partial void DeleteParameterGLFinancialCategory(GRP.BusinessLayer.Automation.Entities.ParameterGLFinancialCategory instance);
private void DrawImage(Control.MapEditor.DrawType drawType, CImage cImage, float scale, float grpscale) { if (!mapeditor.view_Unit_StartLoc & cImage.imageID == 588) { return; } if (!mapeditor.view_Unit_Maprevealer & cImage.imageID == 582) { return; } Vector2 pos = cImage.screen; GRP gRP = null; bool setgrp = false; if (cImage.imageID == 588) { //스타트로케이션 if (drawType == Control.MapEditor.DrawType.CB) { gRP = GetImageTexture(Control.MapEditor.DrawType.HD, cImage.imageID); setgrp = true; } } if (!setgrp) { gRP = GetImageTexture(drawType, cImage.imageID); } if (gRP.frameCount == 0) { return; } int frame = cImage.Frame % gRP.frameCount; if (cImage.Turnable) { frame += cImage.turnFrame; } GRP.FrameData fd = gRP.frameDatas[frame]; Vector2 p = pos; int x = 0, y = 0; switch (cImage.imageID) { case 235: break; case 251: if (drawType != Control.MapEditor.DrawType.CB) { x = -8; y = -16; } break; case 254: if (drawType != Control.MapEditor.DrawType.CB) { x = -8; y = -16; } break; case 588: //스타트로케이션 if (drawType != Control.MapEditor.DrawType.SD) { x = -61; y = -32; } break; case 582: //맵리빌러 if (drawType == Control.MapEditor.DrawType.HD) { x = -16; y = -16; } break; } Vector2 lol = new Vector2(x, y); Vector2 grppos = new Vector2(fd.xoff, fd.yoff) / grpscale; Vector2 grpsize = new Vector2(gRP.grpwidth, gRP.grpheight) / grpscale / grpscale; Vector2 imgpospos = new Vector2(cImage.XOffset, cImage.YOffset); Vector2 framesize = new Vector2(fd.fwidth, fd.fheight) / grpscale; Vector2 LastPos = new Vector2(); SpriteEffects spriteEffects = SpriteEffects.None; if (cImage.IsLeft) { spriteEffects = SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally; LastPos.X = grpsize.X / 2 - grppos.X - framesize.X; LastPos.Y = grppos.Y - grpsize.Y / 2; LastPos += imgpospos + lol; } else { LastPos = grppos - grpsize / 2 + imgpospos + lol; } LastPos *= scale; p += LastPos; Color color = Color.White; bool drawcmp = false; bool nonecolor = false; switch (cImage.drawType) { case CImage.DrawType.Shadow: color = new Color(0, 0, 0, 128); _spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.FrontToBack, blendState: BlendState.NonPremultiplied, samplerState: SamplerState.PointClamp); _spriteBatch.Draw(gRP.MainGRP, p, new Rectangle(fd.x, fd.y, fd.fwidth, fd.fheight), color, 0, Vector2.Zero, scale / grpscale, spriteEffects, 1 - cImage.Level / 30f); _spriteBatch.End(); return; case CImage.DrawType.Clock: color = new Color(255, 255, 255, 64); break; case CImage.DrawType.Hallaction: color = new Color(64, 64, 255, 255); nonecolor = true; break; case CImage.DrawType.UnitSprite: color = Color.White; if (mapeditor.view_SpriteColor) { color = mapeditor.SpriteOverlay; } //color = new Color(255, 0, 0, 255); break; case CImage.DrawType.PureSprite: if (mapeditor.view_SpriteColor) { color = mapeditor.SpriteOverlay; } //color = new Color(0, 255, 0, 255); break; case CImage.DrawType.Doodad: if (mapeditor.view_DoodadColor) { color = mapeditor.DoodadOverlay; } //color = new Color(0, 255, 0, 255); break; } if (!drawcmp) { _spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.FrontToBack, blendState: BlendState.NonPremultiplied, samplerState: SamplerState.PointClamp); _spriteBatch.Draw(gRP.MainGRP, p, new Rectangle(fd.x, fd.y, fd.fwidth, fd.fheight), color, 0, Vector2.Zero, scale / grpscale, spriteEffects, 1 - cImage.Level / 30f); } _spriteBatch.End(); if (!nonecolor) { if (cImage.color >= 0) { if (gRP.Color != null) { Color unitColor = mapeditor.mapdata.UnitColor(cImage.color); if (cImage.drawType == CImage.DrawType.Clock) { unitColor.A = 64; } //BlendState blendState = GraphicsDevice.BlendState; //GraphicsDevice.BlendState = ColorBlend; _colorBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.FrontToBack, ColorBlend, samplerState: SamplerState.PointClamp); _colorBatch.Draw(gRP.Color, p, new Rectangle(fd.x, fd.y, fd.fwidth, fd.fheight), unitColor, 0, Vector2.Zero, scale / grpscale, spriteEffects, 1 - cImage.Level / 30f); //GraphicsDevice.BlendState = blendState; _colorBatch.End(); } } } _spriteBatch.Begin(blendState: BlendState.NonPremultiplied); if (cImage.IsHover | cImage.IsSelect) { Vector2 rectpos; Vector2 rectsize; if (cImage.IsUnitRect) { rectpos = pos - new Vector2(cImage.Left, cImage.Up) * scale; rectsize = new Vector2(cImage.Left + cImage.Right, cImage.Up + cImage.Down) * scale; } else { rectpos = p; rectsize = new Vector2(fd.fwidth, fd.fheight); if (rectsize.LengthSquared() < 8) { rectpos -= new Vector2(4 * scale); rectsize += new Vector2(8); } rectsize *= scale / grpscale; } if (cImage.IsHover) { _spriteBatch.Draw(gridtexture, new Rectangle((int)rectpos.X, (int)rectpos.Y, (int)rectsize.X, (int)rectsize.Y), null, new Color(128, 128, 255, 48), 0, new Vector2(), SpriteEffects.None, 1); DrawRect(_spriteBatch, rectpos, rectpos + rectsize, Color.Red); } else if (cImage.IsSelect) { _spriteBatch.Draw(gridtexture, new Rectangle((int)rectpos.X, (int)rectpos.Y, (int)rectsize.X, (int)rectsize.Y), null, new Color(128, 255, 128, 48), 0, new Vector2(), SpriteEffects.None, 1); DrawRect(_spriteBatch, rectpos, rectpos + rectsize, Color.Red); } } _spriteBatch.End(); }
partial void UpdateParameterActivityType(GRP.BusinessLayer.Automation.Entities.ParameterActivityType instance);
partial void DeleteParameterEntityType(GRP.BusinessLayer.Automation.Entities.ParameterEntityType instance);
partial void DeleteReportParameterIncludeGrossNonPayrollExpense(GRP.BusinessLayer.Automation.Entities.ReportParameterIncludeGrossNonPayrollExpense instance);
partial void DeleteReportParameterReportReceiver(GRP.BusinessLayer.Automation.Entities.ReportParameterReportReceiver instance);
partial void InsertReport(GRP.BusinessLayer.Automation.Entities.Report instance);
partial void DeleteReportParameterGLCategorization(GRP.BusinessLayer.Automation.Entities.ReportParameterGLCategorization instance);
partial void UpdateReportTypeParameter(GRP.BusinessLayer.Automation.Entities.ReportTypeParameter instance);
partial void UpdateParameterDisplayOverheadBy(GRP.BusinessLayer.Automation.Entities.ParameterDisplayOverheadBy instance);
partial void InsertParameter(GRP.BusinessLayer.Automation.Entities.Parameter instance);
partial void DeleteReportParameterPropertyFund(GRP.BusinessLayer.Automation.Entities.ReportParameterPropertyFund instance);
partial void UpdateParameterGLCategorization(GRP.BusinessLayer.Automation.Entities.ParameterGLCategorization instance);
/// <summary> /// This if the GetFileName version that was made static so that the same behavior can be used in the web and the queue processor /// </summary> /// <param name="reportType">The report type of the report.</param> /// <param name="period">The reporting period for which to generate the report.</param> /// <param name="reportName">The report instance name.</param> /// <param name="reportGenerationQueueId">The report generation queue id.</param> /// <param name="insertedDate">The inserted date of the report generation queue.</param> /// <returns>The name that the generated report is to be saved as.</returns> public static string GetFileName(GRP.BusinessLayer.Automation.Enums.ReportType reportType, int period, string reportName, int reportGenerationQueueId, DateTime insertedDate) { return ReportNameFormatterFactory.Instance.Resolve( GRP.BusinessLayer.Reporting.Common.EnumHelper.GetName(reportType), reportName, period, reportGenerationQueueId, insertedDate).GetFileName(); }
partial void UpdateReport(GRP.BusinessLayer.Automation.Entities.Report instance);
partial void UpdateParameterReportReceiver(GRP.BusinessLayer.Automation.Entities.ParameterReportReceiver instance);
partial void UpdateReportGenerationQueue(GRP.BusinessLayer.Automation.Entities.ReportGenerationQueue instance);
partial void DeleteReportParameterGLMinorCategoryActivityType(GRP.BusinessLayer.Automation.Entities.ReportParameterGLMinorCategoryActivityType instance);
partial void DeleteReportGenerationQueueOutput(GRP.BusinessLayer.Automation.Entities.ReportGenerationQueueOutput instance);
partial void DeleteReportParameterOriginatingSubRegion(GRP.BusinessLayer.Automation.Entities.ReportParameterOriginatingSubRegion instance);
partial void InsertReportParameterActivityType(GRP.BusinessLayer.Automation.Entities.ReportParameterActivityType instance);
partial void DeleteReportType(GRP.BusinessLayer.Automation.Entities.ReportType instance);
partial void DeleteReportParameterConsolidationRegion(GRP.BusinessLayer.Automation.Entities.ReportParameterConsolidationRegion instance);
partial void DeleteParameterAllocationSubRegion(GRP.BusinessLayer.Automation.Entities.ParameterAllocationSubRegion instance);
partial void DeleteReportParameterCurrency(GRP.BusinessLayer.Automation.Entities.ReportParameterCurrency instance);
partial void DeleteParameterFunctionalDepartment(GRP.BusinessLayer.Automation.Entities.ParameterFunctionalDepartment instance);
partial void DeleteReportParameterDisplayOverheadBy(GRP.BusinessLayer.Automation.Entities.ReportParameterDisplayOverheadBy instance);
partial void InsertParameterGLMajorCategory(GRP.BusinessLayer.Automation.Entities.ParameterGLMajorCategory instance);
partial void UpdateReportParameterDisplayOverheadByOriginatingSubRegion(GRP.BusinessLayer.Automation.Entities.ReportParameterDisplayOverheadByOriginatingSubRegion instance);
public GRP GetImageTexture(Control.MapEditor.DrawType drawType, int imageindex) { imageindex = GetImageIndex(imageindex); GRP rgrp = GRPDATA[drawType][imageindex]; float scale; if (drawType == Control.MapEditor.DrawType.SD) { scale = 1; } else { scale = 2; } if (!rgrp.IsLoad) { //GRP로드가 되지 않았을 경우. string fname = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + $"CascData\\{drawType.ToString()}\\anim\\" + imageindex.ToString() + "\\diffuse.png"; string fcolorname = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + $"CascData\\{drawType.ToString()}\\anim\\" + imageindex.ToString() + "\\teamcolor.png"; string framedataname = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + $"CascData\\{drawType.ToString()}\\anim\\" + imageindex.ToString() + "\\framedata"; rgrp.GRPFile = fname; if (File.Exists(fname)) { rgrp.MainGRP = LoadFromFile(fname); } if (File.Exists(fcolorname)) { rgrp.Color = LoadFromFile(fcolorname); } if (File.Exists(framedataname)) { BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(File.ReadAllBytes(framedataname))); rgrp.frameDatas = new GRP.FrameData[br.BaseStream.Length / 16]; rgrp.frameCount = br.ReadUInt16(); rgrp.grpwidth = br.ReadUInt16(); rgrp.grpheight = br.ReadUInt16(); for (int i = 0; i < rgrp.frameDatas.Length; i++) { GRP.FrameData frameData = new GRP.FrameData(); frameData.x = (short)(br.ReadInt16() / scale); frameData.y = (short)(br.ReadInt16() / scale); frameData.xoff = (short)(br.ReadInt16() / scale); frameData.yoff = (short)(br.ReadInt16() / scale); frameData.fwidth = (short)(br.ReadInt16() / scale); frameData.fheight = (short)(br.ReadInt16() / scale); frameData.funk1 = (short)(br.ReadInt16() / scale); frameData.funk2 = (short)(br.ReadInt16() / scale); rgrp.frameDatas[i] = frameData; } if (drawType == Control.MapEditor.DrawType.SD) { rgrp.grpwidth = (ushort)SDGRPSIZE[imageindex].X; rgrp.grpheight = (ushort)SDGRPSIZE[imageindex].Y; } br.Close(); } rgrp.IsLoad = true; } return(rgrp); }
partial void UpdateReportParameterFunctionalDepartment(GRP.BusinessLayer.Automation.Entities.ReportParameterFunctionalDepartment instance);
partial void DeleteReforecast(GRP.BusinessLayer.Reporting.Entities.Reforecast instance);
public static void cobaQuery() { var db = new Contoh06Context(); //001 Query biasa /* * SELECT T0.* * FROM Invoices T0 */ var query001 = from T0 in db.Invoices select T0 ; foreach (var invoice in query001) { Console.WriteLine($"001 -> {invoice.TransNo}"); } //002 TOP N /* * SELECT TOP 1 T0.* * FROM Invoices T0 */ var query002 = (from T0 in db.Invoices select T0 ).Take(1) ; foreach (var invoice in query002) { Console.WriteLine($"002 -> {invoice.TransNo}"); } //003 ORDER BY /* * SELECT T0.* * FROM Invoices T0 * ORDER BY T0.TransNo ASC */ var query003 = from T0 in db.Invoices orderby T0.TransNo ascending //descending select T0 ; foreach (var invoice in query003) { Console.WriteLine($"003 -> {invoice.TransNo}"); } //004 WHERE /* * SELECT T0.* * FROM Invoices T0 * WHERE T0.TransNo='trans02' */ var query004 = from T0 in db.Invoices where T0.TransNo == "trans02" select T0 ; foreach (var invoice in query004) { Console.WriteLine($"004 -> {invoice.TransNo}"); } //005 TOP-ORDER-WHERE /* * SELECT TOP 1 T0.* * FROM Invoices T0 * WHERE T0.TransNo='trans02' * ORDER BY T0.TransNo ASC * */ var query005 = (from T0 in db.Invoices orderby T0.TransNo ascending where T0.TransNo == "trans02" select T0 ).Take(1) ; foreach (var invoice in query005) { Console.WriteLine($"005 -> {invoice.TransNo}"); } //006 Custom Column name /* * SELECT TOP 1 T0.TransNo AS NomerInvoice * FROM Invoices T0 * WHERE T0.TransNo='trans02' * ORDER BY T0.TransNo ASC * */ var query006 = (from T0 in db.Invoices orderby T0.TransNo ascending where T0.TransNo == "trans02" select new { NomerInvoice = T0.TransNo } ).Take(1) ; foreach (var invoice in query006) { Console.WriteLine($"006 -> {invoice.NomerInvoice}"); } //007 INNER JOIN /* * SELECT TOP 1 T0.TransNo AS NomerInvoice, T1.ItemCode AS KodeBarang * FROM Invoices T0 * INNER JOIN InvoiceItems T1 ON T0.Id=T1.Id * WHERE TransNo='trans02' * ORDER BY TransNo ASC * */ var query007 = (from T0 in db.Invoices join T1 in db.InvoiceItems on T0.Id equals T1.InvoiceId orderby T0.TransNo ascending where T0.TransNo == "trans02" select new { NomerInvoice = T0.TransNo, KodeBarang = T1.ItemCode } ).Take(1) ; foreach (var invoice in query007) { Console.WriteLine($"007 -> {invoice.NomerInvoice}-{invoice.KodeBarang}"); } //008 LEFT JOIN -- RIGHT JOIN (tidak mendukung dan kudu di akalin dengan left join /* * SELECT TOP 1 T0.TransNo AS NomerInvoice, T1.ItemCode AS KodeBarang * FROM Invoices T0 * INNER JOIN InvoiceItems T1 ON T0.Id=T1.Id * WHERE TransNo='trans02' * ORDER BY TransNo ASC * */ var query008 = (from T0 in db.Invoices join T1 in db.InvoiceItems on T0.Id equals T1.InvoiceId into J01 from T1_0 in J01.DefaultIfEmpty() orderby T0.TransNo ascending where T0.TransNo == "trans02" select new { NomerInvoice = T0.TransNo, KodeBarang = T1_0.ItemCode } ).Take(1) ; foreach (var invoice in query008) { Console.WriteLine($"008 -> {invoice.NomerInvoice}-{invoice.KodeBarang}"); } //009 CROSS JOIN /* * SELECT TOP 1000 T0.TransNo AS NomerInvoice, T1.ItemCode AS KodeBarang * FROM Invoices T0 * CROSS JOIN InvoiceItems T1 * WHERE TransNo='trans02' * ORDER BY TransNo ASC * */ var query009 = (from T0 in db.Invoices from T1 in db.InvoiceItems orderby T0.TransNo ascending where T0.TransNo == "trans02" select new { NomerInvoice = T0.TransNo, KodeBarang = T1.ItemCode } ).Take(1000) ; foreach (var invoice in query009) { Console.WriteLine($"009 -> {invoice.NomerInvoice}-{invoice.KodeBarang}"); } //010 GROUP BY dengan satu table /* * SELECT T0.ItemCode AS KodeBarang , SUM(T0.Qty) AS TotalQty * FROM InvoiceItems T0 * GROUP BY T0.ItemCode * */ var query010 = from T0 in db.InvoiceItems group T0 by T0.ItemCode into GRP select new { KodeBarang = GRP.Key, TotalQty = GRP.Sum(x => x.Qty) } ; foreach (var invoice in query010) { Console.WriteLine($"010 -> {invoice.KodeBarang}-{invoice.TotalQty}"); } //011 GROUP BY dengan inner join /* * SELECT T0.TransNo AS NomerInvoice, T1.ItemCode AS KodeBarang, SUM(T1.Qty) AS TotalQty * FROM Invoices T0 * INNER JOIN InvoiceItems T1 ON T0.Id=T1.Id * GROUP BY T0.TransNo, T1.ItemCode * */ var query011 = from T0 in db.Invoices join T1 in db.InvoiceItems on T0.Id equals T1.InvoiceId group new { T0, T1 } by new { T0.TransNo, T1.ItemCode } into GRP select new { NomerInvoice = GRP.Key.TransNo, KodeBarang = GRP.Key.ItemCode, TotalQty = GRP.Sum(x => x.T1.Qty) } ; foreach (var invoice in query011) { Console.WriteLine($"011 -> {invoice.NomerInvoice}-{invoice.KodeBarang}-{invoice.TotalQty}"); } //012 HAVING /* * SELECT T0.TransNo AS NomerInvoice, T1.ItemCode AS KodeBarang, SUM(T0.Qty) AS TotalQty * FROM Invoices T0 * INNER JOIN InvoiceItems T1 ON T0.Id=T1.Id * GROUP BY T0.TransNo, T1.ItemCode * HAVING SUM(T0.Qty)>2 * */ var query012 = from T0 in db.Invoices join T1 in db.InvoiceItems on T0.Id equals T1.InvoiceId group new { T0, T1 } by new { T0.TransNo, T1.ItemCode } into GRP where GRP.Sum(x => x.T1.Qty) > 2 select new { NomerInvoice = GRP.Key.TransNo, KodeBarang = GRP.Key.ItemCode, TotalQty = GRP.Sum(x => x.T1.Qty) } ; foreach (var invoice in query012) { Console.WriteLine($"012 -> {invoice.NomerInvoice}-{invoice.KodeBarang}-{invoice.TotalQty}"); } //013 HAVING--WHERE--ORDERBY /* * SELECT T0.TransNo AS NomerInvoice, T1.ItemCode AS KodeBarang, SUM(T1.Qty) AS TotalQty * FROM Invoices T0 * INNER JOIN InvoiceItems T1 ON T0.Id=T1.Id * WHERE T0.TransNo='trans02' * GROUP BY T0.TransNo, T1.ItemCode * HAVING SUM(T1.Qty)>2 * ORDER BY T1.ItemCode DESC * */ var query013 = ( from T0 in db.Invoices join T1 in db.InvoiceItems on T0.Id equals T1.InvoiceId where T0.TransNo == "trans02" group new { T0, T1 } by new { T0.TransNo, T1.ItemCode } into GRP where GRP.Sum(x => x.T1.Qty) > 2 orderby GRP.Key.ItemCode descending select new { NomerInvoice = GRP.Key.TransNo, KodeBarang = GRP.Key.ItemCode, TotalQty = GRP.Sum(x => x.T1.Qty) } ).Take(2) //kalau di taruh di sini akan jadi sub query //.OrderBy(p => p.KodeBarang ) //.OrderByDescending(p => p.KodeBarang) ; //foreach (var invoice in query013) //{ // Console.WriteLine($"013 -> {invoice.NomerInvoice}-{invoice.KodeBarang}-{invoice.TotalQty}"); //} //013 HAVING--WHERE--ORDERBY--CASE /* * SELECT T0.TransNo AS NomerInvoice, T1.ItemCode AS KodeBarang, SUM(CASE WHEN T1.Qty<1 THEN 0 ELSE T1.Qty END) AS TotalQty * FROM Invoices T0 * INNER JOIN InvoiceItems T1 ON T0.Id=T1.Id * WHERE T0.TransNo='trans02' * GROUP BY T0.TransNo, T1.ItemCode * HAVING SUM(CASE WHEN T1.Qty<1 THEN 0 ELSE T1.Qty END)>0 * ORDER BY T1.ItemCode DESC * */ var query014 = ( from T0 in db.Invoices join T1 in db.InvoiceItems on T0.Id equals T1.InvoiceId where T0.TransNo == "trans02" group new { T0, T1 } by new { T0.TransNo, T1.ItemCode } into GRP where GRP.Sum(x => x.T1.Qty < 2 ? 0 : x.T1.Qty) > 0 orderby GRP.Key.ItemCode descending select new { NomerInvoice = GRP.Key.TransNo, KodeBarang = GRP.Key.ItemCode, TotalQty = GRP.Sum(x => x.T1.Qty < 2 ? 0 : x.T1.Qty) } ).Take(2) ; foreach (var invoice in query014) { Console.WriteLine($"014 -> {invoice.NomerInvoice}-{invoice.KodeBarang}-{invoice.TotalQty}"); } Console.WriteLine("END YA"); }