// When the user selects a job number from the drop down list the gridview updates to show that one job number protected void DDLjobNos_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { // When the user selects a job number the gridview shows the description for that site JobNumbers myJob = new JobNumbers(); myJob.jobNo = Convert.ToString(DDLjobNos.SelectedValue); GVjobDesc2.DataSource = myJob.GetJobNoFilter(); GVjobDesc2.DataBind(); focus(); // If the job number is changed after the order has been created call the updateJobNo(); if (Session["sordernbr"] != null) { updateJobNo2(); } }
/* On page load a gridview is populated with the job number and job decription for all jobs. * The user can review the gridview to identify the job nuumber if unknown */ protected void fillJobDesc2() { // populates a gridview with all job numbers JobNumbers myJob = new JobNumbers(); GVjobDesc2.DataSource = myJob.GetJobNo(); GVjobDesc2.DataBind(); }