public GLCommand(string name, string returnType, string alias, string vecEquiv, string parameters, GLX glx) { = name; this.returnType = returnType; this.alias = alias; this.vecEquiv = vecEquiv; this.parameters = parameters; this.glx = glx; }
private void Render2D(Viewport2D viewport) { var pp = viewport.Flatten(_pivotPoint); GL.Begin(PrimitiveType.Lines); GL.Color3(Color.Cyan); GLX.Circle(new Vector2d(pp.DX, pp.DY), 4, (double)viewport.Zoom); GL.Color3(Color.White); GLX.Circle(new Vector2d(pp.DX, pp.DY), 8, (double)viewport.Zoom); GL.End(); }
public override void Render2D(Viewport2D viewport) { var pos = viewport.Flatten(_origin.Coordinate); GL.Color3(Color.Cyan); GL.Begin(PrimitiveType.Lines); GLX.Circle(new Vector2d(pos.DX, pos.DY), 8, (double)viewport.Zoom); GL.End(); GL.Begin(PrimitiveType.Points); GL.Vertex2(pos.DX, pos.DY); GL.End(); }
/// <summary> /// Render all the handles as squares or circles depending on class implementation /// </summary> /// <param name="viewport">The viewport to draw in</param> /// <param name="start">The start of the box</param> /// <param name="end">The end of the box</param> private void RenderHandles(Viewport2D viewport, Coordinate start, Coordinate end) { if (_currentTool == null) { return; } var circles = _currentTool.RenderCircleHandles; // Get the filtered list of handles, and convert them to vector locations var z = (double)viewport.Zoom; var handles = _currentTool.GetHandles(start, end, viewport.Zoom) .Where(x => _currentTool.FilterHandle(x.Item1)) .Select(x => new Vector2d((double)x.Item2, (double)x.Item3)) .ToList(); // Draw the insides of the handles in white GL.Color3(Color.White); foreach (var handle in handles) { GL.Begin(BeginMode.Polygon); if (circles) { GLX.Circle(handle, 4, z, loop: true); } else { GLX.Square(handle, 4, z, true); } GL.End(); } // Draw the borders of the handles in black GL.Color3(Color.Black); GL.Begin(BeginMode.Lines); foreach (var handle in handles) { if (circles) { GLX.Circle(handle, 4, z); } else { GLX.Square(handle, 4, z); } } GL.End(); }
protected override void Render2D(Viewport2D vp) { base.Render2D(vp); if (_currentTool != null) { _currentTool.Render2D(vp); } // Render out the solid previews GL.Color3(Color.Pink); Matrix.Push(); var matrix = vp.GetModelViewMatrix(); GL.MultMatrix(ref matrix); MapObjectRenderer.DrawWireframe(_copies.Keys.SelectMany(x => x.Faces), true, false); Matrix.Pop(); // Draw in order by the unused coordinate (the up axis for this viewport) var ordered = (from point in Points where (point.IsMidPoint && _showPoints != ShowPoints.Vertices) || (!point.IsMidPoint && _showPoints != ShowPoints.Midpoints) let unused = vp.GetUnusedCoordinate(point.Coordinate) orderby point.IsSelected, unused.X + unused.Y + unused.Z select point).ToList(); // Render out the point handles var z = (double)vp.Zoom; GL.Begin(BeginMode.Quads); foreach (var point in ordered) { var c = vp.Flatten(point.Coordinate); GL.Color3(Color.Black); GLX.Square(new Vector2d(c.DX, c.DY), 4, z, true); GL.Color3(point.GetColour()); GLX.Square(new Vector2d(c.DX, c.DY), 3, z, true); } GL.End(); }
public override void Render(ViewportBase viewport) { var vp = viewport as Viewport2D; if (vp == null) { return; } var cams = GetCameras().ToList(); if (!cams.Any()) { return; } var z = (double)vp.Zoom; GL.Enable(EnableCap.LineSmooth); GL.Hint(HintTarget.LineSmoothHint, HintMode.Nicest); // Draw lines between points and point outlines GL.Begin(BeginMode.Lines); foreach (var camera in cams) { var p1 = vp.Flatten(camera.EyePosition); var p2 = vp.Flatten(camera.LookPosition); GL.Color3(camera == Document.Map.ActiveCamera ? Color.Red : Color.Cyan); GL.Vertex2(p1.DX, p1.DY); GL.Vertex2(p2.DX, p2.DY); GL.Vertex2(p2.DX, p2.DY); GL.Vertex2(p1.DX, p1.DY); } GL.End(); GL.Enable(EnableCap.PolygonSmooth); GL.Hint(HintTarget.PolygonSmoothHint, HintMode.Nicest); foreach (var camera in cams) { var p1 = vp.Flatten(camera.EyePosition); // Position circle GL.Begin(BeginMode.Polygon); GL.Color3(camera == Document.Map.ActiveCamera ? Color.DarkOrange : Color.LawnGreen); GLX.Circle(new Vector2d(p1.DX, p1.DY), 4, z, loop: true); GL.End(); } foreach (var camera in cams) { var p1 = vp.Flatten(camera.EyePosition); var p2 = vp.Flatten(camera.LookPosition); var multiplier = 4 / vp.Zoom; var dir = (p2 - p1).Normalise(); var cp = new Coordinate(-dir.Y, dir.X, 0).Normalise(); // Direction Triangle GL.Begin(BeginMode.Triangles); GL.Color3(camera == Document.Map.ActiveCamera ? Color.Red : Color.Cyan); Coord(p2 - (dir - cp) * multiplier); Coord(p2 - (dir + cp) * multiplier); Coord(p2 + dir * 1.5m * multiplier); GL.End(); } GL.Disable(EnableCap.PolygonSmooth); GL.Begin(BeginMode.Lines); foreach (var camera in cams) { var p1 = vp.Flatten(camera.EyePosition); var p2 = vp.Flatten(camera.LookPosition); var multiplier = 4 / vp.Zoom; var dir = (p2 - p1).Normalise(); var cp = new Coordinate(-dir.Y, dir.X, 0).Normalise(); GL.Color3(Color.Black); GLX.Circle(new Vector2d(p1.DX, p1.DY), 4, z); Coord(p2 + dir * 1.5m * multiplier); Coord(p2 - (dir + cp) * multiplier); Coord(p2 - (dir + cp) * multiplier); Coord(p2 - (dir - cp) * multiplier); Coord(p2 - (dir - cp) * multiplier); Coord(p2 + dir * 1.5m * multiplier); } GL.End(); GL.Disable(EnableCap.LineSmooth); }
public static GLCommand Parse(string line) { var keys = new List<string>(); keys.Add("name"); keys.Add("return"); keys.Add("params"); keys.Add("alias"); keys.Add("vecEquiv"); var datas = CodeReader.GrabData(line, keys, "command"); if (datas == null) { return null; } GLX glx = null; if (line.Contains("[") && line.Contains("]")) { int glxValueFrom = line.IndexOf("[") + "[".Length; int glxValueTo = line.LastIndexOf("]"); var glxSingle = line.Substring(glxValueFrom, glxValueTo - glxValueFrom); glx = GLX.Parse(glxSingle); } return new GLCommand(datas["name"], datas["return"], datas["alias"], datas["vecEquiv"], datas["params"], glx); }
public void extension_details() { Console.WriteLine("\n\n---- extension details"); try { Console.WriteLine(new gnu.x11.extension. BigRequests(display) + "\n"); } catch (NotFoundException e) { Console.WriteLine("big requests not found\n"); } try { Console.WriteLine(new gnu.x11.extension.DBE(display) + "\n"); } catch (NotFoundException e) { Console.WriteLine("dbe not found\n"); } try { Console.WriteLine(new gnu.x11.extension.DPMS(display) + "\n"); } catch (NotFoundException e) { Console.WriteLine("dpms not found\n"); } try { Console.WriteLine(new gnu.x11.extension.EVI(display) + "\n"); } catch (NotFoundException e) { Console.WriteLine("evi not found\n"); } try { GLX glx = new GLX(display); Console.WriteLine(glx + Misc.to_string(glx.visual_configs(0))); GL gl = glx.create_context(display.default_screen.root_visual_id(), display.default_screen_no, GL.NONE0); gl.make_current(display.default_root); Console.WriteLine(gl + "\n"); } catch (NotFoundException e) { Console.WriteLine("glx not found\n"); } try { Render render = new Render(display); Console.WriteLine(render + Misc.to_string(render.picture_formats())); } catch (NotFoundException e) { Console.WriteLine("render not found\n"); } try { Console.WriteLine(new gnu.x11.extension.Shape(display) + "\n"); } catch (NotFoundException e) { Console.WriteLine("shape not found\n"); } try { Console.WriteLine(new gnu.x11.extension.XCMisc(display) + "\n"); } catch (NotFoundException e) { Console.WriteLine("xcmic not found\n"); } try { Console.WriteLine(new gnu.x11.extension.XTest(display) + "\n"); } catch (NotFoundException e) { Console.WriteLine("xtest not found\n"); } }
private void Render2D(Viewport2D vp) { if (_state == ClipState.None || _clipPlanePoint1 == null || _clipPlanePoint2 == null || _clipPlanePoint3 == null) { return; // Nothing to draw at this point } var z = (double)vp.Zoom; var p1 = vp.Flatten(_clipPlanePoint1); var p2 = vp.Flatten(_clipPlanePoint2); var p3 = vp.Flatten(_clipPlanePoint3); // Draw points GL.Begin(PrimitiveType.Quads); GL.Color3(Color.White); GLX.Square(new Vector2d(p1.DX, p1.DY), 4, z, true); GLX.Square(new Vector2d(p2.DX, p2.DY), 4, z, true); GLX.Square(new Vector2d(p3.DX, p3.DY), 4, z, true); GL.End(); GL.Enable(EnableCap.LineSmooth); GL.Hint(HintTarget.LineSmoothHint, HintMode.Nicest); // Draw lines between points and point outlines GL.Begin(PrimitiveType.Lines); GL.Color3(Color.White); GL.Vertex2(p1.DX, p1.DY); GL.Vertex2(p2.DX, p2.DY); GL.Vertex2(p2.DX, p2.DY); GL.Vertex2(p3.DX, p3.DY); GL.Vertex2(p3.DX, p3.DY); GL.Vertex2(p1.DX, p1.DY); GL.Color3(Color.Black); GLX.Square(new Vector2d(p1.DX, p1.DY), 4, z); GLX.Square(new Vector2d(p2.DX, p2.DY), 4, z); GLX.Square(new Vector2d(p3.DX, p3.DY), 4, z); GL.End(); // Draw the clipped brushes if (!_clipPlanePoint1.EquivalentTo(_clipPlanePoint2) && !_clipPlanePoint2.EquivalentTo(_clipPlanePoint3) && !_clipPlanePoint1.EquivalentTo(_clipPlanePoint3)) { var plane = new Plane(_clipPlanePoint1, _clipPlanePoint2, _clipPlanePoint3); var faces = new List <Face>(); var idg = new IDGenerator(); foreach (var solid in Document.Selection.GetSelectedObjects().OfType <Solid>().ToList()) { Solid back, front; if (solid.Split(plane, out back, out front, idg)) { if (_side != ClipSide.Front) { faces.AddRange(back.Faces); } if (_side != ClipSide.Back) { faces.AddRange(front.Faces); } } } GL.LineWidth(2); GL.Color3(Color.White); Matrix.Push(); var mat = vp.GetModelViewMatrix(); GL.MultMatrix(ref mat); Rendering.Immediate.MapObjectRenderer.DrawWireframe(faces, true, false); Matrix.Pop(); GL.LineWidth(1); } GL.Hint(HintTarget.LineSmoothHint, HintMode.Fastest); GL.Disable(EnableCap.LineSmooth); }