Esempio n. 1
        public void makeSampleImage(FreeImageBitmap bitmap)
            if (LoadLogo != null)
                using (FreeImageBitmap logo = LoadLogo())
                    float sizeRatio       = (float)bitmap.Width / logo.Width;
                    int   finalLogoWidth  = (int)(logo.Width * sizeRatio);
                    int   finalLogoHeight = (int)(logo.Height * sizeRatio);
                    int   currentY        = 0;
                    int   imageHeight     = bitmap.Height;

                    logo.Rescale(finalLogoWidth, finalLogoHeight, FREE_IMAGE_FILTER.FILTER_BILINEAR);
                    while (currentY < imageHeight)
                        int sectionHeight = logo.Height;
                        if (currentY + sectionHeight > imageHeight)
                            sectionHeight = imageHeight - currentY;
                        using (FreeImageBitmap section = bitmap.Copy(0, currentY, logo.Width, currentY + sectionHeight))
                            using (FreeImageBitmap logoComposite = logo.Copy(0, 0, logo.Width, sectionHeight))
                                logoComposite.Composite(false, null, section);
                                bitmap.Paste(logoComposite, 0, currentY, int.MaxValue);
                                currentY += finalLogoHeight;
Esempio n. 2
        public void writeText(FreeImageBitmap bitmap, string p, int fontSize)
            p = p.Replace("\n", "<br/>");

            int width  = Math.Min(bitmap.Width, 2048);
            int height = Math.Min(bitmap.Height, 256);

            ImageBox     imageBox     = (ImageBox)Gui.Instance.createWidgetT("ImageBox", "ImageBox", 0, 0, width, height, Align.Default, "Overlapped", "TempImageBox");
            RocketWidget rocketWidget = null;

                imageBox.Visible = false;
                rocketWidget     = new RocketWidget(imageBox, true);

                var cornerColor = Engine.Color.FromARGB(bitmap.GetPixel(0, 0).ToArgb());
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                sb.AppendFormat(DocumentStart, cornerColor.ToHexString(), fontSize);
                sb.AppendFormat("<p>{0}</p>", p);

                var resourceLoader = new RocketAssemblyResourceLoader(this.GetType().Assembly);

                var document = rocketWidget.Context.LoadDocumentFromMemory(sb.ToString());
                if (document != null)


                using (FreeImageBitmap copyrightBitmap = new FreeImageBitmap(imageBox.Width, imageBox.Height, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb))
                    rocketWidget.writeToGraphics(copyrightBitmap, new Rectangle(0, 0, copyrightBitmap.Width, copyrightBitmap.Height));
                    using (FreeImageBitmap background = bitmap.Copy(0, 0, Math.Min(copyrightBitmap.Width, bitmap.Width), Math.Min(copyrightBitmap.Height, bitmap.Height)))
                        copyrightBitmap.Composite(false, null, background);
                        bitmap.Paste(copyrightBitmap, 0, 0, int.MaxValue);
                //Using block does not work (wtf?), dispose manually
                if (rocketWidget != null)
Esempio n. 3
        public static void Combine(ImageFile[] images,
		                           string outputFile, string mapFile)
            // Find max width and total height
            var maxWidth = 0;
            var maxHeight = 0;
            var totalHeight = 0;

            foreach (var image in images)
                totalHeight += image.Image.Height;

                if (image.Image.Width > maxWidth)
                    maxWidth = image.Image.Width;
                if (image.Image.Height > maxHeight)
                    maxHeight = image.Image.Height;

            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Number of images: {0}, total height: {1}px, width: {2}",
                images.Length, totalHeight, maxWidth));
            // Create the actual sprite
            var currentY = 0;
            const int currentX = 0;
            var surface = new FreeImageBitmap(maxWidth, totalHeight);
            foreach (var image in images)
                var freeImage = GetFreeImage(image);
                surface.Paste(freeImage, currentX, currentY, 0);
                currentY += image.Image.Height;
                image.X = currentX;
                image.Y = currentY;
                Console.WriteLine("{0} copied to {1}, {2}", image.Name, image.X, image.Y);
            Console.WriteLine("Writing sprite: " + outputFile);
            using (var stream = File.OpenWrite(outputFile))
                surface.Save(stream, FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT.FIF_PNG);

            Console.WriteLine("Writing sprite map: " + mapFile);
            using (var writer = File.CreateText(mapFile))
                foreach (var image in images)
Esempio n. 4
        private IEnumerable <IdleStatus> gridRender(int width, int height, int backBufferWidth, int backBufferHeight, int aaMode, RenderTexture renderTexture, Camera camera, Camera backgroundCamera, bool transparentBG, Engine.Color bgColor, Action <FreeImageBitmap> renderingCompletedCallback)
            float originalLeft, originalRight, originalTop, originalBottom;

            camera.getFrustumExtents(out originalLeft, out originalRight, out originalTop, out originalBottom);

            int imageCountWidth  = width % backBufferWidth == 0 ? width / backBufferWidth : width / backBufferWidth + 1;
            int imageCountHeight = height % backBufferHeight == 0 ? height / backBufferHeight : height / backBufferHeight + 1;

            float gridStepHoriz = (originalRight * 2) / imageCountWidth;
            float gridStepVert  = (originalTop * 2) / imageCountHeight;

            float bgOriginalLeft = 0, bgOriginalRight = 0, bgOriginalTop = 0, bgOriginalBottom = 0, bgGridStepHoriz = 0, bgGridStepVert = 0;

            if (backgroundCamera != null)
                backgroundCamera.getFrustumExtents(out bgOriginalLeft, out bgOriginalRight, out bgOriginalTop, out bgOriginalBottom);
                bgGridStepHoriz = (bgOriginalRight * 2) / imageCountWidth;
                bgGridStepVert  = (bgOriginalTop * 2) / imageCountHeight;

            int imageStepHoriz = backBufferWidth;
            int imageStepVert  = backBufferHeight;

            int finalWidth          = width / aaMode;
            int finalHeight         = height / aaMode;
            int imageStepHorizSmall = finalWidth / imageCountWidth;
            int imageStepVertSmall  = finalHeight / imageCountHeight;

            float left, right, top, bottom;
            float bgLeft, bgRight, bgTop, bgBottom;
            int   totalSS = imageCountWidth * imageCountHeight;

            String updateString = "Rendering piece {0} of " + totalSS;

            OgrePlugin.PixelFormat   format       = OgrePlugin.PixelFormat.PF_A8R8G8B8;
            FreeImageAPI.PixelFormat bitmapFormat = FreeImageAPI.PixelFormat.Format32bppRgb;
            if (transparentBG)
                bitmapFormat = FreeImageAPI.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb;

            Rectangle       destRect   = new Rectangle();
            Rectangle       srcRect    = new Rectangle(0, 0, imageStepHoriz, imageStepVert);
            FreeImageBitmap fullBitmap = new FreeImageBitmap(finalWidth, finalHeight, bitmapFormat);

            using (FreeImageBitmap pieceBitmap = new FreeImageBitmap(imageStepHoriz, imageStepVert, bitmapFormat))
                bool      aaOn            = aaMode > 1;
                Rectangle scalarRectangle = new Rectangle();
                if (aaOn)
                    scalarRectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, imageStepHorizSmall, imageStepVertSmall);
                for (int i = 0; i < totalSS; ++i)
                    int y = i / imageCountWidth;
                    int x = i - y * imageCountWidth;

                    left   = originalLeft + gridStepHoriz * x;
                    right  = left + gridStepHoriz;
                    top    = originalTop - gridStepVert * y;
                    bottom = top - gridStepVert;

                    camera.setFrustumExtents(left, right, top, bottom);
                    if (backgroundCamera != null)
                        bgLeft   = bgOriginalLeft + bgGridStepHoriz * x;
                        bgRight  = bgLeft + bgGridStepHoriz;
                        bgTop    = bgOriginalTop - bgGridStepVert * y;
                        bgBottom = bgTop - bgGridStepVert;

                        backgroundCamera.setFrustumExtents(bgLeft, bgRight, bgTop, bgBottom);
                    renderTexture.getViewport(0).clear(FrameBufferType.FBT_COLOUR | FrameBufferType.FBT_DEPTH | FrameBufferType.FBT_STENCIL, bgColor);

                    pieceBitmap.copyFromRenderTarget(renderTexture, format);
                    destRect.X      = x * imageStepHorizSmall;
                    destRect.Y      = y * imageStepVertSmall;
                    destRect.Width  = imageStepHorizSmall;
                    destRect.Height = imageStepVertSmall;
                    if (aaOn)
                        using (FreeImageBitmap scaled = new FreeImageBitmap(pieceBitmap))
                            scaled.Rescale(scalarRectangle.Width, scalarRectangle.Height, FREE_IMAGE_FILTER.FILTER_BILINEAR);
                            fullBitmap.Paste(scaled, destRect.X, destRect.Y, int.MaxValue);
                        fullBitmap.Paste(pieceBitmap, destRect.X, destRect.Y, int.MaxValue);

                    if (imageRendererProgress != null)
                        imageRendererProgress.update((uint)(((float)(i + 1) / totalSS) * 100.0f), String.Format(updateString, i + 1));
                        if (imageRendererProgress.Cancel)

                    yield return(IdleStatus.Ok);


            yield break;
Esempio n. 5
        private IEnumerable <IdleStatus> createRender(int finalWidth, int finalHeight, int aaMode, bool showWatermark, bool transparentBG, Engine.Color backColor, Camera cloneCamera, Vector3 position, Vector3 lookAt, float minNearDistance, float nearPlaneWorld, float nearFarLength, ImageRendererProperties properties, Action <FreeImageBitmap> renderingCompletedCallback)
            FreeImageBitmap  bitmap       = null;
            OgreSceneManager sceneManager = controller.CurrentScene.getDefaultSubScene().getSimElementManager <OgreSceneManager>();

            if (sceneManager != null)
                bool doGridRender;
                int  backBufferWidth;
                int  backBufferHeight;

                using (TexturePtr texture = createOgreTexture(finalWidth, finalHeight, aaMode, out doGridRender, out backBufferWidth, out backBufferHeight))
                    if (texture != null)
                        using (HardwarePixelBufferSharedPtr pixelBuffer = texture.Value.getBuffer())
                            RenderTexture renderTexture = pixelBuffer.Value.getRenderTarget();
                            Camera        camera        = sceneManager.SceneManager.createCamera("__PictureCamera");

                            camera.setAspectRatio((float)finalWidth / finalHeight);

                            SceneNode node = sceneManager.SceneManager.createSceneNode("__PictureCameraNode");
                            Viewport viewport = renderTexture.addViewport(camera, 1, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);

                            if (properties.UseIncludePoint)
                                Matrix4x4 viewMatrix       = camera.getViewMatrix();
                                Matrix4x4 projectionMatrix = camera.getProjectionMatrix();
                                float     aspect           = camera.getAspectRatio();
                                float     fovy             = camera.getFOVy() * 0.5f;

                                float   distance  = SceneViewWindow.computeOffsetToIncludePoint(viewMatrix, projectionMatrix, properties.IncludePoint, aspect, fovy);
                                Vector3 direction = (position - lookAt).normalized();
                                node.setPosition(position - (direction * distance));

                            if (transparentBG)
                                backColor.a = 0.0f;

                            ViewportBackground bgViewport = null;
                            if (background != null)
                                bgViewport = new ViewportBackground("ImageRenderer", 0, background, renderTexture, false);
                                bgViewport.BackgroundColor = backColor;
                                bgViewport.Camera.setAspectRatio((float)finalWidth / finalHeight);

                            if (properties.CustomizeCameraPosition != null)
                                properties.CustomizeCameraPosition(camera, viewport);

                            float near = CameraPositioner.computeNearClipDistance(camera.getDerivedPosition().length(), minNearDistance, nearPlaneWorld);
                            camera.setFarClipDistance(near + nearFarLength);

                            if (doGridRender)
                                IEnumerable <IdleStatus> process = gridRender(finalWidth * aaMode, finalHeight * aaMode, backBufferWidth, backBufferHeight, aaMode, renderTexture, camera, bgViewport != null ? bgViewport.Camera : null, transparentBG, backColor,
                                                                              (product) =>
                                    bitmap = product;
                                foreach (IdleStatus idleStatus in process)
                                    yield return(idleStatus);
                                bitmap = simpleRender(backBufferWidth, backBufferHeight, aaMode, transparentBG, backColor, renderTexture);

                            if (showWatermark && LoadLogo != null)
                                using (FreeImageBitmap logo = LoadLogo())
                                    float imageFinalHeight = bitmap.Height * 0.0447f;
                                    float scale            = imageFinalHeight / logo.Height;
                                    float imageFinalWidth  = logo.Width * scale;
                                    if (imageFinalWidth > bitmap.Width)
                                        imageFinalWidth  = bitmap.Width;
                                        scale            = imageFinalWidth / logo.Width;
                                        imageFinalHeight = logo.Height * scale;

                                    logo.Rescale((int)imageFinalWidth, (int)imageFinalHeight, FREE_IMAGE_FILTER.FILTER_BILINEAR);
                                    //Have to composite the logo image first.
                                    using (FreeImageBitmap fullImageCorner = bitmap.Copy(0, bitmap.Height - (int)imageFinalHeight, (int)imageFinalWidth, bitmap.Height))
                                        logo.Composite(false, null, fullImageCorner);
                                    bitmap.Paste(logo, 0, bitmap.Height - (int)imageFinalHeight, int.MaxValue);

                            if (bgViewport != null)

                        //An error making the render texture. Log it and return the error image.
                        Log.Error("Could not render image. Returning placeholder image. Reason: Could not create valid render to texture target.");
                        bitmap = new FreeImageBitmap(finalWidth, finalHeight);
                        bitmap.FillBackground(new RGBQUAD()
                            rgbRed = 255
            yield break;
        public void updateThumbnail(bool forceUpdateSceneThumb = false)
            Dictionary <RmlEditorViewInfo, LayoutContainer> layoutPositions = new Dictionary <RmlEditorViewInfo, LayoutContainer>();

            if (slideEditorController.ResourceProvider != null)
                //Setup a LayoutChain to mimic the main one.
                LayoutChain layoutChain = new LayoutChain();
                layoutChain.addLink(new PopupAreaChainLink(GUILocationNames.ContentAreaPopup), true);
                layoutChain.addLink(new BorderLayoutNoAnimationChainLink(GUILocationNames.ContentArea), true);

                IntSize2        thumbTotalSize = new IntSize2(SlideImageManager.ThumbWidth, SlideImageManager.ThumbHeight);
                FreeImageBitmap thumb          = slideEditorController.SlideImageManager.createThumbBitmap(slide);
                layoutChain.SuppressLayout = true;
                LayoutContainer sceneContainer = new NullLayoutContainer(thumbTotalSize);
                layoutChain.addContainer(new BorderLayoutElementName(GUILocationNames.ContentArea, BorderLayoutLocations.Center), sceneContainer, null);
                foreach (var editor in rmlEditors.Values)
                    if (editor.Component != null)
                        float               sizeRatio = (float)SlideImageManager.ThumbHeight / editor.Component.ViewHost.Container.RigidParentWorkingSize.Height;
                        IntSize2            size      = (IntSize2)(editor.Component.ViewHost.Container.DesiredSize * sizeRatio);
                        NullLayoutContainer container = new NullLayoutContainer(size);
                        layoutPositions.Add(editor, container);
                        layoutChain.addContainer(editor.View.ElementName, container, null);
                layoutChain.SuppressLayout = false;
                layoutChain.WorkingSize    = thumbTotalSize;
                layoutChain.Location       = new IntVector2(0, 0);

                //Render thumbnail, Start with the scene
                IntVector2 sceneThumbPosition = sceneContainer.Location;
                String     sceneThumbFile     = slide.SceneThumbName;
                if (forceUpdateSceneThumb)
                    slideEditorController.SlideImageManager.addUnsavedSceneThumb(slide, renderSceneThumbnail());

                SceneThumbInfo sceneThumbInfo = slideEditorController.SlideImageManager.loadThumbSceneBitmap(slide, renderSceneThumbnail);
                IntSize2       centerSize     = sceneContainer.WorkingSize;
                RectangleF     destRect       = new RectangleF(sceneThumbPosition.x, sceneThumbPosition.y, centerSize.Width, centerSize.Height);

                thumb.FillBackground(new RGBQUAD(FreeImageAPI.Color.FromArgb(sceneThumbInfo.Color.toARGB())));

                int requiredWidth  = (sceneThumbInfo.SceneThumb.Width - ((sceneThumbInfo.SceneThumb.Width - sceneThumbInfo.IncludeX) * 2));
                int requiredHeight = (sceneThumbInfo.SceneThumb.Height - (sceneThumbInfo.IncludeY * 2));

                int   sceneThumbWidth          = sceneThumbInfo.SceneThumb.Width;
                int   sceneThumbHeight         = sceneThumbInfo.SceneThumb.Height;
                int   sceneThumbHalfWidth      = sceneThumbWidth / 2;
                int   sceneThumbHalfHeight     = sceneThumbHeight / 2;
                float requiredHeightWidthRatio = (float)requiredHeight / requiredWidth;
                float centerHeightWidthRatio   = (float)centerSize.Height / centerSize.Width;

                float srcWidth  = requiredWidth;
                float srcHeight = requiredHeight;

                if (requiredHeightWidthRatio < centerHeightWidthRatio) //Compare ratios between our source required area and the destination
                    //Use the full required width, add height from source image
                    //Convert the center size to the same size ratio as the required size
                    float sizeRatio = (float)requiredWidth / centerSize.Width;
                    srcHeight = centerSize.Height * sizeRatio;
                    if (srcHeight > sceneThumbHeight) //Stretch out the image as much as possible, limiting by the size of the scene thumb if needed.
                        srcHeight = sceneThumbHeight;
                    float destHeight = srcHeight / sizeRatio;
                    destRect = new RectangleF(destRect.Left, destRect.Height / 2 + destRect.Top - destHeight / 2, destRect.Width, destHeight); //Make a dest rect that takes as much image as it can
                    //Use the full required height, add width from source image
                    float sizeRatio = (float)requiredHeight / centerSize.Height;
                    srcWidth = centerSize.Width * sizeRatio;
                    if (srcWidth > sceneThumbWidth)
                        srcWidth = sceneThumbWidth;
                    float destWidth = srcWidth / sizeRatio;
                    destRect = new RectangleF(destRect.Width / 2 + destRect.Left - destWidth / 2, destRect.Top, destWidth, destRect.Height);

                RectangleF srcRect = new RectangleF(sceneThumbHalfWidth - srcWidth / 2, sceneThumbHalfHeight - srcHeight / 2, srcWidth, srcHeight);

                using (FreeImageBitmap resizedSceneThumb = sceneThumbInfo.SceneThumb.Copy((int)srcRect.X, (int)srcRect.Y, (int)srcRect.Right, (int)srcRect.Bottom))
                    resizedSceneThumb.Rescale((int)destRect.Width, (int)destRect.Height, FREE_IMAGE_FILTER.FILTER_BILINEAR);
                    thumb.Paste(resizedSceneThumb, (int)destRect.X, (int)destRect.Y, int.MaxValue);

                //Render all panels
                foreach (var editor in rmlEditors.Values)
                    if (editor.Component != null)
                        LayoutContainer container;
                        if (layoutPositions.TryGetValue(editor, out container))
                            Rectangle panelThumbPos = new Rectangle(container.Location.x, container.Location.y, container.WorkingSize.Width, container.WorkingSize.Height);
                            editor.Component.writeToGraphics(thumb, panelThumbPos);

Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Write to the given graphics, if the widget texture is not large enough it will be
        /// resized temporarily and then sized back. So be careful with large destrects.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g"></param>
        /// <param name="destRect"></param>
        public void writeToGraphics(FreeImageBitmap g, Rectangle destRect)
            bool      changedSize  = false;
            IntSize2  originalSize = new IntSize2(imageBox.Width, imageBox.Height);
            float     cropRatio    = (float)imageBox.Width / destRect.Width;
            Rectangle srcRect      = new Rectangle(0, 0, imageBox.Width, (int)(destRect.Height * cropRatio));

            //Make sure the source image is large enough, if not resize.
            if (originalSize.Width < srcRect.Width || originalSize.Height < srcRect.Height)
                imageBox.setSize(srcRect.Width, srcRect.Height);
                changedSize = true;
            else if (renderOneFrame)

            using (FreeImageBitmap fullBitmap = new FreeImageBitmap(currentTextureWidth, currentTextureHeight, BitmapFormat))
                fullBitmap.copyFromRenderTarget(renderTexture, ogreTextureFormat);
                //Remove alpha
                //BitmapDataExtensions.SetAlpha(bmpData, 255);

                if (srcRect.Height > fullBitmap.Height)
                    srcRect.Height = fullBitmap.Height;

                using (FreeImageBitmap cropped = fullBitmap.Copy(srcRect))
                    if (cropped != null)
                        cropped.Rescale(destRect.Width, destRect.Height, FREE_IMAGE_FILTER.FILTER_BILINEAR);
                        if (ogreTextureFormat == OgrePlugin.PixelFormat.PF_X8R8G8B8)
                            //Use the api to set the alpha channel to 255, this makes sure we dont carry over the x8 channel from ogre
                            using (var alpha = cropped.GetChannel(FREE_IMAGE_COLOR_CHANNEL.FICC_ALPHA))
                                alpha.FillBackground(new RGBQUAD(new FreeImageAPI.Color()
                                    R = 255,
                                    G = 255,
                                    B = 255,
                                    A = 255
                                cropped.SetChannel(alpha, FREE_IMAGE_COLOR_CHANNEL.FICC_ALPHA);
                        g.Paste(cropped, destRect.X, destRect.Y, int.MaxValue);

            if (changedSize)
                imageBox.setSize(originalSize.Width, originalSize.Height);