// Play Animations
        void Play()
            // Random Time and Delay
            float Time  = UnityEngine.Random.Range(m_MinRandomTime, m_MinRandomTime + 2);
            float Delay = UnityEngine.Random.Range(m_MinRandomDelay, m_MinRandomDelay + 0.5f);

            // Reset m_Title and m_Details strings
            m_Title   = "";
            m_Details = "";

            // Random Ease type
            eEaseType EaseType = (eEaseType)UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 22);

            // Translation checkbox is enable
            if (m_Translation == true)
                // Get parent Canvas space
                float LeftEdge = 0, TopEdge = 0, RightEdge = 0, BottomEdge = 0;
                m_GAui.GetParentCanvasEdges(out LeftEdge, out TopEdge, out RightEdge, out BottomEdge);

                // Random Easing for Translation if m_UseSameEasing is disabled
                if (m_UseSameEasing == false)
                    EaseType = (eEaseType)UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 22);

                // Update Text UI
                m_Title   += "Translation:\r\n";
                m_Details += EaseType.ToString() + "\r\n";

                // Setup begin and end position
                RectTransform RT          = (RectTransform)m_GAui.transform;
                Vector3       Begin       = new Vector3(RT.localPosition.x, RT.localPosition.y, 0);
                float         NewEndX     = 0;
                Bounds        TotalBounds = m_GAui.GetTotalBounds();
                if (RT.localPosition.x > 0)
                    NewEndX = LeftEdge + (TotalBounds.size.x * 2);
                    NewEndX = RightEdge - (TotalBounds.size.x * 2);
                Vector3 End = new Vector3(
                    UnityEngine.Random.Range(BottomEdge + TotalBounds.size.y * 2, TopEdge - TotalBounds.size.y * 2),

                // Set MoveIn, we will call PlayInAnims() later
                m_GAui.SetInAnimsMove(true, ePosMove.RectTransformPosition, Begin, End, Time, Delay, EaseType);
                // Update Text UI
                m_Title   += "Translation:\r\n";
                m_Details += "-\r\n";

                // Disable MoveIn

            // Rotation checkbox is enable
            if (m_Rotation == true)
                // Random Easing for Translation if m_UseSameEasing is disabled
                if (m_UseSameEasing == false)
                    EaseType = (eEaseType)UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 22);

                // Update m_Title and m_Details strings
                m_Title   += "Rotation:\r\n";
                m_Details += EaseType.ToString() + "\r\n";

                // Setup begin and end rotation
                Vector3 Begin = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
                Vector3 End   = new Vector3(0, 0, 360);

                // Set RotateIn, we will call PlayInAnims() later
                m_GAui.SetInAnimsRotate(true, Begin, End, Time, Delay, EaseType);
                // Update m_Title and m_Details strings
                m_Title   += "Rotation:\r\n";
                m_Details += "-\r\n";

                // Disable RotateIn

            // Scale checkbox is enable
            if (m_Scale == true)
                // Random Easing for Translation if m_UseSameEasing is disabled
                if (m_UseSameEasing == false)
                    EaseType = (eEaseType)UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 22);

                // Update m_Title and m_Details strings
                m_Title   += "Scale:\r\n";
                m_Details += EaseType.ToString() + "\r\n";

                // Setup begin and end scale
                Vector3 Begin = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);

                // Set RotateIn, we will call PlayInAnims() later
                m_GAui.SetInAnimsScale(true, Begin, Time, Delay, EaseType);
                // Update m_Title and m_Details strings
                m_Title   += "Scale:\r\n";
                m_Details += "-\r\n";

                // Disable ScaleIn

            // Fade checkbox is enable
            if (m_Fade == true)
                // Random Easing for Translation if m_UseSameEasing is disabled
                if (m_UseSameEasing == false)
                    EaseType = (eEaseType)UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 22);

                // Update m_Title and m_Details strings
                m_Title   += "Fade:\r\n";
                m_Details += EaseType.ToString() + "\r\n";

                // Set RotateIn, we will call PlayInAnims() later
                m_GAui.SetInAnimsFade(true, Time, Delay, EaseType);
                // Update m_Title and m_Details strings
                m_Title   += "Fade:\r\n";
                m_Details += "-\r\n";

                // Disable RotateIn

            // ShowTimeAndDelay checkbox is enable
            if (m_ShowTimeAndDelay == true)
                // Update m_Title and m_Details strings
                m_Title   += "Time:\r\nDelay:\r\n";
                m_Details += string.Format("{0:0.0}", Time) + " secs" + "\r\n" + string.Format("{0:0.0}", Delay) + " secs" + "\r\n";

            if (m_TextTitle != null && m_TextDetails != null)
                // Update Text UI
                m_TextTitle.text   = m_Title;
                m_TextDetails.text = m_Details;

            // Play In-animations