Esempio n. 1
        public void SystemTick()
            Matrix4[]  bodymats  = new Matrix4[bodyinfo.Count];
            Vector3d[] positions = new Vector3d[bodyinfo.Count];

            for (int i = 0; i < bodyinfo.Count; i++)
                var     bi  = bodyinfo[i];
                Vector3 pos = Vector3.Zero;

                if (bi.kepler != null)                                   // this body is orbiting
                    if (i > 0)                                           // not the root node, so a normal orbit
                        positions[i] = bi.kepler.ToCartesian(currentjd); // in meters around 0,0,0
                        var cbpos = positions[bi.parentindex];           // central body position
                        positions[i] += cbpos;                           // offset

                        bi.orbitpos.WorldPosition = new Vector3((float)cbpos.X, (float)cbpos.Z, (float)cbpos.Y) * mscaling;
                        // node 0 is the root node, always displayed at 0,0,0
                        // If we remove the root node, and just display a body or barycentre which is in orbit around the root node
                        // the orbit of this node body is calculated at T0, and then the orbit position of offset so the line passes thru 0,0,0
                        var orbitpos = bi.kepler.ToCartesian(bi.kepler.T0);       // find the orbit of the root at T0 (fixed so it does not move)
                        bi.orbitpos.WorldPosition = new Vector3((float)-orbitpos.X, (float)-orbitpos.Z, (float)-orbitpos.Y) * mscaling;

                double axialtilt = (bi.scannode.scandata?.nAxialTilt ?? 0).Radians();

                pos = new Vector3((float)(positions[i].X * mscaling), (float)(positions[i].Z * mscaling), (float)(positions[i].Y * mscaling));
                bi.bodypos.WorldPosition = pos;

                float imageradius = bi.scannode.scandata != null && bi.scannode.scandata.nRadius.HasValue ? (float)bi.scannode.scandata.nRadius.Value : 1000e3f;
                imageradius *= mscaling;

                bool planet = bi.scannode.scandata != null && bi.scannode.scandata.PlanetClass.HasChars();
                bool bary   = bi.scannode.scandata == null || bi.scannode.scandata.nRadius == null;

                bodymats[i] = GLStaticsMatrix4.CreateMatrixPlanetRot(pos, new Vector3(1, 1, 1), 23f.Radians(), planetrot.Radians());
                planetrot  += 0.1f;

                // more clever, knowing orbit paras
                bodymats[i].M14 = (bary ? 100000 : planet ? 100000 : 1000000) * 1000 * mscaling; // min size in km
                bodymats[i].M24 = (bary ? 100000 : planet ? 10000000 : 3e6f) * 1000 * mscaling;  // maximum size in scaling
                bodymats[i].M34 = imageradius;
                bodymats[i].M44 = planet ? 1 : bary ? 2 : 0;                                     // select image


            if (track != -1)
                Vector3d pos = positions[track];
                gl3dcontroller.MoveLookAt(new Vector3d(pos.X, pos.Z, pos.Y) * mscaling, false);

            //            datalabel.Text = $"{bodypositionscaling[1].Position/mscaling/1000}" + Environment.NewLine;

            gl3dcontroller.HandleKeyboardSlewsAndInvalidateIfMoved(true, OtherKeys, 0.0001f, 0.0001f);

            timedisplay.Text = $"JD {currentjd:#0000000.00000} {currentjd.JulianToDateTime()}" + (track >= 0 ? " Tracking " + bodyinfo[track].scannode.FullName : "");

            status.Text = $"Looking at {gl3dcontroller.PosCamera.LookAt.X / mscaling / 1000:0.0},{gl3dcontroller.PosCamera.LookAt.Y / mscaling / 1000:0.0},{gl3dcontroller.PosCamera.LookAt.Z / mscaling / 1000:0.0} " +
                          $"from {gl3dcontroller.PosCamera.EyePosition.X / mscaling / 1000:0.0},{gl3dcontroller.PosCamera.EyePosition.Y / mscaling / 1000:0.0},{gl3dcontroller.PosCamera.EyePosition.Z / mscaling / 1000:0.0} " +
                          $"cdir {gl3dcontroller.PosCamera.CameraDirection.X:0.0},{gl3dcontroller.PosCamera.CameraDirection.Y:0.0} zoom {gl3dcontroller.PosCamera.ZoomFactor:0.0000} " +
                          $"dist {gl3dcontroller.PosCamera.EyeDistance / mscaling / 1000:N0}km FOV {gl3dcontroller.MatrixCalc.FovDeg}";

            //float sr = gl3dcontroller.MatrixCalc.EyeDistance / (0.05e6f * 1000 * mscaling);
            //status.Text += $" eye units {gl3dcontroller.MatrixCalc.EyeDistance} sr {sr}";

            //  System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Tick");