internal static int CopyQuestRecordAndInsert(int copiedQuestID, PC developer) { using (var conn = DataAccess.GetSQLConnection()) { var insertInto = new SqlCommand(); try { if (QuestIDExists(copiedQuestID)) { GameQuest copiedQuest = GameQuest.CopyQuest(copiedQuestID); if (copiedQuest == null) { return(-1); } insertInto.CommandText = "INSERT INTO Quest (notes, name, description, completedDescription, requirements, requiredFlags, coinValues," + "rewardClass, rewardTitle, rewardFlags, requiredItems, rewardItems, rewardExperience, rewardStats, rewardTeleports, responseStrings," + "hintStrings, flagStrings, stepStrings, finishStrings, failStrings, classTypes, alignments, maximumLevel, minimumLevel, repeatable, stepOrder," + "soundFiles, totalSteps, despawnsNPC, masterQuestID, teleportGroup, methodNames)"; insertInto.CommandText += " SELECT '" + GameQuest.QUEST_INSERT_NOTES_DEFAULT + "', name, description, completedDescription, requirements, requiredFlags, coinValues," + "rewardClass, rewardTitle, rewardFlags, requiredItems, rewardItems, rewardExperience, rewardStats, rewardTeleports, responseStrings," + "hintStrings, flagStrings, stepStrings, finishStrings, failStrings, classTypes, alignments, maximumLevel, minimumLevel, repeatable, stepOrder," + "soundFiles, totalSteps, despawnsNPC, masterQuestID, teleportGroup, methodNames" + " FROM Quest WHERE questID = " + copiedQuestID.ToString(); insertInto.Connection = conn; insertInto.Connection.Open(); Utils.Log("DB Query: " + insertInto.CommandText, Utils.LogType.DatabaseQuery); var returnValue = insertInto.ExecuteNonQuery(); insertInto.Connection.Close(); string logString = "Insertion of new copied quest from ID " + copiedQuestID + " successful. Quest was inserted by " + developer == null ? "Quest Builder" : developer.GetLogString() + "."; Utils.Log(logString, Utils.LogType.DatabaseQuery); return(returnValue); } else if (developer != null) { developer.WriteToDisplay("Quest ID " + copiedQuestID + " does not exist."); } } catch (SqlException sqlEx) { Utils.LogException(sqlEx); Utils.Log("Error with DB Query: " + insertInto.CommandText, Utils.LogType.DatabaseQuery); } catch (Exception e) { Utils.LogException(e); Utils.Log("Error with DB Query: " + insertInto.CommandText, Utils.LogType.DatabaseQuery); } } return(-1); }
internal static bool LoadQuests() { using (var conn = DataAccess.GetSQLConnection()) { try { SqlStoredProcedure sp = new SqlStoredProcedure("prApp_Quest_Select", conn); DataTable dtQuest = sp.ExecuteDataTable(); foreach (DataRow dr in dtQuest.Rows) { GameQuest.Add(new GameQuest(dr)); //Utils.Log("Loaded Quest: " + dr["name"].ToString(), Utils.LogType.SystemGo); } return(true); } catch (Exception e) { Utils.LogException(e); return(false); } } }
public bool OnCommand(Character chr, string args) { if (args == null || args == "") { chr.WriteToDisplay("Format: give <item> to <target>"); return(false); } string[] sArgs = args.Split(" ".ToCharArray()); if (sArgs.Length < 3) { chr.WriteToDisplay("Format: give <item> to <target>"); return(false); } try { string giveItemName = sArgs[0]; string giveTarget = sArgs[2]; Character target = TargetAcquisition.FindTargetInCell(chr, giveTarget); if (target == null) { chr.WriteToDisplay("You do not see " + giveTarget + " here."); return(false); } if (chr.WhichHand(giveItemName) == (int)Globals.eWearOrientation.None) { chr.WriteToDisplay("You do not appear to have a " + giveItemName + " in your hands."); return(false); } // Give target is a player. if (target.IsPC) { if (Array.IndexOf((target as PC).ignoreList, chr.UniqueID) != -1) { chr.WriteToDisplay("You cannot give an item to " + target.Name + "."); return(false); } int hand = target.GetFirstFreeHand(); if (hand == (int)Globals.eWearOrientation.None) { chr.WriteToDisplay(target.Name + " does not have an empty hand."); target.WriteToDisplay(chr.Name + " would like to give you an item but you do not have an empty hand."); return(false); } Item giveItem = chr.GetHeldItem(giveItemName); if (giveItem.IsArtifact() && target.PossessesItem(giveItem.itemID)) { chr.WriteToDisplay(target.GetNameForActionResult() + " attempted to give you an artifact you already possess."); target.WriteToDisplay(chr.GetNameForActionResult() + " already possesses this artifact."); return(true); } if (giveItem != null) { switch (hand) { case (int)Globals.eWearOrientation.Right: if (!target.EquipRightHand(giveItem)) { giveItem = null; } break; case (int)Globals.eWearOrientation.Left: if (!target.EquipLeftHand(giveItem)) { giveItem = null; } break; } } if (giveItem != null) { string itemDesc = giveItem.shortDesc + "."; if (giveItem.venom > 0) { itemDesc += " It is coated with a caustic venom."; } target.WriteToDisplay(chr.Name + " has given you " + itemDesc); if (giveItem == chr.RightHand) { chr.UnequipRightHand(chr.RightHand); } else if (giveItem == chr.LeftHand) { chr.UnequipLeftHand(giveItem); } } return(true); } else { NPC npc = (NPC)target; Item item = chr.GetHeldItem(giveItemName); if (item == null) { chr.WriteToDisplay("You do not have a " + giveItemName); return(true); } if (item.attunedID > 0 && item.attunedID != chr.UniqueID) { if (!npc.animal && npc.Alignment == chr.Alignment) { npc.SendToAllInSight(npc.Name + ": The " + + " does not belong to you, " + chr.Name + ". I cannot accept it."); } chr.EquipEitherHandOrDrop(item); return(false); } if (npc.receivedItems.ContainsKey(chr.UniqueID)) { if (!npc.receivedItems[chr.UniqueID].Contains(item) && (item.attunedID <= 0 || item.attunedID == chr.UniqueID)) { npc.receivedItems[chr.UniqueID].Add(item); } else { goto manageItem; } } else { List <Item> itemList = new List <Item>(); itemList.Add(item); npc.receivedItems.Add(chr.UniqueID, itemList); } #region Pets if (npc.PetOwner == chr) { if (Autonomy.EntityBuilding.EntityLists.ANIMAL.Contains(npc.entity) && !Autonomy.EntityBuilding.EntityLists.ANIMALS_WIELDING_WEAPONS.Contains(npc.entity)) { chr.WriteToDisplay(npc.GetNameForActionResult(false) + " cannot hold items."); goto manageItem; } if (npc.GetFirstFreeHand() != (int)Globals.eWearOrientation.None) // either right or left hand is free { if (npc.EquipEitherHand(item)) { chr.WriteToDisplay("You have given " + item.shortDesc + " to " + npc.GetNameForActionResult(true) + "."); return(true); } else { chr.WriteToDisplay("You were unable to give " + item.shortDesc + " to " + npc.GetNameForActionResult(true) + "."); goto manageItem; } } else { chr.WriteToDisplay(npc.GetNameForActionResult(false) + " does not have a free hand."); goto manageItem; } } #endregion #region Confessor AI if ((npc is Merchant) && (npc as Merchant).interactiveType == Merchant.InteractiveType.Confessor) { if (item.baseType == Globals.eItemBaseType.Dagger && item.silver) // any silver dagger will work { if (chr.Alignment == Globals.eAlignment.Neutral && chr.BaseProfession != Character.ClassType.Thief) { chr.Alignment = Globals.eAlignment.Lawful; chr.WriteToDisplay(npc.Name + ": You are forgiven, " + chr.Name + "."); return(true); } else if (chr.Alignment == Globals.eAlignment.Evil && Array.IndexOf(World.EvilProfessions, chr.BaseProfession) != -1) { chr.WriteToDisplay(npc.Name + ": You are inherently evil. There is no returning to the light for you. Maybe you should reroll as a goody two-shoes knight?"); return(true); } else if (chr.Alignment == Globals.eAlignment.Evil && Array.IndexOf(World.EvilProfessions, chr.BaseProfession) == -1) { chr.Alignment = Globals.eAlignment.Neutral; chr.WriteToDisplay(npc.Name + ": You have taken the first step back to the light."); return(true); } } else if (item.baseType == Globals.eItemBaseType.Figurine || item.figExp > 0) { if ((chr as PC).currentKarma > 0) { (chr as PC).currentKarma--; chr.WriteToDisplay(npc.Name + ": You have been absolved of " + ((chr as PC).currentKarma > 0 ? "some" : "all") + " guilt, " + chr.Name + "."); } return(true); } } #endregion #region Quest NPC if (npc.QuestList.Count > 0) { foreach (GameQuest quest in npc.QuestList) { GameQuest activeQuest = chr.GetQuest(quest.QuestID); short a = 0; if (quest.RequiredItems.ContainsValue(item.itemID) && quest.PlayerMeetsRequirements((PC)chr, true)) { if (quest.StepOrder) // this quest has a specified order { if (activeQuest != null) // chr already has this quest and has not yet completed it, or has already completed it { if (quest.IsRepeatable || activeQuest.TimesCompleted <= 0) // quest can be repeated { if (activeQuest.Requirements[activeQuest.CurrentStep] == GameQuest.QuestRequirement.Item && activeQuest.RequiredItems[activeQuest.CurrentStep] == item.itemID) { activeQuest.FinishStep(npc, (PC)chr, activeQuest.CurrentStep); return(true); } else { goto manageItem; } } else { chr.WriteToDisplay("You have already completed \"" + quest.Name + "\"."); chr.EquipEitherHandOrDrop(item); return(true); } } } else { if (activeQuest != null) // chr already has this quest, or has completed it { if (quest.IsRepeatable || activeQuest.TimesCompleted <= 0) // quest can be repeated { a = 0; foreach (Item recvdItem in npc.receivedItems[chr.UniqueID]) // count received items { a++; } if (a == quest.RequiredItems.Count) { if (quest.CoinValues.ContainsKey(a)) { if (item.coinValue < quest.CoinValues[a]) { goto manageItem; } } goto questCompleted; } else { if (quest.CoinValues.ContainsKey(a)) { if (item.coinValue < quest.CoinValues[a]) { goto manageItem; } } if (a > 0) { quest.FinishStep((NPC)target, (PC)chr, a); } return(true); } } else { chr.WriteToDisplay("You have already completed \"" + quest.Name + "\"."); chr.EquipEitherHandOrDrop(item); return(true); } } else // chr does not already have this quest, or has never completed it { quest.BeginQuest((PC)chr, true); a = 0; foreach (Item recvdItem in npc.receivedItems[chr.UniqueID]) // count received items { a++; } if (a == quest.RequiredItems.Count) { if (quest.CoinValues.ContainsKey(a)) { if (item.coinValue < quest.CoinValues[a]) { goto manageItem; } } goto questCompleted; } else { if (quest.CoinValues.ContainsKey(a)) { if (item.coinValue < quest.CoinValues[a]) { goto manageItem; } } if (a > 0 && quest.FinishStrings.ContainsKey(a)) { if (quest.FinishStrings[a] != "") { chr.WriteToDisplay(npc.Name + ": " + quest.FinishStrings[a]); } } return(true); } } } questCompleted: // break out of this now so the player does not lose an item for a quest that is not available yet if (!quest.PlayerMeetsRequirements((PC)chr, true)) { chr.EquipEitherHandOrDrop(item); return(false); } // verify the quest is started if (activeQuest == null) { activeQuest = chr.GetQuest(quest.QuestID); quest.BeginQuest((PC)chr, false); } activeQuest.FinishStep(npc, (PC)chr, a); // clear npc's received items list npc.receivedItems[chr.UniqueID].Clear(); return(true); // break the foreach loop } } } #endregion manageItem: // Give the item back to the player or drop it chr.EquipEitherHandOrDrop(item); npc.receivedItems.Clear(); return(false); } } catch (Exception e) { Utils.LogException(e); return(false); } }
public static T SetGameQuest <T>(this T entity, GameQuest value) where T : GuiQuest { entity.SetField("gameQuest", value); return(entity); }