Esempio n. 1
        private void checkPlanification(Action action, DateTime dateFrom, int startTimePeriod, int endTimePeriod)
            DateTime start = dateFrom.AddMinutes(startTimePeriod * Settings.POMOCYCLE);
            DateTime end   = dateFrom.AddMinutes(endTimePeriod * Settings.POMOCYCLE);

            if (start.AddMinutes(Settings.POMOCYCLE) > end)
                throw new CalendarException(CalendarWarning.NonPositiveInterval, "Planification must have a minimum of one pomodoro");
            if (start < DateTime.UtcNow.ToUserLocalTime(action.Owner.TimeZoneId))
                throw new CalendarException(CalendarWarning.PastTime, "Planification datetime must be in the future");
            if (action == null || action.Status != Status.Active)
                throw new CalendarException(CalendarWarning.InvalidAction, "Invalid or inactive action (ID: " + action.ID + ")");
            List <Pomodoro> conflictingPomodoros = db.GetMyPomodoros(User).Where(p => p.Start.HasValue).AsEnumerable().Where(p =>
                                                                                                                             ((p.StartLocal.Value <= start && DbFunctions.AddMinutes(p.StartLocal.Value, Settings.POMOCYCLE) > start) ||
                                                                                                                              (p.StartLocal.Value < end && DbFunctions.AddMinutes(p.StartLocal.Value, Settings.POMOCYCLE) >= end))).ToList();

            if (conflictingPomodoros.Count > 0)
                throw new ConflictCalendarException(CalendarWarning.Conflict, conflictingPomodoros);
Esempio n. 2
        public PartialViewResult Working()
            WorkingPanelViewModel viewModel = new WorkingPanelViewModel();

            //(first) pomodoro with status = working(if exists)
            viewModel.pomodoro = db.GetMyPomodoros(User)
                                 .Where(p => p.Start.HasValue)
                                 .OrderByDescending(p => p.Start)
                                 .FirstOrDefault(p => p.Status == PomodoroStatus.Working);

            if (viewModel.pomodoro != null)
                //target time reached -> pomodoro is completed
                if (viewModel.TargetTime <= DateTime.UtcNow)
                    viewModel.pomodoro.Status          = PomodoroStatus.Unconfirmed;
                    db.Entry(viewModel.pomodoro).State = EntityState.Modified;

            //not exists
            if (viewModel.pomodoro == null)
                //(first) pomodoro with status = unconfirmed(if exists)
                viewModel.pomodoro = db.GetMyPomodoros(User)
                                     .Where(p => p.Start.HasValue)
                                     .OrderByDescending(p => p.Start)
                                     .FirstOrDefault(p => p.Status == PomodoroStatus.Unconfirmed);

            if (viewModel.pomodoro != null)
                viewModel.action = viewModel.pomodoro.Action;
                var currentUser = manager.FindById(User.Identity.GetUserId());
                if (currentUser.ActionID.HasValue && currentUser.ActionID.Value > 0)
                    viewModel.action = db.GetActionById(User, currentUser.ActionID.Value);
            if (viewModel.action != null)
                ViewBag.ActionID = new SelectList(db.GetMyActions(User), "ID", "Name", viewModel.action);
                ViewBag.ActionID = new SelectList(db.GetMyActions(User), "ID", "Name");

            return(PartialView("Panels/_WorkingPanel", viewModel));
Esempio n. 3
        public ViewResult WorkHistory(string start, string end, int?statusFilter)
            DateTime dtStart = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-29);

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(start))
                DateTime.TryParseExact(start, "dd/MM/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.None, out dtStart);
            ViewBag.start = dtStart.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");

            DateTime dtEnd = DateTime.Today;

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(start))
                DateTime.TryParseExact(end, "dd/MM/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.None, out dtEnd);
            ViewBag.end = dtEnd.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");

            var pomodoros = db.GetMyPomodoros(User).ToList().Where(
                p => p.Start.HasValue && p.StartLocal.Value.Date >= dtStart && p.StartLocal.Value.Date <= dtEnd);

            if (statusFilter.HasValue)
                pomodoros = pomodoros.Where(p => p.Status == (PomodoroStatus)statusFilter.Value);

            ViewBag.reportType = new SelectList(new string[] { "Working history" });

            WorkHistoryViewModel model = new WorkHistoryViewModel();

            model.WorkHistory = pomodoros.ToList();
            model.ReportType  = ReportType.WorkHistory;
            model.Start       = dtStart;
            model.End         = dtEnd;
Esempio n. 4
        public ViewResult Index(string sortOrder, string currentFilter, string searchString, int?statusFilter, int?page)
            ViewBag.CurrentSort     = sortOrder;
            ViewBag.ProjectSortParm = (sortOrder == "proj") ? "proj_desc" : "proj";
            ViewBag.TaskSortParm    = (sortOrder == "task") ? "task_desc" : "task";
            ViewBag.ActionSortParm  = (sortOrder == "acti") ? "acti_desc" : "acti";
            ViewBag.DateSortParm    = String.IsNullOrEmpty(sortOrder) ? "date" : "";

            var pomodoros = db.GetMyPomodoros(User);

            if (statusFilter.HasValue)
                pomodoros = pomodoros.Where(p => p.Status == (PomodoroStatus)statusFilter.Value);

            if (searchString != null)
                page = 1;
                searchString = currentFilter;

            ViewBag.CurrentFilter = searchString;

            switch (sortOrder)
            case "proj":
                pomodoros = pomodoros.OrderBy(p => p.Action.Task.Project.Code);

            case "proj_desc":
                pomodoros = pomodoros.OrderByDescending(p => p.Action.Task.Project.Code);

            case "task":
                pomodoros = pomodoros.OrderBy(p => p.Action.Task.Code);

            case "task_desc":
                pomodoros = pomodoros.OrderByDescending(p => p.Action.Task.Code);

            case "acti":
                pomodoros = pomodoros.OrderBy(p => p.Action.Name);

            case "acti_desc":
                pomodoros = pomodoros.OrderByDescending(p => p.Action.Name);

            case "date":
                pomodoros = pomodoros.OrderBy(p => p.Start);

            default:     // Date descending
                pomodoros = pomodoros.OrderByDescending(p => p.Start);
            int pageSize   = 25;
            int pageNumber = (page ?? 1);

            return(View(pomodoros.ToPagedList(pageNumber, pageSize)));
Esempio n. 5
        // GET: /Dashboard
        public ViewResult Dashboard()
            DashboardViewModel dashboard = new DashboardViewModel();

            //active projects
            dashboard.ActiveProjects = db.GetMyProjects(User).ToList().Where(p => p.IsActive);

            //active tasks
            dashboard.ActiveTasks = db.GetMyTasks(User).ToList().Where(t => t.IsActive);

            //active actions
            dashboard.ActiveActions = db.GetMyActions(User).ToList().Where(a => a.IsActive);

            //completed pomodoros
            dashboard.CompletedPomodoros = db.GetMyPomodoros(User).ToList().Where(p => p.Status == PomodoroStatus.Completed);

            //last active actions
            dashboard.LastActiveActions = new PomodoroContainerDateViewModel
                HeaderTitle    = "Last Active Actions",
                TableId        = "last-active-actions",
                IconCssClass   = "fa-play",
                ReportTypeDate = ReportTypeDate.LastPomodoro,
                RowsPerPage    = 5,
                Type           = PomodoroContainerType.Action,
                Items          = db.GetMyPomodoros(User)
                                 .Where(pm => pm.Status == PomodoroStatus.Completed && pm.Start.HasValue)
                                 .Select(pm => pm.Action)
                                 .OrderByDescending(a => a.LastPomodoro.Start.Value)

            //last active tasks
            dashboard.LastActiveTasks = new PomodoroContainerDateViewModel
                HeaderTitle    = "Last Active Tasks",
                TableId        = "last-active-tasks",
                IconCssClass   = "fa-play-circle",
                ReportTypeDate = ReportTypeDate.LastPomodoro,
                RowsPerPage    = 5,
                Type           = PomodoroContainerType.Task,
                Items          = db.GetMyPomodoros(User)
                                 .Where(pm => pm.Status == PomodoroStatus.Completed && pm.Start.HasValue)
                                 .Select(pm => pm.Action.Task)
                                 .OrderByDescending(t => t.LastPomodoro.Start.Value)

            //upcoming deadlines (actions)
            dashboard.UpcomingDeadlines = new PomodoroContainerDateViewModel
                HeaderTitle    = "Upcoming Deadlines",
                TableId        = "upcoming-deadlines",
                IconCssClass   = "fa-clock-o",
                ReportTypeDate = ReportTypeDate.NextDeadline,
                RowsPerPage    = 5,
                Type           = PomodoroContainerType.Action,
                Items          = db.GetMyActions(User)
                                 .Where(a => a.Status == Status.Active && a.Deadline.HasValue)
                                 .OrderBy(a => a.NextDeadline.Value)

            ////upcoming planified work (actions)
            //dashboard.UpcomingPlanifiedActions = new PomodoroContainerDateViewModel
            //    HeaderTitle = "Upcoming Planified Actions",
            //    TableId = "upcoming-planified-actions",
            //    IconCssClass = "fa-calendar",
            //    ReportTypeDate = ReportTypeDate.NextPlanifiedPomodoro,
            //    RowsPerPage = 5,
            //    Items = db.GetMyPomodoros(User).ToList()
            //        .Where(pm => pm.CalculatedStatus == PomodoroCalculatedStatus.Planified && pm.Start.HasValue)
            //        .Select(pm => pm.Action)
            //        .Distinct().ToList()
            //        .OrderBy(a => a.NextPlanifiedPomodoro.Start.Value)
            //        .Take(20)

            //last active actions
            dashboard.LastCreatedActions = new PomodoroContainerDateViewModel
                HeaderTitle    = "Last Created Actions",
                TableId        = "last-created-actions",
                IconCssClass   = "fa-plus-circle",
                ReportTypeDate = ReportTypeDate.LastCreationDate,
                RowsPerPage    = 5,
                Type           = PomodoroContainerType.Action,
                Items          = db.GetMyActions(User)
                                 .Where(a => a.CreationDate.HasValue)
                                 .OrderByDescending(a => a.CreationDateLocal.Value)

            //work amount (line-chart)
            dashboard.WorkAmountChartViewModel = new MorrisLineChartViewModel
                HeaderTitle = "Work Amount",
                Dates       = db.GetMyPomodoros(User).ToList()
                              .Where(p => p.Start.HasValue && p.CalculatedStatus == LoggableItemCalculatedStatus.Completed)
                              .Select(p => p.StartLocal.Value).AsEnumerable(),
                Interval      = DateInterval.Monthly,
                Label         = "Work units",
                HtmlElementId = "work-amount"

            dashboard.WorkDivisionViewModel = new MorrisDonutChartViewModel
                HeaderTitle = "Work Division",
                Items       = db.GetMyProjects(User)
                              .OrderByDescending(p => p.CompletedPomodorosCount),
                HtmlElementId = "work-division"

            dashboard.MyWorkspace = db.GetMyWorkspace(User);
            //dashboard.WorkDivisionViewModels = new List<MorrisDonutChartViewModel> {
            //    //work project division (donut chart)
            //    new MorrisDonutChartViewModel
            //    {
            //        HeaderTitle = "Projects",
            //        Items = db.GetMyProjects(User),
            //        HtmlElementId = "project-chart"
            //    },
            //    //work task division (donut chart)
            //     new MorrisDonutChartViewModel
            //    {
            //        HeaderTitle = "Tasks",
            //        Items = db.GetMyTasks(User),
            //        HtmlElementId = "task-chart",
            //        UseFullPathItemName = true
            //    }
