Esempio n. 1
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Define dataURL variable
        // URLencode dataURL
        string dataURL = Server.UrlEncode("DataGen.aspx?op=GetUSMapDetails");

        // Create the Map with data contained in dataURL
        // and embed the chart rendered as HTML into Literal - USMap
        // We use FusionMaps class of InfoSoftGlobal namespace (FusionMaps.dll in BIN folder)
        // RenderMap() generates the necessary HTML needed to render the map
        string mapHTML = FusionMaps.RenderMap("../Maps/FCMap_USA.swf", dataURL, "", "mapid", "600", "400", false, false);

        //embed the chart rendered as HTML into Literal - USMap
        USMap.Text = mapHTML;
Esempio n. 2
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Define dataURL
        // URLEncoded dataURL
        string dataURL = Server.UrlEncode("DataGen.aspx?op=GetStateDetails&Internal_Id=" + Request["Internal_Id"]);

        // Create the Map with data contained in dataURL
        // and embed the chart rendered as HTML into Literal - StateDetailsMap
        // We use FusionMaps class of InfoSoftGlobal namespace (FusionMaps.dll in BIN folder)
        // RenderMap() generates the necessary HTML needed to render the map
        string mapHTML = FusionMaps.RenderMap("../Maps/" + Request["map"], dataURL, "", "mapid", "600", "400", false, false);

        //embed the chart rendered as HTML into Literal - StateDetailsMap
        StateDetailsMap.Text = mapHTML;
Esempio n. 3
    ///<summary>This Function will Help to Generate US Map.</summary>
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Define dataURL
        string dataURL;

        // dataURL that will relay Map XML
        dataURL = "WorldPopulationData.aspx";

        // Create the Map with data contained in dataURL
        // and Return HTML output that embeds the Map
        // We use FusionMaps class of InfoSoftGlobal namespace (FusionMaps.dll in BIN folder)
        // RenderMap() generates the necessary HTML needed to render the map
        string mapHTML = FusionMaps.RenderMap("../Maps/FCMap_World8.swf", dataURL, "", "mapid", "600", "400", false, false);

        //embed the chart rendered as HTML into Literal - WorldPopulationMap
        WorldPopulationMap.Text = mapHTML;
Esempio n. 4
    /// <summary>
    /// This program takes Maps Request value and convert into an Array
    /// Finally it converts  the data into FusionMaps dataXML to render map
    /// </summary>
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Define dataArray Two dimension string Array element. 1st column take
        // map internal id and 2nd column take Value.
        string[,] dataArray = new string[8, 2];

        // Array data assigned from Context object Items
        // In this example, we're directly showing this data back on Map.
        // In your apps, you can do the required processing and then show the
        // relevant data only.

        dataArray[0, 0] = "01"; dataArray[0, 1] = Context.Items["AS1"].ToString();
        dataArray[1, 0] = "02"; dataArray[1, 1] = Context.Items["EU"].ToString();
        dataArray[2, 0] = "03"; dataArray[2, 1] = Context.Items["AF"].ToString();
        dataArray[3, 0] = "04"; dataArray[3, 1] = Context.Items["NA"].ToString();
        dataArray[4, 0] = "05"; dataArray[4, 1] = Context.Items["SA"].ToString();
        dataArray[5, 0] = "06"; dataArray[5, 1] = Context.Items["CA"].ToString();
        dataArray[6, 0] = "07"; dataArray[6, 1] = Context.Items["OC"].ToString();
        dataArray[7, 0] = "08"; dataArray[7, 1] = Context.Items["ME1"].ToString();

         * Now that we've the data in variables, we need to convert this into XML.
         * The simplest method to convert data into XML is using string concatenation.
        StringBuilder strXML = new StringBuilder();

        //Initialize <map> element
        strXML.Append("<map borderColor='FFFFFF' connectorColor='000000' fillAlpha='70' hoverColor='FFFFFF' showBevel='0'>");

        strXML.Append("<color minValue='1' maxValue='350' displayValue='Population - 1 to 350' color='CC0001' />");
        strXML.Append("<color minValue='350' maxValue='500' displayValue='Population - 350 to 500' color='FFD33A' />");
        strXML.Append("<color minValue='500' maxValue='700' displayValue='Population - 500 to 700' color='069F06' />");
        strXML.Append("<color minValue='700' maxValue='1000' displayValue='Population - 700 or above' color='ABF456' />");

        // Fetch Data from array
        for (int i = 0; i < dataArray.GetLength(0); i++)
            // Set each map <entity> id and value
            strXML.AppendFormat("<entity id='{0}' value='{1}' />", dataArray[i, 0], dataArray[i, 1]);

        // Close  <data> element

        // Add Style on map
        strXML.Append("<styles><definition><style type='animation' name='animX' param='_xscale' start='0' duration='1' /><style type='animation' name='animY' param='_yscale' start='0' duration='1' />");
        strXML.Append("</definition><application><apply toObject='PLOT' styles='animX,animY' /></application></styles>");

        // Close <map> element

        // Create Map embedding HTML with data contained in strXML
        // We use FusionMaps class of InfoSoftGlobal namespace (FusionMaps.dll in BIN folder)
        // RenderMap() generates the necessary HTML needed to render the map
        string mapHTML = FusionMaps.RenderMap("../Maps/FCMap_World8.swf", "", strXML.ToString(), "mapid", "600", "400", false, false);

        //embed the chart rendered as HTML into Literal -  FusionMapsContainer
        FusionMapsContainer.Text = mapHTML;
Esempio n. 5
    /// <summary>This Function will Help to Generate US Map.</summary>
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Declare array entity to store world population
        // We use world map with 8 entities/continents
        // this 2 dimensional array will store 8 rows of data for each continent of the map
        // first column of each row will store the Internal Id of each entity on the map
        // second column will store population data of each entity

        // Store population data
        string[,] dataArray = new string[8, 2];
        dataArray[0, 0]     = "01";
        dataArray[0, 1]     = "3779000000";
        dataArray[1, 0]     = "02";
        dataArray[1, 1]     = "727000000";
        dataArray[2, 0]     = "03";
        dataArray[2, 1]     = "877500000";
        dataArray[3, 0]     = "04";
        dataArray[3, 1]     = "421500000";
        dataArray[4, 0]     = "05";
        dataArray[4, 1]     = "379500000";
        dataArray[5, 0]     = "06";
        dataArray[5, 1]     = "80200000";
        dataArray[6, 0]     = "07";
        dataArray[6, 1]     = "32000000";
        dataArray[7, 0]     = "08";
        dataArray[7, 1]     = "179000000";

        // Now, we need to convert this data into XML.
        // We convert using string concatenation.
        // Declare strXML to store dataXML of the map
        StringBuilder strXML = new StringBuilder();

        //Initialize <map> element
        strXML.Append("<map showLabels='1' includeNameInLabels='1' borderColor='FFFFFF' fillAlpha='80' showBevel='0' legendPosition='Bottom' >");

        // Set Color ranges : 4 color ranges for population ranges
        strXML.Append("<color minValue='0' maxValue='100000000' displayValue='Population : Below 100 M' color='CC0001' />");
        strXML.Append("<color minValue='100000000' maxValue='500000000' displayValue='Population :100 - 500 M' color='DDD33A' />");
        strXML.Append("<color minValue='500000000' maxValue='1000000000' displayValue='Population :500 - 1000 M' color='069F06' />");
        strXML.Append("<color minValue='1000000000' maxValue='5000000000' displayValue='Population : Above 1000 M' color='ABF456' />");

        // Open data element that will store map data

        // Use Data from array for each entity
        for (int i = 0; i < dataArray.GetLength(0); i++)
            // Set each map <entity> id and value
            strXML.AppendFormat("<entity id='{0}' value='{1}' />", dataArray[i, 0], dataArray[i, 1]);

        // close data element
        //close map element

        // Create the Map with data contained in strXML
        // and Return HTML output that embeds the Map
        // We use FusionMaps class of InfoSoftGlobal namespace (FusionMaps.dll in BIN folder)
        // RenderMap() generates the necessary HTML needed to render the map
        string mapHTML = FusionMaps.RenderMap("../Maps/FCMap_World8.swf", "", strXML.ToString(), "mapid", "600", "400", false, false);

        //embed the chart rendered as HTML into Literal - WorldPopulationMap
        WorldPopulationMap.Text = mapHTML;