double Si(double x, double a, double b, Funct f)
            if ((x < a) || (x > b))
                throw new OutOfIntervalException("X is out of range of [x1,x2]!");
            if (x == a)
                return(Ai(a, b, 0, f));
            int    i = 0;
            double xi;

                xi = a + i * h;
            }while (x > xi);
            double ai    = Ai(a, b, i, f);
            double bi    = Bi(i, a, f);
            double ci    = X[i];
            double di    = Di(i);
            double delta = x - xi;

            return(ai + bi * delta + (ci * delta * delta) / 2 + (di * delta * delta * delta) / 2);
Esempio n. 2
        public double Rectangles(int a, int b, int n, Funct f) // решение интеграла
            // вычисление массива xj
            double[] x = new double[n]; // массив с иксами
            x[0] = a;
            for (int j = 1; j < n; j++)
                // равный промежуток + предыдущий элемент
                // необходимо чтобы точки шли на прямой от a до b
                x[j] = (b - a)/(double)n + x[j-1];  
            x[n-1] = b;

            // вычисление массива yj
            double[] y = new double[n-1];
            for (int j = 1; j < n; j++)
                y[j-1] = f((x[j - 1] + x[j])/2);

            // вычисление суммы yi
            double sum = 0;
            foreach (double yi in y)
                sum += yi;

            // ответ - интеграл равен
            return sum*((b - a)/(double) n);
Esempio n. 3
        static void CompTrapeziumRule(double eps, double a, double b, Funct function1, int k, int t)
            int    n      = N;
            double result = TrapeziumCalc(a, b, function1, n, k, t);

            IN = result;
Esempio n. 4
 public static void Tabulation(Funct fun, double a, double b, int n)
     for (int k = 0; k < n; k++)
         double result = a + k * (b - a) / n;
         Console.WriteLine($"{result}    {fun(result)}");
        double Bi(int i, double a, Funct f)
            double fi0 = f(a + h * (i - 1));
            double fi  = f(a + h * i);
            double di  = Di(i);

            return((h * X[i]) / 2 - (di * h * h) / 6 + (fi - fi0) / h);
Esempio n. 6
 void NewtonLeibniz(double a, double b, Funct antder)
     if (a > b)
         Swap(ref a, ref b);
     Variables.Add("Iexact", (antder(b) - antder(a)));
Esempio n. 7
        static public double DefineIntegral(double eps, double a, double b, Funct function1, int k, int t)
            FindN1(eps, a, b);
            CompTrapeziumRule(eps, a, b, function1, k, t);
            RefinedCalc(eps, a, b, function1, k, t);
            double defintegral = I2N;

Esempio n. 8
        void Simpson(double a, double b, Funct function)
            int    n      = (int)Variables["n"];
            double result = SimpsonCalc(a, b, function, n);

            Variables.Add("In", result);
            double Error = Math.Abs(Variables["Iexact"] - result);

            Variables.Add("Error", Error);
Esempio n. 9
        static double TrapeziumCalc(double a, double b, Funct function1, int n, int k, int t)
            double Summ = 0, h = (double)(b - a) / n;

            for (int i = 1; i < n; i++)
                Summ += function1(a + i * h, k, t);
            return(h * (function1(a, k, t) / 2 + function1(b, k, t) / 2 + Summ));
        void PrintSpline(int n, double a, double b, Funct f)
            double       x = 0.2, y;
            StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("Spline.txt", false, Encoding.Default);

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                x = a + i * h;
                y = Si(x, a, b, f);
                sw.WriteLine("{0,6} {1}", x, y);
                Console.WriteLine("{0};{1}", x, y);
Esempio n. 11
        static void RefinedCalc(double eps, double a, double b, Funct function1, int k, int t)
            int    n = N << 2;
            double In = IN;
            double I2n = TrapeziumCalc(a, b, function1, n, k, t), del = Math.Abs(In - I2n);

            while (del > 3 * eps)
                In  = I2n;
                n   = n << 2;
                I2n = TrapeziumCalc(a, b, function1, n, k, t);
                del = Math.Abs((In - I2n) / I2n);
            N2  = n;
            I2N = I2n;
Esempio n. 12
        double SimpsonCalc(double a, double b, Funct function, int n)
            double PairSumm = 0, OddSumm = 0, h = (double)(b - a) / n;

            for (int i = 1; i < n; i++)
                if (i % 2 == 0)
                    PairSumm += function(a + i * h);
                    OddSumm += function(a + i * h);
            return(h / 3 * (function(a) + function(b) + 4 * OddSumm + 2 * PairSumm));
Esempio n. 13
        private void Initialize(string binary)
            // Parsing binary code is based on Opcode
            this.Opcode = (Opcode)Convert.ToUInt32(binary.Substring(0, 6), 2);
            if (this.Opcode == Opcode.RType)
                this.Type = FormatType.Register;
            else if (this.Opcode == Opcode.j || this.Opcode == Opcode.jal)
                this.Type = FormatType.Jump;
            else if (this.Opcode == Opcode.halt)
                this.Type = FormatType.Halt;
                this.Type = FormatType.Immediate;
            switch (this.Type)
            case FormatType.Register:
                this.Rs    = (RegisterType)Convert.ToUInt32(binary.Substring(6, 5), 2);
                this.Rt    = (RegisterType)Convert.ToUInt32(binary.Substring(11, 5), 2);
                this.Rd    = (RegisterType)Convert.ToUInt32(binary.Substring(16, 5), 2);
                this.Shamt = Convert.ToUInt32(binary.Substring(21, 5), 2);
                this.Funct = (Funct)Convert.ToUInt32(binary.Substring(26, 6), 2);

            case FormatType.Immediate:
                this.Rs = (RegisterType)Convert.ToUInt32(binary.Substring(6, 5), 2);
                this.Rt = (RegisterType)Convert.ToUInt32(binary.Substring(11, 5), 2);
                string immBinary = binary.Substring(16, 16);
                immBinary                  = new string(immBinary[0], 16) + immBinary;
                this.Immediate             = Convert.ToInt32(immBinary, 2);
                this.ImmediateZeroExtended = this.Immediate & 0x0000ffff;

            case FormatType.Jump:
                this.WordAddress = Convert.ToUInt32(binary.Substring(6, 26), 2);
Esempio n. 14
        void RefinedCalc(double error, double a, double b, Funct function)
            int    n = 2 * (int)Variables["n"];
            double In = Variables["In"], err = Variables["Error"];
            double I2n = SimpsonCalc(a, b, function, n), del = Math.Abs(In - I2n);

            while (del / 15 > err)
                In  = I2n;
                n  *= 2;
                I2n = SimpsonCalc(a, b, function, n);
                del = Math.Abs(In - I2n);
            Variables.Add("n2", n);
            Variables.Add("I2n", I2n);
            double Error = Math.Abs(Variables["Iexact"] - I2n);

            Variables.Add("Error2n", Error);
Esempio n. 15
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            char[] suit = new char[4] {
                '♥', '♦', '♣', '♠'
            };                                                            //массив масти
            int[] number  = new int[] { 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 }; //масств номер карты
            int   n       = 0;                                            // количество игроков
            int   cardnum = 0;

            Karta[] deck = new Karta[36];             // колода (состоит из 36 карт)
            Funct   func = new Funct();

                Console.WriteLine("1 < number of players < 7");
                Console.Write("Enter the number of players : ");
                n = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
            }while(n < 2 || n > 6);                       // проверка (мин количество игроков - 2, максаимальное -6)

            func.CreateDeck(cardnum, deck, suit, number); //создаем колоду

            func.RandomSort(deck);                        //перетасовываем карты колоды

            func.ShowDeck(cardnum, deck);                 //вывод колоды после перетасовки

            Karta trump = deck[deck.Length - 1];          //козырная карта (последняя в колоде)

            Console.Write("Trump is : ");
            func.CheckCard(deck, (deck.Length - 1));

            func.ShowPlayersCards(n, deck);      //вывод карт игроков

            int[] summ = new int[n];             //массив состоящий из сумм карт игроков

            func.FindSumm(summ, deck, n, trump); //поиск максимальной суммы

 void FillM(int n, double a, double b, Funct f)
     A[0, 0]         = 1;
     A[n - 1, n - 1] = 1;
     for (int i = 1; i < n - 1; i++)
         A[i, i]     = 4 * h;
         A[i, i - 1] = h;
         if (i < n - 1)
             A[i, i + 1] = h;
         double fi0 = f(a + h * (i - 1));
         double fi  = f(a + h * i);
         double fi1 = f(a + h * (i + 1));
         double s1  = (fi1 + fi) / h;
         double s2  = (fi - fi0) / h;
         B[i] = 6 * (s1 - s2);
Esempio n. 17
 public EventModify AlignRotate(Funct radiansFunc, Vector2 origin = default(Vector2))
     return(WithModifiers(new EventAlignRotate(radiansFunc, origin)));
 double Ai(double a, double b, int i, Funct f)
     return(f(a + i * h));
Esempio n. 19
 public Repository(Funct <T, int> getPK)
     _getPK = getPK;
Esempio n. 20
 public EventModify SetAlpha(Funct value)
     return(WithModifiers(new EventSetAlpha(value)));
Esempio n. 21
 public EventModify AddY(Funct value)
     return(WithModifiers(new EventAddY(value)));
Esempio n. 22
 public EventModify ScaleY(Funct value)
     return(WithModifiers(new EventScaleY(value)));
Esempio n. 23
 public EventModify SetSize(Funct value)
     return(WithModifiers(new EventSetSize(value)));
 public Repository(Funct<T,int> getPK)
     _getPK = getPK;
     _previousEntries = new Dictionary<int,T>();
 public static Cmd ToCmd(Funct funct)
     return(Cmd.REG | (Cmd)funct);