Esempio n. 1
    void LoadSavedObjects(GameObjectStateData data)
        //gets a list of all objects with the Savable script attached
        List <Saveable> savableObjects = new List <Saveable>(FindObjectsOfType <Saveable>());
        //A list to hold all the objects from the save fole
        List <Saveable> objsFromSave = new List <Saveable>();

        //loop through all savableObjects
        foreach (var obj in savableObjects)
            //check is savableObject is in saved data and if soo add it to the objects from save list
            if (data.SavableObjects.Contains(obj.startSqrMag))
        //A list of objects to remove that are not both in savableObjects AND objsFromSave
        var objsToRemove = savableObjects.Except(objsFromSave);

        foreach (var obj in objsToRemove)
            //destroy object
Esempio n. 2
    //Loads all the saved game objects and returns it
    GameObjectStateData LoadGameObjects()
        string path = Application.persistentDataPath + "/Saves/" + SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name + ".json";
        string json = File.ReadAllText(path);

        gameStateData = JsonUtility.FromJson <GameObjectStateData>(json);