Esempio n. 1
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
        protected internal void MakeTestFile(Path path, long length, bool isLazyPersist)
            EnumSet <CreateFlag> createFlags = EnumSet.Of(CreateFlag.Create);

            if (isLazyPersist)
            FSDataOutputStream fos = null;

                fos = fs.Create(path, FsPermission.GetFileDefault(), createFlags, BufferLength, ReplFactor
                                , BlockSize, null);
                // Allocate a block.
                byte[] buffer = new byte[BufferLength];
                for (int bytesWritten = 0; bytesWritten < length;)
                    fos.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
                    bytesWritten += buffer.Length;
                if (length > 0)
Esempio n. 2
        public virtual void ConstructorBlank()
            FileStatus fileStatus = new FileStatus();

            ValidateAccessors(fileStatus, 0, false, 0, 0, 0, 0, FsPermission.GetFileDefault()
                              , string.Empty, string.Empty, null, null);
Esempio n. 3
 /// <summary>Constructor</summary>
 /// <param name="length">the number of bytes the file has</param>
 /// <param name="isdir">if the path is a directory</param>
 /// <param name="block_replication">the replication factor</param>
 /// <param name="blocksize">the block size</param>
 /// <param name="modification_time">modification time</param>
 /// <param name="access_time">access time</param>
 /// <param name="permission">permission</param>
 /// <param name="owner">the owner of the path</param>
 /// <param name="group">the group of the path</param>
 /// <param name="path">the local name in java UTF8 encoding the same as that in-memory
 ///     </param>
 /// <param name="fileId">the file id</param>
 /// <param name="feInfo">the file's encryption info</param>
 public HdfsFileStatus(long length, bool isdir, int block_replication, long blocksize
                       , long modification_time, long access_time, FsPermission permission, string owner
                       , string group, byte[] symlink, byte[] path, long fileId, int childrenNum, FileEncryptionInfo
                       feInfo, byte storagePolicy)
     // local name of the inode that's encoded in java UTF8
     // symlink target encoded in java UTF8 or null
     // Used by dir, not including dot and dotdot. Always zero for a regular file.
     this.length            = length;
     this.isdir             = isdir;
     this.block_replication = (short)block_replication;
     this.blocksize         = blocksize;
     this.modification_time = modification_time;
     this.access_time       = access_time;
     this.permission        = (permission == null) ? ((isdir || symlink != null) ? FsPermission
                                                      .GetDefault() : FsPermission.GetFileDefault()) : permission;
     this.owner         = (owner == null) ? string.Empty : owner;         = (group == null) ? string.Empty : group;
     this.symlink       = symlink;
     this.path          = path;
     this.fileId        = fileId;
     this.childrenNum   = childrenNum;
     this.feInfo        = feInfo;
     this.storagePolicy = storagePolicy;
Esempio n. 4
        public virtual void TestAddBlockRetryShouldReturnBlockWithLocations()
            string            src         = "/testAddBlockRetryShouldReturnBlockWithLocations";
            NamenodeProtocols nameNodeRpc = cluster.GetNameNodeRpc();

            // create file
            nameNodeRpc.Create(src, FsPermission.GetFileDefault(), "clientName", new EnumSetWritable
                               <CreateFlag>(EnumSet.Of(CreateFlag.Create)), true, (short)3, 1024, null);
            // start first addBlock()
            Log.Info("Starting first addBlock for " + src);
            LocatedBlock lb1 = nameNodeRpc.AddBlock(src, "clientName", null, null, INodeId.GrandfatherInodeId
                                                    , null);

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue("Block locations should be present", lb1.GetLocations
                                              ().Length > 0);
            nameNodeRpc = cluster.GetNameNodeRpc();
            LocatedBlock lb2 = nameNodeRpc.AddBlock(src, "clientName", null, null, INodeId.GrandfatherInodeId
                                                    , null);

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("Blocks are not equal", lb1.GetBlock(), lb2.GetBlock
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue("Wrong locations with retry", lb2.GetLocations().Length
                                          > 0);
Esempio n. 5
        public virtual void TestRetryAddBlockWhileInChooseTarget()
            string            src = "/testRetryAddBlockWhileInChooseTarget";
            FSNamesystem      ns  = cluster.GetNamesystem();
            NamenodeProtocols nn  = cluster.GetNameNodeRpc();

            // create file
            nn.Create(src, FsPermission.GetFileDefault(), "clientName", new EnumSetWritable <CreateFlag
                                                                                             >(EnumSet.Of(CreateFlag.Create)), true, (short)3, 1024, null);
            // start first addBlock()
            Log.Info("Starting first addBlock for " + src);
            LocatedBlock[]        onRetryBlock = new LocatedBlock[1];
            DatanodeStorageInfo[] targets      = ns.GetNewBlockTargets(src, INodeId.GrandfatherInodeId
                                                                       , "clientName", null, null, null, onRetryBlock);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsNotNull("Targets must be generated", targets);
            // run second addBlock()
            Log.Info("Starting second addBlock for " + src);
            nn.AddBlock(src, "clientName", null, null, INodeId.GrandfatherInodeId, null);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue("Penultimate block must be complete", CheckFileProgress
                                              (src, false));
            LocatedBlocks lbs = nn.GetBlockLocations(src, 0, long.MaxValue);

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("Must be one block", 1, lbs.GetLocatedBlocks().Count
            LocatedBlock lb2 = lbs.Get(0);

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("Wrong replication", Replication, lb2.GetLocations
            // continue first addBlock()
            LocatedBlock newBlock = ns.StoreAllocatedBlock(src, INodeId.GrandfatherInodeId, "clientName"
                                                           , null, targets);

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("Blocks are not equal", lb2.GetBlock(), newBlock.
            // check locations
            lbs = nn.GetBlockLocations(src, 0, long.MaxValue);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("Must be one block", 1, lbs.GetLocatedBlocks().Count
            LocatedBlock lb1 = lbs.Get(0);

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("Wrong replication", Replication, lb1.GetLocations
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("Blocks are not equal", lb1.GetBlock(), lb2.GetBlock
Esempio n. 6
 public FileStatus(long length, bool isdir, int block_replication, long blocksize,
                   long modification_time, long access_time, FsPermission permission, string owner,
                   string group, Path symlink, Path path)
     //We should deprecate this soon?
     this.length            = length;
     this.isdir             = isdir;
     this.block_replication = (short)block_replication;
     this.blocksize         = blocksize;
     this.modification_time = modification_time;
     this.access_time       = access_time;
     if (permission != null)
         this.permission = permission;
         if (isdir)
             this.permission = FsPermission.GetDirDefault();
             if (symlink != null)
                 this.permission = FsPermission.GetDefault();
                 this.permission = FsPermission.GetFileDefault();
     this.owner   = (owner == null) ? string.Empty : owner;   = (group == null) ? string.Empty : group;
     this.symlink = symlink;
     this.path    = path;
     // The variables isdir and symlink indicate the type:
     // 1. isdir implies directory, in which case symlink must be null.
     // 2. !isdir implies a file or symlink, symlink != null implies a
     //    symlink, otherwise it's a file.
     System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert((isdir && symlink == null) || !isdir);
Esempio n. 7
        /// <exception cref="Org.Apache.Hadoop.Security.AccessControlException"/>
        /// <exception cref="Org.Apache.Hadoop.FS.FileAlreadyExistsException"/>
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.FileNotFoundException"/>
        /// <exception cref="Org.Apache.Hadoop.FS.ParentNotDirectoryException"/>
        /// <exception cref="Org.Apache.Hadoop.FS.UnsupportedFileSystemException"/>
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
        public override FSDataOutputStream Create(Path f, EnumSet <CreateFlag> createFlag,
                                                  params Options.CreateOpts[] opts)
            // Need to translate the FileContext-style options into FileSystem-style
            // Permissions with umask
            Options.CreateOpts.Perms permOpt = Options.CreateOpts.GetOpt <Options.CreateOpts.Perms
            FsPermission umask      = FsPermission.GetUMask(fs.GetConf());
            FsPermission permission = (permOpt != null) ? permOpt.GetValue() : FsPermission.GetFileDefault

            permission = permission.ApplyUMask(umask);
            // Overwrite
            bool overwrite = createFlag.Contains(CreateFlag.Overwrite);
            // bufferSize
            int bufferSize = fs.GetConf().GetInt(CommonConfigurationKeysPublic.IoFileBufferSizeKey
                                                 , CommonConfigurationKeysPublic.IoFileBufferSizeDefault);

            Options.CreateOpts.BufferSize bufOpt = Options.CreateOpts.GetOpt <Options.CreateOpts.BufferSize
            bufferSize = (bufOpt != null) ? bufOpt.GetValue() : bufferSize;
            // replication
            short replication = fs.GetDefaultReplication(f);

            Options.CreateOpts.ReplicationFactor repOpt = Options.CreateOpts.GetOpt <Options.CreateOpts.ReplicationFactor
            replication = (repOpt != null) ? repOpt.GetValue() : replication;
            // blockSize
            long blockSize = fs.GetDefaultBlockSize(f);

            Options.CreateOpts.BlockSize blockOpt = Options.CreateOpts.GetOpt <Options.CreateOpts.BlockSize
            blockSize = (blockOpt != null) ? blockOpt.GetValue() : blockSize;
            // Progressable
            Progressable progress = null;

            Options.CreateOpts.Progress progressOpt = Options.CreateOpts.GetOpt <Options.CreateOpts.Progress
            progress = (progressOpt != null) ? progressOpt.GetValue() : progress;
            return(fs.Create(f, permission, overwrite, bufferSize, replication, blockSize, progress
        /// <summary>Test LocalFileSystem.setPermission</summary>
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
        public virtual void TestLocalFSsetPermission()
            if (Path.Windows)
                System.Console.Out.WriteLine("Cannot run test for Windows");
            Configuration   conf     = new Configuration();
            LocalFileSystem localfs  = FileSystem.GetLocal(conf);
            string          filename = "foo";
            Path            f        = WriteFile(localfs, filename);

                FsPermission initialPermission = GetPermission(localfs, f);
                System.Console.Out.WriteLine(filename + ": " + initialPermission);
                                                                      .GetUMask(conf)), initialPermission);
            catch (Exception e)
                System.Console.Out.WriteLine("Cannot run test");
                // create files and manipulate them.
                FsPermission all  = new FsPermission((short)0x1ff);
                FsPermission none = new FsPermission((short)0);
                localfs.SetPermission(f, none);
                Assert.Equal(none, GetPermission(localfs, f));
                localfs.SetPermission(f, all);
                Assert.Equal(all, GetPermission(localfs, f));
                CleanupFile(localfs, f);
 // just in case copyBytes didn't
 // tag created files as temp files
 /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
 internal virtual FSDataOutputStream Create(PathData item, bool lazyPersist)
         if (lazyPersist)
             EnumSet <CreateFlag> createFlags = EnumSet.Of(CreateFlag.Create, CreateFlag.LazyPersist
             return(Create(item.path, FsPermission.GetFileDefault().ApplyUMask(FsPermission.GetUMask
                                                                                   (GetConf())), createFlags, GetConf().GetInt("io.file.buffer.size", 4096), lazyPersist
                                              ? 1 : GetDefaultReplication(item.path), GetDefaultBlockSize(), null, null));
             return(Create(item.path, true));
         // might have been created but stream was interrupted
Esempio n. 10
 /* These are provided so that these values could be loaded lazily
  * by a filesystem (e.g. local file system).
 /// <summary>Sets permission.</summary>
 /// <param name="permission">if permission is null, default value is set</param>
 protected internal virtual void SetPermission(FsPermission permission)
     this.permission = (permission == null) ? FsPermission.GetFileDefault() : permission;