// This has not yet been implemented
        public static string GetCertificatesMessage(string customerId, Environment environment, int requestId, string transferKey)
            var timestamp = DateTime.Now;

            var soapBodyContent = Helper.GetCertificatesRequest(
                customerId: customerId,
                timestamp: timestamp,
                environment: environment,
                softwareId: SoftwareId,
                requestId: requestId,
                namespaces: FewNamespaces,
                transferKey: transferKey);

            var soapRequestDocument = Helper.GetEmptySoapEnvelope(soapBodyContent, timestamp, FewNamespaces);

        // This message can be used to query user information from web service
        public static string GetUserInfoMessage(X509Certificate2 certificate, string customerId, string targetId, Environment environment, int requestId)
            var timestamp = DateTime.Now;

            var soapBodyContent = Helper.GetUserInfoRequest(
                customerId: customerId,
                targetId: targetId,
                timestamp: timestamp,
                environment: environment,
                softwareId: SoftwareId,
                requestId: requestId,
                certificate: certificate,
                namespaces: Namespaces);

            var soapRequestDocument = Helper.GetSoapRequestXmlDocument(certificate, soapBodyContent, timestamp, Namespaces);

        public static string GetDownloadFileMessage(X509Certificate2 certificate, string customerId, string fileType, string targetId, Environment environment, int requestId, Status status, string fileReference)
            var timestamp = DateTime.Now;

            var soapBodyContent = Helper.GetDownloadFileRequest(
                customerId: customerId,
                timestamp: timestamp,
                environment: environment,
                softwareId: SoftwareId,
                requestId: requestId,
                status: status,
                fileType: fileType,
                targetId: targetId,
                fileReference: fileReference,
                certificate: certificate,
                namespaces: Namespaces);

            var soapRequestDocument = Helper.GetSoapRequestXmlDocument(certificate, soapBodyContent, timestamp, Namespaces);

Esempio n. 4
        // Creates application request for uploading a file
        private static XElement GetUploadFileApplicationRequest(string customerId, DateTime timestamp, Environment environment, string softwareId, Dictionary <string, XNamespace> namespaces, string fileInput, string fileType, Encoding fileEncoding, string targetId)
            var compressedFile = GzipAndBase64Encode(fileInput, fileEncoding);

            return(new XElement(namespaces["bxd"] + "ApplicationRequest",
                                new XElement(namespaces["bxd"] + "CustomerId", customerId),
                                new XElement(namespaces["bxd"] + "Command", "UploadFile"),
                                new XElement(namespaces["bxd"] + "Timestamp", timestamp),
                                new XElement(namespaces["bxd"] + "Environment", environment.ToString()),
                                new XElement(namespaces["bxd"] + "TargetId", targetId),
                                new XElement(namespaces["bxd"] + "Compression", true),         // This needs to be true since the content is compressed with Gzip
                                new XElement(namespaces["bxd"] + "CompressionMethod", "GZIP"), // Needs to be given, since also PKZIP is supported
                                new XElement(namespaces["bxd"] + "SoftwareId", softwareId),    // Hard coded in MessageService.cs to FRENDS
                                new XElement(namespaces["bxd"] + "FileType", fileType),
                                new XElement(namespaces["bxd"] + "Content", compressedFile)));
Esempio n. 5
 // Creates application request for getting a file
 private static XElement GetFileApplicationRequest(string customerId, DateTime timestamp, Environment environment, string softwareId, string fileReference, string fileType, string targetId, Status status, Dictionary <string, XNamespace> namespaces)
     return(new XElement(namespaces["bxd"] + "ApplicationRequest",
                         new XElement(namespaces["bxd"] + "CustomerId", customerId),
                         new XElement(namespaces["bxd"] + "Command", "DownloadFile"),
                         new XElement(namespaces["bxd"] + "Timestamp", timestamp),
                         new XElement(namespaces["bxd"] + "Status", status.ToString()),
                         new XElement(namespaces["bxd"] + "Environment", environment.ToString()),
                         new XElement(namespaces["bxd"] + "FileReferences",
                                      new XElement(namespaces["bxd"] + "FileReference", fileReference)),
                         new XElement(namespaces["bxd"] + "TargetId", targetId),
                         new XElement(namespaces["bxd"] + "Compression", true),
                         new XElement(namespaces["bxd"] + "SoftwareId", softwareId), // Hard coded in MessageService.cs to FRENDS
                         new XElement(namespaces["bxd"] + "FileType", fileType)));
Esempio n. 6
        private static XElement GetCertificateApplicationRequest(string customerId, DateTime timestamp, Environment environment, string softwareId, Dictionary <string, XNamespace> namespaces, string transferKey, string pkcs10 = null)
            var properties = new List <XElement>
                new XElement(namespaces["bxd"] + "CustomerId", customerId),
                new XElement(namespaces["bxd"] + "Timestamp", timestamp),
                new XElement(namespaces["bxd"] + "Environment", environment.ToString()),
                new XElement(namespaces["bxd"] + "SoftwareId", softwareId),
                new XElement(namespaces["bxd"] + "Service", "MATU"),
                string.IsNullOrEmpty(pkcs10) ? null : new XElement(namespaces["bxd"] + "Content", pkcs10),
                new XElement(namespaces["bxd"] + "TransferKey", transferKey)
            }.Where(p => p != null);

            return(new XElement(namespaces["bxd"] + "CertApplicationRequest", properties));
Esempio n. 7
 // Creates application request for fetching user info
 private static XElement GetUserInfoApplicationRequest(string customerId, string targetId, DateTime timestamp, Environment environment, string softwareId, Dictionary <string, XNamespace> namespaces)
     return(new XElement(namespaces["bxd"] + "ApplicationRequest",
                         new XElement(namespaces["bxd"] + "CustomerId", customerId),
                         new XElement(namespaces["bxd"] + "Command", "GetUserInfo"),
                         new XElement(namespaces["bxd"] + "Timestamp", timestamp),
                         new XElement(namespaces["bxd"] + "Environment", environment.ToString()),
                         !String.IsNullOrEmpty(targetId) ? new XElement(namespaces["bxd"] + "TargetId", targetId) : null,
                         new XElement(namespaces["bxd"] + "SoftwareId", softwareId))); // Hard coded in MessageService.cs to FRENDS
Esempio n. 8
        public static XElement GetCertificateRequest(string customerId, DateTime timestamp, Environment environment, string softwareId, int requestId, Dictionary <string, XNamespace> namespaces, string transferKey, string pkcs10)
            var applicationRequest = GetCertificateApplicationRequest(customerId, timestamp, environment, softwareId, namespaces, transferKey, pkcs10);
            var requestBase64      = GetBase64String(applicationRequest.ToString());
            var requestHeader      = GetSimpleRequestHeader(namespaces["opc"], customerId, requestId, timestamp);

            return(new XElement(namespaces["opc"] + "getCertificatein",
                                new XElement(namespaces["opc"] + "ApplicationRequest", requestBase64)));
Esempio n. 9
        // Builds SOAP request body for uploading a file
        public static XElement GetUploadFileRequest(string customerId, DateTime timestamp, Environment environment, string softwareId, int requestId, X509Certificate2 certificate, Dictionary <string, XNamespace> namespaces, string fileInput, string fileType, Encoding fileEncoding, string targetId)
            var applicationRequest = GetUploadFileApplicationRequest(customerId, timestamp, environment, softwareId, namespaces, fileInput, fileType, fileEncoding, targetId);
            var requestBase64      = SignApplicationRequestAndReturnAsBase64(applicationRequest, certificate);
            var requestHeader      = GetRequestHeader(customerId, requestId, timestamp, softwareId, namespaces);

            return(new XElement(namespaces["cor"] + "uploadFilein",
                                new XElement(namespaces["mod"] + "ApplicationRequest", requestBase64)));
Esempio n. 10
        // Builds SOAP request body for getting user info
        public static XElement GetUserInfoRequest(string customerId, string targetId, DateTime timestamp, Environment environment, string softwareId, int requestId, X509Certificate2 certificate, Dictionary <string, XNamespace> namespaces)
            var applicationRequest = GetUserInfoApplicationRequest(customerId, targetId, timestamp, environment, softwareId, namespaces);
            var requestBase64      = SignApplicationRequestAndReturnAsBase64(applicationRequest, certificate);
            var requestHeader      = GetRequestHeader(customerId, requestId, timestamp, softwareId, namespaces);

            return(new XElement(namespaces["cor"] + "getUserInfoin",
                                new XElement(namespaces["mod"] + "ApplicationRequest", requestBase64)));
Esempio n. 11
        // Builds SOAP request body for getting a list of available files
        public static XElement GetDownloadFileListRequest(string customerId, DateTime timestamp, string fileType, string targetId, DateTime?startDate, DateTime?endDate, Status status, Environment environment, string softwareId, int requestId, X509Certificate2 certificate, Dictionary <string, XNamespace> namespaces)
            var applicationRequest = GetFileListApplicationRequest(customerId, timestamp, environment, softwareId, fileType, targetId, startDate, endDate, status, namespaces);
            var requestBase64      = SignApplicationRequestAndReturnAsBase64(applicationRequest, certificate);
            var requestHeader      = GetRequestHeader(customerId, requestId, timestamp, softwareId, namespaces);

            return(new XElement(namespaces["cor"] + "downloadFileListin",
                                new XElement(namespaces["mod"] + "ApplicationRequest", requestBase64)));
Esempio n. 12
        // Creates application request for getting a list of available files
        private static XElement GetFileListApplicationRequest(string customerId, DateTime timestamp, Environment environment, string softwareId, string fileType, string targetId, DateTime?startDate, DateTime?endDate, Status status, Dictionary <string, XNamespace> namespaces)
            var properties = new List <XElement>
                new XElement(namespaces["bxd"] + "CustomerId", customerId),
                new XElement(namespaces["bxd"] + "Command", "DownloadFileList"),
                new XElement(namespaces["bxd"] + "Timestamp", timestamp),
                startDate.HasValue ? new XElement(namespaces["bxd"] + "StartDate", startDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")) : null,
                endDate.HasValue ? new XElement(namespaces["bxd"] + "EndDate", endDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")) : null,
                new XElement(namespaces["bxd"] + "Status", status.ToString()),
                new XElement(namespaces["bxd"] + "Environment", environment.ToString()),
                new XElement(namespaces["bxd"] + "TargetId", targetId),
                new XElement(namespaces["bxd"] + "SoftwareId", softwareId), // Hard coded in MessageService.cs to FRENDS
                new XElement(namespaces["bxd"] + "FileType", fileType)

            return(new XElement(namespaces["bxd"] + "ApplicationRequest", properties.Where(p => p != null)));