private bool ScriptedResearch(string command1, string command2, string modifier) { ConcurrentBag<Technology> AvailableTechsbag = new ConcurrentBag<Technology>(); foreach (KeyValuePair<string, Ship_Game.Technology> Technology in ResourceManager.TechTree) { TechEntry tech = null;// new TechEntry(); bool techexists = this.empire.GetTDict().TryGetValue(Technology.Key, out tech); if (!techexists || tech == null) continue; Technology technology = tech.GetTech(); if (tech.Unlocked || !this.empire.HavePreReq(Technology.Key) || (Technology.Value.Secret && !tech.Discovered) || technology.BuildingsUnlocked.Where(winsgame => ResourceManager.BuildingsDict[winsgame.Name].WinsGame == true).Count() > 0 //|| !tech.shipDesignsCanuseThis //|| (tech.shipDesignsCanuseThis && technology.ModulesUnlocked.Count > 0 && tech.shipDesignsCanuseThis && technology.HullsUnlocked.Count ==0 //&& !this.empire.WeCanUseThisNow(tech.GetTech())) ) { continue; } AvailableTechsbag.Add(Technology.Value); } if (AvailableTechsbag.Count <= 0) { return false; } List<Technology> AvailableTechs = AvailableTechsbag.ToList();//new List<Technology>(); List<string> useableTech = new List<string>(); string researchtopic = ""; TechnologyType techtype; #region hull checking. string BestShip = ""; //this.BestCombatShip; float bestShipStrength = 0f; float moneyNeeded = 0; float money = this.empire.EstimateIncomeAtTaxRate(.55f -((int)Ship.universeScreen.GameDifficulty *.05f) )+ this.empire.GetTotalShipMaintenance(); if (this.BestCombatShip != "" // && weCanBuildCurrentHull && this.empire.ShipsWeCanBuild.Contains(this.BestCombatShip) ) { // this.BestCombatShip = ""; } // if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.BestCombatShip) || (money <= moneyNeeded || AvailableTechs.Where(tech => tech.TechnologyType == TechnologyType.ShipHull && tech.Cost / this.empire.Research < 200).Count() < 1)) List<string> unlockedTech = new List<string>(); foreach (KeyValuePair<string, TechEntry> techs in this.empire.TechnologyDict) { if (techs.Value.Unlocked) unlockedTech.Add(techs.Key); } #region shipTechPicker Ship ship; bool CanNotSupportNewHull = false; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.BestCombatShip)) { if (ResourceManager.ShipsDict.TryGetValue(this.BestCombatShip, out ship)) { int techCount = ship.shipData.techsNeeded.Count; CanNotSupportNewHull = ship.GetMaintCost(this.empire) * 10 >money; bool flag=false; foreach (string shiptech in ship.shipData.techsNeeded) { if (unlockedTech.Contains(shiptech)) continue; flag = true; break; } if(!flag) { this.BestCombatShip = string.Empty; } } } int BestShipTechCost = 0; //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.BestCombatShip) )//|| CanNotSupportNewHull) foreach (KeyValuePair<string, Ship> wecanbuildit in ResourceManager.ShipsDict.OrderBy(techcost => techcost.Value.shipData != null ? techcost.Value.shipData.TechScore : 0)) // techcost.Value.BaseStrength)) //techcost.Value.shipData != null ? techcost.Value.shipData.techsNeeded.Count : 0))// // shipData !=null? techcost.Value.shipData.TechScore:0)) //Value.shipData.techsNeeded.Count:0)) { //if (this.BestCombatShip == wecanbuildit.Key ) // continue; bool test; //if (!this.empire.GetHDict().TryGetValue(wecanbuildit.Value.shipData.Hull, out test)) // continue; //if (!test) // continue; ship= wecanbuildit.Value; if (ship.shipData == null) continue; if (ship.BaseStrength < 1f) continue; Ship_Game.ShipRole roles; if (!ResourceManager.ShipRoles.TryGetValue(ship.Role, out roles) || roles==null || roles.Protected)// [ship.Role].Protected )// ship.Role == "prototype") continue; test = false; if (ship.shipData.ShipStyle != && (this.empire.GetHDict().TryGetValue(ship.shipData.Hull, out test) && test==true)==false) continue; test = false; if (this.empire.ShipsWeCanBuild.Contains(wecanbuildit.Key) )//this.empire.GetHDict()[ship.shipData.Hull] || continue; int techCost = ship.shipData.techsNeeded.Count; if (techCost == 0) continue; int trueTechcost = techCost; //if (ship.shipData.Role == currentHull) //if (AvailableTechs.Where(tech => tech.TechnologyType == TechnologyType.ShipHull && ship.shipData.techsNeeded.Contains(tech.UID)).Count() < 1) // continue; { moneyNeeded = ship.GetMaintCost(this.empire) * 5; foreach (string shipTech in ship.shipData.techsNeeded) { if (!test && !unlockedTech.Contains(shipTech)) { test = true; } //if (!AvailableTechs.Where(tech => tech.TechnologyType == TechnologyType.ShipHull && tech.uid Contains(shipTech)) //{ // //test = false; // //break; //} //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.BestCombatShip) ) { TechEntry generalTech; if (this.empire.TechnologyDict.TryGetValue(shipTech, out generalTech)) { Technology hull = generalTech.GetTech(); if (generalTech.Unlocked) { techCost--; trueTechcost--; continue; } else if ((hull.RaceRestrictions.Count > 0 && hull.RaceRestrictions.Where(restrict => restrict.ShipType == ==0 ) || (hull.RaceRestrictions.Count == 0 && hull.Secret && !hull.Discovered) ) { test = false; break; } else if (generalTech.GetTech().TechnologyType == TechnologyType.ShipGeneral) { techCost--; continue; } //if (hull.TechnologyType == TechnologyType.ShipHull) { //if (!this.empire.TechnologyDict.ContainsKey( !unlockedTech.Contains(hull.UID)) //{ // test = false; // break; //} //foreach (Technology.UnlockedHull uhull in hull.HullsUnlocked) //{ //} //if (hull.unlockBattleships) // moneyNeeded = 80; //else if (hull.unlockCruisers) // moneyNeeded = 60; //else if (hull.unlockFrigates) // moneyNeeded = 25; //else if (hull.unlockCorvettes) // moneyNeeded = 10; if (money / moneyNeeded < 1 ) { test = false; break; //techCost += 100; } if (hull.Cost / (this.empire.Research + 1) > 500) { techCost += 2; //(int)(hull.Cost / (150 * (this.empire.Research + 1))); } else if (hull.Cost / (this.empire.Research + 1) > 150) techCost += 1; } if (!test) continue; } else test = false; } } if (!test) { if (ship.Name == this.BestCombatShip) this.BestCombatShip = string.Empty; ship = null; continue; } useableTech.AddRange(ship.shipData.techsNeeded); if (trueTechcost == 0) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("skipped: " + ship.Name); if (ship.Name == this.BestCombatShip) this.BestCombatShip = string.Empty; ship = null; continue; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(BestShip) ||(bestShipStrength < ship.BaseStrength && BestShipTechCost >= techCost)) //BestShipTechCost == 0 || { bestShipStrength = ship.BaseStrength; BestShip = wecanbuildit.Key; BestShipTechCost = techCost; System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Choosing Best Ship Tech: " + + " -Ship: " + BestShip + " -TechCount: " + trueTechcost +"/"+techCost); } } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.BestCombatShip) )//|| CanNotSupportNewHull) this.BestCombatShip = BestShip; //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.BestCombatShip) && CanNotSupportNewHull) //{ // string[] remove =modifier.Split(':'); // foreach(string techtypeTemp in remove) // { // foreach(TechnologyType x in Enum.GetValues(typeof(TechnologyType))) // { // if(x== TechnologyType.ShipDefense || x==TechnologyType.ShipGeneral || x==TechnologyType.ShipHull || x==TechnologyType.ShipWeapons) // { // modifier= modifier.Replace(techtypeTemp,string.Empty); // } // } // } //} System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("This is Best Ship Tech: " + + " -Ship: " + this.BestCombatShip);//+ " -TechCount: " + ship.shipData.techsNeeded.Count); if (modifier == "TECH:ShipWeapons:ShipDefense:ShipGeneral:ShipHull") { command2 = "SHIPTECH"; } if (command2 != "SHIPTECH") { if (!this.empire.ShipsWeCanBuild.Contains(this.BestCombatShip)) { //Ship ship; if (ResourceManager.ShipsDict.TryGetValue(this.BestCombatShip, out ship) && ship != null && ship.shipData != null && ship.shipData.techsNeeded.Count > 0) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("This is Best Ship Tech: " + + " -Ship: " + ship.Name + " -TechCount: " + ship.shipData.techsNeeded.Where(Notunlocked=> !unlockedTech.Contains(Notunlocked)).Count()); List<Technology> techPurge = new List<Technology>(); foreach (Technology shiptech in AvailableTechs) { if (shiptech.TechnologyType == TechnologyType.ShipDefense || shiptech.TechnologyType == TechnologyType.ShipGeneral || shiptech.TechnologyType == TechnologyType.ShipWeapons || shiptech.TechnologyType == TechnologyType.ShipHull) { //if (!weCanBuildCurrentHull) { if (!ship.shipData.techsNeeded.Contains(shiptech.UID)) techPurge.Add(shiptech); } } } foreach (Technology purge in techPurge) { AvailableTechs.Remove(purge); } } } else { if (useableTech.Count > 0) AvailableTechs = AvailableTechs.Where(shiptech => ( shiptech.TechnologyType != TechnologyType.ShipDefense && shiptech.TechnologyType != TechnologyType.ShipGeneral && shiptech.TechnologyType != TechnologyType.ShipWeapons && shiptech.TechnologyType != TechnologyType.ShipHull) || useableTech.Contains(shiptech.UID)).ToList(); } } #endregion #endregion float CostNormalizer = this.empire.Research > 0.0f ? 1 / (this.empire.Research ) : 1; unlockedTech.AddRange(AvailableTechs.Select(techstring => techstring.UID)); switch (command2) { case "TECH": { string[] script = modifier.Split(':'); for (int i = 1; i < script.Count(); i++) { try { techtype = (TechnologyType)Enum.Parse(typeof(TechnologyType), script[i]); } catch { //techtype = (TechnologyType)Enum.Parse(typeof(TechnologyType), "General"); return false; } if ( > 0 && techtype == (TechnologyType)Enum.Parse(typeof(TechnologyType), "Colonization")) //this.empire.GetBDict()["Biospheres"] && { //techtype = TechnologyType.Industry; continue; } Technology ResearchTech = null; if (command1 == "CHEAPEST") ResearchTech = AvailableTechs.Where(econ => econ.TechnologyType == techtype).OrderBy(cost => cost.Cost).FirstOrDefault(); else if (command1 == "EXPENSIVE") ResearchTech = AvailableTechs.Where(econ => econ.TechnologyType == techtype).OrderByDescending(cost => cost.Cost).FirstOrDefault(); //AvailableTechs.Where(econ => econ.TechnologyType == techtype).FirstOrDefault(); if (ResearchTech == null) continue; //if (AvailableTechs.Where(econ => econ.TechnologyType == techtype).OrderByDescending(cost => cost.Cost).Count() == 0) // continue; if (techtype == TechnologyType.Economic) { if (ResearchTech.HullsUnlocked.Count > 0) { money = this.empire.EstimateIncomeAtTaxRate(.25f); if (money < 5f) { if (command1 == "CHEAPEST") ResearchTech = AvailableTechs.Where(econ => econ.TechnologyType == techtype && econ != ResearchTech).OrderBy(cost => cost.Cost).FirstOrDefault(); else if (command1 == "EXPENSIVE") ResearchTech = AvailableTechs.Where(econ => econ.TechnologyType == techtype && econ != ResearchTech).OrderByDescending(cost => cost.Cost).FirstOrDefault(); if (ResearchTech == null) { continue; } } } } //if (techtype == TechnologyType.ShipDefense || // techtype == TechnologyType.ShipGeneral || // techtype == TechnologyType.ShipHull || // techtype == TechnologyType.ShipWeapons) //{ // if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.BestCombatShip)) // return false; // ship = ResourceManager.ShipsDict[this.BestCombatShip]; // Technology shiptech = AvailableTechs.Where(uid => ship.shipData.techsNeeded.Contains(uid.UID)).OrderBy(techcost => techcost.Cost).FirstOrDefault(); // if (shiptech == null) // { // System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(this.BestCombatShip); // foreach (string Bestshiptech in ship.shipData.techsNeeded) //.techsNeeded.Where(uid => !ship.shipData.techsNeeded.Contains(uid.UID)) // { // if (unlockedTech.Contains(Bestshiptech)) // //|| AvailableTechs.Where(uid => uid.UID == Bestshiptech).Count()>0) // continue; // System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Missing Tech: " + Bestshiptech); // } // return false; // } // ResearchTech = shiptech; //} string Testresearchtopic = ResearchTech.UID;//AvailableTechs.Where(econ => econ.TechnologyType == techtype).OrderByDescending(cost => cost.Cost).FirstOrDefault().UID; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(researchtopic)) researchtopic = Testresearchtopic; else { int currentCost = (int)(ResearchTech.Cost * CostNormalizer); int previousCost = (int)(ResourceManager.TechTree[researchtopic].Cost * CostNormalizer); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.BestCombatShip) && (techtype != TechnologyType.ShipHull && //techtype == TechnologyType.ShipHull ||// ResearchTech.ModulesUnlocked.Count > 0 || ResourceManager.TechTree[researchtopic].ModulesUnlocked.Count > 0)) { Technology PreviousTech = ResourceManager.TechTree[researchtopic]; //Ship ship = ResourceManager.ShipsDict[this.BestCombatShip]; if (ship.shipData.techsNeeded.Contains(PreviousTech.UID)) previousCost = (int)(previousCost * .5f); if (ship.shipData.techsNeeded.Contains(ResearchTech.UID)) currentCost = (int)(currentCost * .5f); } if (command1 == "CHEAPEST" && currentCost < previousCost) researchtopic = Testresearchtopic; else if (command1 == "EXPENSIVE" && currentCost > previousCost) researchtopic = Testresearchtopic; } } break; } case "SHIPTECH": { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.BestCombatShip)) return false; ship = ResourceManager.ShipsDict[this.BestCombatShip]; Technology shiptech = AvailableTechs.Where(uid => ship.shipData.techsNeeded.Contains(uid.UID)).OrderBy(techcost => techcost.Cost).FirstOrDefault(); if (shiptech == null) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(this.BestCombatShip); foreach(string Bestshiptech in ship.shipData.techsNeeded) //.techsNeeded.Where(uid => !ship.shipData.techsNeeded.Contains(uid.UID)) { if ( unlockedTech.Contains(Bestshiptech) ) //|| AvailableTechs.Where(uid => uid.UID == Bestshiptech).Count()>0) continue; System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Missing Tech: " + Bestshiptech); } return false; } researchtopic = shiptech.UID; break; } default: { try { techtype = (TechnologyType)Enum.Parse(typeof(TechnologyType), command2); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(this.EmpireName + " : " + techtype.ToString()); } catch { this.res_strat = GSAI.ResearchStrategy.Random; this.RunResearchPlanner(); this.res_strat = GSAI.ResearchStrategy.Scripted; researchtopic = this.empire.ResearchTopic; break; } //This should fix issue 414, but someone else will need to verify it // Allium Sativum Technology ResearchTech = null; ResearchTech = AvailableTechs.OrderByDescending(econ => econ.TechnologyType == techtype).ThenBy(cost => cost.Cost).FirstOrDefault(); if (ResearchTech != null) { researchtopic = ResearchTech.UID; break; } //float netresearch =this.empire.GetPlanets().Where(owner => owner.Owner == this.empire).Sum(research => research.NetResearchPerTurn); //netresearch = netresearch == 0 ? 1 : netresearch; //if (ResourceManager.TechTree[researchtopic].Cost / netresearch < 500 ) researchtopic = null; break; } } { this.empire.ResearchTopic = researchtopic; } // else { // researchtopic = AvailableTechs.OrderBy(cost => cost.Cost).First().UID; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.empire.ResearchTopic)) return false; else { //try //{ // if (ResourceManager.TechTree[this.empire.ResearchTopic].TechnologyType == TechnologyType.ShipHull) // { // this.BestCombatShip = ""; // } //} //catch(Exception e) //{ // e.Data.Add("Tech Name(UID)", this.empire.ResearchTopic); //} System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(this.EmpireName + " : " + ResourceManager.TechTree[this.empire.ResearchTopic].TechnologyType.ToString()); return true; } }
private void RunResearchPlanner() { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.empire.ResearchTopic)) { //Added by McShooterz: random tech is less random, selects techs based on priority //Check for needs of empire // Ship ship; // int researchneeded = 0; //if( ResourceManager.ShipsDict.TryGetValue(this.BestCombatShip, out ship)) //{ // ship.shipData.TechScore / this.empire.Research //} bool cybernetic = > 0; bool atWar = false; bool highTaxes = false; bool lowResearch = false; bool lowincome = false; if (this.empire.GetRelations().Where(war => !war.Key.isFaction && ( war.Value.AtWar || war.Value.PreparingForWar)).Count() > 0) atWar = true; if ( >= .50f ) highTaxes = true; if (this.empire.GetPlanets().Sum(research => research.NetResearchPerTurn) < this.empire.GetPlanets().Count / 3) lowResearch = true; int economics = 10-(int)(this.empire.Money / (this.empire.GrossTaxes +1)); //(int)( * 10 + this.empire.Money < this.empire.GrossTaxes?5:0); int needsFood =0; foreach(Planet hunger in this.empire.GetPlanets()) { if (cybernetic ? hunger.ProductionHere <1 : hunger.FoodHere <1) needsFood++; } needsFood = needsFood>0 ? needsFood /this.empire.GetPlanets().Count :0; needsFood *= 10; //float moneyNeeded = this.empire.canBuildFrigates ? 25 : 0; //moneyNeeded = this.empire.canBuildCruisers ? 50 : moneyNeeded; //moneyNeeded = this.empire.canBuildCapitals ? 100 : moneyNeeded; //float money = this.empire.EstimateIncomeAtTaxRate(.5f) + this.empire.GetTotalShipMaintenance(); //if (money < moneyNeeded) //{ // lowincome = true; //} switch (this.res_strat) { case GSAI.ResearchStrategy.Random: { if (true) { Dictionary<string, int> priority = new Dictionary<string, int>(); priority.Add("SHIPTECH", HelperFunctions.GetRandomIndex(this.empire.getResStrat().MilitaryPriority + 4+ (atWar ? 6 : 2))); priority.Add("Research", HelperFunctions.GetRandomIndex(this.empire.getResStrat().ResearchPriority +4+ (lowResearch ? 4 : 0))); priority.Add("Colonization", HelperFunctions.GetRandomIndex(this.empire.getResStrat().ExpansionPriority + 4 +(!cybernetic?needsFood:0))); priority.Add("Economic", HelperFunctions.GetRandomIndex(this.empire.getResStrat().ExpansionPriority +4+ (economics) )); priority.Add("Industry", HelperFunctions.GetRandomIndex(this.empire.getResStrat().IndustryPriority + 4+ (cybernetic?needsFood:0))); priority.Add("General", HelperFunctions.GetRandomIndex(4)); priority.Add("GroundCombat", HelperFunctions.GetRandomIndex(this.empire.getResStrat().MilitaryPriority +4+ (atWar ? 4 : 0))); string sendToScript = ""; int max = 0; foreach (KeyValuePair<string, int> pWeighted in priority.OrderByDescending(pri => pri.Value)) { if (max > 3) break; if (pWeighted.Value < 3 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(sendToScript)) continue; //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sendToScript)) sendToScript += ":"; if (pWeighted.Key == "SHIPTECH") { sendToScript += "ShipWeapons:ShipDefense:ShipGeneral:ShipHull"; max += 4; } else { sendToScript += pWeighted.Key; max++; } } if (ScriptedResearch("CHEAPEST", "TECH", "TECH"+sendToScript)) return; } //changed by gremlin exclude module tech that we dont have any ships that use it. ConcurrentBag<Technology> AvailableTechs = new ConcurrentBag<Technology>(); //foreach (KeyValuePair<string, Ship_Game.Technology> Technology in ResourceManager.TechTree) Parallel.ForEach(ResourceManager.TechTree, Technology => { TechEntry tech = null;// new TechEntry(); bool techexists = this.empire.GetTDict().TryGetValue(Technology.Key, out tech); if (!techexists || tech == null) //continue; return; Technology technology = tech.GetTech(); if (tech.Unlocked || !this.empire.HavePreReq(Technology.Key) || (Technology.Value.Secret && !tech.Discovered) || technology.BuildingsUnlocked.Where(winsgame => ResourceManager.BuildingsDict[winsgame.Name].WinsGame == true).Count() > 0 || !tech.shipDesignsCanuseThis || (tech.shipDesignsCanuseThis && technology.ModulesUnlocked.Count > 0 && technology.HullsUnlocked.Count == 0 && !this.empire.WeCanUseThisNow(tech.GetTech()))) { //continue; return; } AvailableTechs.Add(Technology.Value); }); if (AvailableTechs.Count == 0) break; foreach(Technology tech in AvailableTechs.OrderBy(tech => tech.Cost)) { switch (tech.TechnologyType) { //case TechnologyType.ShipHull: // { // //Always research when able // this.empire.ResearchTopic = tech.UID; // break; // } //case TechnologyType.ShipGeneral: // { // if (HelperFunctions.GetRandomIndex(4) == 3) // this.empire.ResearchTopic = tech.UID; // break; // } //case TechnologyType.ShipWeapons: // { // if(atWar || HelperFunctions.GetRandomIndex(this.empire.getResStrat().MilitaryPriority + 4) > 2) // this.empire.ResearchTopic = tech.UID; // break; // } //case TechnologyType.ShipDefense: // { // if (atWar || HelperFunctions.GetRandomIndex(this.empire.getResStrat().MilitaryPriority + 4) > 2) // this.empire.ResearchTopic = tech.UID; // break; // } case TechnologyType.GroundCombat: { if (atWar || HelperFunctions.GetRandomIndex(this.empire.getResStrat().MilitaryPriority + 4) > 2) this.empire.ResearchTopic = tech.UID; break; } case TechnologyType.Economic: { if (highTaxes || HelperFunctions.GetRandomIndex(this.empire.getResStrat().ExpansionPriority + 4) > 2) this.empire.ResearchTopic = tech.UID; break; } case TechnologyType.Research: { if (lowResearch || HelperFunctions.GetRandomIndex(this.empire.getResStrat().ResearchPriority + 4) > 2) this.empire.ResearchTopic = tech.UID; break; } case TechnologyType.Industry: { if (HelperFunctions.GetRandomIndex(this.empire.getResStrat().IndustryPriority + 4) > 2) this.empire.ResearchTopic = tech.UID; break; } case TechnologyType.Colonization: { if (HelperFunctions.GetRandomIndex(this.empire.getResStrat().ExpansionPriority + 4) > 2) this.empire.ResearchTopic = tech.UID; break; } default: { break; } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.empire.ResearchTopic)) break; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.empire.ResearchTopic)) this.empire.ResearchTopic = AvailableTechs.OrderBy(tech => tech.Cost).First().UID; break; } case GSAI.ResearchStrategy.Scripted: { int loopcount = 0; Start: if (this.empire.getResStrat() != null && ScriptIndex < this.empire.getResStrat().TechPath.Count &&loopcount < this.empire.getResStrat().TechPath.Count) { string scriptentry = this.empire.getResStrat().TechPath[ScriptIndex].id; string scriptCommand = this.empire.GetTDict().ContainsKey(scriptentry) ? scriptentry:scriptentry.Split(':')[0]; switch (scriptCommand) { case "SCRIPT": { string modifier =""; string[] script =scriptentry.Split(':'); if(script.Count() >2) { modifier = script[2]; } ScriptIndex++; if (ScriptedResearch("CHEAPEST",script[1], modifier)) return; loopcount++; goto Start; } case "LOOP": { ScriptIndex=int.Parse(this.empire.getResStrat().TechPath[ScriptIndex].id.Split(':')[1]); loopcount++; goto Start; } case "CHEAPEST": { string modifier =""; string[] script =scriptentry.Split(':'); if(script.Count() ==1) { this.res_strat = GSAI.ResearchStrategy.Random; this.RunResearchPlanner(); this.res_strat = GSAI.ResearchStrategy.Scripted; ScriptIndex++; return; } string[] modifiers = new string[script.Count()-1]; for(int i=1; i <script.Count();i++) { modifiers[i-1] =script[i]; } modifier =String.Join(":",modifiers); ScriptIndex++; if (ScriptedResearch(scriptCommand, script[1], modifier)) return; loopcount++; goto Start; } case "EXPENSIVE": { string modifier = ""; string[] script = scriptentry.Split(':'); if (script.Count() == 1) { this.res_strat = GSAI.ResearchStrategy.Random; this.RunResearchPlanner(); this.res_strat = GSAI.ResearchStrategy.Scripted; ScriptIndex++; return; } string[] modifiers = new string[script.Count() - 1]; for (int i = 1; i < script.Count(); i++) { modifiers[i - 1] = script[i]; } modifier = String.Join(":", modifiers); ScriptIndex++; if (ScriptedResearch(scriptCommand,script[1], modifier)) return; loopcount++; goto Start; } case "IFWAR": { if (atWar) { ScriptIndex=int.Parse(this.empire.getResStrat().TechPath[ScriptIndex].id.Split(':')[1]); loopcount++; goto Start; } ScriptIndex++; goto Start; } case "IFHIGHTAX": { if (highTaxes) { ScriptIndex=int.Parse(this.empire.getResStrat().TechPath[ScriptIndex].id.Split(':')[1]); loopcount++; goto Start; } ScriptIndex++; goto Start; } case "IFPEACE": { if (!atWar) { ScriptIndex = int.Parse(this.empire.getResStrat().TechPath[ScriptIndex].id.Split(':')[1]); loopcount++; goto Start; } ScriptIndex++; goto Start; } case "IFCYBERNETIC": { if(>0 )//&& !this.empire.GetBDict()["Biospheres"])//==true)//this.empire.GetTDict().Where(biosphereTech=> biosphereTech.Value.GetTech().BuildingsUnlocked.Where(biosphere=> ResourceManager.BuildingsDict[biosphere.Name].Name=="Biospheres").Count() >0).Count() >0) { ScriptIndex = int.Parse(this.empire.getResStrat().TechPath[ScriptIndex].id.Split(':')[1]); loopcount++; goto Start; } ScriptIndex++; goto Start; } case "IFLOWRESEARCH": { if (lowResearch) { ScriptIndex = int.Parse(this.empire.getResStrat().TechPath[ScriptIndex].id.Split(':')[1]); loopcount++; goto Start; } ScriptIndex++; goto Start; } case "IFNOTLOWRESEARCH": { if (!lowResearch) { ScriptIndex = int.Parse(this.empire.getResStrat().TechPath[ScriptIndex].id.Split(':')[1]); loopcount++; goto Start; } ScriptIndex++; goto Start; } case "IFLOWINCOME": { if (lowincome) { ScriptIndex = int.Parse(this.empire.getResStrat().TechPath[ScriptIndex].id.Split(':')[1]); loopcount++; goto Start; } ScriptIndex++; goto Start; } case "IFNOTLOWINCOME": { if (!lowincome) { ScriptIndex = int.Parse(this.empire.getResStrat().TechPath[ScriptIndex].id.Split(':')[1]); loopcount++; goto Start; } ScriptIndex++; goto Start; } case "RANDOM": { this.res_strat = GSAI.ResearchStrategy.Random; this.RunResearchPlanner(); this.res_strat = GSAI.ResearchStrategy.Scripted; ScriptIndex++; return; } default: { TechEntry defaulttech; if(this.empire.GetTDict().TryGetValue(scriptentry, out defaulttech)) { if (defaulttech.Unlocked) { ScriptIndex++; goto Start; } if ( !defaulttech.Unlocked && this.empire.HavePreReq(defaulttech.UID)) { this.empire.ResearchTopic = defaulttech.UID; ScriptIndex++; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(scriptentry)) return; } } else { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("TechNotFound"); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(scriptentry); } foreach (EconomicResearchStrategy.Tech tech in this.empire.getResStrat().TechPath) { if (!this.empire.GetTDict().ContainsKey( || this.empire.GetTDict()[].Unlocked || !this.empire.HavePreReq( { continue; } int X = GlobalStats.ScriptedTechWithin; List<TechEntry> unresearched = new List<TechEntry>(); unresearched = this.empire.GetTDict().Values.Where(filter => !filter.Unlocked && filter.shipDesignsCanuseThis && (!filter.GetTech().Secret || !filter.Discovered) && this.empire.HavePreReq(filter.UID) && filter.GetTech().Cost > 0).OrderBy(cost => cost.GetTech().Cost).ToList(); //foreach (TechEntry tech2 in unresearched)//this.empire.GetTDict().Values.Where(filter => !filter.Unlocked && !filter.GetTech().Secret&& filter.Discovered && filter.GetTech().Cost > 0).OrderBy(cost => cost.GetTech().Cost)) //{ // X--; // if (tech2.UID == || tech2.GetTech().Cost >= ResourceManager.TechTree[].Cost * .25F) // break; // if (X <= 0) // { // this.res_strat = GSAI.ResearchStrategy.Random; // this.RunResearchPlanner(); // this.res_strat = GSAI.ResearchStrategy.Scripted; // ScriptIndex++; // return; // } //} this.empire.ResearchTopic =; ScriptIndex++; if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty( return; } this.res_strat = GSAI.ResearchStrategy.Random; ScriptIndex++; return; } } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.empire.ResearchTopic)) { this.res_strat = GSAI.ResearchStrategy.Random; } return; } default: { return; } } } }