Esempio n. 1
        public override FILEERROR Save(BaseSceneSaver node, Filename name, BaseDocument doc, SCENEFILTER filterflags)
            List<string> textureFiles;
            string fileName = name.GetString();
            string sceneRoot = Path.GetDirectoryName(fileName);
            var root = new FusConverter().FuseefyScene(doc, sceneRoot, out textureFiles);

            var ser = new Serializer();
            using (var file = File.Create(fileName))
                ser.Serialize(file, root);

            return FILEERROR.FILEERROR_NONE;
Esempio n. 2
        public override FILEERROR Save(BaseSceneSaver node, Filename name, BaseDocument doc, SCENEFILTER filterflags)
            if (_newVersionExists)
                if (!C4dApi.QuestionDialog(
                    "A newer version of the FUSEE export plugin is available at\n\n" +
                    "Would you like to \n" +
                    " - complete this export operation using the existing plugin [Yes]\n" +
                    "or\n" +
                    " - cancel this export operation and download the newer version [No]?"))
                    return FILEERROR.FILEERROR_NONE;
                _newVersionExists = false; // stop annoying the user...
            List<string> textureFiles;
            string htmlFilePath = name.GetString();
            string htmlFileDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(htmlFilePath);
            string sceneRoot = Path.Combine(htmlFileDir, "Assets");
            string fuseePlayerDir = Path.Combine(GetThisPluginPath(), "Viewer");

            DirCopy.DirectoryCopy(fuseePlayerDir, htmlFileDir, true, true);

            string origHtmlFilePath = Path.Combine(htmlFileDir, "SceneViewer.html");
            if (File.Exists(htmlFilePath))

            File.Move(origHtmlFilePath, htmlFilePath);

            string sceneFileDir = Path.Combine(htmlFileDir, "Assets");
            string sceneFilePath = Path.Combine(sceneFileDir,  "Model.fus");

            var root = new FusConverter().FuseefyScene(doc, sceneFileDir, out textureFiles);

            var ser = new Serializer();
            using (var file = File.Create(sceneFilePath))
                ser.Serialize(file, root);

            for (int i = 0; i < textureFiles.Count; i++)
                textureFiles[i] = Path.Combine("Assets", textureFiles[i]);
            if (textureFiles != null)
                CreateAssetManifest(htmlFileDir, textureFiles);

            C4dApi.GeOpenHTML("http://localhost:4655/" + Path.GetFileName(htmlFilePath));

            return FILEERROR.FILEERROR_NONE;