Esempio n. 1
 protected override void PerformTreePrecalculations(
     GTree <Node, Edge, RectGeom <Node, Edge> > dataTree,
     uint lastNodeVersion, uint lastEdgeVersion)
     if (this.bTreeDirty)
         this.bDirty = true;
     else if (this.bAdaptToSizeChanges)
         if (dataTree.GeomData.TreeBoundingBoxDirty)
             this.bDirty = true;
             // This has to be done in order to reset
             // dTree.TreeBoundingBoxDirty to false in order to
             // accurately check for node size changes on the next
             // iteration. Otherwise, it remains true and the
             // positions will keep getting recalculated on each
             // iteration even if no size changes have occurred.
     if (this.bDirty)
     this.bTreeDirty = false;
     this.bDirty     = false;
Esempio n. 2
        private GTree <Node, Edge, Geom> BuildDataBranch(
            Digraph <Node, Edge> .GNode root, Edge edge,
            bool undirected, bool reversed)
            root.Color = GraphColor.Gray;

            GTree <Node, Edge, Geom> child, parent
                = this.CreateTree(root, edge);

            Digraph <Node, Edge> .GEdge gEdge;
            Digraph <Node, Edge> .GNode gNode;

            int i, rootIndex = root.Index;

            if (undirected || !reversed)
                for (i = 0; i < this.mSTECount; i++)
                    gEdge = this.mSpanTreeEdges[i];
                    if (gEdge.SrcNode.Index == rootIndex)
                        gNode = gEdge.DstNode;
                        if (gNode.Color == GraphColor.White)
                            child = this.BuildDataBranch(gNode, gEdge.Data,
                                                         undirected, reversed);
            if (undirected || reversed)
                for (i = 0; i < this.mSTECount; i++)
                    gEdge = this.mSpanTreeEdges[i];
                    if (gEdge.DstNode.Index == rootIndex)
                        gNode = gEdge.SrcNode;
                        if (gNode.Color == GraphColor.White)
                            child = this.BuildDataBranch(gNode, gEdge.Data,
                                                         undirected, reversed);
            root.Color = GraphColor.Black;

Esempio n. 3
 private void RefreshBBox(GTree <Node, Edge, RectGeom <Node, Edge> > root)
     if (root.BranchCount > 0)
         GTree <Node, Edge, RectGeom <Node, Edge> >[] branches
             = root.Branches;
         for (int i = branches.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
     root.GeomData.BoundingBox = root.NodeData.LayoutBBox;
Esempio n. 4
        protected override GTree <Node, Edge, RectGeom <Node, Edge> > CreateTree(
            Digraph <Node, Edge> .GNode node, Edge edge)
            this.bTreeDirty = true;
            RectGeom <Node, Edge> geom
                = new RectGeom <Node, Edge>(node.Data.LayoutBBox);
            GTree <Node, Edge, RectGeom <Node, Edge> > tree
                = new GTree <Node, Edge, RectGeom <Node, Edge> >(
                      node.Index, node.Data, edge, geom,

Esempio n. 5
    void Start()
        _mainView = this.GetComponent <UIPanel>().ui;

        _fileURL = "ui://TreeView/file";

        _tree1 = _mainView.GetChild("tree").asTree;
        _tree2 = _mainView.GetChild("tree2").asTree;
        _tree2.treeNodeRender = RenderTreeNode;

        GTreeNode topNode = new GTreeNode(true); = "I'm a top node";
        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
            GTreeNode node = new GTreeNode(false);
   = "Hello " + i;

        GTreeNode aFolderNode = new GTreeNode(true); = "A folder node";
        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
            GTreeNode node = new GTreeNode(false);
   = "Good " + i;

        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            GTreeNode node = new GTreeNode(false);
   = "World " + i;

        GTreeNode anotherTopNode = new GTreeNode(false); = new string[] { "I'm a top node too", "ui://TreeView/heart" };
        private void DrawBalloonCirclesConvexHull(Graphics g,
                                                  GTree <PrintArray <CircleNode>, int, CircleGeom <PrintArray <CircleNode>, int> > root)
            int  i;
            bool drawHull = true;

            if (this.bDrawSelectedConvexHullOnly)
                if (this.mMouseUpHistory[0] == -1)
                    drawHull = false;
                    CircleNode   node  = this.mGraph.NodeAt(this.mMouseUpHistory[0]);
                    CircleNode[] datas = root.NodeData.Data;
                    drawHull = false;
                    for (i = 0; i < datas.Length && !drawHull; i++)
                        drawHull = datas[i] == node;
            float  dx, dy, px, py, len;
            double a1, a2, hyp;

            // Draw the convex hull of the root itself
            CircleGeom <PrintArray <CircleNode>, int> .CHArc[] cvHull
                = root.GeomData.ConvexHull;
            if (drawHull && cvHull.Length == 1)
                CircleGeom <PrintArray <CircleNode>, int> .CHArc ch1
                    = cvHull[0];
                dx  = (float)(ch1.Dst * Math.Cos(ch1.Ang) - ch1.Rad);
                dy  = (float)(ch1.Dst * Math.Sin(ch1.Ang) - ch1.Rad);
                len = (float)(2.0 * ch1.Rad);
                g.DrawEllipse(this.mConvexHullPen, dx, dy, len, len);
            if (drawHull && cvHull.Length > 1)
                CircleGeom <PrintArray <CircleNode>, int> .CHArc arc
                    = cvHull[cvHull.Length - 1];
                if (arc.Dst == 0)
                    a1 = arc.Ang + arc.UpperWedge;
                    px = (float)(arc.Rad * Math.Cos(a1));
                    py = (float)(arc.Rad * Math.Sin(a1));
                    a1  = Math.PI - arc.UpperWedge;
                    hyp = Math.Sqrt(arc.Rad * arc.Rad + arc.Dst * arc.Dst
                                    - 2 * arc.Rad * arc.Dst * Math.Cos(a1));
                    a2 = Math.Asin(arc.Rad * Math.Sin(a1) / hyp);
                    a1 = arc.Ang + a2;
                    px = (float)(hyp * Math.Cos(a1));
                    py = (float)(hyp * Math.Sin(a1));
                for (i = 0; i < cvHull.Length; i++)
                    arc = cvHull[i];
                    if (this.bDrawConvexHullAngleLines)
                        dx = (float)(arc.Dst * Math.Cos(arc.Ang));
                        dy = (float)(arc.Dst * Math.Sin(arc.Ang));
                        a1 = arc.Rad * Math.Cos(arc.Ang);
                        a2 = arc.Rad * Math.Sin(arc.Ang);
                        g.DrawLine(this.mConvexHullPen, 0f, 0f,
                                   dx + (float)a1, dy + (float)a2);
                        a1 = arc.Rad * Math.Cos(arc.Ang - arc.LowerWedge);
                        a2 = arc.Rad * Math.Sin(arc.Ang - arc.LowerWedge);
                        g.DrawLine(this.mConvexHullPen, dx, dy,
                                   dx + (float)a1, dy + (float)a2);
                        a1 = arc.Rad * Math.Cos(arc.Ang + arc.UpperWedge);
                        a2 = arc.Rad * Math.Sin(arc.Ang + arc.UpperWedge);
                        g.DrawLine(this.mConvexHullPen, dx, dy,
                                   dx + (float)a1, dy + (float)a2);
                    dx  = (float)(arc.Dst * Math.Cos(arc.Ang) - arc.Rad);
                    dy  = (float)(arc.Dst * Math.Sin(arc.Ang) - arc.Rad);
                    len = (float)(2.0 * arc.Rad);
                    a1  = arc.Ang - arc.LowerWedge;
                    a2  = arc.Ang + arc.UpperWedge - a1;
                    if (a1 < -Math.PI)
                        a1 += 2 * Math.PI;
                    //if (a2 < -Math.PI)
                    //    a2 += 2 * Math.PI;
                    a1 = 180.0 * a1 / Math.PI;
                    a2 = 180.0 * a2 / Math.PI;
                    g.DrawArc(this.mConvexHullPen, dx, dy, len, len,
                              (float)a1, (float)a2);
                    if (arc.Dst == 0)
                        a1 = arc.Ang - arc.LowerWedge;
                        dx = (float)(arc.Rad * Math.Cos(a1));
                        dy = (float)(arc.Rad * Math.Sin(a1));

                        g.DrawLine(this.mConvexHullPen, px, py, dx, dy);

                        a1 = arc.Ang + arc.UpperWedge;
                        px = (float)(arc.Rad * Math.Cos(a1));
                        py = (float)(arc.Rad * Math.Sin(a1));
                        a1  = Math.PI - arc.LowerWedge;
                        hyp = Math.Sqrt(arc.Rad * arc.Rad + arc.Dst * arc.Dst
                                        - 2 * arc.Rad * arc.Dst * Math.Cos(a1));
                        a2 = Math.Asin(arc.Rad * Math.Sin(a1) / hyp);
                        a1 = arc.Ang - a2;
                        dx = (float)(hyp * Math.Cos(a1));
                        dy = (float)(hyp * Math.Sin(a1));

                        g.DrawLine(this.mConvexHullPen, px, py, dx, dy);

                        a1  = Math.PI - arc.UpperWedge;
                        hyp = Math.Sqrt(arc.Rad * arc.Rad + arc.Dst * arc.Dst
                                        - 2 * arc.Rad * arc.Dst * Math.Cos(a1));
                        a2 = Math.Asin(arc.Rad * Math.Sin(a1) / hyp);
                        a1 = arc.Ang + a2;
                        px = (float)(hyp * Math.Cos(a1));
                        py = (float)(hyp * Math.Sin(a1));

            // Draw the convex hull of the root's branches
            if (root.BranchCount > 0)
                float ang;
                CircleGeom <PrintArray <CircleNode>, int> ct;
                GTree <PrintArray <CircleNode>, int, CircleGeom <PrintArray <CircleNode>, int> >[] branches
                    = root.Branches;
                for (i = 0; i < branches.Length; i++)
                    ct  = branches[i].GeomData;
                    dx  = (float)(ct.Distance * Math.Cos(ct.Angle));
                    dy  = (float)(ct.Distance * Math.Sin(ct.Angle));
                    ang = (float)ct.DegAngle;
                    g.TranslateTransform(dx, dy);
                    this.DrawBalloonCirclesConvexHull(g, branches[i]);
                    g.TranslateTransform(-dx, -dy);
 protected override void OnDrawForeground(PaintEventArgs e)
     if (this.mConvexHullPen.Color != Color.Transparent)
         BalloonTreeLayoutForCircles btlfc
             = this.mLayout as BalloonTreeLayoutForCircles;
         if (btlfc != null)
             Graphics g = e.Graphics;
             GTree <CircleNode, ArrowEdge, CircleGeom <CircleNode, ArrowEdge> > ct = btlfc.CircleTree;
             if (ct != null)
                 float dx  = ct.NodeData.X;
                 float dy  = ct.NodeData.Y;
                 float ang = (float)btlfc.DegRootAngle;
                 g.TranslateTransform(dx, dy);
                 this.DrawBalloonTreeConvexHull(g, ct);
                 g.TranslateTransform(-dx, -dy);
         BalloonCirclesLayoutForCircles bclfc
             = this.mLayout as BalloonCirclesLayoutForCircles;
         if (bclfc != null)
             Graphics g = e.Graphics;
             GTree <PrintArray <CircleNode>, int, CircleGeom <PrintArray <CircleNode>, int> > ct = bclfc.DebugTree;
             if (ct != null)
                 Vec2F pos = bclfc.DebugRootPosition;
                 float dx  = pos.X;
                 float dy  = pos.Y;
                 float ang = (float)bclfc.DegRootAngle;
                 g.TranslateTransform(dx, dy);
                 this.DrawBalloonCirclesConvexHull(g, ct);
                 g.TranslateTransform(-dx, -dy);
Esempio n. 8
        private void BuildDataTree()
            this.mCompIds = this.mCCAlg.ComponentIds;

            int i, j, count;
            int tIndex   = 0;
            int tMaxSize = 0;
            int tCount   = this.mCCAlg.ComponentCount;

            Digraph <Node, Edge> .GNode root;
            Digraph <Node, Edge> .GEdge edge;
            GTree <Node, Edge, Geom>    tree;

            GTree <Node, Edge, Geom>[] trees
                = new GTree <Node, Edge, Geom> [tCount];

            count = this.mGraph.NodeCount;
            for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
                root = this.mGraph.InternalNodeAt(i);
                if (root.Hidden)
                    this.mCompIds[i] = -1;
                root.Color = GraphColor.White;

            GTree <Node, Edge, Geom>[]    ts;
            Digraph <Node, Edge> .GEdge[] stEdges;
            switch (this.mRootFindingMethod)
            case TreeRootFinding.UserDefined:
                tCount = 0;
                count  = this.RootCount;
                for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    root = this.RootAt(i);
                    if (root.Color == GraphColor.White && !root.Hidden)
                        tree = this.BuildDataBranch(root,
                                                    null, true, true);
                        trees[tCount++] = tree;
                        if (tree.TreeSize > tMaxSize)
                            tMaxSize = tree.TreeSize;
                            tIndex   = tCount - 1;
                count = this.mGraph.NodeCount;
                for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    root = this.mGraph.InternalNodeAt(i);
                    if (root.Color == GraphColor.White && !root.Hidden)
                        tree = this.BuildDataBranch(root,
                                                    null, true, true);
                        trees[tCount++] = tree;
                        if (tree.TreeSize > tMaxSize)
                            tMaxSize = tree.TreeSize;
                            tIndex   = tCount - 1;

            case TreeRootFinding.SourceDirected:
                tCount = 0;
                for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    root = this.mGraph.InternalNodeAt(i);
                    if (root.Color == GraphColor.White && !root.Hidden &&
                        root.IncomingEdgeCount == 0)
                        tree = this.BuildDataBranch(root,
                                                    null, false, false);
                        if (tCount == trees.Length)
                            ts = new GTree <Node, Edge, Geom> [2 * tCount];
                            Array.Copy(trees, 0, ts, 0, tCount);
                            trees = ts;
                        trees[tCount++] = tree;
                        if (tree.TreeSize > tMaxSize)
                            tMaxSize = tree.TreeSize;
                            tIndex   = tCount - 1;
                for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    root = this.mGraph.InternalNodeAt(i);
                    if (root.Color == GraphColor.White && !root.Hidden)
                        tree = this.BuildDataBranch(root,
                                                    null, false, false);
                        if (tCount == trees.Length)
                            ts = new GTree <Node, Edge, Geom> [2 * tCount];
                            Array.Copy(trees, 0, ts, 0, tCount);
                            trees = ts;
                        trees[tCount++] = tree;
                        if (tree.TreeSize > tMaxSize)
                            tMaxSize = tree.TreeSize;
                            tIndex   = tCount - 1;

            case TreeRootFinding.SinkDirected:
                tCount = 0;
                for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    root = this.mGraph.InternalNodeAt(i);
                    if (root.Color == GraphColor.White && !root.Hidden &&
                        root.OutgoingEdgeCount == 0)
                        tree = this.BuildDataBranch(root,
                                                    null, false, true);
                        if (tCount == trees.Length)
                            ts = new GTree <Node, Edge, Geom> [2 * tCount];
                            Array.Copy(trees, 0, ts, 0, tCount);
                            trees = ts;
                        trees[tCount++] = tree;
                        if (tree.TreeSize > tMaxSize)
                            tMaxSize = tree.TreeSize;
                            tIndex   = tCount - 1;
                for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    root = this.mGraph.InternalNodeAt(i);
                    if (root.Color == GraphColor.White && !root.Hidden)
                        tree = this.BuildDataBranch(root,
                                                    null, false, true);
                        if (tCount == trees.Length)
                            ts = new GTree <Node, Edge, Geom> [2 * tCount];
                            Array.Copy(trees, 0, ts, 0, tCount);
                            trees = ts;
                        trees[tCount++] = tree;
                        if (tree.TreeSize > tMaxSize)
                            tMaxSize = tree.TreeSize;
                            tIndex   = tCount - 1;

            case TreeRootFinding.Center:
                stEdges = this.mSpanTreeEdges;
                       = new Digraph <Node, Edge> .GEdge[stEdges.Length];
                count  = tCount;
                tCount = 0;
                for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    this.mSTECount = 0;
                    for (j = 0; j < stEdges.Length; j++)
                        edge = stEdges[j];
                        if (this.mCompIds[edge.SrcNode.Index] == i &&
                            this.mCompIds[edge.DstNode.Index] == i)
                            this.mSpanTreeEdges[this.mSTECount++] = edge;
                    root = this.FindCenter(i);
                    // TODO: What if calculated center is already gray?
                    tree = this.BuildDataBranch(root,
                                                null, true, true);
                    trees[tCount++] = tree;
                    if (tree.TreeSize > tMaxSize)
                        tMaxSize = tree.TreeSize;
                        tIndex   = tCount - 1;
                this.mSpanTreeEdges = stEdges;
                this.mSTECount      = stEdges.Length;

            case TreeRootFinding.PathCenter:
                stEdges = this.mSpanTreeEdges;
                       = new Digraph <Node, Edge> .GEdge[stEdges.Length];
                count  = tCount;
                tCount = 0;
                for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    this.mSTECount = 0;
                    for (j = 0; j < stEdges.Length; j++)
                        edge = stEdges[j];
                        if (this.mCompIds[edge.SrcNode.Index] == i &&
                            this.mCompIds[edge.DstNode.Index] == i)
                            this.mSpanTreeEdges[this.mSTECount++] = edge;
                    root = this.FindPathCenter(i);
                    // TODO: What if calculated center is already gray?
                    tree = this.BuildDataBranch(root,
                                                null, true, true);
                    trees[tCount++] = tree;
                    if (tree.TreeSize > tMaxSize)
                        tMaxSize = tree.TreeSize;
                        tIndex   = tCount - 1;
                this.mSpanTreeEdges = stEdges;
                this.mSTECount      = stEdges.Length;
            this.mDataTree = trees[tIndex];
            for (i = 0; i < tCount; i++)
                if (i != tIndex)
Esempio n. 9
 protected virtual void PerformTreePrecalculations(
     GTree <Node, Edge, Geom> dataTree,
     uint lastNodeVersion, uint lastEdgeVersion)
Esempio n. 10
        // inicari la busqueda
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Estado EstadoInicial = this.EstadoInicial();
            Estado EstadoFinal   = this.EstadoFinal();

            // crear Arbol de busqueda
            Arbol ArbolBusqueda = new Arbol();

            ArbolBusqueda.Dims += 1;

            // iterar hasta que se encuentre el estado final
            while (true)
                // si la pila no esta vacia
                if (ArbolBusqueda.PilaSuc.Count > 0)
                    // sacar un elemento de la pila
                    Estado EstadoExtraido = (Estado)ArbolBusqueda.PilaSuc.Pop();

                    if (EstadoExtraido != null)
                        // si el extraido es igual al estado final
                        if (ArbolBusqueda.Comparar(EstadoExtraido, EstadoFinal))
                            MessageBox.Show("solucion encontrada " + new String(EstadoExtraido.CosasLadoIzq) + " " + " " + new String(EstadoExtraido.CosasLadoDer));
                            this.GrafObliga(EstadoExtraido, 0, 200);

                            // GENERAR SUCESPRES SOLO SI ES UN ESTADO VALIDO
                            if (ArbolBusqueda.Reglas(EstadoExtraido) && !ArbolBusqueda.BuscarEstadoUsado(EstadoExtraido))

                            // meterlo a cola de usados

                            // graficar sucesores
                            this.GraficarEstado(ArbolBusqueda.Raiz, 0, 0);

                    MessageBox.Show("la Pila esta Vacia!!!!");
Esempio n. 11
        private void AssignPositions(
            GTree <Node, Edge, RectGeom <Node, Edge> > root)
            float layerSize = 0;
            //bool horizontal =
            //    this.mDirection == LayoutDirection.LeftToRight ||
            //    this.mDirection == LayoutDirection.RightToLeft;

            //float[] newXs = this.NewXPositions;
            //float[] newYs = this.NewYPositions;
            //Digraph<Node, Edge>.GNode[] nodes;
            //Digraph<Node, Edge>.GNode node;
            //Vec2F size;
            NodeData d;
            float    height;
            //float x, y, height;
            int i, j, nodeCount;
            GTree <Node, Edge, RectGeom <Node, Edge> > node;

            GTree <Node, Edge, RectGeom <Node, Edge> >[] nodes;
            for (i = 0; i < this.mLayerCount; i++)
                nodes     = this.mLayers[i].Nodes;
                nodeCount = this.mLayers[i].NodeCount;
                for (j = 0; j < nodeCount; j++)
                    node = nodes[j];
                    //size = this.mSizes[node.Index];
                    //height = this.mSizeHs[node.NodeData.Index];
                    height = this.bHorizontal
                        ? node.GeomData.BBoxW
                        : node.GeomData.BBoxH;
                    d = this.mDatas[node.NodeIndex];
                    if (d.parent != null)
                        //d.position += this.mDatas[d.parent.Index].translate;
                        //d.translate += this.mDatas[d.parent.Index].translate;
                        d.posX      += d.parent.translate;
                        d.translate += d.parent.translate;
                    d.posY = this.mDir * (layerSize + height / 2);

                    /*if (horizontal)
                     * {
                     *  x = this.mDir * (layerSize + size.Y / 2.0);
                     *  y = d.position;
                     * }
                     * else
                     * {
                     *  x = d.position;
                     *  y = this.mDir * (layerSize + size.Y / 2.0);
                     * }/* */
                    //node.Data.NewX = (float)x;
                    //node.Data.NewY = (float)y;
                    //node.Data.SetPosition((float)x, (float)y);
                    //newXs[node.Index] = (float)x;
                    //newYs[node.Index] = (float)y;
                if (i == 0)
                    NodeData pd = this.mDatas[root.NodeIndex];
                    if (this.bHorizontal)
                        for (j = 0; j < nodeCount; j++)
                            node = nodes[j];
                            d    = this.mDatas[node.NodeIndex];
                            node.GeomData.OffsetX = d.posY - pd.posY;
                            node.GeomData.OffsetY = d.posX - pd.posX;
                        for (j = 0; j < nodeCount; j++)
                            node = nodes[j];
                            d    = this.mDatas[node.NodeIndex];
                            node.GeomData.OffsetX = d.posX - pd.posX;
                            node.GeomData.OffsetY = d.posY - pd.posY;
                else if (this.bHorizontal)
                    for (j = 0; j < nodeCount; j++)
                        node = nodes[j];
                        d    = this.mDatas[node.NodeIndex];
                        node.GeomData.OffsetX = d.posY - d.parent.posY;
                        node.GeomData.OffsetY = d.posX - d.parent.posX;
                    for (j = 0; j < nodeCount; j++)
                        node = nodes[j];
                        d    = this.mDatas[node.NodeIndex];
                        node.GeomData.OffsetX = d.posX - d.parent.posX;
                        node.GeomData.OffsetY = d.posY - d.parent.posY;
                layerSize += this.mLayers[i].Size;
Esempio n. 12
        /*private void GenerateSpanningTree()
         * {
         *  ISpanningTreeAlgorithm<Node, Edge> alg = null;
         *  switch (this.mSpanTreeGen)
         *  {
         *      case SpanningTreeGen.BFS:
         *          BFSpanningTree<Node, Edge> bfst
         *              = new BFSpanningTree<Node, Edge>(
         *                  this.mGraph, false, false);
         *          bfst.RootCapacity = this.RootCount;
         *          Digraph<Node, Edge>.GNode r1;
         *          for (int i = this.RootCount - 1; i >= 0; i--)
         *          {
         *              r1 = this.RootAt(i);
         *              bfst.AddRoot(r1.Index);
         *          }
         *          alg = bfst;
         *          break;
         *      case SpanningTreeGen.DFS:
         *          DFSpanningTree<Node, Edge> dfst
         *              = new DFSpanningTree<Node, Edge>(
         *                  this.mGraph, false, false);
         *          dfst.RootCapacity = this.RootCount;
         *          Digraph<Node, Edge>.GNode r2;
         *          for (int j = this.RootCount - 1; j >= 0; j--)
         *          {
         *              r2 = this.RootAt(j);
         *              dfst.AddRoot(r2.Index);
         *          }
         *          alg = dfst;
         *          break;
         *      case SpanningTreeGen.Boruvka:
         *          alg = new BoruvkaMinSpanningTree<Node, Edge>(mGraph);
         *          break;
         *      case SpanningTreeGen.Kruskal:
         *          alg = new KruskalMinSpanningTree<Node, Edge>(mGraph);
         *          break;
         *      case SpanningTreeGen.Prim:
         *          alg = new PrimMinSpanningTree<Node, Edge>(mGraph);
         *          break;
         *  }
         *  alg.Compute();
         *  this.mSpanningTree = alg.SpanningTree;
         * }/* */

        //private float CalculatePosition(Digraph<Node, Edge>.GNode n,
        //    Digraph<Node, Edge>.GNode parent, int lnum)
        private float CalculatePosition(
            GTree <Node, Edge, RectGeom <Node, Edge> > root, int lnum)
            //if (n.Color == GraphColor.Gray)
            //    return -1; // this node is already laid out

            if (lnum >= this.mLayerCount)
                if (lnum >= this.mLayers.Length)
                    Layer[] layers = new Layer[2 * this.mLayers.Length];
                    Array.Copy(this.mLayers, 0, layers, 0, this.mLayerCount);
                    this.mLayers = layers;
                for (int j = this.mLayerCount; j <= lnum; j++)
                    this.mLayers[j] = new Layer();
                this.mLayerCount = lnum + 1;

            Layer layer = this.mLayers[lnum];
            //Vec2F size = this.mSizes[n.Index];
            //float width = this.mSizeWs[root.NodeData.Index];
            float width = this.bHorizontal
                ? root.GeomData.BBoxH : root.GeomData.BBoxW;
            float height = this.bHorizontal
                ? root.GeomData.BBoxW : root.GeomData.BBoxH;
            NodeData d = new NodeData();

            d.parent = lnum == 0
                ? null : this.mDatas[root.Root.NodeIndex];
            this.mDatas[root.NodeIndex] = d;
            //d.parent = parent;
            //this.mDatas[n.Index] = d;
            //n.Color = GraphColor.Gray;

            //layer.NextPosition += size.X / 2.0;
            layer.NextPosition += width / 2;
            if (lnum > 0)
                layer.NextPosition += this.mLayers[lnum - 1].LastTranslate;
                this.mLayers[lnum - 1].LastTranslate = 0;
            //layer.Size = Math.Max(layer.Size, size.Y + this.mLayerGap);
            layer.Size = Math.Max(layer.Size, height + this.mLayerGap);
            //this.mSizeHs[root.NodeData.Index] + this.mLayerGap);
            if (layer.NodeCount == layer.Nodes.Length)
                //Digraph<Node, Edge>.GNode[] nodes
                //    = new Digraph<Node, Edge>.GNode[2 * layer.NodeCount];
                int count = 2 * layer.NodeCount;
                GTree <Node, Edge, RectGeom <Node, Edge> >[] nodes
                    = new GTree <Node, Edge, RectGeom <Node, Edge> > [count];
                Array.Copy(layer.Nodes, 0, nodes, 0, layer.NodeCount);
                layer.Nodes = nodes;
            layer.Nodes[layer.NodeCount++] = root;//n;
            //if (n.OutgoingEdgeCount == 0)
            if (root.BranchCount == 0)
                d.posX              = layer.NextPosition;
                layer.NextPosition += width / 2 + this.mVertexGap;
                int   i;
                float pos;
                float minPos = float.MaxValue;
                float maxPos = -float.MaxValue;
                // first put the children
                GTree <Node, Edge, RectGeom <Node, Edge> >   child;
                GTree <Node, Edge, RectGeom <Node, Edge> >[] branches
                    = root.Branches;
                //Digraph<Node, Edge>.GNode child;
                //for (int i = 0; i < this.mSpanTreeEdges.Length; i++)
                for (i = 0; i < branches.Length; i++)
                    /*child = this.mSpanTreeEdges[i].SrcNode;
                     * if (child.Index != n.Index)
                     *  continue;
                     * child = this.mSpanTreeEdges[i].DstNode;/* */
                    //childPos = this.CalculatePosition(child, n, lnum + 1);
                    child = branches[i];
                    if (child.EdgeData != null)
                        pos = this.CalculatePosition(child, lnum + 1);
                        //if (childPos >= 0)
                            minPos = Math.Min(minPos, pos);
                            maxPos = Math.Max(maxPos, pos);
                //if (minPos != float.MaxValue)
                d.posX = (minPos + maxPos) / 2;
                //    d.position = layer.NextPosition;
                d.translate = Math.Max(layer.NextPosition - d.posX, 0);

                layer.LastTranslate = d.translate;
                d.posX            += d.translate;
                layer.NextPosition = d.posX;

                layer.NextPosition += width / 2 + this.mVertexGap;

                for (i = 0; i < branches.Length; i++)
                    child = branches[i];
                    if (child.EdgeData == null)
                        this.CalculatePosition(child, lnum);
            //layer.NextPosition += size.X / 2.0 + this.mVertexGap;

Esempio n. 13
        private void ComputePositions(
            GTree <Node, Edge, RectGeom <Node, Edge> > root)
            //SimpleTreeLayoutParameters param = this.Parameters;
            //this.mVertexGap = param.VertexGap;
            //this.mLayerGap = param.LayerGap;
            //this.mDirection = param.Direction;
            //this.mSpanTreeGen = param.SpanningTreeGeneration;

            //Digraph<Node, Edge>.GNode node;
            int count = this.mGraph.NodeCount;

            if (this.mDatas.Length < count)
                this.mDatas = new NodeData[count];
                //this.mSizeWs = new float[count];
                //this.mSizeHs = new float[count];
            //this.mSizes = new Vec2F[count];
            //this.mDatas = new NodeData[count];

            /*Box2F bbox;
             * if (this.mDirection == LayoutDirection.LeftToRight ||
             *  this.mDirection == LayoutDirection.RightToLeft)
             * {
             *  for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
             *  {
             *      bbox = this.mGraph.NodeAt(i).LayoutBBox;
             *      //this.mSizes[i] = new Vec2F(bbox.H, bbox.W);
             *      this.mSizeWs[i] = bbox.H;
             *      this.mSizeHs[i] = bbox.W;
             *  }
             * }
             * else
             * {
             *  for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
             *  {
             *      bbox = this.mGraph.NodeAt(i).LayoutBBox;
             *      //this.mSizes[i] = new Vec2F(bbox.W, bbox.H);
             *      this.mSizeWs[i] = bbox.W;
             *      this.mSizeHs[i] = bbox.H;
             *  }
             * }/* */
            this.bHorizontal =
                this.mDirection == LayoutDirection.LeftToRight ||
                this.mDirection == LayoutDirection.RightToLeft;

            if (this.mDirection == LayoutDirection.RightToLeft ||
                this.mDirection == LayoutDirection.BottomToTop)
                this.mDir = -1;
                this.mDir = 1;


            if (this.mLayers == null)
                this.mLayers = new Layer[2];
            this.mLayerCount = 0;

            this.CalculatePosition(root, 0);

            //this.mSpanTreeEdges = this.mSpanningTree.InternalEdges;

            /*count = this.mSpanningTree.NodeCount;
             * for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
             * {
             *  node = this.mGraph.InternalNodeAt(i);
             *  //nodes[i].Index = i;
             *  node.Color = GraphColor.White;
             * }
             * // first layout the nodes with 0 src edges
             * for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
             * {
             *  node = this.mSpanningTree.InternalNodeAt(i);
             *  if (node.IncomingEdgeCount == 0)
             *      this.CalculatePosition(node, null, 0);
             * }
             * // then layout the other nodes
             * for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
             * {
             *  node = this.mSpanningTree.InternalNodeAt(i);
             *  this.CalculatePosition(node, null, 0);
             * }
             * this.mSpanTreeEdges = null;/* */

Esempio n. 14
        protected override void PerformIteration(uint iteration)
            GTree <Node, Edge, RectGeom <Node, Edge> > dTree = this.DataTree;

            /*if (this.bTreeDirty)
             * {
             *  this.bDirty = true;
             * }
             * else if (this.bAdaptToSizeChanges)
             * {
             *  this.RefreshBBox(dTree);
             *  if (dTree.GeomData.TreeBoundingBoxDirty)
             *  {
             *      this.bDirty = true;
             *      // This has to be done in order to reset
             *      // dTree.TreeBoundingBoxDirty to false in order to
             *      // accurately check for node size changes on the next
             *      // iteration. Otherwise, it remains true and the
             *      // positions will keep getting recalculated on each
             *      // iteration even if no size changes have occurred.
             *      dTree.GeomData.CalculateTreeBoundingBox();
             *  }
             * }
             * if (this.bDirty)
             * {
             *  this.ComputePositions(dTree);
             * }
             * this.bTreeDirty = false;
             * this.bDirty = false;/* */

            Node   node;
            int    i, sqIndex, sqCount;
            double cx, cy, dx, dy, fx, fy, r, dist, force;
            GTree <Node, Edge, RectGeom <Node, Edge> > ct, root;

            GTree <Node, Edge, RectGeom <Node, Edge> >[] branches;

            sqCount = this.mGraph.NodeCount;
            if (this.mStackQueue.Length < sqCount)
                    = new GTree <Node, Edge, RectGeom <Node, Edge> > [sqCount];
            if (this.bAdjustRoots)
                // Pull roots towards their fixed branches
                sqCount             = 1;
                this.mStackQueue[0] = dTree;
                while (sqCount > 0)
                    ct = this.mStackQueue[--sqCount];
                    if (ct.NodeData.PositionFixed)
                        root = ct.Root;
                        while (root != null)
                            // Calculate force on root
                            node = root.NodeData;
                            dx   = ct.GeomData.OffsetX;
                            dy   = ct.GeomData.OffsetY;
                            dist = Math.Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
                            dx   = node.X - ct.NodeData.X;
                            dy   = node.Y - ct.NodeData.Y;
                            if (dx == 0 && dy == 0)
                                fx = fy = dist / 10;
                                // Magnetic Force
                                r     = dx * dx + dy * dy;
                                force = ct.GeomData.OffsetX + dx;
                                fx    = this.mMagnetMult *
                                        Math.Pow(force, this.mMagnetExp) / r;
                                force = ct.GeomData.OffsetY + dy;
                                fy    = this.mMagnetMult *
                                        Math.Pow(force, this.mMagnetExp) / r;
                                // Spring Force
                                r     = Math.Sqrt(r);
                                force = this.mSpringMult *
                                        Math.Log(r / dist);
                                fx += force * dx / r;
                                fy += force * dy / r;/* */
                            }/* */

                            /*dist = ct.GeomData.OffsetX;
                             * r = node.X - ct.NodeData.Data.X;
                             * fx = r == 0 ? dist / 10
                             *  : Math.Sign(dist) * this.mSpringMult * Math.Log(Math.Abs(r / dist));
                             * dist = ct.GeomData.OffsetY;
                             * r = node.Y - ct.NodeData.Data.Y;
                             * fy = r == 0 ? dist / 10
                             *  : Math.Sign(dist) * this.mSpringMult * Math.Log(Math.Abs(r / dist));/* */
                            // Apply force to root position
                            node.SetPosition(node.X - (float)fx,
                                             node.Y - (float)fy);
                            // Progress up the ancestry chain
                            ct   = root;
                            root = ct.Root;
                    else if (ct.BranchCount > 0)
                        branches = ct.Branches;
                        for (i = branches.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                            this.mStackQueue[sqCount++] = branches[i];
            // Pull movable branches towards their roots
            sqIndex             = 0;
            sqCount             = 1;
            this.mStackQueue[0] = dTree;
            while (sqIndex < sqCount)
                ct       = this.mStackQueue[sqIndex++];
                cx       = ct.NodeData.X;
                cy       = ct.NodeData.Y;
                branches = ct.Branches;
                for (i = 0; i < branches.Length; i++)
                    ct   = branches[i];
                    node = ct.NodeData;
                    if (!node.PositionFixed)
                        fx   = node.X;
                        fy   = node.Y;
                        dx   = ct.GeomData.OffsetX;
                        dy   = ct.GeomData.OffsetY;
                        dist = Math.Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
                        dx   = cx - fx;
                        dy   = cy - fy;
                        if (dx == 0 && dy == 0)
                            fx += dist / 10;
                            fy += dist / 10;
                            // Magnetic Force
                            r     = dx * dx + dy * dy;
                            force = ct.GeomData.OffsetX + dx;
                            fx   += this.mMagnetMult *
                                    Math.Pow(force, this.mMagnetExp) / r;
                            force = ct.GeomData.OffsetY + dy;
                            fy   += this.mMagnetMult *
                                    Math.Pow(force, this.mMagnetExp) / r;
                            // Spring Force
                            r     = Math.Sqrt(r);
                            force = this.mSpringMult *
                                    Math.Log(r / dist);
                            fx += force * dx / r;
                            fy += force * dy / r;/* */
                        }/* */

                        /*dist = ct.GeomData.OffsetX;
                         * r = cx - fx;
                         * fx += r == 0 ? dist / 10
                         *  : Math.Sign(dist) * this.mSpringMult * Math.Log(Math.Abs(r / dist));
                         * dist = ct.GeomData.OffsetY;
                         * r = cy - fy;
                         * fy += r == 0 ? dist / 10
                         *  : Math.Sign(dist) * this.mSpringMult * Math.Log(Math.Abs(r / dist));/* */
                        // Apply force to node position
                        node.SetPosition((float)fx, (float)fy);
                    this.mStackQueue[sqCount++] = ct;
Esempio n. 15
 public SelectItemFromTreeViewModel(GTree Tree)
     this.Tree = Tree;