Esempio n. 1
 public FourSquareReponseClass(Dictionary<string, object> JSONDictionary)
     JSON = JSONSerializer(JSONDictionary);
     Dictionary<string, object> Meta = ExtractDictionary(JSONDictionary, "meta");
     MetaCode = GetDictionaryValue(Meta, "code");
     MetaErrorType = GetDictionaryValue(Meta, "errorType");
     if (MetaErrorType.Contains("deprecated"))
         throw new Exception("deprecated Call");
         //todo - handle this somehow.
     MetaErrorDetail = GetDictionaryValue(Meta, "errorDetail");
     if (JSONDictionary.ContainsKey("notifications"))
         object oNotifications = JSONDictionary["notifications"];
         foreach (object Obj in (List<object>)oNotifications)
             FourSquareNotification Notification = new FourSquareNotification((Dictionary<string, object>)Obj);
    /// <summary>
    /// Allows you to check in to a place.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="venueId">The venue where the user is checking in. No venueid is needed if shouting or just providing a venue name.</param>
    /// <param name="venue">If are not shouting, but you don't have a venue ID or would rather prefer a 'venueless' checkin</param>
    /// <param name="shout">A message about your check-in. The maximum length of this field is 140 characters.</param>
    /// <param name="Broadcast">Required. How much to broadcast this check-in, ranging from private (off-the-grid) to public,facebook,twitter. Can also be just public or public,facebook, for example. If no valid value is found, the default is public. Shouts cannot be private.</param>
    /// <param name="LL">Latitude and longitude of the user's location. Only specify this field if you have a GPS or other device reported location for the user at the time of check-in.</param>
    public static FourSquareCheckin CheckinAdd(string VenueId, string Venue, string Shout, string Broadcast, string LL, string LLAcc, string Alt, string AltAcc, string AccessToken)
        FourSquareCheckin CheckinResponse = new FourSquareCheckin();

        Dictionary<string, string> parameters = new Dictionary<string, string>();

        if (!Alt.Equals(""))
            parameters.Add("alt", Alt);
        if (!AltAcc.Equals(""))
            parameters.Add("altAcc", AltAcc);
        if (!Broadcast.Equals(""))
            parameters.Add("broadcast", Broadcast);
        if (!LL.Equals(""))
            parameters.Add("ll", LL);
        if (!LLAcc.Equals(""))
            parameters.Add("llAcc", LLAcc);
        if (!Shout.Equals(""))
            parameters.Add("shout", Shout);
        if (!Venue.Equals(""))
            parameters.Add("venue", Venue);
        if (!VenueId.Equals(""))
            parameters.Add("venueId", VenueId);

        parameters.Add("oauth_token", AccessToken);

        HTTPPost POST = new HTTPPost(new Uri(""), parameters);
        Dictionary<string, object> JSONDictionary = JSONDeserializer(POST.ResponseBody);

        CheckinResponse = new FourSquareCheckin(ExtractDictionary(JSONDictionary, "response:checkin"));

        foreach (object Obj in (object[])JSONDictionary["notifications"])
            FourSquareNotification Notification = new FourSquareNotification((Dictionary<string, object>)Obj);
        return CheckinResponse;