public static void PostSaveInit()

            InterfaceOptionManager.IncludeOption(new SidebarFontOption());
            InterfaceOptionManager.IncludeOption(new SpriteStatusOption());
            InterfaceOptionManager.IncludeOption(new ImagePackOption());
            InterfaceOptionManager.IncludeOption(new SidebarAnimationOption());
            InterfaceOptionManager.IncludeOption(new EnemySidebarOption());

            DisplayOptionManager.IncludeOption(new FontSizeOption());
            DisplayOptionManager.IncludeOption(new TextBackgroundOption());
            DisplayOptionManager.IncludeOption(new BackgroundOption());

            foreach (var data in InterfaceOptionManager.interfaceOptions)

            foreach (var data in DisplayOptionManager.displayOptions)

            ModelViewRunner runner = Application.Current.Resources["Runner"] as ModelViewRunner;
        /// <summary>
        /// Handle the initial loading of global save information, if such a file exists.
        /// </summary>
        public static void InitializeSaveData()
            FileInfo globalDataFile;

            //We're in windows, don't overcomplicate shit.
            //if (File.Exists(GLOBAL_SETTINGS_PATH))
            //	globalDataFile = new FileInfo(GLOBAL_SETTINGS_PATH);
            globalDataFile = null;


            if (globalDataFile is null)
                CoC.Backend.SaveData.SaveSystem.AddGlobalSave(new GuiGlobalSave());
                CoC.Backend.SaveData.SaveSystem.AddSessionSave <GuiSessionSave>();
                throw new CoC.Backend.Tools.InDevelopmentExceptionThatBreaksOnRelease();
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize any managers specific to the GUI layer that GUI save data may depend on in order to run correctly. For example, the language engine must exist, otherwise
        /// the game cannot properly deserialize the previously selected language.
        /// </summary>
        public static void PreSaveInit()

            CreditManager.AddCreditCategory(new GUICredits());
 /// <summary>
 /// Some members may rely on other members to exist. Instead of worrying about initialization order, which can quickly become tedious, you may place all systems that are
 /// independant of one another in the presave, then initialize the dependant ones in the late pre save.
 /// </summary>
 public static void LatePreSaveInit()
 /// <summary>
 /// The final step, a sort of catch-all for anything missed previously. Things such as data validation can be run here to finalize the initialization and correct anything
 /// that does not make sense, like bad save data (likely via save editing, for example).
 /// </summary>
 public static void FinalizeInitialization()