Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Select Networking Band to use
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Band">Band to use</param>
        /// <returns>True on succes</returns>
        public bool SelectNetworkBand(NetworkBands Band)
            // Used for returning response body
            string responseBody;

            // Do a band change
            if (_device.ExecuteCommand("AT#BND=" + ((int)Band).ToString(), out responseBody, 1500) != AT_Interface.ResponseCodes.OK)

Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Get GPS Location and Fix Data
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Fix">Dimensions of Fix (0 = No fix, 2 = 2D fix, 3 = 3D fix)</param>
        /// <param name="NoSatelites">Number of tracked satelites (Valid when fix>0)</param>
        /// <param name="Latitude">Latitude in degrees (Valid when fix>0)</param>
        /// <param name="Longitude">Longitude in degrees (Valid when fix>0)</param>
        /// <param name="Speed">Speed in KM/H (Valid when fix>0)</param>
        /// <param name="GPSTime">UTC/GPS Time (Valid when fix>0)</param>
        public void ReadGPSData(out byte Fix, out byte NoSatelites, out Double Latitude, out Double Longitude, out Double Speed, out DateTime GPSTime)
            // Used for returning response body
            string responseBody;

            // Request GPS information
            if (_device.ExecuteCommand("AT$GPSACP", out responseBody, 2500) != AT_Interface.ResponseCodes.OK)
                throw new GM862Exception(GM862Exception.BAD_RESPONSEBODY);

            // Check response body
            if (responseBody.IndexOf("\r\n$GPSACP: ") != 0)
                throw new GM862Exception(GM862Exception.BAD_RESPONSEBODY);

            // Split message on comma
            String[] gpsInformation = responseBody.Substring(11).Split(new char[] { ',' });

            // Check for Fix
            Fix = (byte)NumberParser.StringToInt(gpsInformation[5]);
            if (Fix > 0)
                // If Fix get Satelites, Lat and Lon
                NoSatelites = (byte)NumberParser.StringToInt(gpsInformation[10]);
                Latitude    = _decode_dm(gpsInformation[1]);
                Longitude   = _decode_dm(gpsInformation[2]);
                Speed       = NumberParser.StringToDouble(gpsInformation[7]);

                // Create DateTime Object
                int year  = NumberParser.StringToInt(gpsInformation[9].Substring(4, 2)) + 2000;
                int month = NumberParser.StringToInt(gpsInformation[9].Substring(2, 2));
                int day   = NumberParser.StringToInt(gpsInformation[9].Substring(0, 2));

                int hour   = NumberParser.StringToInt(gpsInformation[0].Substring(0, 2));
                int minute = NumberParser.StringToInt(gpsInformation[0].Substring(2, 2));
                int second = NumberParser.StringToInt(gpsInformation[0].Substring(4, 2));

                GPSTime = new DateTime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second);
                // If not return 0
                NoSatelites = 0;
                Latitude    = 0F;
                Longitude   = 0F;
                Speed       = 0F;
                GPSTime     = new DateTime();
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Check if we have a valid GPRS Network registration
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>True of registrated on GPRS Network</returns>
        public bool RegistratedOnGPRSNetwork()
            // Used for returning response body
            string responseBody;

            // Do a registration  check
            if (_device.ExecuteCommand("AT+CGREG?", out responseBody, 1500) != AT_Interface.ResponseCodes.OK)
                throw new GM862Exception(GM862Exception.BAD_RESPONSEBODY);

            // Check response body
            if (responseBody.IndexOf("\r\n+CGREG: ") != 0)
                throw new GM862Exception(GM862Exception.BAD_RESPONSEBODY);

            // Check registration state
            if ((responseBody[12] == '1') | (AllowRoaming & responseBody[12] == '5'))
Esempio n. 4
        public static void Main()
            #region Thread to simulate working application

            // Simulate a thread that does some heavy work with random spikes and dips
            // so it could interfere with the processing of GM862 responses
            Thread HeavyWork = new Thread(new ThreadStart(delegate()
                Random rand       = new Random();
                long testOperator = 0;

                while (true)
                        for (int x = 0; x < 1000; x++)
                            testOperator = rand.Next(1100);
                    } while (testOperator > 1000);


            HeavyWork.Priority = ThreadPriority.AboveNormal;


            #region Reset procedure for GM862

            Debug.Print("Resetting GM862");

            // Reset GM862 Device
            OutputPort ResetPin = new OutputPort((Cpu.Pin) 44, false);

            Debug.Print("Turn On GM862");

            // Wait a while for GM862 to reset

            // Turn on GM862
            OutputPort OnOffPin = new OutputPort((Cpu.Pin) 45, true);

            // Wait a while for GM862 to turn onn


            // Counter to count how hard we have been working
            long largeCounter = 0;

            // Create new GM862 Device
            GM862GPS GM862 = new GM862GPS(new AT_Interface("COM1", 115200));

            // used for sending commands
            String ResponseBody = "";

            #region GSM Setup

            // Initialize gsm function
            lock (GM862)
                // Select network band
                if (!GM862.GSM.SelectNetworkBand(GSM.NetworkBands.GSM900_DCS1800))
                    throw new Exception("Failed to select GSM Network Band");

                // First create function to activate phone
                GM862.GSM.OnPinRequest = new GSM.PinRequestHandler(delegate(String PINType)
                    if (PINType == "SIM PIN")

                    if (PINType == "SIM PUK")
                        return("05969374, 0000");

                    throw new Exception("Unkown PIN Code");

                // Event handler for recieving calls
                GM862.GSM.OnRecievingCall = new GSM.RecievingCallHandler(delegate()
                    Debug.Print("You are beeing called!");

                // Allow roaming
                GM862.GSM.AllowRoaming = true;

                // Now try to initialize gsm


            #region GPRS Setup

            // Initialize GPRS function
            lock (GM862)
                // Allow roaming
                GM862.GPRS.AllowRoaming = true;

                // Now try to initialize GPRS


            #region Text Messaging Setup

            // Initialize text messaging function
            lock (GM862)
                GM862.TextMessaging.OnRecievedTextMessage = new TextMessaging.RecievedTextMessageHandler(delegate(String Memory, int Location)
                    TextMessaging.TextMessage TextMessage;

                    Debug.Print("Recieved Text Message!");

                    // Read text message from indicated storage
                    if (GM862.TextMessaging.ReadTextMessage(Memory, Location, out TextMessage))
                        Debug.Print("From: " + TextMessage.Orginator);
                        Debug.Print("Message: " + TextMessage.Message);

                        if (Memory.IndexOf("SM") != -1)
                            Debug.Print("Deleting message: " + (GM862.TextMessaging.DeleteMessage("SM", TextMessage.Location) ? "OK" : "ERROR"));

                        //Debug.Print("Sending it back");
                        //GM862.TextMessaging.SendTextMessage(TextMessage.Orginator, TextMessage.Message);

                // Now try to initialize text messaging


            #region GPS Setup

            // Enable GPS Functions
            lock (GM862)
                // Initialize GPS Functions


            #region Extra functions

            // Enable status output to get some garbage in the output
            lock (GM862)
                if (GM862.ExecuteCommand("AT+CMER=1, 0, 0, 2, 0", out ResponseBody, 1500) != AT_Interface.ResponseCodes.OK)
                    Debug.Print("ERROR +CMER: " + ResponseBody);

            // Also unsolicitated GPS output for even more garbage

            /* lock (GM862)
             * {
             *  if (GM862.ExecuteCommand("AT$GPSNMUN=1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1", out ResponseBody, 1500) != AT_Interface.ResponseCodes.OK)
             *  {
             *      Debug.Print("ERROR $GPSNMUN: " + ResponseBody);
             *      System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(-1);
             *  }
             * } //*/


            // Wait until we have initial GSM/GPRS ready
            Debug.Print("Waiting until GSM/GPRS ready");
            while (true)
                if (!GM862.GSM.RegistratedOnGSMNetwork())
                if (!GM862.GPRS.RegistratedOnGPRSNetwork())

            // Read list of messages from SIM and delete them to make room
            Debug.Print("Read list of messages from SIM and delete them to make room");
            TextMessaging.TextMessage[] Messages;
            if (GM862.TextMessaging.ListTextMessages("SM", TextMessaging.ListGroups.ALL, out Messages) > 0)
                foreach (TextMessaging.TextMessage Message in Messages)
                    Debug.Print("Deleting message #" + Message.Location + ": " + (GM862.TextMessaging.DeleteMessage("SM", Message.Location) ? "OK" : "ERROR"));

            // Setup first GPRS Context
            Debug.Print("Setup first GPRS Context");
            if (!GM862.GPRS.SetContextConfiguration(1, "", "vodafone", "vodafone", ""))
                throw new Exception("Failed to activate GPRS");

            // Activate first GPRS Context
            Debug.Print("Activate first GPRS Context");
            if (!GM862.GPRS.ActivateContext(1))
                throw new Exception("Failed to activate GPRS");

            // Setup Socket Configuration
            Debug.Print("Setup Socket Configuration");
            if (!GM862.GPRS.SetSocketConfig(1, 1, 0, 90, 600, 50))
                throw new Exception("Failed to setup socket 1/2");

            if (!GM862.GPRS.SetSocketExtendedConfig(1, 0, 0, 0))
                throw new Exception("Failed to setup socket 2/2");

            // Parameters used when retrieving GPS info
            byte     gpsFix;
            byte     gpsNoSat;
            double   gpsLat;
            double   gpsLon;
            double   gpsSpeed;
            DateTime gpsDateTime;

            // Heavy testing ;-)
            while (true)
                lock (GM862)
                    if (!GM862.GSM.RegistratedOnGSMNetwork())
                        Debug.Print("GSM NOT READY");
                    if (!GM862.GPRS.RegistratedOnGPRSNetwork())
                        Debug.Print("GPRS NOT READY");

                    GM862.GPS.ReadGPSData(out gpsFix, out gpsNoSat, out gpsLat, out gpsLon, out gpsSpeed, out gpsDateTime);
                    Debug.Print((gpsFix > 0) ? "GPS Fix ;-)" : "NO GPS FIX");

                lock (GM862)
                    if ((largeCounter % 21) == 20)
                        byte[] response;
                        Debug.Print("Fetching sample page from the Web");
                        if (GM862.Networking.WebRequest(1, "", String.Empty, out response, "GET", String.Empty, String.Empty))
                            Debug.Print(new string(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetChars(response)));


                lock (GM862)
                    if ((largeCounter % 5) == 0)
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize Text Messaging Support
        /// </summary>
        public void Initialize()
            // String used to store response body when executing functions
            string responseBody;

            // Add event handler for unsolicitated responses to check for text message events
            _device.OnUnsolicitatedResponse += new GM862GPS.UnsolicitatedResponseHandler(_textmessage_unsolicitated);

            // Select standard SMS instruction set
            if (_device.ExecuteCommand("AT#SMSMODE=0", out responseBody, 1500) != AT_Interface.ResponseCodes.OK)
                throw new GM862Exception(GM862Exception.FAILED_INITIALIZE);

            // Select Unsolicited SMS code to be buffered and in form +CMTI: <mem>, <id>
            if (_device.ExecuteCommand("AT+CNMI=2,1,0,0,0", out responseBody, 1500) != AT_Interface.ResponseCodes.OK)
                throw new GM862Exception(GM862Exception.FAILED_INITIALIZE);

            // Select Text Message Format
            if (_device.ExecuteCommand("AT+CMGF=1", out responseBody, 1500) != AT_Interface.ResponseCodes.OK)
                throw new GM862Exception(GM862Exception.FAILED_INITIALIZE);

            // Set Show Text Mode Parameters to show extended information
            if (_device.ExecuteCommand("AT+CSDH=1", out responseBody, 1500) != AT_Interface.ResponseCodes.OK)
                throw new GM862Exception(GM862Exception.FAILED_INITIALIZE);

            // We have initialized the text message functionality succesfull
            _textmessage_initialized = true;