void BindInformation()
     if (Session["UserID"] != null)
         DataSet ds            = new DataSet();
         string  lwCounts      = LwZuJcBll.GetNumBySortCount("SmallSort='学术论文' and  AuditState in (5,7)");
         string  zzCounts      = LwZuJcBll.GetNumBySortCount("SmallSort in ('学术著作','教材') and  AuditState in (5,7)");
         string  zlCounts      = Bll.GetNumBySortCount("SmallSort='专利成果' and  AuditState in (5,7)");
         string  hjCounts      = Bll.GetNumBySortCount("SmallSort='获奖成果' and  AuditState in (5,7)");
         string  OtherHJCounts = Bll.GetNumBySortCount("SmallSort not in ('获奖成果') and  AuditState in (5,7)");        //其他成果类,除了获奖成果
         string  ProjectCounts = ProjecrBll.GetNumBySortCount("SmallSort='科研项目' and  AuditState in (5,7)");
         string  OtherPrCounts = ProjecrBll.GetNumBySortCount("SmallSort not in ('科研项目') and  AuditState in (5,7)"); //其他项目类(科研申报等),除了科研项目
         int     OtherCounts   = Int32.Parse(OtherHJCounts) + Int32.Parse(OtherPrCounts);
         if (Session["flag"].ToString() == "0")
             lb_Information.Visible = true;
             DataSet Userds = new DataSet();
             lb_Information.Text = "学校汇总:学术论文" + lwCounts + "篇\t学术著作(教材)" + zzCounts + "篇\t科研项目" + ProjectCounts + "篇\t其他" + OtherCounts + "篇";
             ds = Bll.GetListByKeyuanPrint();
         else if (Session["flag"].ToString() == "1" && Session["ds"] != null)
             ds = (DataSet)Session["ds"];
             lb_Information.Visible = false;
         GV_Print.DataSource   = ds.Tables[0].DefaultView;
         GV_Print.DataKeyNames = new string[] { "PK_AID" };
 void BindInformation()
     if (Session["UserID"] != null)
         DataSet ds            = new DataSet();
         string  userid        = Session["UserID"].ToString();
         string  Unit          = UserBll.GetUnitByUserID(userid);
         string  lwSql         = " where UserUnit='" + Unit + "' and SmallSort='学术论文' and  AuditState in (5,7)";                             //学术论文类
         string  zzSql         = " where UserUnit='" + Unit + "' and SmallSort in ('学术著作','教材') and  AuditState in (5,7)";                   //学术著作
         string  ProjectSql    = " where UserUnit='" + Unit + "' and SmallSort='科研项目' and  AuditState in (5,7)";                             //科研项目
         string  OtherSql      = " where UserUnit='" + Unit + "' and SmallSort not in ('学术论文','学术著作','教材','科研项目') and  AuditState in (5,7)"; //其他
         int     lwCounts      = Int32.Parse(Bll.GetCountByMishuAch(lwSql)) + Int32.Parse(Bll.GetCountByMishuLw(lwSql)) + Int32.Parse(Bll.GetCountByMishuPro(lwSql));
         int     zzCounts      = Int32.Parse(Bll.GetCountByMishuAch(zzSql)) + Int32.Parse(Bll.GetCountByMishuLw(zzSql)) + Int32.Parse(Bll.GetCountByMishuPro(zzSql));
         int     ProjectCounts = Int32.Parse(Bll.GetCountByMishuAch(ProjectSql)) + Int32.Parse(Bll.GetCountByMishuLw(ProjectSql)) + Int32.Parse(Bll.GetCountByMishuPro(ProjectSql));
         int     OtherCounts   = Int32.Parse(Bll.GetCountByMishuAch(OtherSql)) + Int32.Parse(Bll.GetCountByMishuLw(OtherSql)) + Int32.Parse(Bll.GetCountByMishuPro(OtherSql));
         if (Session["flag"].ToString() == "0")
             lb_Information.Visible = true;
             lb_Information.Text    = "单位名称:(盖章):" + Unit + "\t单位汇总:学术论文" + lwCounts + "篇\t学术著作(教材)" + zzCounts + "篇\t科研项目" + ProjectCounts + "篇\t其他" + OtherCounts + "篇";
             ds = Bll.GetListByMishuPrint(Unit);
         else if (Session["flag"].ToString() == "1" && Session["ds"] != null)
             ds = (DataSet)Session["ds"];
             lb_Information.Visible = false;
         GV_Print.DataSource   = ds.Tables[0].DefaultView;
         GV_Print.DataKeyNames = new string[] { "PK_AID" };
 void BindInformation()
     if (Session["UserID"] != null)
         string userid = Session["UserID"].ToString();
         if (userid != "")
             DataSet ds     = new DataSet();
             DataSet Userds = new DataSet();
             Userds = UserBll.GetList("PK_UserID='" + userid + "'");
             if (Userds.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 1)
                 lb_Information.Text = "姓名:" + Userds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["UserName"] + "     单位:" + Userds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Unit"] + "     职称:" + Userds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ZhiCheng"];
             if (Session["flag"].ToString() == "0")
                 ds = Bll.GetListByJiaoshiPrint(userid);
             else if (Session["flag"].ToString() == "1" && Session["ds"] != null)
                 ds = (DataSet)Session["ds"];
             GV_Print.DataSource   = ds.Tables[0].DefaultView;
             GV_Print.DataKeyNames = new string[] { "PK_AID" };