public WordFrequencyRatingDataSource(FrequencyList frequencyList) { var words = frequencyList.GetAllWords().Materialize(); var count = words.Count; frequencies = words.Select((kvp, i) => new KeyValuePair <string, double>(kvp.Key, (double)(count - i + 1) / (count + 1) * 10)).ToDictionary(); }
public void ExecuteDeleteSelectedFrequencies(ICollection <object> selectedItems) { IList <object> copy = selectedItems.ToList <object>(); foreach (var item in copy) { FrequencyList.Remove((double)item); } }
/// <summary> /// Generates a canonical depth-limited Huffman tree using the provided <paramref name="symbolFrequencies"/>. /// </summary> public static HuffmanTree <T> FromSymbols(FrequencyList <T> symbolFrequencies, byte maxDepth) { if (symbolFrequencies.Count == 0) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(symbolFrequencies), "Cannot generate a tree with no symbols."); } else if (symbolFrequencies.Count == 1) { return(new HuffmanTree <T>(new HuffmanNode <T> .Leaf(symbolFrequencies.First()))); } else { return(new HuffmanTree <T>(HuffmanGenerator <T> .FromFrequenciesCanonical(symbolFrequencies.HuffmanFreq.ToArray(), maxDepth))); } }
static Constants() { // APIID = DataAccess.Security; // DefaultAvatar = string.Format("data:image/png;base64,{0}", Convert.ToBase64String(Mirrovest.Shared.AvatarCreator.CreateAvatar(File.OpenRead(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/Content/elements/bigavatar.png"))))); EmailHost = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EmailHost"]; EmailUsername = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EmailUsername"]; EmailPassword = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EmailPassword"]; EmailFromAddress = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EmailFromAddress"]; EmailFromName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EmailFromName"]; DefaultLanguage = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DefaultLanguage"]; ScalesList = SADFM.Data.DataAccess.ListItem.GetList("Scale").ToList(); //ImpairmentClassList = SADFM.Data.DataAccess.ListItem.GetList("ImpairmentClass").OrderBy(x => Convert.ToInt32(x.SortOrder)).SelectMany(li => li.Children.OrderBy(x => x.SortOrder)).ToList(); ImpairmentClassList = SADFM.Data.DataAccess.ListItem.GetImpairmentClass(); AdmissionStatusList = SADFM.Data.DataAccess.ListItem.GetImpairmentClass(); FrequencyList = SADFM.Data.DataAccess.ListItem.GetList("Frequency", deep: false).ToList(); RolesList = SADFM.Data.DataAccess.ListItem.GetList("Role"); TitleComboBox = SADFM.Web.Shared.HtmlHelper.DropdownBox(SADFM.Data.DataAccess.ListItem.GetList("Title", deep: false), "TitleID", l => l.ID, l => l.Name, "chosen-select", dataPlaceholder: "Select title"); GenderComboBox = SADFM.Web.Shared.HtmlHelper.DropdownBox(SADFM.Data.DataAccess.ListItem.GetList("Gender", deep: false), "GenderID", l => l.ID, l => l.Name, "chosen-select", dataPlaceholder: "Gender"); RaceComboBox = SADFM.Web.Shared.HtmlHelper.DropdownBox(SADFM.Data.DataAccess.ListItem.GetList("Race", deep: false), "RaceID", l => l.ID, l => l.Name, "chosen-select", dataPlaceholder: "Race"); MedicalSchemeComboBox = SADFM.Web.Shared.HtmlHelper.DropdownBox(SADFM.Data.DataAccess.ListItem.GetList("MedicalScheme", deep: false).OrderByDescending(x => x.SortOrder).ThenBy(x => x.Description).ToList(), "medicalscheme", l => l.ID, l => l.Description, "chosen-select", dataPlaceholder: "Medical Scheme"); var medicalShemeListMulti = SADFM.Data.DataAccess.ListItem.GetList("MedicalScheme", deep: false).OrderByDescending(x => x.SortOrder).ThenBy(x => x.Description).ToList(); medicalShemeListMulti.Insert(0, new Data.Models.ListItem() { Description = "All", ID = "All" }); MedicalSchemeComboBoxMulti = SADFM.Web.Shared.HtmlHelper.DropdownBox(medicalShemeListMulti, "MedicalSchemes", l => l.GUID.ToString(), l => l.Description, "chosen-select", dataPlaceholder: "Medical Schemes", multiple: true); CountryComboBox = SADFM.Web.Shared.HtmlHelper.DropdownBox(SADFM.Data.DataAccess.ListItem.GetList("Country", deep: false), "CountryID", l => l.ID, l => l.Description, "chosen-select", dataPlaceholder: "Country"); ScalesComboBox = SADFM.Web.Shared.HtmlHelper.DropdownBox(ScalesList, "ScaleId", s => s.GUID.ToString(), s => s.Description, "chosen-select", dataPlaceholder: "Select scale"); ScalesComboBoxMulti = SADFM.Web.Shared.HtmlHelper.DropdownBox(ScalesList, "Scales", s => s.GUID.ToString(), s => s.Description, "chosen-select", dataPlaceholder: "Select scale", multiple: true); FrequencyComboBox = SADFM.Web.Shared.HtmlHelper.DropdownBox(FrequencyList.OrderBy(x => x.SortOrder).ToList(), "FrequencyID", f => f.ID, f => f.Description, "chosen-select", dataPlaceholder: "Select frequency"); DefaultCountryId = SADFM.Data.Models.BaseModel.EncryptId(SADFM.Data.DataAccess.ListItem.GetListItemIdByName(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DefaultCountry"])); #if (DEBUG) Debugging = true; #else Debugging = false; #endif }
/// <summary> /// Adapted from (BitsEntropy, ShannonEntropy) /// </summary> private static double BitsEntropy(FrequencyList <T> histogram) { int total = 0; double calc = 0.0; foreach (var symbol in histogram) { var freq = histogram[symbol]; total += freq; calc -= freq * Math.Log(freq, 2.0); } if (total > 0) { calc += total * Math.Log(total, 2.0); } return(Math.Max(calc, total)); }
public void ExecuteReadConfig() { try { _cvConfiguration.LoadConfiguration(ConfigurationFile); StartVoltage = _cvConfiguration.StartVoltage; FinalVoltage = _cvConfiguration.FinalVoltage; IncrementVoltage = _cvConfiguration.IncrementVoltage; CurrentLimit = _cvConfiguration.CurrentLimit; Amplitude = _cvConfiguration.Amplitude; FrequencyList.Clear(); foreach (var frequency in _cvConfiguration.TestWaveFrequency) { FrequencyList.Add(frequency); } StatusMessage = $"Configuration File {ConfigurationFile} loaded"; } catch (Exception ex) { StatusMessage = $"Error {ex.Message} reading Configuration File: {ConfigurationFile}"; } }
/// <summary> /// Adapted from (ShouldMergeBlock). /// </summary> private bool ShouldMergeBlock(int ip, int blockSize) { const int sampleRate = 43; FrequencyList <byte> bytes = new FrequencyList <byte>(); for (int offset = 0; offset < blockSize; offset += sampleRate) { bytes.Add(input[ip + offset]); } int total = (blockSize + sampleRate - 1) / sampleRate; double r = ((total == 0 ? 0 : Math.Log(total, 2.0) + 0.5) * total) + 200; foreach (var symbol in bytes) { var samples = bytes[symbol]; var literal = new Literal(symbol); r -= samples * (literalTree !.FindPath(literal).Length + Math.Log(samples, 2.0)); } return(r >= 0.0); }
public void ProcessSequence(BlockSwitchBuilder builder, List <T> sequence, ContextInfo?contextParam = null) { builder.Reset(); ContextInfo ctx = contextParam ?? ContextInfo.Default; int numContexts = 1 + ctx.Map.Max(); int maxBlockTypes = 256 / numContexts; int maxNumBlocks = sequence.Count / minBlockSize + 1; var histograms = FrequencyList <T> .Array(numContexts *Math.Min(maxNumBlocks, maxBlockTypes + 1)); int numBlocks = 0; int blockSize = 0; int targetBlockSize = minBlockSize; int currHistogramIx = 0; var lastHistogramIx = new int[2]; var lastEntropy = new double[2 * numContexts]; int mergeLastCount = 0; void FinishBlock(bool isFinal) { blockSize = Math.Max(blockSize, minBlockSize); if (numBlocks == 0) { builder.SetInitialLength(blockSize); for (int context = 0; context < numContexts; context++) { lastEntropy[context] = BitsEntropy(histograms[context]); lastEntropy[context + numContexts] = lastEntropy[context]; } currHistogramIx += numContexts; ++numBlocks; blockSize = 0; } else if (blockSize > 0) { var entropy = new double[numContexts]; var combinedHisto = FrequencyList <T> .Array(2 *numContexts); var combinedEntropy = new double[2 * numContexts]; var diff = new double[2]; for (int context = 0; context < numContexts; context++) { int currHistoIx = currHistogramIx + context; entropy[context] = BitsEntropy(histograms[currHistoIx]); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { int ix = i * numContexts + context; int lastHistogramIxValue = lastHistogramIx[i] + context; var newHisto = new FrequencyList <T> { histograms[currHistoIx], histograms[lastHistogramIxValue] }; combinedHisto[ix] = newHisto; combinedEntropy[ix] = BitsEntropy(combinedHisto[ix]); diff[i] += combinedEntropy[ix] - entropy[context] - lastEntropy[ix]; } } if (builder.TypeCount < maxBlockTypes && diff[0] > splitThreshold && diff[1] > splitThreshold) { byte nextBlockType = (byte)(builder.TypeCount); builder.AddBlock(nextBlockType, blockSize); lastHistogramIx[1] = lastHistogramIx[0]; lastHistogramIx[0] = nextBlockType * numContexts; for (int context = 0; context < numContexts; context++) { lastEntropy[context + numContexts] = lastEntropy[context]; lastEntropy[context] = entropy[context]; } currHistogramIx += numContexts; if (currHistogramIx < histograms.Length) { histograms[currHistogramIx].Clear(); } ++numBlocks; blockSize = 0; mergeLastCount = 0; targetBlockSize = minBlockSize; } else if (diff[1] < diff[0] - 20.0) { builder.AddBlock(builder.Commands.Count >= 2 ? builder.Commands[^ 2].Type : (byte)0, blockSize);
protected override (MetaBlock, BrotliGlobalState) Transform(MetaBlock.Compressed original, BrotliGlobalState state, BrotliCompressionParameters parameters) { var builder = new CompressedMetaBlockBuilder(original, state); var literals = new List <Literal>(builder.GetTotalBlockLength(Category.Literal)); var lengthCodes = new List <InsertCopyLengthCode>(builder.GetTotalBlockLength(Category.InsertCopy)); var distanceCodes = new List <DistanceCode>(builder.GetTotalBlockLength(Category.Distance)); var distanceFreq = new FrequencyList <DistanceCode>(); var validDistanceCodes = new List <DistanceCode>(5); foreach (var command in original.Data.InsertCopyCommands) { literals.AddRange(command.Literals); state.OutputLiterals(command.Literals); if (command.CopyDistance == DistanceInfo.EndsAfterLiterals) { lengthCodes.Add(command.Lengths.MakeCode(ImplicitDistanceCodeZero.PreferEnabled)); break; } if (!command.CopyDistance.FindCodes(original.Header.DistanceParameters, state, validDistanceCodes)) { lengthCodes.Add(command.Lengths.MakeCode(ImplicitDistanceCodeZero.ForceEnabled)); } else { DistanceCode distanceCode; if (command.CopyDistance == DistanceInfo.ExplicitCodeZero) { distanceCode = DistanceCode.Zero; } else { distanceCode = validDistanceCodes.Count > 1 ? parameters.DistanceCodePicker(validDistanceCodes, distanceFreq) : validDistanceCodes[0]; } distanceFreq.Add(distanceCode); distanceCodes.Add(distanceCode); lengthCodes.Add(command.Lengths.MakeCode(ImplicitDistanceCodeZero.Disable)); } } var origLitCtxMap = builder.LiteralCtxMap; if (origLitCtxMap.TreeCount == 1) { Split(builder, Category.Literal, literals, 512, 400.0); builder.UseSameLiteralContextMode(LiteralContextMode.UTF8); builder.LiteralCtxMap = new ContextMapBuilder.Literals(builder).RepeatFirstBlockType(true).Build(); } else { var literalContextMap = Enumerable.Range(0, origLitCtxMap.ContextsPerBlockType).Select(index => origLitCtxMap.DetermineTreeID(0, index)).ToArray(); var literalContextMode = builder.LiteralContextModes[0]; var literalBuffer = RingBufferFast <byte> .From(0, 0); Split(builder, Category.Literal, literals, 512, 400.0, new BlockSplitter <Literal> .ContextInfo(literalContextMap, literal => { literalBuffer.Push(literal.Value); return(literalContextMode.DetermineContextID(literalBuffer.Front, literalBuffer.Back)); })); builder.UseSameLiteralContextMode(literalContextMode); builder.LiteralCtxMap = new ContextMapBuilder.Literals(builder).Set(0, literalContextMap).RepeatFirstBlockType(true).Build(); } Split(builder, Category.InsertCopy, lengthCodes, 1024, 500.0); Split(builder, Category.Distance, distanceCodes, 512, 100.0); builder.DistanceCtxMap = new ContextMapBuilder.Distances(builder).RepeatFirstBlockType(true).Build(); return(builder.Build(parameters)); }
/// <summary> /// Generates a canonical depth-limited Huffman tree using the provided <paramref name="symbolFrequencies"/>, and default depth limit of 15. /// </summary> public static HuffmanTree <T> FromSymbols(FrequencyList <T> symbolFrequencies) { return(FromSymbols(symbolFrequencies, DefaultMaxDepth)); }
public void ExecuteAddFrequency() { FrequencyList.Add(NewFrequency); FrequencyList.Sort(); }
public bool CanExecuteAddFrequency() { return(NewFrequency > 0.0 && !FrequencyList.Contains(NewFrequency)); }
public DistanceCode Pick(List <DistanceCode> picks, FrequencyList <DistanceCode> previouslySeen) { picks.RemoveAll(BlockedCodes.Contains); return(originalPicker(picks, previouslySeen)); }
public PartialWordLookupJMDictDataSource(PartialWordLookup lookup, FrequencyList list) { this.lookup = lookup; this.list = list; }
IEnumerator LoginRequest(string username, string password) { // Instantiate loading animation. Debug.Log ("Instantiating load animation"); GameObject canvas = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag ("canvas")[0]; load = Instantiate (loadAnimation); load.transform.SetParent (canvas.transform); yield return TestSession(); yield return SignIn(username,password); Debug.Log(sessionID); if (sessionID == 0) { loginFail(); } else { yield return NativeLanguageRequest(); } Debug.Log(sessionID); if(userNativeLanguage != null && userNativeLanguage != "") { yield return LearnedLanguageRequest(); } else { loginFail(); } if (userLearnedLanguage != null && userLearnedLanguage != "") { yield return RetrieveBookmarks(); } else { loginFail(); } if(userBookmarks == null) { loginFail(); } // Store the session saveSession(); //Loading up the word frequency list to be used in word selection frequencyList = new FrequencyList(userLearnedLanguage); frequencyList.initialize(); Debug.Log(frequencyList.lang); //Go to main menu if(frequencyList.lang != null && frequencyList.lang != "") { Screen.orientation = ScreenOrientation.Landscape; SceneManager.LoadScene(1); } else { loginFail(); } // Finalise loading animation. Debug.Log ("Destroying load animation"); Destroy (load); }
public PartialWordLookupJMDictDataSource(JMDict jmdict, FrequencyList list) { this.jmdict = jmdict; this.list = list; }