  * joins 2 same type Structures
  * replaces all another's structures id with current structure id
  * joins tile and meeple list
  * disposes of 2nd structure
  * may be overriden in derived classes
  * eg: Monastery(does not exist), City (has to add shields too)
 public virtual void JoinStructures(GameStructure another)
     if (!this.CanJoin(another))
     //TODO: de vazut ca teoretic trebuie o lista de structuri in joc, cand se creaza o noua structura se adauga in lista respectiva, cand se face join se scoate o structura din lista respectiva
     if (this.StructureType != another.StructureType)
         throw new Exception("Structures are not same type");
     if (this.StructureId == another.StructureId)
         throw new Exception("Nu ar trebuii sa faci join cu tine insuti");