///This function is called when the command terminal breaks.
 public void onBreak()
     Toast.addToast("Navigation Corrupted. Please reset", 3); //when the navigation is corrupted add it to the top of the screen
     isBroken = true;
     GameConditions.setTraveling(false);//sets traveling to false in the game conditions script.
Esempio n. 2
     * Below is code to test and generate default objects for testing

    public static GameContext GetDefault()
        List <Player> playerList = new List <Player>();
        Player        p1         = new Player("myId", "Default", 1);
        Player        p2         = new Player("noId", "Bot", 2);

        Player current = playerList[0];
        Dictionary <Vector3Int, Territory> defaultMap = new Dictionary <Vector3Int, Territory>();

        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
                Vector3Int pos = new Vector3Int(i, j, 0);
                // Territory territory = new Territory((i % 2 == 0 && j % 2 == 0) ? Territory.Type.FOREST : Territory.Type.PLAIN);
                Territory territory = new Territory(GetRandomDefault(i, j));
                defaultMap.Add(pos, territory);

        Dictionary <Vector3Int, IUnit> units = new Dictionary <Vector3Int, IUnit>();
        GameConditions gm = new GameConditions();

        return(new GameContext(playerList, null, defaultMap, units, gm));
 ///This function executes when the command terminal is fixed.
 public void onFix()
     isBroken = false;
Esempio n. 4
    public void RefreshRoomProperties(GameplayEvent state)
        var chaPos   = new Dictionary <string, CharacterPos>();
        var allSaved = new Dictionary <string, FG_SavedCharacter>();

        foreach (var go in unitControlller.allCharacterUnit)
            chaPos.Add(go.name, new CharacterPos()
                TileX = go.tileX, TileY = go.tileY
            allSaved.Add(go.name, go.savedCharacter);
        GameConditions cc = new GameConditions()
            State                   = state,
            CurrentChaName          = unitControlller.allCharacterUnit[unitControlller.currentId].name,
            TargetChaName           = unitControlller.allCharacterUnit[unitControlller.currentId].attackTarget == null ? "" : unitControlller.allCharacterUnit[unitControlller.currentId].attackTarget.name,
            MoveToTileX             = unitControlller.allCharacterUnit[unitControlller.currentId].currentPath == null ? unitControlller.allCharacterUnit[unitControlller.currentId].tileX : unitControlller.allCharacterUnit[unitControlller.currentId].currentPath[1].x,
            MoveToTileY             = unitControlller.allCharacterUnit[unitControlller.currentId].currentPath == null ? unitControlller.allCharacterUnit[unitControlller.currentId].tileY : unitControlller.allCharacterUnit[unitControlller.currentId].currentPath[1].y,
            RemainingMovement       = unitControlller.allCharacterUnit[unitControlller.currentId].remainingMovement,
            SelectedSpell           = unitControlller.allCharacterUnit[unitControlller.currentId].selectedSpell == null ? "" : unitControlller.allCharacterUnit[unitControlller.currentId].selectedSpell.SpellName,
            AllSavedChaharacterData = allSaved,
            AllCharacterPos         = chaPos,

        if (GamePlayManager.IsMultiPlayer)
            Hashtable hs = new Hashtable();
            hs.Add("Conditions", PlayFab.Json.PlayFabSimpleJson.SerializeObject(cc));
            PhotonNetwork.room.SetCustomProperties(hs, null, false);
            this.conditions = cc;

            if (state == GameplayEvent.PreMoveState)
                RaiseGameplayEvent("", GameplayEvent.MoveState);
            else if (state == GameplayEvent.PreAttackState)
                RaiseGameplayEvent("", GameplayEvent.AttackState);
            else if (state == GameplayEvent.TurnEnd)
                System.Action action = () => { RaiseGameplayEvent("", GameplayEvent.PreMoveState); };
                StartCoroutine(Wait(action, 1));
                if (myEvent != conditions.State)
                    RaiseGameplayEvent("", state);
Esempio n. 5
 ///Adjust the accuracy of the turrets with each update.
 protected override void doUpdate()
     ///If its broken fix it and call onbreak.
     if (doBreak)
         doBreak = false;
     accuracy = Mathf.MoveTowards(accuracy, missAcc, decreaseRate * Time.deltaTime); ///set the accuracy value based of delta time, so its unaffected by framerates.
     GameConditions.setAccuracy(accuracy);                                           ///Sets the accuracy in the gameconditions object.
 /// on awake,sets itself as the static gamecondition, or deletes itself if another one is found
 /// the static allows it to be directly referenced by other scripts
 void Awake()
     if (gamecond == null)
         gamecond = this;
Esempio n. 7
 public GameContext(List <Player> players,
                    Player current,
                    Dictionary <Vector3Int, Territory> map,
                    Dictionary <Vector3Int, IUnit> units,
                    GameConditions conds)
     this.players       = players;
     this.currentPlayer = current == null ? players[0] : current;
     this.map           = map;
     this.units         = units;
     this.gameConds     = conds;
    ///doUpdate updates the user interface in real time according to frames per second.
    protected override void doUpdate()
        ///Searches through all gameobjects in the heiarchy of the cryoterminal scene that are named "HEALTH"
        ///and grabs the text component.
        foreach (GameObject c in crew)
            crew_health      = c.transform.Find("HEALTH").gameObject;
            crew_health_text = crew_health.GetComponent <Text>();

            ///if there is now power to the cryo room and all the crew are not dead
            if (powervalue == false && allcrewdead == false)
                ///if crew members health is greater than zero
                if (CrewHealthNum > 0.0f)
                    ///decrease the crew members health by 0.0001f and update the crew health text to display the current value
                    CrewHealthNum         = CrewHealthNum - 0.0001f;
                    crew_health_text.text = Mathf.Floor(CrewHealthNum) + "%";
                    ///Text is displayed via pop up to the player HUD
                    Toast.addToast("Crew member died", 3);
                    ///changes the health text of the associated crew member to deceased.
                    crew_health_text.text = "DECEASED";
                    ///crew member has died.
                    crewdead = true;
                    ///crew member has died, add to crew count variable.

            ///if crew count has reached 41
            if (crewcount == 41)
                ///call the function allDead from the gameconditions script. which will cause a gameover state to occur.

            ///if cryo room has power but all the crew are not dead.
            if (powervalue == true && allcrewdead == false)
                ///if crew members health less than 100
                if (CrewHealthNum < 100)
                    ///incrememnt crew health value by 0.00005f and update the crew health text to display the current value
                    CrewHealthNum         = CrewHealthNum + 0.00005f;
                    crew_health_text.text = Mathf.Floor(CrewHealthNum) + "%";
Esempio n. 9
 /// This function is to adjust the accuracy in the terminal and set the accuracy in the GameConditions for use in other scripts.
 public void changeAccuracy(float change)
     accuracy += change;                   ///adds the change value to the current accuracy.
     GameConditions.setAccuracy(accuracy); ///Sets the accuracy in the game conditions object.
Esempio n. 10
 public void updatePower(bool powered)
     ///set the speeded if powered.
Esempio n. 11
    public override void OnPhotonCustomRoomPropertiesChanged(ExitGames.Client.Photon.Hashtable propertiesThatChanged)
        datas = propertiesThatChanged;

        if (datas["Conditions"] != null)
            conditions = new GameConditions();
            conditions = (GameConditions)PlayFab.Json.PlayFabSimpleJson.DeserializeObject <GameConditions>((string)datas["Conditions"]);

        if (myEvent != conditions.State)
            myEvent = conditions.State;
            RaiseGameplayEvent(conditions.CurrentChaName, myEvent);
        switch (myEvent)
        case GameplayEvent.IntroQuest:
            Debug.Log("Game Staet State form room properties");

        case GameplayEvent.PreMoveState:
            if (PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient && !unitControlller.currentUnit.tag.Contains("Player"))
                System.Action action = () => { RefreshRoomProperties(GameplayEvent.MoveState); };
                StartCoroutine(Wait(action, 0.25f));

        case GameplayEvent.MoveState:

        case GameplayEvent.PreAttackState:

            if (PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient && !unitControlller.currentUnit.tag.Contains("Player"))
                System.Action action = () => { RefreshRoomProperties(GameplayEvent.AttackState); };
                StartCoroutine(Wait(action, 0.25f));

            if (PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient)
                if (unitControlller.currentUnit.tag.Contains("Player") && unitControlller.allCharacterUnit[unitControlller.currentId].attackTarget != null)
                    System.Action action = () => { RefreshRoomProperties(GameplayEvent.AttackState); };
                    StartCoroutine(Wait(action, 0.25f));

        case GameplayEvent.AttackState:


        case GameplayEvent.TurnEnd:
            if (PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient)
                System.Action action = () => { RefreshRoomProperties(GameplayEvent.PreMoveState); };
                StartCoroutine(Wait(action, 1));

        case GameplayEvent.OutroAct:

            Debug.Log("Game Over and disconnected photon");
            //case States.GameWin:

            //    Debug.LogError("game win !!!");
            //    PhotonNetwork.Disconnect();
            //    SceneController.Instance.RequestSceneChange(SceneController.GameScenes.Profile);
            //    break;