Esempio n. 1
        private static void Orders(GOshopAPISoapClient service)
            var availableStates = service.OrdersStatesList();

            Console.WriteLine($"Available order states count is: {availableStates.Length}");

            var orders = service.OrdersList(new OrderQuery
                //CreatedLaterThan = DateTime.Now.AddYears(-50),
                Page      = 1,
                PageSize  = 10,
                InStateId = new[]
                    1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2

            foreach (var order in orders)

                service.OrderUpdate(new OrderUpdateQuery
                    NewOuterSystemID  = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                    OrderId           = order.OrderId,
                    NewShippingNumber = "shipping_number",
                    NewStateId        = 2121
Esempio n. 2
        private static void AddSimpleProduct(GOshopAPISoapClient service, ProductProducer[] producers)
            var resultId = service.ProductAdd(new ProductAddStruct
                Active              = true,
                BaseEAN             = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Substring(0, 13),
                BaseSKU             = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Substring(0, 13),
                ProducerName        = producers.OrderBy(n => Guid.NewGuid()).First().ProducerName,
                TaxRate             = 23,
                Name                = $"Test Product {Utilities.GetRandomString(5)}",
                Weight              = 0.05m,
                FullHtmlDescription = "Full description <b>with html</b>",
                ShortDescription    = "test short descriptions",
                CategoryId          = new[] { 26, 18 }
            var catalogPrice = new Random(new Random().Next()).NextDecimal(1000, 5000);
            var grossPrice   = new Random(new Random().Next()).NextDecimal(1000, 5000);

            service.AddBasicOption(new OptionAddRequest
                CatalogPriceGross = catalogPrice,
                PriceGross        = grossPrice,
                EAN       = Utilities.GetRandomString(13),
                SKU       = Utilities.GetRandomString(8),
                ProductId = resultId,
                Stock     = new Random().Next(0, 100)

            Console.WriteLine($"Product added: #{resultId}");

            AddImagesToProduct(service, resultId);
Esempio n. 3
        private static void Dictionaries(GOshopAPISoapClient service)
            var featureId = service.FeatureAdd($"Kolor {Utilities.GetRandomString(5)}");

            service.DictionaryAdd(featureId, "Zielony");
            service.DictionaryAdd(featureId, "Czerwony");
            service.DictionaryAdd(featureId, "Różowy");
            service.DictionaryAdd(featureId, "Biały");
            service.DictionaryAdd(featureId, "Czarny");

            featureId = service.FeatureAdd($"Rozmiar {Utilities.GetRandomString(5)}");

            service.DictionaryAdd(featureId, "S");
            service.DictionaryAdd(featureId, "L");
            service.DictionaryAdd(featureId, "XL");
            service.DictionaryAdd(featureId, "XXL");
            service.DictionaryAdd(featureId, "XXXL");

            foreach (var productFeature in service.FeaturesAndDictionariesList())
                foreach (var productFeatureDictionary in productFeature.Dictionaries)
                    Console.WriteLine($"{productFeature.FeatureName} -> {productFeatureDictionary.DictionaryValue}");
Esempio n. 4
        private static void OptionsListing(GOshopAPISoapClient service)
            int pageSize    = 5;
            int currentPage = 1;
            int fetchedProducts;
            var definitions = service.FeaturesAndDictionariesList();

                var options = service.OptionsList(new OptionQuery
                    Page     = currentPage,
                    PageSize = pageSize,
                    IncludeOptionDictionaries = true
                fetchedProducts = options.Length;

                foreach (var option in options)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Option Listing: {option.OptionId}");

                    if (option.Dictionaries != null)
                        foreach (var dictionary in option.Dictionaries)
                            Console.WriteLine($"Dictionary value: {dictionary.DictionaryValue}, feature is: {definitions.Single(x => x.FeatureId == dictionary.FeatureId).FeatureName}");

            } while (fetchedProducts >= pageSize);
Esempio n. 5
        private static void AddImagesToProduct(GOshopAPISoapClient service, int productId)
            using (var wc = new WebClient())
                var addedImages = new List <ProductImage>();

                for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    var bytearray = wc.DownloadData("");
                    addedImages.Add(service.ImageAdd(productId, bytearray, i % 2 == 0 ? "customhash" : ""));

                foreach (var image in addedImages)
                    Console.WriteLine($"New image URL: {image.ImageUrl} with hash: {image.SourceImageHash}");
Esempio n. 6
        private static void Producers(GOshopAPISoapClient service)
            var producers = service.ProducersList();

            foreach (var producer in producers)
                Console.WriteLine($"Producer name:{producer.ProducerName}, #{producer.ProducerId}");

            Console.WriteLine("Adding new producer");

            var newListOfProducers = service.ProducerAdd($"Producer {Guid.NewGuid()}");

            foreach (var producer in newListOfProducers.Where(x => !producers.Select(y => y.ProducerId).Contains(x.ProducerId)))
                Console.WriteLine($"New producer added: {producer.ProducerName}, #{producer.ProducerId}");
Esempio n. 7
        private static void ProductsListing(GOshopAPISoapClient service)
            int pageSize    = 5;
            int currentPage = 1;
            int fetchedProducts;

                var products = service.ProductsList(new ProductQuery
                    Active = true,
                    IncludeProductImages  = true,
                    IncludeProductOptions = true,
                    //CategoryId = 21,
                    Page     = currentPage,
                    PageSize = pageSize
                fetchedProducts = products.Length;

                foreach (var product in products)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Product: {product.Name}");

                    if (product.OptionsList != null && product.OptionsList.Length > 0)
                        foreach (var productOption in product.OptionsList)
                            var fullname = string.Join(", ", productOption.Dictionaries.Select(x => $"{x.FeatureName}:{x.DictionaryValue}"));
                            Console.WriteLine($"\tOption: {fullname}");
                            Console.WriteLine($"\t\tEAN: {productOption.EAN}");
                            Console.WriteLine($"\t\tEAN: {productOption.EAN}");
                            Console.WriteLine($"\t\tSKU: {productOption.SKU}");
                            Console.WriteLine($"\t\tStock: {productOption.Stock}");

                    if (product.ImagesList != null && product.ImagesList.Length > 0)

            } while (fetchedProducts >= pageSize);
Esempio n. 8
 private static void TraitsUpdating(GOshopAPISoapClient service)
     service.TraitsUpdate(new TraitUpdateStruct
         ProductId = 91,
         Traits    = new[] {
             new ProductTrait
                 TraitName         = "Materiał",
                 TraitDictionaries = new [] { "Wiskoza", "Bawełna" }
             new ProductTrait
                 TraitName         = "Fason",
                 TraitDictionaries = new [] { "Podłużny" }
Esempio n. 9
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var service = new GOshopAPISoapClient();

            //service.Endpoint.Address = new EndpointAddress("");
            using (new OperationContextScope(service.InnerChannel))
                OperationContext.Current.OutgoingMessageProperties[HttpRequestMessageProperty.Name] = new HttpRequestMessageProperty
                    Headers =
                        { "X-GOSHOP-API-TOKEN", "768511d9c5604c2f893c28250e3b3001" }


                var producers = service.ProducersList();

                for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                    AddSimpleProduct(service, producers);
                for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                    AddProductWithVariants(service, producers);


Esempio n. 10
        private static void Categories(GOshopAPISoapClient service)
            var categories = service.CategoryTreeList();

            foreach (var category in categories)
                Console.WriteLine($"Category name: {category.ProductCategoryName}, #{category.ProductCategoryId} at parent ID: {category.ParentId}");

            var categoryId = service.CategoryAdd("Test", 10000000); //not existing parent id

            if (categoryId == null)
                Console.WriteLine("Not existing parent id, no action taken, result is null");

            categoryId = service.CategoryAdd($"Root level test {Utilities.GetRandomString(2)}", 0); // adding to root category

            Console.WriteLine($"New category is added with ID: {categoryId}");

            categoryId = service.CategoryAdd($"Category {Utilities.GetRandomString(2)} ", categories.First(x => x.ProductCategoryId != 0).ProductCategoryId);  // adding to other category category

            Console.WriteLine($"New category is added with ID: {categoryId}");
Esempio n. 11
        private static void StockAndPriceUpdating(GOshopAPISoapClient service)
            int pageSize    = 100;
            int currentPage = 1;
            int fetchedProducts;
            var allItems = new List <ProductOption>();

                var options = service.OptionsList(new OptionQuery
                    Page     = currentPage,
                    PageSize = pageSize

                fetchedProducts = options.Length;
            } while (fetchedProducts >= pageSize);

            var testUpdateById  = allItems.Where(x => x.OptionId % 3 == 0).Select(x => x.OptionId);
            var testUpdateByEAN = allItems.Where(x => x.OptionId % 3 == 1).Select(x => x.EAN);
            var testUpdateBySKU = allItems.Where(x => x.OptionId % 3 == 2).Select(x => x.SKU);

            var request = new List <OptionUpdateRequest>();

            var random = new Random();

            foreach (var i in testUpdateById)
                request.Add(new OptionUpdateRequest
                    UpdateById        = i,
                    CatalogPriceGross = random.NextDecimal(100, 200),
                    Stock             = random.Next(0, 200),
                    PriceGross        = random.NextDecimal(100, 200)

            foreach (var i in testUpdateByEAN)
                request.Add(new OptionUpdateRequest
                    UpdateByEAN       = i,
                    CatalogPriceGross = random.NextDecimal(100, 200),
                    Stock             = random.Next(0, 200),
                    PriceGross        = random.NextDecimal(100, 200)

            foreach (var i in testUpdateBySKU)
                request.Add(new OptionUpdateRequest
                    UpdateBySKU       = i,
                    CatalogPriceGross = random.NextDecimal(100, 200),
                    Stock             = random.Next(0, 200),
                    PriceGross        = random.NextDecimal(100, 200)

            var batchSize    = 50;
            var rowsAffected = 0;

            Console.WriteLine($"Large update started, parts by {batchSize} in batch");

            for (var i = 0; i < request.Count; i += batchSize)
                var items  = request.Skip(i).Take(batchSize);
                var result = service.OptionsStockAndPriceUpdate(items.ToArray());
                Console.WriteLine($"Batch part done, items processed: {i}, succes: {result.Count(x => x.ItemWasFound)}");

            Console.WriteLine($"Large update ended, rows affected {rowsAffected}");
Esempio n. 12
        private static void AddProductWithVariants(GOshopAPISoapClient service, ProductProducer[] producers)
            var resultId = service.ProductAdd(new ProductAddStruct
                Active              = true,
                BaseEAN             = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Substring(0, 13),
                BaseSKU             = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Substring(0, 13),
                ProducerName        = producers.OrderBy(n => Guid.NewGuid()).First().ProducerName,
                TaxRate             = 23,
                Name                = $"Test Product {Utilities.GetRandomString(5)}",
                Weight              = 0.05m,
                FullHtmlDescription = "Full description <b>with html</b>"

            service.AddVariantOption(new OptionAddRequest
                CatalogPriceGross = new Random().NextDecimal(1000, 5000),
                PriceGross        = new Random().NextDecimal(1000, 5000),
                EAN          = Utilities.GetRandomString(13),
                SKU          = Utilities.GetRandomString(8),
                ProductId    = resultId,
                Stock        = new Random().Next(0, 100),
                Dictionaries = new[]
                    new OptionDictionaryDefinition
                        FeatureName    = "Kolor",
                        DictionaryName = "Biały"
                    new OptionDictionaryDefinition
                        FeatureName    = "Rozmiar",
                        DictionaryName = "xxl"
            service.AddVariantOption(new OptionAddRequest
                CatalogPriceGross = new Random().NextDecimal(1000, 5000),
                PriceGross        = new Random().NextDecimal(1000, 5000),
                EAN          = Utilities.GetRandomString(13),
                SKU          = Utilities.GetRandomString(8),
                ProductId    = resultId,
                Stock        = new Random().Next(0, 100),
                Dictionaries = new[]
                    new OptionDictionaryDefinition()
                        FeatureName    = "Kolor",
                        DictionaryName = "Biały"
                    new OptionDictionaryDefinition()
                        FeatureName    = "Rozmiar",
                        DictionaryName = "S"
                //this product has different definitions of features than already added products
                service.AddVariantOption(new OptionAddRequest
                    CatalogPriceGross = new Random().NextDecimal(1000, 5000),
                    PriceGross        = new Random().NextDecimal(1000, 5000),
                    EAN          = Utilities.GetRandomString(13),
                    SKU          = Utilities.GetRandomString(8),
                    ProductId    = resultId,
                    Stock        = new Random().Next(0, 100),
                    Dictionaries = new[]
                        new OptionDictionaryDefinition()
                            FeatureName    = "Kolory inne",
                            DictionaryName = "Biały"
                        new OptionDictionaryDefinition()
                            FeatureName    = "Rozmiar",
                            DictionaryName = "S"
            catch (Exception exception)

                //this product already have options from dictionaries, basic option cannot be added
                service.AddBasicOption(new OptionAddRequest
                    CatalogPriceGross = new Random().NextDecimal(1000, 5000),
                    PriceGross        = new Random().NextDecimal(1000, 5000),
                    EAN       = Utilities.GetRandomString(13),
                    SKU       = Utilities.GetRandomString(8),
                    ProductId = resultId,
                    Stock     = new Random().Next(0, 100)
            catch (Exception exception)

            AddImagesToProduct(service, resultId);