public static GClass876.GStruct3 smethod_2(IntPtr intptr_0, IntPtr intptr_1, out int int_0) { int_0 = 0; GClass876.GStruct3 result = default(GClass876.GStruct3); if (GClass876.smethod_1()) { GClass876.GStruct2 gstruct = default(GClass876.GStruct2); if (GClass876.VirtualQueryEx(intptr_0, intptr_1, out gstruct, (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(GClass876.GStruct2))) != 0) { result.intptr_1 = gstruct.intptr_1; result.int_0 = gstruct.int_0; result.intptr_0 = gstruct.intptr_0; result.int_1 = gstruct.int_2; result.long_0 = (long)gstruct.int_1; result.State = gstruct.State; result.int_2 = gstruct.int_3; return(result); } int_0 = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); } else { if (GClass876.VirtualQueryEx_1(intptr_0, intptr_1, out result, (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(GClass876.GStruct3))) != 0) { return(result); } int_0 = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); } return(result); }
public GClass5() { GClass5.smethod_0(); this.logger_0 = LogManager.GetLogger("DOPE"); this.logger_0.Info("Loading DOPE {arch} {version} on {architecture} ({os})", new object[] { GClass876.smethod_1() ? "x86" : "x64", Constants.VersionString, Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem ? "x64" : "x86", Environment.OSVersion.VersionString }); AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FirstChanceException += this.method_0; AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += this.method_2; base.ShutdownMode = ShutdownMode.OnMainWindowClose; GClass82.smethod_2(); bool flag; using (WindowsIdentity current = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent()) { flag = new WindowsPrincipal(current).IsInRole(WindowsBuiltInRole.Administrator); } PErkava.IsSupported = flag; try { PErkava.smethod_3(); } catch { PErkava.IsSupported = false; } if (flag && PErkava.IsSupported) { try { GClass882 gclass = new GClass882(); gclass.Start(); PErkava.Host = gclass; } catch { } } this.logger_0.Info("PErkava support status: {status}", PErkava.IsSupported); if (PErkava.IsSupported) { this.logger_0.Info("Use legacy proxy: {proxy}", PErkava.smethod_2()); } AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit += this.method_1; }
public static bool smethod_1(IntPtr intptr_0, Action <int> action_0 = null) { List <IntPtr> list = new GClass877(intptr_0).method_0(); uint num; GClass876.GetWindowThreadProcessId(intptr_0, out num); Process processById = Process.GetProcessById((int)num); list.Reverse(); List <uint> list2 = list.Select(new Func <IntPtr, uint>(GClass875.< > c.< > c_0.method_0)).ToList <uint>(); list2.Add(num); if (processById.ProcessName.StartsWith("chrome")) { list2 = Process.GetProcessesByName("chrome").Select(new Func <Process, uint>(GClass875.< > c.< > c_0.method_1)).ToList <uint>(); List <uint> list3 = new List <uint>(); foreach (uint num2 in list2) { string text = GClass876.smethod_3(num2); if (text != null && text.Contains("flash")) { list3.Add(num2); Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Found chrome flash player @{0:X2}", num2)); } } list2 = list3; } list2 = list2.GroupBy(new Func <uint, uint>(GClass875.< > c.< > c_0.method_2)).Select(new Func <IGrouping <uint, uint>, uint>(GClass875.< > c.< > c_0.method_3)).ToList <uint>(); bool flag = false; long num3 = 0L; foreach (uint int_ in list2) { GClass874 gclass = new GClass874((int)int_); if (!gclass.method_6()) { MessageBox.Show("Your browser is compiled for different architecture. Please use the " + (GClass876.smethod_1() ? "64" : "32") + "-bit version of PErkava."); return(false); } foreach (GClass876.GStruct3 gstruct in gclass.method_4()) { foreach (IntPtr intptr_ in GClass875.smethod_0(gclass, gstruct, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("cc0306d7b0f0c671000bd655485744417a868b29dd77619e42b51f70c28e67d0bbc2caf9dd364cb0419217bcfba86c33735b543fae2b666059b59c631955962afa1f97e0f49f92bf1a5463ae89c751a661e0485c2ec6e011634abfb4a4142157"))) { flag = true; gclass.method_7(intptr_, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("ef09b1bcec67808eeff374b1b51fb155edaac4fcc7a78ed75d5848d6e9eaabee41dec018bb5482d01acea8ce13688bfe33076dde70f06febb80cf3b7327953fb32c08889b815587ded2cdd056d0ec9965b894751848766c27fdee32c707b6fc9")); } num3 += gstruct.long_0; if (action_0 != null) { action_0((int)(num3 / 1024L / 1024L)); } } if (flag) { PErkava.hashSet_0.Add((uint)gclass.method_0()); } } return(flag); }