Esempio n. 1
        public CombinedMovementAndFiringDistanceCalculation GetShortestAttackDistanceFromCurrentTankPosition(
            int tankIndex, Cell target)
            DirectionalMatrix <DistanceCalculation> movementDistanceMatrix
                = GameStateCalculationCache.GetDistanceMatrixFromTankByTankIndex(tankIndex);

            return(GetShortestAttackDistanceGivenTheSourcePointsMovementMatrix(movementDistanceMatrix, target));
Esempio n. 2
 public FiringLineMatrix(Point topLeft, int width, int height, ElementExtentType extentType,
                         TurnCalculationCache turnCalcationCache, GameStateCalculationCache gameStateCalculationCache,
                         EdgeOffsetType lastSupportedEdgeOffsetType = EdgeOffsetType.Centre)
     directionalMatrixOfFiringLinesByEdgeOffset = new DirectionalMatrix <Line <FiringDistance>[]>(topLeft, width, height);
     LastSupportedEdgeOffsetType = lastSupportedEdgeOffsetType;
     ExtentType                = extentType;
     TurnCalcationCache        = turnCalcationCache;
     GameStateCalculationCache = gameStateCalculationCache;
Esempio n. 3
 /// <summary>
 /// AttackTargetDistanceCalculator constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="targetElementType">The type of element (base, tank or bullet) which is being attacked</param>
 /// <param name="firingLineMatrix">The firing line matrix must be applicable to the target element type's extent</param>
 /// <param name="gameStateCalculationCache"></param>
 /// <param name="turnCalculationCache"></param>
 public AttackTargetDistanceCalculator(
     ElementType targetElementType,
     FiringLineMatrix firingLineMatrix,
     GameStateCalculationCache gameStateCalculationCache,
     TurnCalculationCache turnCalculationCache) : this()
     FiringLineMatrix          = firingLineMatrix;
     GameStateCalculationCache = gameStateCalculationCache;
     TurnCalculationCache      = turnCalculationCache;
     TargetElementType         = targetElementType;
        public static TankAction[] GetTanksActionsOnOutgoingShortestAttackPathFromCurrentTankPosition(
            int tankIndex, CombinedMovementAndFiringDistanceCalculation combinedCalculation,
            GameStateCalculationCache gameStateCalcCache, bool keepMovingCloserOnFiringLastBullet = false)
            DirectionalMatrix <DistanceCalculation> distanceMatrix
                = gameStateCalcCache.GetDistanceMatrixFromTankByTankIndex(tankIndex);

            Node[] nodes = GetOutgoingNodesOnShortestAttackPath(
                combinedCalculation, distanceMatrix, keepMovingCloserOnFiringLastBullet);
        public static Line <FiringDistance> GetFiringDistancesToPoint(Cell target, Direction directionOfMovement,
                                                                      TurnCalculationCache turnCalcCache, GameStateCalculationCache gameStateCache)
            Direction outwardDirection = directionOfMovement.GetOpposite();

            Line <Point>          line       = target.LineFromCellToEdgeOfBoardByDirection[(int)outwardDirection];
            Line <FiringDistance> firingLine = new Line <FiringDistance>(line.StartOfLine, line.DirectionOfLine, line.Length);

            // The following distances are from the POINT IN FRONT OF THE TANK WHERE THE BULLET IS FIRED:
            int indexOfNextShootableWallSegment   = 0;
            int indexOfNextUnshootableWallSegment = 0;
            int firingCount = 1;

            int  prevIndexOfNextShootableWallSegment   = 0;
            int  prevIndexOfNextUnshootableWallSegment = 0;
            int  prevTicksTillTargetShot = 1;
            bool isValid = true;

            Point startingPoint = target.Position;

            /* Fake a conditional breakpoint...
             * if ((startingPoint == new Point(18, 72)) && (outwardDirection == Direction.UP))
             * {
             *  DebugHelper.LogDebugMessage("FiringDistanceCalculator", "Conditional breakpoint reached");
             * }

            for (int i = 0; i < firingLine.Length; i++)
                Point          tankFiringPoint = line[i];
                Point          tankCentrePoint = tankFiringPoint + Constants.TANK_OUTER_EDGE_OFFSET * outwardDirection.GetOffset();
                FiringDistance dist            = new FiringDistance
                    TankFiringPoint      = tankFiringPoint,
                    StartingTankPosition = tankCentrePoint
                firingLine[i] = dist;

                /* Fake a conditional breakpoint...
                 * if ((tankFiringPoint == new Point(18, 62)) && (outwardDirection == Direction.UP))
                 * {
                 *  DebugHelper.LogDebugMessage("FiringDistanceCalculator", "Conditional breakpoint reached");
                 * }

                TankLocation tankLoc;
                SegmentState segStateOnLeadingOutsideEdge = SegmentState.Clear;
                // NB: value assigned just to stop the compiler complaining

                Cell tankCentreCell = turnCalcCache.CellMatrix[tankCentrePoint];
                isValid = tankCentreCell.IsValid;
                if (isValid)
                    tankLoc = turnCalcCache.TankLocationMatrix[tankCentrePoint];
                    segStateOnLeadingOutsideEdge = gameStateCache.TankOuterEdgeMatrix[tankCentrePoint][(int)directionOfMovement];
                    isValid = isValid && tankLoc.IsValid;

                if (isValid)
                    // This is not the closest point to the target:
                    if (segStateOnLeadingOutsideEdge == SegmentState.OutOfBounds)
                        isValid = false;
                            = (segStateOnLeadingOutsideEdge == SegmentState.ShootableWall)
                            ? i
                            : prevIndexOfNextShootableWallSegment;
                            = (segStateOnLeadingOutsideEdge == SegmentState.UnshootablePartialWall)
                            ? i
                            : prevIndexOfNextUnshootableWallSegment;

                        /* The test harness has bugs where a tank can overlap with a wall
                         * (e.g. some maps have starting positions like this).
                         * So don't consider whether there is a shootable wall at the target point.
                         * Also don't consider it anyway, because we might be shooting at
                         * a possible future point of an enemy tank, not its current point.
                        if ((segStateOnLeadingOutsideEdge == SegmentState.ShootableWall) && (i > 0))

                        dist.IndexOfNextShootableWallSegment   = indexOfNextShootableWallSegment;
                        dist.IndexOfNextUnshootableWallSegment = indexOfNextUnshootableWallSegment;

                        // Save these variables for the next tick, as they are about to be overwritten:
                        prevIndexOfNextShootableWallSegment   = indexOfNextShootableWallSegment;
                        prevIndexOfNextUnshootableWallSegment = indexOfNextUnshootableWallSegment;

                        // Calculate the number of ticks required to shoot the target:
                        int  indexOfTankFiringPoint        = i;
                        bool canTankMoveStill              = indexOfTankFiringPoint > indexOfNextUnshootableWallSegment;
                        int  ticksTillTargetShot           = 0;
                        int  ticksTillLastShotFired        = 0;
                        FiringActionSet[] firingActionSets = new FiringActionSet[firingCount];
                        dist.FiringActionsSets = firingActionSets;
                        int  firingActionSetIndex = 0;
                        bool isFirstShot          = true;
                        while (true)
                            bool isFinalShot = indexOfNextShootableWallSegment == 0;

                            // Calculate the number of ticks to destroy the target:
                            int distanceToNewShootableWall = indexOfTankFiringPoint - indexOfNextShootableWallSegment + 1;
                            int ticksToShootNextWall       = 1 + (distanceToNewShootableWall >> 1);
                            // Ticks = 1 tick to fire + Ceiling((distanceToNextShootableWallSegment - 1)/2.0)
                            //       = 1 + floor( distanceToNextShootableWallSegment / 2.0 )
                            //       = 1 + distanceToNextShootableWallSegment / 2
                            //       = 1 + (distanceToNextShootableWallSegment >> 1)
                            ticksTillTargetShot    += ticksToShootNextWall;
                            ticksTillLastShotFired += (isFinalShot ? 1 : ticksToShootNextWall);

                            if (isFirstShot)
                                dist.DoesFiringLineStartWithLongDistanceShot = (i > 1) && (distanceToNewShootableWall > 2);
                                // Because a wall two away (or less) can be reached through move, shoot, move (shortest path steps)
                                // in the same time as shoot, move, move.
                                isFirstShot = false;

                            int newIndexOfTankFiringPoint = indexOfTankFiringPoint;
                            if (canTankMoveStill)
                                newIndexOfTankFiringPoint = indexOfTankFiringPoint - ticksToShootNextWall + 1;
                                // stationary for 1 tick (to fire), then moving closer on remaining ticks
                                if (newIndexOfTankFiringPoint < indexOfNextUnshootableWallSegment)
                                    // The tank can't get through an unshootable wall segment:
                                    newIndexOfTankFiringPoint = indexOfNextUnshootableWallSegment;
                                    canTankMoveStill          = false;
                            FiringActionSet firingActionSet = new FiringActionSet(
                                numberOfMovesMade: (byte)(indexOfTankFiringPoint - newIndexOfTankFiringPoint),
                                canMoveOnceBeforeFiring: canTankMoveStill && (distanceToNewShootableWall % 2 == 0),
                                isFinalShot: (indexOfNextShootableWallSegment == 0)
                            firingActionSets[firingActionSetIndex] = firingActionSet;

                            if (indexOfNextShootableWallSegment == 0)
                            indexOfTankFiringPoint          = newIndexOfTankFiringPoint;
                            indexOfNextShootableWallSegment = firingLine[indexOfNextShootableWallSegment - 1].IndexOfNextShootableWallSegment;
                        dist.TicksTillTargetShot    = ticksTillTargetShot;
                        dist.TicksTillLastShotFired = ticksTillLastShotFired;
                        dist.EndingTankPosition     = line[indexOfTankFiringPoint] + Constants.TANK_OUTER_EDGE_OFFSET * outwardDirection.GetOffset();

                        /* If the next closer space is 1 tick closer,
                         * then the tank could just move there along a normal non-firing line path:
                         * [The exception is if it is blocked by an unshootable partial wall]
                        if ((ticksTillTargetShot == prevTicksTillTargetShot + 1) &&
                            ((i > prevIndexOfNextUnshootableWallSegment)))
                            dist.CanMoveOrFire = true;
                        Debug.Assert(ticksTillTargetShot >= prevTicksTillTargetShot);
                        prevTicksTillTargetShot = ticksTillTargetShot;

                if (isValid)
                    dist.IsValid = true;
                    dist.TicksTillTargetShot = Constants.UNREACHABLE_DISTANCE;;
