public void GPS_Test_3(int Year, int Month, int Date, int Hour, int Minute, int Second, int GPSWeek, int GPSSeconds) { string s = "(1952-194766) 6/6/2017:6:6:6)"; IGPSTime t = new GPSTime(GPSWeek, GPSSeconds); Assert.AreEqual(s, t.ToString()); }
public void GPS_Test_5(int Year, int Month, int Date, int Hour, int Minute, int Second, int GPSWeek, int GPSSeconds) { string s = "(335-153243) 9/6/1986:18:34:3)"; IGPSTime t = new GPSTime(GPSWeek, GPSSeconds); Assert.AreEqual(s, t.ToString()); }
public async Task <ActionResult <IEnumerable <IEnumerable <double> > > > GetDatas(string tableName, int?fromWeek, int?toWeek, double?fromT, double?toT) { try { GPSTime from = null, to = null; if (fromWeek != null || fromT != null) { from = new GPSTime(fromWeek.Value, fromT.Value); } if (toWeek != null || toT != null) { to = new GPSTime(toWeek.Value, toT.Value); } var Datas = (await datas.GetAllAsync(tableName, from, to)).ToList(); var All = new List <List <double> >(); foreach (var data in Datas) { All.Add(new List <double>() { data.WEEK, data.T, data.AX, data.AY, data.AZ, data.Temp.Value }); } return(All); } catch (NotFoundException) { return(NotFound()); } catch (Exception ex) { return(StatusCode(501)); } }
public void GPS_Test_4(int Year, int Month, int Date, int Hour, int Minute, int Second, int GPSWeek, int GPSSeconds) { IGPSTime t = new GPSTime(GPSWeek, GPSSeconds); IGPSTime t1 = new GPSTime(Year, Month, Date, Hour, Minute, Second); Assert.AreEqual(t, t1); }
public async Task <ActionResult <IEnumerable <double> > > GetCount(string tableName, int?week, double?t) { if (week == null || t == null) { return(NotFound()); } try { int currentWeek = week.Value; double currentT = t.Value; var HistData = new List <double>(); for (int i = 1; i <= 24; i++) { var from = new GPSTime(currentWeek, currentT); nextHour(ref currentWeek, ref currentT); var to = new GPSTime(currentWeek, currentT - 0.001); var count = datas.GetCount(tableName, from, to); double percent = (double)count / (double)dataCountPerHour * 100.0; HistData.Add(percent); } return(HistData); } catch (NotFoundException) { return(NotFound()); } catch (Exception ex) { return(StatusCode(501)); } }
public void GPS_Test_1(int Year, int Month, int Date, int Hour, int Minute, int Second, int GPSWeek, int GPSSeconds) { DateTime t1 = new DateTime(Year, Month, Date, Hour, Minute, Second); IGPSTime t = new GPSTime(t1); Assert.AreEqual(GPSWeek, t.GPSWeek); Assert.AreEqual(GPSSeconds, t.GPSSeconds); }
public void GPS_Test_2(int Year, int Month, int Date, int Hour, int Minute, int Second, int GPSWeek, int GPSSeconds) { IGPSTime t = new GPSTime(GPSWeek, GPSSeconds); Assert.AreEqual(Year, t.RegularDateTime.Year); Assert.AreEqual(Month, t.RegularDateTime.Month); Assert.AreEqual(Date, t.RegularDateTime.Day); Assert.AreEqual(Hour, t.RegularDateTime.Hour); Assert.AreEqual(Minute, t.RegularDateTime.Minute); Assert.AreEqual(Second, t.RegularDateTime.Second); }
/// <summary> /// Calculates from the GPS second the GPS time given at the GPS time structure. /// </summary> /// <param name="GPS_Second">GPS second, which has to be converted in the GPS time structure.</param> /// <returns>GPS time structure.</returns> public static GPSTime getGPSWeekSecondFromGPSSeconds(long GPS_Second) { GPSTime GPSWS = new GPSTime(); GPSWS.SecondofWeek = (int)(GPS_Second % (86400 * 7)); GPSWS.Day = (int)Math.Floor(GPSWS.SecondofWeek / 86400.0); GPSWS.Week = (int)((GPS_Second - (long)GPSWS.SecondofWeek) / (long)(86400 * 7)); GPSWS.Rollover = (int)Math.Floor((double)(GPSWS.Week + 1) / 1024.0); if (GPSWS.Rollover > 0) { GPSWS.Week -= GPSWS.Rollover * 1024; } return(GPSWS); }
void parse_GPS_msg() { string temp = currentMsg.ToString(); string[] tempArray = new string[100]; tempArray = temp.Split(delims); switch (tempArray[0]) { case "$GPGGA": try { if (tempArray[9] == "") tempArray[9] = "0"; if (tempArray[7] == "") tempArray[7] = "0"; time = new GPSTime(tempArray[1]); lastFix = fix; fix = (tempArray[6] != "0"); altitude = Convert.ToDouble(tempArray[9]); lastLatitude = latitude; lastLongitude = longitude; latitude = Math.Round(((Convert.ToDouble(tempArray[2].Remove(0, 2)) / 60) + (Convert.ToDouble(tempArray[2].Remove(2)))), 6); longitude = Math.Round(((Convert.ToDouble(tempArray[4].Remove(0, 3)) / 60) + (Convert.ToDouble(tempArray[4].Remove(3)))), 6); if (tempArray[3] == "S") latitude = -latitude; if (tempArray[5] == "W") longitude = -longitude; } catch { } if(lastLongitude != longitude) OnPositionChange(new PositionChangeEventArgs(latitude, longitude)); else if(lastLatitude != latitude) OnPositionChange(new PositionChangeEventArgs(latitude, longitude)); if(lastFix != fix) OnPositionFixChange(new PositionFixChangeEventArgs(fix)); break; case "$GPGSA": break; case "$GPGSV": break; case "$GPRMC": try { if (tempArray[7] == "") tempArray[7] = "0"; if (tempArray[8] == "") tempArray[8] = "0"; if (tempArray[9] == "") tempArray[9] = "0"; date = new GPSDate(tempArray[9]); velocity = (Convert.ToDouble(tempArray[7]))/0.5399568; heading = Convert.ToDouble(tempArray[8]); } catch { } break; case "$GPVTG": break; case "$GPGLL": break; default: break; } }
///<exclude/> public bool Equals(GPSTime other) { if (ReferenceEquals(null, other)) return false; if (ReferenceEquals(this, other)) return true; return other._Sec.Equals(_Sec) && other._Msec.Equals(_Msec); }
/// <summary> /// Determines the GPS second by using the GPS time structure of the week, rollover and sekond of the week. /// </summary> /// <param name="GPSWS">GPS time structure</param> /// <returns>The calculated GPS second.</returns> public static long getGPSSecondFromGPSWeekSecond(GPSTime GPSWS) { return((((long)GPSWS.Week + ((long)GPSWS.Rollover * 1024)) * 86400 * 7) + (long)GPSWS.SecondofWeek); }
/// <summary> /// 取得指定[縣市],[路線名稱]的公車動態定點資料(A2)[批次更新] /// </summary> /// <param name="city">縣市</param> /// <param name="routeName">路線</param> /// <param name="top">筆數</param> /// <returns></returns> public void BusA2DataGet(string city, string routeName, string filter) { //appID 與 appKey //L1 const string appID = "de9846031af54c0e95cd3f0c68e6c9e9"; const string appKey = "VVnz4vQe5Lsu4qtmUJAr79uVLRQ"; //L2 //const string appID = "9d23cca661e34c60a27da4102820cdca"; //const string appKey = "szVA8s6nvxAqwzbZSQkiMVA2fyM"; //Use RestSharp Call API //var client = new RestClient($"{city}/{routeName}?%top={top}&$format=JSON"); //client = new RestClient($"{city}/{routeName}?%filter={filter}&$format=JSON"); var client = new RestClient($"{city}/{routeName}?$format=JSON"); var request = new RestRequest(Method.GET); string gmtStr = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("r"); string signature = HMACSHA1Text(@"x-date: " + gmtStr, appKey); string Authorization = @"hmac username=""" + appID + @""", algorithm=""hmac-sha1"", headers=""x-date"", signature=""" + signature + @""""; request.AddHeader("Accept", "application/json"); request.AddHeader("Authorization", Authorization); request.AddHeader("x-date", gmtStr); request.AddHeader("Accept-Encoding", "gzip, deflate"); IRestResponse response = client.Execute(request); string Result = ""; if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK) { var APIResult = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <BusA2Data> >(response.Content); if (APIResult != null && APIResult.Count > 0) { string PlateNumb, RouteID, Direction, StopID, StopName; int DutyStatus, BusStatus, MessageType, StopSequence, A2EventType; DateTime GPSTime; string CreateTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"); foreach (BusA2Data PTXData in APIResult) { GetA2 = GetA2 + 1; PlateNumb = PTXData.PlateNumb; RouteID = PTXData.RouteID; Direction = PTXData.Direction; StopID = PTXData.StopID; StopName = PTXData.StopName.Zh_tw; StopSequence = PTXData.StopSequence; A2EventType = PTXData.A2EventType; DutyStatus = PTXData.DutyStatus; BusStatus = PTXData.BusStatus; MessageType = PTXData.MessageType; GPSTime = PTXData.GPSTime; Result = Result + "IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT PlateNumb FROM A2Data WHERE PlateNumb='" + PlateNumb + "' AND A2EventType=" + A2EventType + " AND GPSTime='" + GPSTime.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss") + "')" + "BEGIN " + "INSERT INTO A2Data(PlateNumb, RouteID, Direction, StopID, StopName,DutyStatus, BusStatus, MessageType, StopSequence, A2EventType,GPSTime, CreateTime)" + "VALUES(" + " '" + PlateNumb + "' " + ",'" + RouteID + "' " + ",'" + Direction + "' " + ",'" + StopID + "' " + ",'" + StopName + "' " + ", " + DutyStatus + " " + ", " + BusStatus + " " + ", " + MessageType + " " + ", " + StopSequence + " " + ", " + A2EventType + " " + ",'" + GPSTime.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss") + "' " + ",'" + CreateTime + "' " + ") END ;"; } } } //寫入資料 if (Result != "") { SqlConnection connnew = new SqlConnection(strconnection); try { connnew.Open(); SqlCommand cmmdnew = new SqlCommand(Result, connnew); cmmdnew.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("A2Data error "); Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } finally { connnew.Close(); } } }
void parse_GPS_msg() { string temp = currentMsg.ToString(); string[] tempArray = new string[100]; tempArray = temp.Split(delims); switch (tempArray[0]) { case "$GPGGA": try { if (tempArray[9] == "") { tempArray[9] = "0"; } if (tempArray[7] == "") { tempArray[7] = "0"; } time = new GPSTime(tempArray[1]); lastFix = fix; fix = (tempArray[6] != "0"); altitude = Convert.ToDouble(tempArray[9]); lastLatitude = latitude; lastLongitude = longitude; latitude = Math.Round(((Convert.ToDouble(tempArray[2].Remove(0, 2)) / 60) + (Convert.ToDouble(tempArray[2].Remove(2)))), 6); longitude = Math.Round(((Convert.ToDouble(tempArray[4].Remove(0, 3)) / 60) + (Convert.ToDouble(tempArray[4].Remove(3)))), 6); if (tempArray[3] == "S") { latitude = -latitude; } if (tempArray[5] == "W") { longitude = -longitude; } } catch { } if (lastLongitude != longitude) { OnPositionChange(new PositionChangeEventArgs(latitude, longitude)); } else if (lastLatitude != latitude) { OnPositionChange(new PositionChangeEventArgs(latitude, longitude)); } if (lastFix != fix) { OnPositionFixChange(new PositionFixChangeEventArgs(fix)); } break; case "$GPGSA": break; case "$GPGSV": break; case "$GPRMC": try { if (tempArray[7] == "") { tempArray[7] = "0"; } if (tempArray[8] == "") { tempArray[8] = "0"; } if (tempArray[9] == "") { tempArray[9] = "0"; } date = new GPSDate(tempArray[9]); velocity = (Convert.ToDouble(tempArray[7])) / 0.5399568; heading = Convert.ToDouble(tempArray[8]); } catch { } break; case "$GPVTG": break; case "$GPGLL": break; default: break; } }