/// <summary>Method that is called to produce the Xml message 
        /// that can be posted to Google Checkout.</summary>
        public override byte[] GetXml()
            AutoGen.ResetItemsShippingInformationRequest retVal
            = new GCheckout.AutoGen.ResetItemsShippingInformationRequest();
              retVal.googleordernumber = GoogleOrderNumber;
              if (_sendEmailSpecified) {
            retVal.sendemail = SendEmail;
            retVal.sendemailSpecified = true;

              retVal.itemids = Items;

              return EncodeHelper.Serialize(retVal);
        /// <summary>Method that is called to produce the Xml message
        /// that can be posted to Google Checkout.</summary>
        public override byte[] GetXml()
            AutoGen.ResetItemsShippingInformationRequest retVal
                = new GCheckout.AutoGen.ResetItemsShippingInformationRequest();
            retVal.googleordernumber = GoogleOrderNumber;
            if (_sendEmailSpecified)
                retVal.sendemail          = SendEmail;
                retVal.sendemailSpecified = true;

            retVal.itemids = Items;
