/ui/ban_ot_" + i.ToString() + ".png")) { r.material.mainTexture = GameTextureManager.get("ban_ot_" + i.ToString()); } else { Texture2D icon = (Texture2D)Resources.Load("ui/ban_ot_" + i.ToString()); r.material.mainTexture = icon; } } else { Texture2D icon = (Texture2D)Resources.Load("ui/ban_ot_3"); r.material.mainTexture = icon; } } }