public DataTable Get_dt_运行仪器(bool writetosheet, excel.Workbook book)
            DataTable dt_运行仪器 = new DataTable("dt_运行仪器");

            foreach (string sci in GDef.sciencelist)
                DataRow r = dt_运行仪器.NewRow();
                r["学科"]              = sci;
                r["在运行仪器"]           = dt_eval_instrid.Compute("count(sp)", "science = '" + sci + "'");
                r["分析完整率超95%仪器"]     = dt_eval_instrid_comp.Compute("count(sp)", "science = '" + sci + "'");
                r["应分析仪器"]           = dt_eval_y_instrid.Compute("count(sp)", "science = '" + sci + "'");
                r["分析完整率超95%的应分析仪器"] = dt_eval_y_instrid_comp.Compute("count(sp)", "science = '" + sci + "'");
                    string str = "";
                    var    q   = from sp in dt_eval_y_instrid.AsEnumerable()
                                 join sta in dt_stationlist.AsEnumerable() on sp.Field <string>("stationid") equals sta.Field <string>("stationid")
                                     where sp.Field <double>("comp") < 0.5 && sp.Field <string>("science") == sci
                                 select new
                        uname     = GDef.unitcode2abbrunitname(sp.Field <string>("unitcode")),
                        staname   = sta.Field <string>("stationname"),
                        pnt       = sp.Field <string>("pointid"),
                        instrname = sp.Field <string>("fullinstrname"),
                        comp      = Math.Round(sp.Field <double>("comp") * 100, 1)
                    foreach (var ins in q)
                        str += ins.uname + ins.staname + "[" + ins.pnt + "]" + ins.instrname + "(" + ins.comp + "%)、";
                    r["分析完整率不足50%仪器"] = str == "" ? "" : str.Substring(0, str.Length - 1);
                r["分析完整率超95%的增加分析仪器"] = dt_eval_not_y_instrid_comp.Compute("count(sp)", "science = '" + sci + "'");
            if (writetosheet)
                dth.DTToExcelSheet(dt_运行仪器, book, "dt_运行仪器");
Esempio n. 2
        public void PrepareTabs()
            dt_stationlist = oh.GetOrCacheTab("dt_stationlist", "select distinct stationid, stationname from qzdata.qz_dict_stations");

            dt_source = oh.GetOrCacheTab("dt_source", sg.GenSTabSql(DATEBEGIN, DATEEND));
            dt_sp     = oh.GetOrCacheTab("dt_sp", @"select distinct b.stationid||'_'||b.pointid sp, decode(substr(b.itemid,0,3), '411','水位','431','水温', d.item) item,, D.INSTRCODE, D.INSTRTYPE||D.INSTRNAME instr, F.UNITNAME, E.STATIONNAME from qzdata.qz_pj_evalist1 b, qzdata.qz_dict_stationinstruments c, qzdata.qz_abnormity_instrinfo d, qzdata.qz_dict_stations e, qz_abnormity_units f where <> '辅助'  and b.stationid = C.stationid and b.pointid = C.pointid and c.instrcode = d.instrcode  and b.runstatus = '在运行' and b.stationid = E.STATIONID and E.UNITCODE = F.UNIT_CODE");
            string log_string = @"select distinct a.log_id, b.unitcode, a.stationid,, a.stationid || '_' || a.pointid sp, a.start_date, decode(a.end_date, null, to_date('20990101 000000', 'yyyymmdd hh24miss'), a.end_date) end_date, a.ab_id from qzdata.qz_abnormity_log a, qzdata.qz_pj_evalist1 b where a.ab_id >= 1 and a.ab_id <= 7 and a.stationid = b.stationid and a.pointid = b.pointid  and b.runstatus = '在运行' and <> '辅助' and (STDDATE)";

            dt_log      = oh.GetOrCacheTab("dt_log", log_string.Replace("STDDATE", GDef.std_datestr(DATEBEGIN, DATEEND)));
            dt_no_check = oh.GetOrCacheTab("dt_no_check", string.Format(@"select unitcode, count(log_id) cnt from(select distinct a.log_id, b.unitcode from qzdata.qz_abnormity_log a, qzdata.qz_pj_evalist1 b where ({0}) and a.stationid = b.stationid and a.pointid = b.pointid and B.SCIENCE <> '辅助' and a.ab_id <> 1 and b.runstatus = '在运行') where log_id not in (select distinct log_id from qzdata.qz_abnormity_check) group by unitcode", GDef.std_datestr(DATEBEGIN, DATEEND)));
            dt_ncheck   = oh.GetOrCacheTab("dt_ncheck", string.Format(@"select log_id,flag_5 sgroup, flag_3 stime, flag_2 slog, is_agree sgraph,     reason, check_date from qzdata.qz_abnormity_ncheck where check_date >= to_date('{0}', 'yyyymmdd hh24miss') and check_date <= to_date('{1}', 'yyyymmdd hh24miss')", DATEBEGIN.ToString(GDef.date_tostring_format), DATEEND.ToString(GDef.date_tostring_format)));

                string filename = GDef.store_qztemp + GDef.store_dtprefix + "dt_evaltab" + DATEBEGIN.ToString(GDef.date_tostring_format) + DATEEND.ToString(GDef.date_tostring_format);
                if (File.Exists(filename + "dt"))
                    dt_evaltab = new DataTable();
                    dt_evaltab.ReadXmlSchema(filename + "sch");
                    dt_evaltab.ReadXml(filename + "dt");
                    dt_evaltab = oh.GetDataTable("select distinct b.stationid, b.pointid, b.stationid||'_'||b.pointid as sp, d.instrname, d.instrtype || d.instrname fullinstrname, b.unitcode, b.ab_flag, from qzdata.qz_pj_evalist1 b, qzdata.qz_dict_stationinstruments c, qzdata.qz_abnormity_instrinfo d where b.runstatus = '在运行' and <> '辅助' and b.stationid = c.stationid and b.pointid = c.pointid and c.instrcode = d.instrcode");
                    dt_evaltab.Columns.Add("comp", typeof(double));
                    Console.WriteLine("calculating instr comp ...");
                    DataTable tmpsp = dt_evaltab.DefaultView.ToTable(true, "sp");
                    //              dth.DTToExcel(tmpsp, "tmp111", true, false);
                    tmpsp.Columns.Add("comp", typeof(double));
                    tmpsp.CaseSensitive = true;
                    tmpsp.PrimaryKey    = new DataColumn[] { tmpsp.Columns["sp"] };

                    int i = 0;
                    foreach (DataRow r in tmpsp.Rows)
                        r["comp"] = CalCompInstr(dt_log, r["sp"].ToString(), DATEBEGIN, DATEEND, prectyp);
                        if (i % 1 == 0)
                            Console.Write("\rfinished " + i);
                    foreach (DataRow r in dt_evaltab.Rows)
                        r["comp"] = tmpsp.Rows.Find(r["sp"])["comp"];
                    dt_evaltab.TableName = "dt_evaltab";
                    dt_evaltab.WriteXmlSchema(filename + "sch");
                    dt_evaltab.WriteXml(filename + "dt");
            DataView dt_evaltabview = new DataView(dt_evaltab);

            dt_eval_instrid = dt_evaltabview.ToTable(true, new string[] { "stationid", "pointid", "sp", "instrname", "fullinstrname", "unitcode", "science", "comp" });
            Console.WriteLine("dt_eval_instrid count = " + dt_eval_instrid.Rows.Count);

            dt_evaltabview.RowFilter = "ab_flag = 'Y'";
            dt_eval_y_instrid        = dt_evaltabview.ToTable(true, new string[] { "stationid", "pointid", "sp", "instrname", "fullinstrname", "unitcode", "science", "comp" });
            Console.WriteLine("dt_eval_y_instrid count = " + dt_eval_y_instrid.Rows.Count);

            dt_evaltabview.RowFilter = "science <> '辅助'";
            dt_eval_noaux_instrid    = dt_evaltabview.ToTable(true, new string[] { "stationid", "pointid", "sp", "instrname", "fullinstrname", "unitcode", "science", "comp" });
            IEnumerable <DataRow> query1 = dt_eval_noaux_instrid.AsEnumerable().Except(dt_eval_y_instrid.AsEnumerable(), DataRowComparer.Default);

            dt_eval_not_y_instrid = query1.CopyToDataTable();
            Console.WriteLine("dt_eval_not_y_instrid count = " + dt_eval_not_y_instrid.Rows.Count);
            string comp_req = "comp >= " + comp_require;

            dt_eval_instrid.DefaultView.RowFilter = dt_eval_y_instrid.DefaultView.RowFilter = dt_eval_not_y_instrid.DefaultView.RowFilter = comp_req;
            dt_eval_instrid_comp       = dt_eval_instrid.DefaultView.ToTable();
            dt_eval_y_instrid_comp     = dt_eval_y_instrid.DefaultView.ToTable();
            dt_eval_not_y_instrid_comp = dt_eval_not_y_instrid.DefaultView.ToTable();
            dt_loginstr = dt_log.DefaultView.ToTable(true, "sp");
            Console.WriteLine("dt_loginstr count = " + dt_loginstr.Rows.Count);

            foreach (DataRow r in dt_loginstr.Rows)
                object[] info = dth.ExtractRowByLeftFirstCol_WithoutKey(dt_evaltab, r["sp"].ToString());
                if (info == null)
                r["unitcode"] = info[0];