Esempio n. 1
 public void CreateNewGameEvent(object sender, TGUI.SignalArgsVector2f args)
     // TODO - Move to post galaxy options state
     GalaxyGenerator.GenerateStars(GlobalConstants.GalaxySize.SMALL, GlobalConstants.GalaxyType.DISK);
     Engine.Instance.GameStates.Push(new GalaxyViewState());
     IsStateActive = false;
Esempio n. 2
    //Function to load faction data
    public static FactionData[] LoadFactions(FactionData[] factionData)
        //Clears current faction data
        for (int i = 0; i < factionData.Length; i++)
            //Faction variable assignment
            factions[i]                   = factionData[i];
            factions[i].homeSystem        = GalaxyGenerator.GetGalaxyNodeFromID(factionData[i].homeSystemID, GalaxyGenerator.GetAllGalaxySystems());
            factions[i].exploredSystems   = new List <GalaxyNode>();
            factions[i].ownedSystems      = new List <GalaxyNode>();
            factions[i].ownedSystemIDs    = new List <int>();
            factions[i].exploredSystemIDs = new List <int>();
            factions[i].resourceData      = ResetFactionResourceData(factions[i].factionID);

            //Get all explored systems
            for (int j = 0; j < factionData[i].exploredSystemIDs.Count; j++)
                GalaxyNode newNode = GalaxyGenerator.GetGalaxyNodeFromID(factionData[i].exploredSystemIDs[j], GalaxyGenerator.GetAllGalaxySystems());
                AddExploredSystem(factions[i].factionID, newNode);
            //Get all owned systems
            for (int j = 0; j < factionData[i].ownedSystemIDs.Count; j++)
                GalaxyNode newNode = GalaxyGenerator.GetGalaxyNodeFromID(factionData[i].ownedSystemIDs[j], GalaxyGenerator.GetAllGalaxySystems());
                AddControlledSystem(factions[i].factionID, newNode);
        SaveData.current.factions = factions;
Esempio n. 3
        public void GetSystems()
            GameCore        core = new GameCore(10);
            GalaxyGenerator sut  = new GalaxyGenerator(core, 10);
            var stellarSystem = sut.GetRoot();

Esempio n. 4
        public void NotEnoughSpaceForPlanetsCausesException(int size, int planets, int minDistance)
            var generator = new GalaxyGenerator();

            var settings = new GalaxyGeneratorSettings()
                GalaxySize  = size,
                PlanetCount = planets,
                MinimumDistanceBetweenPlanets = minDistance,

            Assert.Throws <OutOfSpaceException>(() => generator.Generate(settings));
Esempio n. 5
        public void EachPlanetHasADistinctPosition()
            var generator = new GalaxyGenerator();

            var settings = new GalaxyGeneratorSettings()
                GalaxySize  = 800,
                PlanetCount = 100,

            var galaxy = generator.Generate(settings);

            Assert.Equal(galaxy.Planets.Count, galaxy.Planets.Select(planet => planet.Position).Distinct().Count());
Esempio n. 6
        public void GalaxyHasCorrectSize(int size)
            var generator = new GalaxyGenerator();

            var settings = new GalaxyGeneratorSettings()
                GalaxySize  = size,
                PlanetCount = 0,

            var galaxy = generator.Generate(settings);

            Assert.Equal(size, galaxy.Bounds.Size);
Esempio n. 7
        public void GalaxyHasCorrectNumberOfPlanets(int planets)
            var generator = new GalaxyGenerator();

            var settings = new GalaxyGeneratorSettings()
                GalaxySize  = 1000,
                PlanetCount = planets,

            var galaxy = generator.Generate(settings);

            Assert.Equal(planets, galaxy.Planets.Count);
Esempio n. 8
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        Tilemap          = GetComponent <Tilemap>();
        GalaxyGenerator  = GetComponent <GalaxyGenerator>();
        Spritemanager    = GetComponent <Spritemanager>();
        PrefabManager    = GetComponent <PrefabManager>();
        TimeController   = GetComponent <TimeController>();
        EntityManager    = GetComponent <EntityManager>();
        EmpireManager    = GetComponent <EmpireManager>();
        MenuManager      = GetComponent <MenuManager>();
        Flag.EmptyPrefab = new GameObject();

Esempio n. 9
        public void MinDistanceBetweenPlanetsIsValid(int size, int planets, int minDistance)
            var generator = new GalaxyGenerator();

            var settings = new GalaxyGeneratorSettings()
                GalaxySize  = size,
                PlanetCount = planets,
                MinimumDistanceBetweenPlanets = minDistance

            var galaxy = generator.Generate(settings);

            Assert.All(galaxy.Planets, planet => Assert.True(MinDistanceKept(planet)));

            bool PassesSocialDistancingRule(Planet p1, Planet p2) => p1 != p2?p1.Position.DistanceTo(p2.Position) >= minDistance : true;
            bool MinDistanceKept(Planet planet) => galaxy.Planets.All(otherPlanet => PassesSocialDistancingRule(planet, otherPlanet));
Esempio n. 10
        public void PlanetsHaveValidPositions(int size, int planets, int padding)
            var generator = new GalaxyGenerator();

            var settings = new GalaxyGeneratorSettings()
                GalaxySize  = size,
                PlanetCount = planets,
                Padding     = padding,

            var galaxy = generator.Generate(settings);
            var bounds = new GalaxyBounds(size);
            var min    = bounds.Min + padding;
            var max    = bounds.Max - padding;

            Assert.All(galaxy.Planets, planet => Assert.True(PointInRange(planet.Position)));

            bool CoordInRange(int coord) => coord >= min && coord <= max;
            bool PointInRange(Position position) => CoordInRange(position.X) && CoordInRange(position.Y);;
Esempio n. 11
        static void Main(string[] args)
            _rootConsole = new RLRootConsole("terminal8x8.png", _rootConsoleWidth, _rootConsoleHeight, _fontSize, _fontSize, 1.5f, "Test Console");

            _starMapConsole   = new RLConsole(_starMapConsoleWidth, _starMapConsoleHeight);
            _logConsole       = new RLConsole(_logConsoleWidth, _logConsoleHeight);
            _galaxyMapConsole = new RLConsole(_galaxyMapConsoleWidth, _galaxyMapConsoleHeight);
            _loreLogConsole   = new RLConsole(_loreLogConsoleWidth, _loreLogConsoleHeight);

            loreBox = new LoreBox(null, 40, 30, "Genesis");

            Galaxy            = GalaxyGenerator.Generate();
            currentSystem     = 0;
            currentWindowView = CurrentView.Log;

            _rootConsole.Update += RootConsoleUpdate;
            _rootConsole.Render += RootConsoleRender;

            isRenderRequired = true;

Esempio n. 12
        private static void DisplayGalaxyLog()
            _galaxyMapConsole.SetBackColor(0, 0, _galaxyMapConsole.Width, _galaxyMapConsole.Height, RLColor.Black);


            Galaxy g = GalaxyGenerator.Generate();

            _galaxyMapConsole.Print(2, 2, "Galaxy Logs", RLColor.White);

            _galaxyMapConsole.Print(5, 5, g.Name, RLColor.White);

            for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                SpaceSystem temp = (SpaceSystem)g.Systems[i];
                string      NoP  = $"Number of Planets - {temp.Bodies.Length}";

                _galaxyMapConsole.Print(5, 7 + 2 * i, temp.Name, temp.Star.Color);
                _galaxyMapConsole.Print(12, 7 + 2 * i, NoP, temp.Star.Color);

            RLConsole.Blit(_galaxyMapConsole, 0, 0, _galaxyMapConsole.Width, _galaxyMapConsole.Height, _rootConsole, 0, 0);
Esempio n. 13
        public async Task <IQueryable <Star> > GetSectorsAsync(long sxMin, long syMin, long sxMax, long syMax,
                                                               [Service] UniverseContext dbContext, [Service] GalaxyGenerator generator)
            var existingSectors = (
                from s in dbContext.Stars
                where s.SectorX >= sxMin && s.SectorX <= sxMax && s.SectorY >= syMin && s.SectorY <= syMax
                group s by new { s.SectorX, s.SectorY }
                into g
                select new { g.Key.SectorX, g.Key.SectorY }).ToHashSet();

            for (long sx = sxMin; sx <= sxMax; ++sx)
                for (long sy = syMin; sy <= syMax; ++sy)
                    if (!existingSectors.Contains(new { SectorX = sx, SectorY = sy }))
                        await generator.GenerateSector(sx, sy, dbContext);

                   .Where(s =>
                          s.SectorX >= sxMin && s.SectorX <= sxMax && s.SectorY >= syMin && s.SectorY <= syMax));