internal override ModelBase Serialize() { return(new GMMainOptionsModel { id = Id, name = "Main", option_gameguid = GameGuid.ToString("D"), option_game_speed = GameSpeed, option_mips_for_3d_textures = UseMipsFor3DTextures, option_draw_colour = DrawColor, option_steam_app_id = SteamAppId, option_allow_game_statistics = AllowGameStatistics, option_sci_usesci = UseSci, option_author = Author, option_lastchanged = LastChanged.ToString("dd MMMM YYYY HH:mm:ss"), graphics_options = Graphics.Serialize(), audio_options = Audio.Serialize(), option_spine_licence = AcceptedSpineLicence }); }
/// <summary>Convert to a string representation of the <see cref="GameInstance"/>, which is <c>"<see cref="CurrentSourceVersion"/>\t<see cref="GameGuid"/>\t<see cref="GameName"/>\t<see cref="Path"/>"</c>.</summary> /// <returns></returns> public string ToSource() { return("0\t" + GameGuid.ToString() + "\t" + GameName.Replace("\\", "\\\\").Replace("\t", "\\t") + "\t" + Path); }