public void SetTilesetGraphic(string GraphicName) { if (this.Tileset == null) { Game.Tileset t = new Game.Tileset(); t.ID = TilesetID; t.Name = GraphicName; t.SetGraphic(GraphicName); Game.Data.Tilesets[TilesetID] = t; this.Tileset = t; ListItem item = DBDataList.DataList.Items[TilesetID - 1]; item.Object = this.Tileset; item.Name = item.Name.Split(':')[0] + ": " + this.Tileset.Name; DBDataList.DataList.Redraw(); this.SetTileset(this.Tileset, TilesetID); } else if (this.Tileset.GraphicName != GraphicName) { this.Tileset.Passabilities.Clear(); this.Tileset.Priorities.Clear(); this.Tileset.Tags.Clear(); this.Tileset.SetGraphic(GraphicName); this.SetTileset(this.Tileset, TilesetID); } }
public void SetTileset(Game.Tileset Tileset, int ID) { this.Tileset = Tileset; this.TilesetID = ID; PassageList.SetSize(277, Size.Height - PassageList.Position.Y - 93); FourDirList.SetSize(277, Size.Height - PassageList.Position.Y - 93); PassageList.SetTileset(Tileset); FourDirList.SetTileset(Tileset); NameBox.SetInitialText(Tileset == null ? "" : Tileset.Name); GraphicBox.SetInitialText(Tileset == null ? "" : Tileset.GraphicName); }
public void RefreshList() { List <ListItem> Tilesets = new List <ListItem>(); for (int i = 1; i < Game.Data.Tilesets.Count; i++) { Game.Tileset t = Game.Data.Tilesets[i]; Tilesets.Add(new ListItem($"{Utilities.Digits(i, 3)}: {t?.Name}", t)); } DataList.SetItems(Tilesets); DataList.Redraw(); if (DataList.SelectedIndex >= Tilesets.Count) { DataList.SetSelectedIndex(Tilesets.Count - 1); } }
public void SetTileset(Game.Tileset Tileset) { if (TilesetBox.Sprites["controls"].Bitmap != null) { TilesetBox.Sprites["controls"].Bitmap.Dispose(); } if (Tileset == null) { TilesetBox.Sprite.Bitmap = null; return; } TilesetBox.Sprite.Bitmap = Tileset.TilesetListBitmap; TilesetBox.Sprite.DestroyBitmap = false; TilesetBox.Sprites["controls"].Bitmap = new Bitmap(Tileset.TilesetListBitmap.Width, Tileset.TilesetListBitmap.Height); TilesetBox.SetSize(Tileset.TilesetListBitmap.Width, Tileset.TilesetListBitmap.Height); if (MainContainer.Size.Height - 4 > TilesetBox.Size.Height) { this.SetSize(267, TilesetBox.Size.Height + 4); } this.OnTilesetLoaded?.Invoke(new BaseEventArgs()); }
public DatabaseDataList(IContainer Parent) : base(Parent) { Sprites["listbox"] = new Sprite(this.Viewport); Sprites["header"] = new Sprite(this.Viewport); Sprites["header"].X = 10; Sprites["header"].Y = 10; ListContainer = new Container(this); ListContainer.SetPosition(3, 44); ListContainer.VAutoScroll = true; VScrollBar vslist = new VScrollBar(this); vslist.SetPosition(187, 41); ListContainer.SetVScrollBar(vslist); DataList = new ListDrawer(ListContainer); List <ListItem> Tilesets = new List <ListItem>(); for (int i = 1; i < Game.Data.Tilesets.Count; i++) { Game.Tileset t = Game.Data.Tilesets[i]; Tilesets.Add(new ListItem($"{Utilities.Digits(i, 3)}: {t?.Name}", t)); } DataList.SetItems(Tilesets); DataList.OnSelectionChanged += delegate(BaseEventArgs e) { TilesetEditor.SetTileset(DataList.SelectedItem.Object as Game.Tileset, DataList.SelectedIndex + 1); }; ChangeAmountButton = new Button(this); ChangeAmountButton.SetSize(154, 37); ChangeAmountButton.SetText("Change Amount..."); ChangeAmountButton.OnClicked += delegate(BaseEventArgs e) { PopupWindow win = new PopupWindow(); win.SetSize(270, 125); win.SetTitle("Set tileset capacity"); Label label = new Label(win); label.SetText("Set the maximum available number of tilesets."); label.SetPosition(5, 35); Label label2 = new Label(win); label2.SetText("Capacity:"); label2.SetPosition(75, 60); NumericBox num = new NumericBox(win); num.SetSize(66, 27); num.SetPosition(130, 55); num.SetValue(Editor.ProjectSettings.TilesetCapacity); num.MinValue = 1; Button CancelButton = new Button(win); CancelButton.SetText("Cancel"); CancelButton.SetPosition(win.Size.Width - CancelButton.Size.Width - 5, win.Size.Height - CancelButton.Size.Height - 5); CancelButton.OnClicked += delegate(BaseEventArgs e) { win.Close(); }; Button OKButton = new Button(win); OKButton.SetText("OK"); OKButton.SetPosition(CancelButton.Position.X - OKButton.Size.Width, CancelButton.Position.Y); OKButton.OnClicked += delegate(BaseEventArgs e) { int NewValue = num.Value; if (NewValue == Editor.ProjectSettings.TilesetCapacity) { win.Close(); return; } else if (NewValue > Editor.ProjectSettings.TilesetCapacity) { int Extra = NewValue - Editor.ProjectSettings.TilesetCapacity; for (int i = 0; i < Extra; i++) { Game.Data.Tilesets.Add(null); } Editor.ProjectSettings.TilesetCapacity = NewValue; RefreshList(); win.Close(); } else { int Lost = Editor.ProjectSettings.TilesetCapacity - NewValue; int DefinedCount = 0; for (int i = Game.Data.Tilesets.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (i == NewValue) { break; } if (Game.Data.Tilesets[i] != null) { DefinedCount++; } } if (DefinedCount > 0) { MessageBox box = new MessageBox("Warning", $"By resizing the tileset capacity from {Editor.ProjectSettings.TilesetCapacity} to {NewValue}, {Lost} entries will be removed, " + $"of which {DefinedCount} {(DefinedCount == 1 ? "is a" : "are")} defined tileset{(DefinedCount == 1 ? "" : "s")}.\n" + "Would you like to proceed and delete these tilesets?", ButtonType.YesNoCancel, IconType.Warning); box.OnButtonPressed += delegate(BaseEventArgs e) { if (box.Result == 0) // Yes -> resize tileset capacity and delete tilesets { for (int i = Game.Data.Tilesets.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (i == NewValue) { break; } foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Game.Map> kvp in Game.Data.Maps) { if (kvp.Value.TilesetIDs.Contains(i)) { kvp.Value.RemoveTileset(i); } } if (Game.Data.Tilesets[i] != null) { Game.Data.Tilesets[i].TilesetBitmap.Dispose(); Game.Data.Tilesets[i].TilesetListBitmap.Dispose(); } Game.Data.Tilesets[i] = null; } Game.Data.Tilesets.RemoveRange(NewValue + 1, Lost); Editor.ProjectSettings.TilesetCapacity = NewValue; RefreshList(); win.Close(); } else // No, cancel -> do nothing { win.Close(); } }; } else { Game.Data.Tilesets.RemoveRange(NewValue + 1, Lost); Editor.ProjectSettings.TilesetCapacity = NewValue; RefreshList(); win.Close(); } } }; win.Center(); }; }
public static void ImportMaps() { Setup(); OpenFileDialog of = new OpenFileDialog(); of.SetFilter(new FileFilter("RPG Maker XP Map", "rxdata")); of.SetTitle("Pick map(s)"); of.SetAllowMultiple(true); object ret = of.Show(); List <string> Files = new List <string>(); if (ret is string) { Files.Add(ret as string); } else if (ret is List <string> ) { Files = ret as List <string>; } else { return; // No files picked } for (int i = 0; i < Files.Count; i++) { while (Files[i].Contains('\\')) { Files[i] = Files[i].Replace('\\', '/'); } } string[] folders = Files[0].Split('/'); string parent = ""; string root = ""; for (int i = 0; i < folders.Length - 1; i++) { parent += folders[i]; if (i != folders.Length - 2) { root += folders[i]; } if (i != folders.Length - 2) { parent += '/'; } if (i != folders.Length - 3) { root += '/'; } } List <string> Names = new List <string>(); foreach (string f in Files) { string[] l = f.Split('/').Last().Split('.'); string n = ""; for (int i = 0; i < l.Length - 1; i++) { n += l[i]; if (i != l.Length - 2) { n += '.'; } } Names.Add(n); } // Load MapInfos.rxdata IntPtr infofile = Ruby.Funcall(Ruby.GetConst(Ruby.Object.Class, "File"), "open", Ruby.String.ToPtr(parent + "/MapInfos.rxdata"), Ruby.String.ToPtr("rb")); IntPtr infos = Ruby.Funcall(Ruby.GetConst(Ruby.Object.Class, "Marshal"), "load", infofile); Ruby.Pin(infos); IntPtr keys = Ruby.Funcall(infos, "keys"); Ruby.Pin(keys); Ruby.Funcall(infofile, "close"); // Load Tilesets.rxdata IntPtr tilesetfile = Ruby.Funcall(Ruby.GetConst(Ruby.Object.Class, "File"), "open", Ruby.String.ToPtr(parent + "/Tilesets.rxdata"), Ruby.String.ToPtr("rb")); IntPtr tilesets = Ruby.Funcall(Ruby.GetConst(Ruby.Object.Class, "Marshal"), "load", tilesetfile); Ruby.Pin(tilesets); Ruby.Funcall(tilesetfile, "close"); Action <int> ImportMap = null; ImportMap = delegate(int MapIndex) { // Convert rxdata (Ruby) to mkd (C#) string MapName = Names[MapIndex]; string file = Files[MapIndex]; while (file.Contains('\\')) { file = file.Replace('\\', '/'); } // Load Map.rxdata IntPtr f = Ruby.Funcall(Ruby.GetConst(Ruby.Object.Class, "File"), "open", Ruby.String.ToPtr(file), Ruby.String.ToPtr("rb")); IntPtr map = Ruby.Funcall(Ruby.GetConst(Ruby.Object.Class, "Marshal"), "load", f); Ruby.Pin(map); Ruby.Funcall(f, "close"); int id = Convert.ToInt32(file.Substring(file.Length - 10, 3)); // Link Map with its MapInfo IntPtr info = IntPtr.Zero; for (int i = 0; i < Ruby.Array.Length(keys); i++) { if (Ruby.Array.Get(keys, i) == Ruby.Integer.ToPtr(id)) { info = Ruby.Funcall(infos, "[]", Ruby.Array.Get(keys, i)); } } if (info == IntPtr.Zero) { throw new Exception($"No MapInfo could be found for map ({MapName})."); } Game.Map data = new Game.Map(); data.ID = Editor.GetFreeMapID(); data.DisplayName = MapInfo.Name(info); data.DevName = data.DisplayName; data.Width = Map.Width(map); data.Height = Map.Height(map); IntPtr tileset = Ruby.Array.Get(tilesets, Map.TilesetID(map)); Ruby.Pin(tileset); string tilesetname = Tileset.Name(tileset); Action cont = null; Game.Tileset existing = Data.Tilesets.Find(t => t != null && (t.Name == tilesetname || t.GraphicName == tilesetname)); bool exist = existing != null; string message = $"Importing Map ({MapName})...\n\n"; if (exist) { message += "The tileset of the imported map has the same name as an already-defined tileset in " + $"the database ({existing.Name}).\n" + "Would you like to use this tileset, choose a different one, or import it?"; } else { message += $"No tilesets similar to the one used in the imported map ({Tileset.Name(tileset)}) could be found.\n" + "Would you like to pick an existing tileset, or import it?"; } List <string> Options = new List <string>(); if (exist) { Options.Add("Use this"); } Options.Add("Pick other"); Options.Add("Import it"); MessageBox box = new MessageBox("Importing Map", message, Options); box.OnButtonPressed += delegate(BaseEventArgs e) { if (Options[box.Result] == "Use this") // Use the matched tileset { data.TilesetIDs = new List <int>() { existing.ID }; cont(); } else if (Options[box.Result] == "Pick other") // Pick other tileset { TilesetPicker picker = new TilesetPicker(null); picker.OnClosed += delegate(BaseEventArgs e) { if (picker.ChosenTilesetID > 0) // Chose tileset { data.TilesetIDs = new List <int>() { picker.ChosenTilesetID }; cont(); } else // Didn't pick tileset; cancel importing { data = null; Ruby.Unpin(tileset); Ruby.Unpin(map); MessageBox b = new MessageBox("Warning", $"Importing Map ({MapName})...\n\nAs no tileset was chosen, this map will not be imported.", IconType.Warning); b.OnButtonPressed += delegate(BaseEventArgs e) { if (MapIndex < Files.Count - 1) { ImportMap(MapIndex + 1); } }; } }; } else if (Options[box.Result] == "Import it") // Import the tileset { string filename = root + "/Graphics/Tilesets/" + Tileset.TilesetName(tileset) + ".png"; if (!File.Exists(filename)) // Graphic doesn't exist { MessageBox b = new MessageBox("Error", $"Importing Map ({MapName})...\n\nThe tileset graphic could not be found. The tileset cannot be imported, and thus this map will not be imported.", IconType.Error); b.OnButtonPressed += delegate(BaseEventArgs e) { if (MapIndex < Files.Count - 1) { ImportMap(MapIndex + 1); } }; } else // Graphic does exist { Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(filename); int pw = bmp.Width / 32 * 33; int ph = bmp.Height / 32 * 33; if (pw > Graphics.MaxTextureSize.Width || ph > Graphics.MaxTextureSize.Height) { MessageBox b = new MessageBox("Error", $"Importing Map ({MapName})...\n\n" + $"The formatted tileset will exceed the maximum texture size ({Graphics.MaxTextureSize.Width},{Graphics.MaxTextureSize.Height}).\n" + "This map will not be imported." ); b.OnButtonPressed += delegate(BaseEventArgs e) { if (MapIndex < Files.Count - 1) { ImportMap(MapIndex + 1); } }; } else { string destination = Data.ProjectPath + "/gfx/tilesets/"; string name = Tileset.TilesetName(tileset); if (File.Exists(destination + Tileset.TilesetName(tileset) + ".png")) { int i = 0; do { i++; } while (File.Exists(destination + Tileset.TilesetName(tileset) + " (" + i.ToString() + ").png")); destination += Tileset.TilesetName(tileset) + " (" + i.ToString() + ").png"; name += " (" + i.ToString() + ")"; } else { destination += Tileset.TilesetName(tileset) + ".png"; } File.Copy(filename, destination); Game.Tileset set = new Game.Tileset(); set.Name = Tileset.Name(tileset); set.GraphicName = name; set.ID = Editor.GetFreeTilesetID(); int tilecount = 8 * bmp.Height / 32; set.Passabilities = new List <Passability>(); set.Priorities = new List <int?>(); set.Tags = new List <int?>(); for (int i = 0; i < tilecount; i++) { set.Passabilities.Add(Passability.All); set.Priorities.Add(0); set.Tags.Add(null); } Data.Tilesets[set.ID] = set; set.CreateBitmap(); if (Editor.MainWindow.DatabaseWidget != null) { Editor.MainWindow.DatabaseWidget.DBDataList.RefreshList(); } data.TilesetIDs = new List <int>() { set.ID }; cont(); } } } }; // Called whenever a choice has been made for tileset importing. cont = new Action(delegate() { if (data.TilesetIDs == null || data.TilesetIDs.Count == 0) // Should not be reachable { throw new Exception("Cannot continue without a tileset."); } data.Layers = new List <Layer>(); bool RemovedAutotiles = false; bool RemovedEvents = Ruby.Integer.FromPtr(Ruby.Funcall(Map.Events(map), "length")) > 0; IntPtr Tiles = Map.Data(map); int XSize = Table.XSize(Tiles); int YSize = Table.YSize(Tiles); int ZSize = Table.ZSize(Tiles); IntPtr tiledata = Table.Data(Tiles); for (int z = 0; z < ZSize; z++) { Layer layer = new Layer($"Layer {z + 1}"); for (int y = 0; y < YSize; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < XSize; x++) { int idx = x + y * XSize + z * XSize * YSize; int tileid = (int)Ruby.Integer.FromPtr(Ruby.Array.Get(tiledata, idx)); if (tileid < 384) { RemovedAutotiles = true; } if (tileid == 0) { layer.Tiles.Add(null); } else { layer.Tiles.Add(new TileData() { TileType = TileType.Tileset, Index = 0, ID = tileid - 384 }); } } } data.Layers.Add(layer); } Ruby.Unpin(map); Ruby.Unpin(tileset); Editor.AddMap(data); if (MapIndex < Files.Count - 1) { ImportMap(MapIndex + 1); } else { string Title = "Warning"; string Msg = ""; if (Files.Count > 1) { Msg = "The maps were imported successfully"; } else { Msg = "The map was imported successfully"; } if (RemovedEvents && RemovedAutotiles) { Msg += ", but all events and autotiles have been deleted as these have not yet been implemented in RPG Studio MK."; } else if (RemovedEvents) { Msg += ", but all events have been deleted as these have not yet been implemented in RPG Studio MK."; } else if (RemovedAutotiles) { Msg += ", but all autotiles have been deleted as these have not yet been implemented in RPG Studio MK."; } else { Title = "Success"; Msg += "."; } List <string> options = new List <string>(); if (Editor.ProjectSettings.LastMode != "MAPPING") { options.Add("Go to Map"); } options.Add("OK"); MessageBox box = new MessageBox(Title, Msg, options, IconType.Info); box.OnButtonPressed += delegate(BaseEventArgs e) { if (options[box.Result] == "Go to Map") // Go to map { Editor.SetMode("MAPPING"); Editor.MainWindow.MapWidget.MapSelectPanel.SetMap(data); } }; Ruby.Unpin(keys); Ruby.Unpin(infos); Ruby.Unpin(tileset); Cleanup(); } }); }; ImportMap(0); }