/// <summary>
    /// Creates forum. Called when the "Create forum" button is pressed.
    /// </summary>
    private bool CreateForum()
        // Get the forum group
        ForumGroupInfo group = ForumGroupInfoProvider.GetForumGroupInfo("MyNewGroup", CMSContext.CurrentSiteID);

        if (group != null)
            // Create new forum object
            ForumInfo newForum = new ForumInfo();

            // Set the properties
            newForum.ForumDisplayName = "My new forum";
            newForum.ForumName = "MyNewForum";
            newForum.ForumGroupID = group.GroupID;
            newForum.ForumSiteID = group.GroupSiteID;
            newForum.AllowAccess = SecurityAccessEnum.AllUsers;
            newForum.AllowAttachFiles = SecurityAccessEnum.AuthenticatedUsers;
            newForum.AllowPost = SecurityAccessEnum.AllUsers;
            newForum.AllowReply = SecurityAccessEnum.AllUsers;
            newForum.AllowSubscribe = SecurityAccessEnum.AllUsers;
            newForum.ForumOpen = true;
            newForum.ForumModerated = false;
            newForum.ForumThreads = 0;
            newForum.ForumPosts = 0;

            // Save the forum

            return true;

        return false;
        public void GetForumEvent_ReturnsNull_WhenForumIdIsInvalid()
            // Arrange
            var infos = new List<ForumInfo>();
            var forumInfo = new ForumInfo { Active = true, Description = "Awesome", ForumId = 1 };
            infos.Add(new ForumInfo { Active = true, Description = "What?", ForumId = 2 });
            forumsController.Setup(x => x.GetForum(1)).Returns(forumInfo);
            presenter = new ForumsServicePresenter(view.Object, forumsController.Object);

            // Act
            var getForumCalledEventArgs = new GetForumCalledEventArgs(6);
            view.Raise(x => x.ForumGetCalled += null, getForumCalledEventArgs);
            // Assert
Esempio n. 3
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        UpdateButton.Click+=new EventHandler(UpdateButton_Click);
        ModeratedCheckBox.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(ModeratedCheckBox_CheckedChanged);
        Slider1.TextChanged += new EventHandler(Slider1_TextChanged);
        DeleteForumButton.Click +=new EventHandler(DeleteForumButton_Click);

        string forumId = Request.QueryString["forum"];
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(forumId))

        _forum = Forums.GetForumByID(int.Parse(forumId));
        if (_forum == null)

        if (!IsPostBack)
    /// <summary>
    /// Reloads the form data.
    /// </summary>
    public override void ReloadData(bool forceReload)
        currentValues = GetModerators();

        if (forceReload)
            forum = ForumInfoProvider.GetForumInfo(ForumID);

            if (forum != null)
                userSelector.CurrentValues = currentValues;

        if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack() || forceReload)
            chkForumModerated.Checked = forum.ForumModerated;

            // Load current values to uniselector
            userSelector.CurrentValues = currentValues;
Esempio n. 5
    /// <summary>
    /// Sets data to database.
    /// </summary>
    protected void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Check MODIFY permission for forums
        if (!CheckPermissions("cms.forums", CMSAdminControl.PERMISSION_MODIFY))

        string codeName = txtForumName.Text.Trim();

        // Get safe code name for simple display mode
        if (DisplayMode == ControlDisplayModeEnum.Simple)
            codeName = ValidationHelper.GetCodeName(txtForumDisplayName.Text.Trim(), 50) + "_group_" + this.CommunityGroupGUID;

        // Check required fields
        string errorMessage = new Validator().NotEmpty(txtForumDisplayName.Text, GetString("Forum_General.EmptyDisplayName")).NotEmpty(codeName, GetString("Forum_General.EmptyCodeName")).Result;

        if (errorMessage == String.Empty && !ValidationHelper.IsCodeName(codeName))
            errorMessage = GetString("general.errorcodenameinidentificatorformat");

        if (errorMessage == "")
            if (CMSContext.CurrentSite != null)
                // If forum with given name already exists show error message
                if (ForumInfoProvider.GetForumInfo(codeName, CMSContext.CurrentSiteID, CommunityGroupID) != null)
                    lblError.Visible = true;
                    lblError.Text = GetString("Forum_Edit.ForumAlreadyExists");

                // Create new object
                ForumInfo forumObj = new ForumInfo();

                // Set new properties
                forumObj.ForumSiteID = CMSContext.CurrentSite.SiteID;
                forumObj.ForumIsLocked = chkForumLocked.Checked;
                forumObj.ForumOpen = chkForumOpen.Checked;
                forumObj.ForumDisplayEmails = chkForumDisplayEmails.Checked;
                forumObj.ForumDescription = txtForumDescription.Text.Trim();
                forumObj.ForumRequireEmail = chkForumRequireEmail.Checked;
                forumObj.ForumDisplayName = txtForumDisplayName.Text.Trim();
                forumObj.ForumName = codeName;
                forumObj.ForumGroupID = this.mGroupId;
                forumObj.ForumModerated = chkForumModerated.Checked;
                forumObj.ForumAccess = 40000;
                forumObj.ForumPosts = 0;
                forumObj.ForumThreads = 0;
                forumObj.ForumPostsAbsolute = 0;
                forumObj.ForumThreadsAbsolute = 0;
                forumObj.ForumOrder = 0;
                forumObj.ForumUseCAPTCHA = chkCaptcha.Checked;
                forumObj.ForumCommunityGroupID = CommunityGroupID;

                // For simple display mode skip some properties
                if (DisplayMode != ControlDisplayModeEnum.Simple)
                    forumObj.ForumBaseUrl = txtBaseUrl.Text.Trim();
                    forumObj.ForumUnsubscriptionUrl = txtUnsubscriptionUrl.Text.Trim();
                    forumObj.ForumHTMLEditor = chkUseHTML.Checked;

                    if (chkInheritBaseUrl.Checked)
                        forumObj.ForumBaseUrl = null;

                    if (chkInheritUnsubscribeUrl.Checked)
                        forumObj.ForumUnsubscriptionUrl = null;

                // Clear inherited values
                if (chkInheritUseHTML.Checked)
                    forumObj.SetValue("ForumHTMLEditor", null);

                if (chkInheritForumDisplayEmails.Checked)
                    forumObj.SetValue("ForumDisplayEmails", null);

                if (chkInheritForumRequireEmail.Checked)
                    forumObj.SetValue("ForumRequireEmail", null);

                if (chkInheritCaptcha.Checked)
                    forumObj.SetValue("ForumUseCAPTCHA", null);

                // Check licence
                if (ForumInfoProvider.LicenseVersionCheck(URLHelper.GetCurrentDomain(), FeatureEnum.Forums, VersionActionEnum.Insert))
                    this.mForumId = forumObj.ForumID;
                    lblError.Visible = true;
                    lblError.Text = GetString("LicenseVersionCheck.Forums");
            lblError.Visible = true;
            lblError.Text = errorMessage;
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        process = true;
        if (!Visible || StopProcessing)
            EnableViewState = false;
            process = false;

        chkChangeName.CheckedChanged += chkChangeName_CheckedChanged;

        if (ForumID > 0)
            // Get information on current forum
            forum = ForumInfoProvider.GetForumInfo(ForumID);

            // Check whether the forum still exists
            EditedObject = forum;

        // Get forum resource
        resForums = ResourceInfoProvider.GetResourceInfo("CMS.Forums");

        if ((resForums != null) && (forum != null))
            QueryDataParameters parameters = new QueryDataParameters();
            parameters.Add("@ID", resForums.ResourceId);
            parameters.Add("@ForumID", forum.ForumID);
            parameters.Add("@SiteID", SiteContext.CurrentSiteID);

            string where = string.Empty;
            int groupId = 0;
            if (IsGroupForum)
                ForumGroupInfo fgi = ForumGroupInfoProvider.GetForumGroupInfo(forum.ForumGroupID);
                groupId = fgi.GroupGroupID;

            // Build where condition
            if (groupId > 0)
                where = "RoleGroupID=" + groupId + " AND PermissionDisplayInMatrix = 0";
                where = "RoleGroupID IS NULL AND PermissionDisplayInMatrix = 0";

            // Setup matrix control
            gridMatrix.IsLiveSite = IsLiveSite;
            gridMatrix.QueryParameters = parameters;
            gridMatrix.WhereCondition = where;
            gridMatrix.CssClass = "permission-matrix";
            gridMatrix.OnItemChanged += gridMatrix_OnItemChanged;

            // Disable permission matrix if user has no MANAGE rights
            if (!CheckPermissions("cms.forums", PERMISSION_MODIFY))
                Enable = false;
                gridMatrix.Enabled = false;
                ShowError(String.Format(GetString("general.accessdeniedonpermissionname"), "Manage"));
Esempio n. 7
 /// <summary>
 /// 批理设置论坛信息
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="__foruminfo">复制的论坛信息</param>
 /// <param name="bsp">是否要批量设置的信息字段</param>
 /// <param name="fidlist">目标论坛(fid)串</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static bool BatchSetForumInf(ForumInfo __foruminfo, BatchSetParams bsp, string fidlist)
     return(DatabaseProvider.GetInstance().BatchSetForumInf(__foruminfo, bsp, fidlist));
        private void RunForumStatic_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            #region 运行论坛统计

            if (this.CheckCookie())
                forumsstatic.Text = ViewState["forumsstatic"].ToString();

                int fid = DNTRequest.GetInt("fid", -1);
                if (fid > 0)
                    forumInfo = Forums.GetForumInfo(fid);

                int    topiccount   = 0;
                int    postcount    = 0;
                int    lasttid      = 0;
                string lasttitle    = "";
                string lastpost     = "";
                int    lastposterid = 0;
                string lastposter   = "";
                int    replypost    = 0;
                AdminForumStats.ReSetFourmTopicAPost(fid, out topiccount, out postcount, out lasttid, out lasttitle, out lastpost, out lastposterid, out lastposter, out replypost);

                runforumsstatic = string.Format("<br /><br />运行结果<hr style=\"height:1px; width:600; color:#CCCCCC; background:#CCCCCC; border: 0; \" align=\"left\" />主题总数:{0}<br />帖子总数:{1}<br />今日回帖数总数:{2}<br />最后提交日期:{3}",

                if ((forumInfo.Topics == topiccount) && (forumInfo.Posts == postcount) && (forumInfo.Todayposts == replypost) && (forumInfo.Lastpost.Trim() == lastpost))
                    runforumsstatic += "<br /><br /><br />结果一致";
                    runforumsstatic += "<br /><br /><br />比较<hr style=\"height:1px; width:600; color:#CCCCCC; background:#CCCCCC; border: 0; \" align=\"left\" />";
                    if (forumInfo.Topics != topiccount)
                        runforumsstatic += "主题总数有差异<br />";
                    if (forumInfo.Posts != postcount)
                        runforumsstatic += "帖子总数有差异<br />";
                    if (forumInfo.Todayposts != replypost)
                        runforumsstatic += "今日回帖数总数有差异<br />";
                    if (forumInfo.Lastpost != lastpost)
                        runforumsstatic += "最后提交日期有差异<br />";
            this.TabControl1.SelectedIndex = 5;
Esempio n. 9
    /// <summary>
    /// OK click hadler.
    /// </summary>
    protected void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        #region "Security"

        // Check whether forum exists
        if (ForumContext.CurrentForum == null)

        // Check security
        bool securityCheck = true;
        switch (ForumContext.CurrentState)
        case ForumStateEnum.NewThread:
            securityCheck = IsAvailable(ForumContext.CurrentForum, ForumActionType.NewThread);

        case ForumStateEnum.ReplyToPost:
            securityCheck = IsAvailable(ForumContext.CurrentForum, ForumActionType.Reply);

        case ForumStateEnum.EditPost:
            securityCheck = ForumContext.CurrentPost != null && IsAvailable(ForumContext.CurrentPost, ForumActionType.Edit);

        if (!securityCheck)

        #region "Captcha"

        // Check security code if is required
        if ((ForumContext.CurrentForum.ForumUseCAPTCHA) && (!SecurityCode1.IsValid()) && (ForumContext.CurrentState != ForumStateEnum.EditPost))


        #region "Email field"

        // Check if email is set when it is required. Email format must be valid when it is set.
        var isEmailRequired = ForumContext.CurrentForum.ForumRequireEmail || chkSubscribe.Checked;
        var isEmailInvalid  = (isEmailRequired && String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtEmail.Text)) || !txtEmail.IsValid();
        if (isEmailInvalid)


        #region "Subject"

        // Check whether subject is filled
        if (txtSubject.Text.Trim() == "")


        #region "Text"

        var    validator = new Validator();
        string result;

        // Check post text in HTML editor or text area
        if (!ForumContext.CurrentForum.ForumHTMLEditor)
            // Check whether post text is added in text area
            if ((result = validator.NotEmpty(DiscussionMacroResolver.RemoveTags(ucBBEditor.Text), rfvText.ErrorMessage).Result) != "")
            // Check whether post text is added in HTML editor
            if ((result = validator.NotEmpty(htmlTemplateBody.ResolvedValue, rfvText.ErrorMessage).Result) != "")


        #region "User name"

        // Check whether user name is filled if user name field is visible
        if (ForumContext.CurrentForum.ForumAllowChangeName || MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser.IsPublic() || ((ForumContext.CurrentForum != null) && (ForumContext.UserIsModerator(ForumContext.CurrentForum.ForumID, ForumContext.CommunityGroupID))))
            validator = new Validator();

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(result = validator.NotEmpty(txtUserName.Text, rfvUserName.ErrorMessage).Result))



        #region "Forum post properties"

        bool newPost = false;

        // Current forum info object
        ForumInfo fi = ForumContext.CurrentForum;

        // Forum post info object
        ForumPostInfo fp;

        // Get forum post info with dependence on current state
        if (ForumContext.CurrentState == ForumStateEnum.EditPost)
            // Get existing object
            fp = ForumContext.CurrentPost;
            fp.PostLastEdit = DateTime.Now;
            // Create new forum post info object
            fp      = new ForumPostInfo();
            newPost = true;

        fp.SiteId = fi.ForumSiteID;

        #region "Ad-hoc forum"

        if (IsAdHocForum && (ForumContext.CurrentForum.ForumID == 0))
            if (DocumentContext.CurrentDocument == null)

            fi.ForumGroupID     = ForumGroupInfoProvider.GetAdHocGroupInfo(SiteID).GroupID;
            fi.ForumName        = "AdHoc-" + Guid.NewGuid();
            fi.ForumDisplayName = TextHelper.LimitLength(DocumentContext.CurrentDocument.GetDocumentName(), POST_USERNAME_LENGTH, String.Empty);
            fi.ForumOpen        = true;
            fi.ForumModerated   = false;
            fi.ForumAccess      = 040000;
            fi.ForumThreads     = 0;
            fi.ForumPosts       = 0;
            fi.ForumLogActivity = LogActivity;

            ForumContext.CurrentForum.ForumID = fi.ForumID;
            ForumContext.ForumID = fi.ForumID;
            ForumID = fi.ForumID;


        // Post forum
        fp.PostForumID = ForumContext.CurrentForum.ForumID;
        // Get forum post info with dependence on current state
        if (ForumContext.CurrentState != ForumStateEnum.EditPost)
            // Post time
            fp.PostTime = DateTime.Now;
            // User IP address
            fp.PostInfo.IPAddress = RequestContext.UserHostAddress;
            // User agent
            fp.PostInfo.Agent = Request.UserAgent;
            // Post user id
            if (!MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser.IsPublic())
                fp.PostUserID = MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser.UserID;

            // Post signature
            fp.PostUserSignature = txtSignature.Text;

        // Post subject
        fp.PostSubject = txtSubject.Text;
        // Post user email
        fp.PostUserMail = txtEmail.Text;

        // Post type
        int forumType = ForumContext.CurrentForum.ForumType;
        if (forumType == 0)
            if (ForumContext.CurrentReplyThread == null)
                // New thread - use type which user chosen
                fp.PostType = (radTypeDiscussion.Checked ? 0 : 1);
                // Reply - use parent type
                fp.PostType = ForumContext.CurrentReplyThread.PostType;
            // Fixed type - use the forum setting
            fp.PostType = forumType - 1;

        // Set username if change name is allowed
        if (fi.ForumAllowChangeName || MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser.IsPublic() || ForumContext.UserIsModerator(fp.PostForumID, ForumContext.CommunityGroupID))
            fp.PostUserName = TextHelper.LimitLength(txtUserName.Text, POST_USERNAME_LENGTH, "");
            // Get forum post info with dependence on current state
            if (ForumContext.CurrentState != ForumStateEnum.EditPost)
                fp.PostUserName = UserName;

        // Post parent id -> reply to
        if (ForumContext.CurrentReplyThread != null)
            fp.PostParentID = ForumContext.CurrentReplyThread.PostId;

            // Check max relative level
            if ((MaxRelativeLevel > -1) && (ForumContext.CurrentReplyThread.PostLevel >= MaxRelativeLevel))

        // Get post text from HTML editor if is enabled
        fp.PostText = ForumContext.CurrentForum.ForumHTMLEditor ? htmlTemplateBody.ResolvedValue : ucBBEditor.Text;

        // Approve post if forum is not moderated
        if (newPost)
            if (!ForumContext.CurrentForum.ForumModerated)
                fp.PostApproved = true;
                if (ForumContext.UserIsModerator(fp.PostForumID, CommunityGroupID))
                    fp.PostApproved         = true;
                    fp.PostApprovedByUserID = MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser.UserID;

        // If signature is enabled then
        if (EnableSignature)
            fp.PostUserSignature = MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser.UserSignature;


        if (!BadWordInfoProvider.CanUseBadWords(MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser, SiteContext.CurrentSiteName))
            // Prepare columns to check
            Dictionary <string, int> columns = new Dictionary <string, int>();
            columns.Add("PostText", 0);
            columns.Add("PostSubject", 450);
            columns.Add("PostUserSignature", 0);
            columns.Add("PostUserName", 200);

            // Perform bad words check
            string badMessage = BadWordsHelper.CheckBadWords(fp, columns, "PostApproved", "PostApprovedByUserID", fp.PostText, MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser.UserID, () => { return(ValidatePost(fp)); });

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(badMessage))
                if (!ValidatePost(fp))
                    badMessage = GetString("ForumNewPost.EmptyBadWord");

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(badMessage))

        // Flood protection
        if (FloodProtectionHelper.CheckFlooding(SiteContext.CurrentSiteName, MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser))

        // Check banned ip
        if (!BannedIPInfoProvider.IsAllowed(SiteContext.CurrentSiteName, BanControlEnum.AllNonComplete))

        string baseUrl = ForumContext.CurrentForum.ForumBaseUrl;
        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(baseUrl))
            baseUrl = FriendlyBaseURL;

        string unsubscriptionUrl = ForumContext.CurrentForum.ForumUnsubscriptionUrl;
        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(unsubscriptionUrl))
            unsubscriptionUrl = UnsubscriptionURL;

        // USe parent post id for new post
        int subscibePostId = newPost ? fp.PostParentID : fp.PostId;

        // Check subscriptions
        if ((chkSubscribe.Checked) && (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtEmail.Text)) && (ForumSubscriptionInfoProvider.IsSubscribed(txtEmail.Text.Trim(), fp.PostForumID, subscibePostId)))
            // Post of the forum is already subscribed to this email -> show an error
            chkSubscribe.Checked = false;

        // Save post object
        ForumPostInfoProvider.SetForumPostInfo(fp, baseUrl, unsubscriptionUrl);
        LogPostActivity(fp, fi);

        #region "Subscription"

        // If subscribe is checked create new subscription to the current post
        if ((chkSubscribe.Checked) && (!ForumSubscriptionInfoProvider.IsSubscribed(fp.PostUserMail, fp.PostForumID, fp.PostId)))
            // Create new subscription info object
            ForumSubscriptionInfo fsi = new ForumSubscriptionInfo();
            // Set info properties
            fsi.SubscriptionForumID = fp.PostForumID;
            fsi.SubscriptionEmail   = fp.PostUserMail;
            fsi.SubscriptionPostID  = fp.PostId;
            fsi.SubscriptionUserID  = fp.PostUserID;
            fsi.SubscriptionGUID    = Guid.NewGuid();

            // Save subscription
            ForumSubscriptionInfoProvider.Subscribe(fsi, DateTime.Now, true, true);

            if (fsi.SubscriptionApproved)
                LogSubscriptionActivity(fsi, fi);


        bool moderationRequired = false;
        if ((!fp.PostApproved) && (!ForumContext.UserIsModerator(fp.PostForumID, CommunityGroupID)))
            moderationRequired = true;
            if (OnModerationRequired != null)
                OnModerationRequired(this, null);

        // Keep current user info
        var currentUser = MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser;

        if (AuthenticationHelper.IsAuthenticated() && chkAttachFile.Checked && (currentUser.CheckPrivilegeLevel(UserPrivilegeLevelEnum.Admin) || ForumContext.CurrentForum.AllowAttachFiles != SecurityAccessEnum.Nobody))
            // Redirect to the post attachments
            string attachmentUrl = GetURL(fp, ForumActionType.Attachment);
            if (moderationRequired)
                attachmentUrl = URLHelper.AddParameterToUrl(attachmentUrl, "moderated", "1");
            if (!StopProcessing)
                // Redirect back to the forum or forum thread
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates department forum group.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="departmentNode">Department node</param>
    private void CreateDepartmentForumGroup(TreeNode departmentNode)
        // Set general values
        string departmentName = departmentNode.DocumentName;
        string suffix = "";

        #region "Create forum group"

        // Get forum group code name
        string groupCodeName = "Department_" + departmentNode.NodeGUID;

        // Check if forum group with given name already exists
        if (ForumGroupInfoProvider.GetForumGroupInfo(groupCodeName, CMSContext.CurrentSiteID) != null)

        // Create base URL for forums
        string baseUrl = CMSContext.GetUrl(departmentNode.NodeAliasPath + "/" + FORUM_DOCUMENT_ALIAS);

        ForumGroupInfo forumGroupObj = new ForumGroupInfo();
        forumGroupObj.GroupDescription = "Forum group for " + departmentName + " department.";
        suffix = " forum group";
        forumGroupObj.GroupDisplayName = TextHelper.LimitLength(departmentName, 200 - suffix.Length, "") + suffix;
        forumGroupObj.GroupName = groupCodeName;
        forumGroupObj.GroupOrder = 0;
        forumGroupObj.GroupEnableQuote = true;
        forumGroupObj.GroupSiteID = CMSContext.CurrentSiteID;
        forumGroupObj.GroupBaseUrl = baseUrl;

        // Additional settings
        forumGroupObj.GroupEnableCodeSnippet = true;
        forumGroupObj.GroupEnableFontBold = true;
        forumGroupObj.GroupEnableFontColor = true;
        forumGroupObj.GroupEnableFontItalics = true;
        forumGroupObj.GroupEnableFontStrike = true;
        forumGroupObj.GroupEnableFontUnderline = true;
        forumGroupObj.GroupEnableQuote = true;
        forumGroupObj.GroupEnableURL = true;
        forumGroupObj.GroupEnableImage = true;



        #region "Create forum"

        string codeName = "Default_department_" + departmentNode.NodeGUID;

        // Check if forum with given name already exists
        if (ForumInfoProvider.GetForumInfo(codeName, CMSContext.CurrentSite.SiteID) != null)

        ForumInfo forumObj = new ForumInfo();
        forumObj.ForumSiteID = CMSContext.CurrentSiteID;
        forumObj.ForumIsLocked = false;
        forumObj.ForumOpen = true;
        forumObj.ForumDisplayEmails = false;
        forumObj.ForumDescription = "Forum for " + departmentName + " department.";
        forumObj.ForumRequireEmail = false;
        suffix = " forum";
        forumObj.ForumDisplayName = TextHelper.LimitLength(departmentName, 200 - suffix.Length, "") + suffix;
        forumObj.ForumName = codeName;
        forumObj.ForumGroupID = forumGroupObj.GroupID;
        forumObj.ForumModerated = false;
        forumObj.ForumAccess = 40000;
        forumObj.ForumPosts = 0;
        forumObj.ForumThreads = 0;
        forumObj.ForumPostsAbsolute = 0;
        forumObj.ForumThreadsAbsolute = 0;
        forumObj.ForumOrder = 0;
        forumObj.ForumUseCAPTCHA = false;
        forumObj.SetValue("ForumHTMLEditor", null);

        // Set security
        forumObj.AllowAccess = SecurityAccessEnum.AuthorizedRoles;
        forumObj.AllowAttachFiles = SecurityAccessEnum.AuthorizedRoles;
        forumObj.AllowMarkAsAnswer = SecurityAccessEnum.AuthorizedRoles;
        forumObj.AllowPost = SecurityAccessEnum.AuthorizedRoles;
        forumObj.AllowReply = SecurityAccessEnum.AuthorizedRoles;
        forumObj.AllowSubscribe = SecurityAccessEnum.AuthorizedRoles;

        if (ForumInfoProvider.LicenseVersionCheck(URLHelper.GetCurrentDomain(), FeatureEnum.Forums, VersionActionEnum.Insert))

    /// <summary>
    /// Reloads the form data.
    /// </summary>
    public override void ReloadData()
        fi = ForumInfoProvider.GetForumInfo(ForumID);
        replyPi = ForumPostInfoProvider.GetForumPostInfo(ReplyToPostID);
        editPi = ForumPostInfoProvider.GetForumPostInfo(EditPostID);
        var cui = MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser;

        // Edit post
        if (editPi != null)
            ForumPost1.PostID = editPi.PostId;
            ForumPost1.DisplayOnly = true;

            if (DisableCancelButton)
                btnCancel.Enabled = false;
            ucBBEditor.Text = editPi.PostText;
            htmlTemplateBody.ResolvedValue = editPi.PostText;
            txtSubject.Text = editPi.PostSubject;
            txtSignature.Text = editPi.PostUserSignature;
            txtEmail.Text = editPi.PostUserMail;
            txtUserName.Text = editPi.PostUserName;
            plcIsAnswer.Visible = true;
            plcIsNotAnswer.Visible = true;
            txtPostIsAnswer.Text = editPi.PostIsAnswer.ToString();
            txtPostIsNotAnswer.Text = editPi.PostIsNotAnswer.ToString();

            if ((fi != null) && (fi.ForumType == 0) && (editPi.PostLevel == 0))
                if (editPi.PostType == 0)
                    radTypeDiscussion.Checked = true;
                    radTypeQuestion.Checked = true;
                plcThreadType.Visible = false;
            // Reply to post
            if (replyPi != null)
                pnlReplyPost.Visible = true;
                ForumPost1.PostID = replyPi.PostId;
                ForumPost1.DisplayOnly = true;

                plcThreadType.Visible = false;
                txtSignature.Text = cui.UserSignature;
                txtEmail.Text = cui.Email;

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(cui.UserNickName))
                    txtUserName.Text = cui.UserNickName.Trim();
                    txtUserName.Text = Functions.GetFormattedUserName(cui.UserName, IsLiveSite);

                if (!replyPi.PostSubject.StartsWithCSafe(GetString("Forums.ReplyPrefix")))
                    txtSubject.Text = GetString("Forums.ReplyPrefix") + replyPi.PostSubject;
                    txtSubject.Text = TextHelper.LimitLength(txtSubject.Text, POST_SUBJECT_LENGTH, "");
                    txtSubject.Text = replyPi.PostSubject;
                btnCancel.Enabled = true;
            // Create new thread
                btnCancel.Enabled = false;
                txtSignature.Text = cui.UserSignature;
                txtEmail.Text = cui.Email;

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(cui.UserNickName))
                    txtUserName.Text = cui.UserNickName.Trim();
                    txtUserName.Text = Functions.GetFormattedUserName(cui.UserName, IsLiveSite);
Esempio n. 12
        protected override void ShowPage()

            if (userid > 0 && useradminid > 0)
                AdminGroupInfo admingroupinfo = AdminGroups.GetAdminGroupInfo(usergroupid);
                if (admingroupinfo != null)
                    disablepostctrl = admingroupinfo.Disablepostctrl;

            #region 获取版块信息
            if (forumid == -1)
                AddLinkRss(forumpath + "tools/rss.aspx", "最新主题");
            forum = Forums.GetForumInfo(forumid);
            if (forum == null || forum.Fid < 1)
                if (config.Rssstatus == 1)
                    AddLinkRss(forumpath + "tools/rss.aspx", Utils.EncodeHtml(config.Forumtitle) + " 最新主题");


            if (config.Rssstatus == 1)
                AddLinkRss(forumpath + "tools/" + base.RssAspxRewrite(forum.Fid), Utils.EncodeHtml(forum.Name) + " 最新主题");

            if (JumpUrl(forum))

            needaudit = UserAuthority.NeedAudit(forum, useradminid, userid, usergroupinfo);

            // 检查是否具有版主的身份
            if (useradminid > 0)
                ismoder = Moderators.IsModer(useradminid, userid, forumid);


            showforumlogin = IsShowForumLogin(forum);
            pagetitle      = Utils.RemoveHtml(forum.Name);
            navhomemenu    = Caches.GetForumListMenuDivCache(usergroupid, userid, config.Extname);
            forumnav       = ShowForumAspxRewrite(ForumUtils.UpdatePathListExtname(forum.Pathlist.Trim(), config.Extname).Replace("\"showforum", "\"" + forumurl + "showforum"),
                                                  forumid, pageid);
            topicextcreditsinfo = Scoresets.GetScoreSet(Scoresets.GetTopicAttachCreditsTrans());
            bonusextcreditsinfo = Scoresets.GetScoreSet(Scoresets.GetBonusCreditsTrans());

            #region 主题分类设置
            if (forum.Applytopictype == 1) //启用主题分类
                topictypeselectoptions = Forums.GetCurrentTopicTypesOption(forum.Fid, forum.Topictypes);

            if (forum.Viewbytopictype == 1) //允许按类别浏览
                topictypeselectlink = Forums.GetCurrentTopicTypesLink(forum.Fid, forum.Topictypes, forumurl + "showforum.aspx");

            //更新页面Meta中的keyword,description项, 提高SEO友好性
            UpdateMetaInfo(Utils.StrIsNullOrEmpty(forum.Seokeywords) ? config.Seokeywords : forum.Seokeywords,
                           Utils.StrIsNullOrEmpty(forum.Seodescription) ? forum.Description : forum.Seodescription,


            #region 访问和发帖权限校验
            if (!UserAuthority.VisitAuthority(forum, usergroupinfo, userid, ref msg))
                needlogin = userid == -1;

            canposttopic = UserAuthority.PostAuthority(forum, usergroupinfo, userid, ref msg);
            // 如果当前用户非管理员并且论坛设定了禁止发帖时间段,当前时间如果在其中的一个时间段内,不允许用户发帖
            if (useradminid != 1 && usergroupinfo.Disableperiodctrl != 1)
                string visittime = "";
                if (Scoresets.BetweenTime(config.Postbanperiods, out visittime))
                    canposttopic = false;

                isnewbie = UserAuthority.CheckNewbieSpan(userid);

            if ((config.Fastpost == 1 || config.Fastpost == 3) && forum.Allowspecialonly <= 0 && canposttopic && !isnewbie)
                canquickpost = true;

            // 得到子版块列表
            if (forum.Subforumcount > 0)
                subforumlist = Forums.GetSubForumCollection(forumid, forum.Colcount, config.Hideprivate, usergroupid, config.Moddisplay);
            if (!forum.Rules.Equals(""))
                forum.Rules = UBB.ParseSimpleUBB(forum.Rules);//替换版规中的UBB
            topiccount = Topics.GetTopicCount(forumid, true, condition);

            #region 设置分页及主题列表信息
            // 得到Tpp设置
            if (tpp <= 0)
                tpp = config.Tpp;

            // 得到Ppp设置
            if (ppp <= 0)
                ppp = config.Ppp;

            if (pageid < 1)
                pageid = 1;

            int toptopicpagecount = 0;

            if (forum.Layer > 0)
                DataRow dr = Topics.GetTopTopicListID(forumid);
                if (dr != null && !Utils.StrIsNullOrEmpty(dr["tid"].ToString()))
                    topiccount = topiccount + TypeConverter.ObjectToInt(dr["tid0Count"]);

                pagecount = topiccount % tpp == 0 ? topiccount / tpp : topiccount / tpp + 1;
                if (pagecount == 0)
                    pagecount = 1;
                if (pageid > pagecount)
                    pageid = pagecount;

                if (dr != null && !Utils.StrIsNullOrEmpty(dr["tid"].ToString()))
                    toptopiccount = TypeConverter.ObjectToInt(dr["tidCount"]);
                    if (toptopiccount > tpp * (pageid - 1))
                        toptopiclist      = Topics.GetTopTopicList(forumid, tpp, pageid, dr["tid"].ToString(), forum.Autoclose, forum.Topictypeprefix);
                        toptopicpagecount = toptopiccount / tpp;

                    if (toptopicpagecount >= pageid || (pageid == 1 && toptopicpagecount != toptopiccount))
                        topiclist = GetTopicInfoList(tpp - toptopiccount % tpp, pageid - toptopicpagecount, 0);
                        topiclist = GetTopicInfoList(tpp, pageid - toptopicpagecount, toptopiccount % tpp);
                    toptopicpagecount = 0;
                    topiclist         = GetTopicInfoList(tpp, pageid, 0);

                if (topiclist == null || topiclist.Count == 0 || topiclist.Count > topiccount)

                showvisitedforumsmenu = visitedforums != null && ((visitedforums.Length == 1 && visitedforums[0].Fid != forumid) || visitedforums.Length > 1);
                Utils.WriteCookie("forumpageid", pageid.ToString(), 30);


            #region 替换版规中的UBB
            forum.Description = UBB.ParseSimpleUBB(forum.Description);

            #region 更新在线信息
            OnlineUsers.UpdateAction(olid, UserAction.ShowForum.ActionID, forumid, forum.Name, -1, "");

            if ((forumtotalonline < config.Maxonlinelist && (config.Whosonlinestatus == 2 || config.Whosonlinestatus == 3)) || DNTRequest.GetString("showonline") == "yes")
                showforumonline = true;
                onlineuserlist  = OnlineUsers.GetForumOnlineUserCollection(forumid, out forumtotalonline, out forumtotalonlineguest,
                                                                           out forumtotalonlineuser, out forumtotalonlineinvisibleuser);
            //if (DNTRequest.GetString("showonline") != "no")
            //     showforumonline = false;

            if (DNTRequest.GetString("showonline") == "no")
                showforumonline = false;

            if (forum.Moderators.Trim() != "")
                string moderHtml = string.Empty;
                foreach (string m in forum.Moderators.Split(','))
                    moderHtml += string.Format("<a href=\"{0}userinfo.aspx?username={1}\">{2}</a>,", forumpath, Utils.UrlEncode(m), m);

                forum.Moderators = moderHtml.TrimEnd(',');

Esempio n. 13
        /// <summary>
        /// 发帖权限控制
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="forum">版块信息</param>
        /// <param name="usergroupinfo">当前用户的用户组信息</param>
        /// <param name="userId">当前用户Id</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool PostAuthority(ForumInfo forum, UserGroupInfo userGroupInfo, int userId, ref string msg)
            if (!Forums.AllowPostByUserID(forum.Permuserlist, userId)) //判断当前用户在当前版块发主题权限
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(forum.Postperm))              //权限设置为空时,根据用户组权限判断
                    // 验证用户是否有发表主题的权限
                    if (userGroupInfo.Allowpost != 1)
                        msg = "您当前的身份 \"" + userGroupInfo.Grouptitle + "\" 没有发表主题的权限";
                    if (!Forums.AllowPost(forum.Postperm, userGroupInfo.Groupid))
                        msg = "您没有在该版块发表主题的权限";
            if (forum.Allowspecialonly > 0)
                if (forum.Allowpostspecial <= 0)
                    msg = "您没有在该版块发表特殊主题的权限";

                if ((forum.Allowpostspecial & 1) == 1 && userGroupInfo.Allowpostpoll != 1)
                    msg = "您当前的身份 \"" + userGroupInfo.Grouptitle + "\" 没有发布投票的权限";

                if ((forum.Allowpostspecial & 4) == 4 && userGroupInfo.Allowbonus != 1)
                    msg = "您当前的身份 \"" + userGroupInfo.Grouptitle + "\" 没有发布悬赏的权限";

                if ((forum.Allowpostspecial & 16) == 16 && userGroupInfo.Allowdebate != 1)
                    msg = "您当前的身份 \"" + userGroupInfo.Grouptitle + "\" 没有发起辩论的权限";

Esempio n. 14
        abstract public bool BuildForum(string name);  //made changes

        abstract public void CancelForum(ForumInfo f);
    /// <summary>
    /// Generates the permission matrix for the current forum.
    /// </summary>
    private void CreateMatrix()
        // Get forum resource info
        if (resForums == null)
            resForums = ResourceInfoProvider.GetResourceInfo("CMS.Forums");

        // Get forum object
        if ((forum == null) && (ForumID > 0))
            forum = ForumInfoProvider.GetForumInfo(ForumID);

        if ((resForums != null) && (forum != null))
            // Get permissions for the current forum resource
            DataSet permissions = PermissionNameInfoProvider.GetResourcePermissions(resForums.ResourceId);
            if (DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(permissions))
                TableHeaderRow headerRow = new TableHeaderRow();
                headerRow.CssClass     = "unigrid-head";
                headerRow.TableSection = TableRowSection.TableHeader;
                TableCell       newCell       = new TableCell();
                TableHeaderCell newHeaderCell = new TableHeaderCell();
                newHeaderCell.CssClass = "first-column";

                foreach (string permission in allowedPermissions)
                    DataRow[] drArray = permissions.Tables[0].DefaultView.Table.Select("PermissionName = '" + permission + "'");
                    if (drArray.Length > 0)
                        DataRow dr = drArray[0];
                        newHeaderCell         = new TableHeaderCell();
                        newHeaderCell.Text    = dr["PermissionDisplayName"].ToString();
                        newHeaderCell.ToolTip = dr["PermissionDescription"].ToString();
                        throw new Exception("[Security matrix] Column '" + permission + "' cannot be found.");


                // Render forum access permissions
                object[,] accessNames = new object[5, 2];
                accessNames[0, 0]     = GetString("security.nobody");
                accessNames[0, 1]     = SecurityAccessEnum.Nobody;
                accessNames[1, 0]     = GetString("security.allusers");
                accessNames[1, 1]     = SecurityAccessEnum.AllUsers;
                accessNames[2, 0]     = GetString("security.authenticated");
                accessNames[2, 1]     = SecurityAccessEnum.AuthenticatedUsers;
                accessNames[3, 0]     = GetString("security.groupmembers");
                accessNames[3, 1]     = SecurityAccessEnum.GroupMembers;
                accessNames[4, 0]     = GetString("security.authorizedroles");
                accessNames[4, 1]     = SecurityAccessEnum.AuthorizedRoles;

                TableRow newRow = null;
                for (int access = 0; access <= accessNames.GetUpperBound(0); access++)
                    SecurityAccessEnum currentAccess = ((SecurityAccessEnum)accessNames[access, 1]);

                    // If the security isn't displayed as part of group section
                    if ((currentAccess == SecurityAccessEnum.GroupMembers) && (!IsGroupForum))
                        // Do not render this access item
                        // Generate cell holding access item name
                        newRow           = new TableRow();
                        newCell          = new TableCell();
                        newCell.Text     = accessNames[access, 0].ToString();
                        newCell.CssClass = "matrix-header";

                        // Render the permissions access items
                        bool isAllowed       = false;
                        bool isEnabled       = true;
                        int  permissionIndex = 0;
                        for (int permission = 0; permission < (tblMatrix.Rows[0].Cells.Count - 1); permission++)
                            newCell = new TableCell();

                            // Check if the currently processed access is applied for permission
                            isAllowed = CheckPermissionAccess(currentAccess, permission, tblMatrix.Rows[0].Cells[permission + 1].Text);
                            isEnabled = ((currentAccess != SecurityAccessEnum.AllUsers) || (permission != 1)) && Enable;

                            // Disable column in roles grid if needed
                            if ((currentAccess == SecurityAccessEnum.AuthorizedRoles) && !isAllowed)

                            // Insert the radio button for the current permission
                            var radio = new CMSRadioButton
                                Checked = isAllowed,
                                Enabled = isEnabled,
                            radio.Attributes.Add("onclick", ControlsHelper.GetPostBackEventReference(this, permission + ";" + Convert.ToInt32(currentAccess)));


                        // Add the access row to the table

                // Check if forum has some roles assigned
                headTitle.Visible = gridMatrix.HasData;
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        process = true;
        if (!Visible || StopProcessing)
            EnableViewState = false;
            process         = false;

        chkChangeName.CheckedChanged += chkChangeName_CheckedChanged;

        if (ForumID > 0)
            // Get information on current forum
            forum = ForumInfoProvider.GetForumInfo(ForumID);

            // Check whether the forum still exists
            EditedObject = forum;

        // Get forum resource
        resForums = ResourceInfoProvider.GetResourceInfo("CMS.Forums");

        if ((resForums != null) && (forum != null))
            QueryDataParameters parameters = new QueryDataParameters();
            parameters.Add("@ID", resForums.ResourceId);
            parameters.Add("@ForumID", forum.ForumID);
            parameters.Add("@SiteID", SiteContext.CurrentSiteID);

            string where = string.Empty;
            int groupId = 0;
            if (IsGroupForum)
                ForumGroupInfo fgi = ForumGroupInfoProvider.GetForumGroupInfo(forum.ForumGroupID);
                groupId = fgi.GroupGroupID;

            // Build where condition
            if (groupId > 0)
                where = "RoleGroupID=" + groupId + " AND PermissionDisplayInMatrix = 0";
                where = "RoleGroupID IS NULL AND PermissionDisplayInMatrix = 0";

            // Setup matrix control
            gridMatrix.IsLiveSite      = IsLiveSite;
            gridMatrix.QueryParameters = parameters;
            gridMatrix.WhereCondition  = where;
            gridMatrix.CssClass        = "permission-matrix";
            gridMatrix.OnItemChanged  += gridMatrix_OnItemChanged;

            // Disable permission matrix if user has no MANAGE rights
            if (!CheckPermissions("cms.forums", PERMISSION_MODIFY))
                Enable             = false;
                gridMatrix.Enabled = false;
                ShowError(String.Format(GetString("general.accessdeniedonpermissionname"), "Manage"));
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates department forum group.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="departmentNode">Department node</param>
    private void CreateDepartmentForumGroup(TreeNode departmentNode)
        // Set general values
        string departmentName = departmentNode.GetDocumentName();
        string suffix         = "";

        #region "Create forum group"

        // Get forum group code name
        string groupCodeName = "Department_" + departmentNode.NodeGUID;

        // Check if forum group with given name already exists
        if (ForumGroupInfoProvider.GetForumGroupInfo(groupCodeName, SiteContext.CurrentSiteID) != null)

        // Create base URL for forums
        string baseUrl = DocumentURLProvider.GetUrl(departmentNode.NodeAliasPath + "/" + FORUM_DOCUMENT_ALIAS);

        ForumGroupInfo forumGroupObj = new ForumGroupInfo();
        forumGroupObj.GroupDescription = "Forum group for " + departmentName + " department.";
        suffix = " forum group";
        forumGroupObj.GroupDisplayName = TextHelper.LimitLength(departmentName, 200 - suffix.Length, "") + suffix;
        forumGroupObj.GroupName        = groupCodeName;
        forumGroupObj.GroupOrder       = 0;
        forumGroupObj.GroupEnableQuote = true;
        forumGroupObj.GroupSiteID      = SiteContext.CurrentSiteID;
        forumGroupObj.GroupBaseUrl     = baseUrl;

        // Additional settings
        forumGroupObj.GroupEnableCodeSnippet   = true;
        forumGroupObj.GroupEnableFontBold      = true;
        forumGroupObj.GroupEnableFontColor     = true;
        forumGroupObj.GroupEnableFontItalics   = true;
        forumGroupObj.GroupEnableFontStrike    = true;
        forumGroupObj.GroupEnableFontUnderline = true;
        forumGroupObj.GroupEnableQuote         = true;
        forumGroupObj.GroupEnableURL           = true;
        forumGroupObj.GroupEnableImage         = true;



        #region "Create forum"

        string codeName = "Default_department_" + departmentNode.NodeGUID;

        // Check if forum with given name already exists
        if (ForumInfoProvider.GetForumInfo(codeName, SiteContext.CurrentSite.SiteID) != null)

        ForumInfo forumObj = new ForumInfo();
        forumObj.ForumSiteID        = SiteContext.CurrentSiteID;
        forumObj.ForumIsLocked      = false;
        forumObj.ForumOpen          = true;
        forumObj.ForumDisplayEmails = false;
        forumObj.ForumDescription   = "Forum for " + departmentName + " department.";
        forumObj.ForumRequireEmail  = false;
        suffix = " forum";
        forumObj.ForumDisplayName     = TextHelper.LimitLength(departmentName, 200 - suffix.Length, "") + suffix;
        forumObj.ForumName            = codeName;
        forumObj.ForumGroupID         = forumGroupObj.GroupID;
        forumObj.ForumModerated       = false;
        forumObj.ForumAccess          = 40000;
        forumObj.ForumPosts           = 0;
        forumObj.ForumThreads         = 0;
        forumObj.ForumPostsAbsolute   = 0;
        forumObj.ForumThreadsAbsolute = 0;
        forumObj.ForumOrder           = 0;
        forumObj.ForumUseCAPTCHA      = false;
        forumObj.SetValue("ForumHTMLEditor", null);

        // Set security
        forumObj.AllowAccess       = SecurityAccessEnum.AuthorizedRoles;
        forumObj.AllowAttachFiles  = SecurityAccessEnum.AuthorizedRoles;
        forumObj.AllowMarkAsAnswer = SecurityAccessEnum.AuthorizedRoles;
        forumObj.AllowPost         = SecurityAccessEnum.AuthorizedRoles;
        forumObj.AllowReply        = SecurityAccessEnum.AuthorizedRoles;
        forumObj.AllowSubscribe    = SecurityAccessEnum.AuthorizedRoles;

        if (ForumInfoProvider.LicenseVersionCheck(RequestContext.CurrentDomain, FeatureEnum.Forums, ObjectActionEnum.Insert))

    /// <summary>
    /// PreRender action on which security settings are set.
    /// </summary>
    private void Page_PreRender(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if ((Form == null) || !mDocumentSaved)

        TreeNode editedNode = Form.EditedObject as TreeNode;

        // Create or rebuild department content index

        if ((editedNode == null) || !editedNode.NodeIsACLOwner)

        ForumInfo        fi = ForumInfoProvider.GetForumInfo("Default_department_" + editedNode.NodeGUID, SiteContext.CurrentSiteID);
        MediaLibraryInfo mi = MediaLibraryInfoProvider.GetMediaLibraryInfo("Department_" + editedNode.NodeGUID, SiteContext.CurrentSiteName);

        // Check if forum of media library exists
        if ((fi == null) && (mi == null))

        // Get allowed roles ID
        int         aclID     = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(editedNode.GetValue("NodeACLID"), 0);
        DataSet     listRoles = AclItemInfoProvider.GetAllowedRoles(aclID, NodePermissionsEnum.Read, "RoleID");
        IList <int> roleIds   = null;

        if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(listRoles))
            roleIds = DataHelper.GetIntegerValues(listRoles.Tables[0], "RoleID") as List <int>;

        // Set permissions for forum
        if (fi != null)
            // Get resource object
            ResourceInfo resForums = ResourceInfoProvider.GetResourceInfo("CMS.Forums");

            // Get permissions IDs
            var forumPermissions = PermissionNameInfoProvider.GetPermissionNames()
                                   .WhereEquals("ResourceID", resForums.ResourceID)
                                   .WhereNotEquals("PermissionName", CMSAdminControl.PERMISSION_READ)
                                   .WhereNotEquals("PermissionName", CMSAdminControl.PERMISSION_MODIFY);

            // Delete old permissions apart attach file permission
            ForumRoleInfoProvider.DeleteAllRoles(new WhereCondition().WhereEquals("ForumID", fi.ForumID).WhereIn("PermissionID", forumPermissions));

            // Set forum permissions
            ForumRoleInfoProvider.SetPermissions(fi.ForumID, roleIds, forumPermissions.Select(p => p.PermissionId).ToArray());

            // Log staging task
            SynchronizationHelper.LogObjectChange(fi, TaskTypeEnum.UpdateObject);

        // Set permissions for media library
        if (mi == null)

        // Get resource object
        ResourceInfo resMediaLibs = ResourceInfoProvider.GetResourceInfo("CMS.MediaLibrary");

        // Get permissions IDs
        var where = new WhereCondition()
                    .WhereEquals("ResourceID", resMediaLibs.ResourceID)
                    .Where(new WhereCondition()
                           .WhereEquals("PermissionName", "LibraryAccess")
                           .WhereEquals("PermissionName", "FileCreate"));

        DataSet     dsMediaLibPerm         = PermissionNameInfoProvider.GetPermissionNames().Where(where).Column("PermissionID");
        IList <int> mediaLibPermissionsIds = null;

        if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(dsMediaLibPerm))
            mediaLibPermissionsIds = DataHelper.GetIntegerValues(dsMediaLibPerm.Tables[0], "PermissionID");

        var deleteWhere = new WhereCondition()
                          .WhereEquals("LibraryID", mi.LibraryID)
                          .WhereIn("PermissionID", mediaLibPermissionsIds);

        // Delete old permissions only for Create file and See library content permissions

        MediaLibraryRolePermissionInfoProvider.SetPermissions(mi.LibraryID, roleIds, mediaLibPermissionsIds);

        // Log staging task;
        SynchronizationHelper.LogObjectChange(mi, TaskTypeEnum.UpdateObject);
    /// <summary>
    /// Reloads the data of the editing forum.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="forumObj">Forum object</param>
    private void ReloadData(ForumInfo forumObj)
        // Set main properties
        this.chkForumOpen.Checked = forumObj.ForumOpen;
        this.chkForumLocked.Checked = forumObj.ForumIsLocked;
        this.txtForumDescription.Text = forumObj.ForumDescription;
        this.txtForumDisplayName.Text = forumObj.ForumDisplayName;
        this.txtForumName.Text = forumObj.ForumName;

        // Set other settings
        this.txtImageMaxSideSize.Text = forumObj.ForumImageMaxSideSize.ToString();
        this.txtIsAnswerLimit.Text = forumObj.ForumIsAnswerLimit.ToString();
        this.txtMaxAttachmentSize.Text = forumObj.ForumAttachmentMaxFileSize.ToString();
        this.txtBaseUrl.Text = forumObj.ForumBaseUrl;
        this.txtUnsubscriptionUrl.Text = forumObj.ForumUnsubscriptionUrl;

        // Check if is inherited value
        bool inheritAuthorDelete = (forumObj.GetValue("ForumAuthorDelete") == null);
        bool inheritAuthorEdit = (forumObj.GetValue("ForumAuthorEdit") == null);
        bool inheritImageMaxSideSize = (forumObj.GetValue("ForumImageMaxSideSize") == null);
        bool inheritMaxAttachmentSize = (forumObj.GetValue("ForumAttachmentMaxFileSize") == null);
        bool inheritIsAnswerLimit = (forumObj.GetValue("ForumIsAnswerLimit") == null);
        bool inheritType = (forumObj.GetValue("ForumType") == null);
        bool inheritUseHTML = (forumObj.GetValue("ForumHTMLEditor") == null);
        bool inheritDislayEmails = (forumObj.GetValue("ForumDisplayEmails") == null);
        bool inheritRequireEmail = (forumObj.GetValue("ForumRequireEmail") == null);
        bool inheritCaptcha = (forumObj.GetValue("ForumUseCAPTCHA") == null);
        bool inheritBaseUrl = (forumObj.GetValue("ForumBaseUrl") == null);
        bool inheritUnsubscriptionUrl = (forumObj.GetValue("ForumUnsubscriptionUrl") == null);
        bool inheritLogActivity = (forumObj.GetValue("ForumLogActivity") == null);
        // Discussion
        bool inheritDiscussion = (forumObj.GetValue("ForumDiscussionActions") == null);

        // Set properties
        this.chkInheritUseHTML.Checked = inheritUseHTML;
        this.chkInheritDisplayEmails.Checked = inheritDislayEmails;
        this.chkInheritRequireEmail.Checked = inheritRequireEmail;
        this.chkInheritCaptcha.Checked = inheritCaptcha;
        this.chkInheritAuthorDelete.Checked = inheritAuthorDelete;
        this.chkInheritAuthorEdit.Checked = inheritAuthorEdit;
        this.txtImageMaxSideSize.Enabled = !inheritImageMaxSideSize;
        this.chkInheritMaxSideSize.Checked = inheritImageMaxSideSize;
        this.txtIsAnswerLimit.Enabled = !inheritIsAnswerLimit;
        this.chkInheritIsAnswerLimit.Checked = inheritIsAnswerLimit;
        this.chkInheritType.Checked = inheritType;
        this.txtMaxAttachmentSize.Enabled = !inheritMaxAttachmentSize;
        this.chkInheritMaxAttachmentSize.Checked = inheritMaxAttachmentSize;
        this.txtBaseUrl.Enabled = !inheritBaseUrl;
        this.chkInheritBaseUrl.Checked = inheritBaseUrl;
        this.txtUnsubscriptionUrl.Enabled = !inheritUnsubscriptionUrl;
        this.chkInheritUnsubscribeUrl.Checked = inheritUnsubscriptionUrl;

        this.plcOnline.Visible = ActivitySettingsHelper.ActivitiesEnabledAndModuleLoaded(CMSContext.CurrentSiteName);
        this.chkInheritLogActivity.Checked = inheritLogActivity;

        // Discussion
        this.chkInheritDiscussion.Checked = inheritDiscussion;

        // Create script for update inherit values
        this.ltrScript.Text += ScriptHelper.GetScript(
            "LoadSetting('" + chkForumRequireEmail.ClientID + "', " + (forumObj.ForumRequireEmail ? "true" : "false") + ", " + (inheritRequireEmail ? "true" : "false") + ", 'chk');" +
            "LoadSetting('" + chkCaptcha.ClientID + "', " + (forumObj.ForumUseCAPTCHA ? "true" : "false") + ", " + (inheritCaptcha ? "true" : "false") + ", 'chk');" +
            "LoadSetting('" + chkForumDisplayEmails.ClientID + "', " + (forumObj.ForumDisplayEmails ? "true" : "false") + ", " + (inheritDislayEmails ? "true" : "false") + ", 'chk');" +
            "LoadSetting('" + chkUseHTML.ClientID + "', " + (forumObj.ForumHTMLEditor ? "true" : "false") + ", " + (inheritUseHTML ? "true" : "false") + ", 'chk');" +
            "LoadSetting('" + chkAuthorDelete.ClientID + "', " + (forumObj.ForumAuthorDelete ? "true" : "false") + ", " + (inheritAuthorDelete ? "true" : "false") + ", 'chk');" +
            "LoadSetting('" + chkAuthorEdit.ClientID + "', " + (forumObj.ForumAuthorEdit ? "true" : "false") + ", " + (inheritAuthorEdit ? "true" : "false") + ", 'chk');" +
            "LoadSetting('" + chkLogActivity.ClientID + "', " + (forumObj.ForumLogActivity ? "true" : "false") + ", " + (inheritLogActivity ? "true" : "false") + ", 'chk');" +

            // Discussion
            "LoadSetting('" + radImageSimple.ClientID + "', " + (forumObj.ForumEnableImage ? "true" : "false") + ", " + (inheritDiscussion ? "true" : "false") + ", 'rad');" +
            "LoadSetting('" + radImageAdvanced.ClientID + "', " + (forumObj.ForumEnableAdvancedImage ? "true" : "false") + ", " + (inheritDiscussion ? "true" : "false") + ", 'rad');" +
            "LoadSetting('" + radImageNo.ClientID + "', " + (!(forumObj.ForumEnableAdvancedImage || forumObj.ForumEnableImage) ? "true" : "false") + ", " + (inheritDiscussion ? "true" : "false") + ", 'rad');" +
            "LoadSetting('" + radUrlSimple.ClientID + "', " + (forumObj.ForumEnableURL ? "true" : "false") + ", " + (inheritDiscussion ? "true" : "false") + ", 'rad');" +
            "LoadSetting('" + radUrlAdvanced.ClientID + "', " + (forumObj.ForumEnableAdvancedURL ? "true" : "false") + ", " + (inheritDiscussion ? "true" : "false") + ", 'rad');" +
            "LoadSetting('" + radUrlNo.ClientID + "', " + (!(forumObj.ForumEnableAdvancedURL || forumObj.ForumEnableURL) ? "true" : "false") + ", " + (inheritDiscussion ? "true" : "false") + ", 'rad');" +
            "LoadSetting('" + chkEnableQuote.ClientID + "', " + (forumObj.ForumEnableQuote ? "true" : "false") + ", " + (inheritDiscussion ? "true" : "false") + ", 'chk');" +
            "LoadSetting('" + chkEnableBold.ClientID + "', " + (forumObj.ForumEnableFontBold ? "true" : "false") + ", " + (inheritDiscussion ? "true" : "false") + ", 'chk');" +
            "LoadSetting('" + chkEnableItalic.ClientID + "', " + (forumObj.ForumEnableFontItalics ? "true" : "false") + ", " + (inheritDiscussion ? "true" : "false") + ", 'chk');" +
            "LoadSetting('" + chkEnableStrike.ClientID + "', " + (forumObj.ForumEnableFontStrike ? "true" : "false") + ", " + (inheritDiscussion ? "true" : "false") + ", 'chk');" +
            "LoadSetting('" + chkEnableUnderline.ClientID + "', " + (forumObj.ForumEnableFontUnderline ? "true" : "false") + ", " + (inheritDiscussion ? "true" : "false") + ", 'chk');" +
            "LoadSetting('" + chkEnableCode.ClientID + "', " + (forumObj.ForumEnableCodeSnippet ? "true" : "false") + ", " + (inheritDiscussion ? "true" : "false") + ", 'chk');" +
            "LoadSetting('" + chkEnableColor.ClientID + "', " + (forumObj.ForumEnableFontColor ? "true" : "false") + ", " + (inheritDiscussion ? "true" : "false") + ", 'chk');" +
            "LoadSetting('" + radTypeAnswer.ClientID + "', " + (forumObj.ForumType == 2 ? "true" : "false") + ", " + (inheritType ? "true" : "false") + ", 'rad');" +
            "LoadSetting('" + radTypeDiscussion.ClientID + "', " + (forumObj.ForumType == 1 ? "true" : "false") + ", " + (inheritType ? "true" : "false") + ", 'rad');" +
            "LoadSetting('" + radTypeChoose.ClientID + "', " + (forumObj.ForumType == 0 ? "true" : "false") + ", " + (inheritType ? "true" : "false") + ", 'rad');");

        ForumGroupInfo fgi = ForumGroupInfoProvider.GetForumGroupInfo(forumObj.ForumGroupID);

        this.chkInheritUnsubscribeUrl.Attributes.Add("onclick", "SetInheritance('" + txtUnsubscriptionUrl.ClientID + "', '" + fgi.GroupUnsubscriptionUrl.Replace("'","\\\'") + "', 'txt');");
        this.chkInheritBaseUrl.Attributes.Add("onclick", "SetInheritance('" + txtBaseUrl.ClientID + "', '" + fgi.GroupBaseUrl.Replace("'", "\\\'") + "', 'txt');");

        // Settings inheritance
        this.chkInheritUseHTML.Attributes.Add("onclick", "SetInheritance('" + chkUseHTML.ClientID + "', '" + fgi.GroupHTMLEditor.ToString().ToLower() + "', 'chk');");
        this.chkInheritCaptcha.Attributes.Add("onclick", "SetInheritance('" + chkCaptcha.ClientID + "', '" + fgi.GroupUseCAPTCHA.ToString().ToLower() + "', 'chk');");
        this.chkInheritRequireEmail.Attributes.Add("onclick", "SetInheritance('" + chkForumRequireEmail.ClientID + "', '" + fgi.GroupRequireEmail.ToString().ToLower() + "', 'chk');");
        this.chkInheritDisplayEmails.Attributes.Add("onclick", "SetInheritance('" + chkForumDisplayEmails.ClientID + "', '" + fgi.GroupDisplayEmails.ToString().ToLower() + "', 'chk');");
        this.chkInheritAuthorDelete.Attributes.Add("onclick", "SetInheritance('" + chkAuthorDelete.ClientID + "', '" + fgi.GroupAuthorDelete.ToString().ToLower() + "', 'chk');");
        this.chkInheritAuthorEdit.Attributes.Add("onclick", "SetInheritance('" + chkAuthorEdit.ClientID + "', '" + fgi.GroupAuthorEdit.ToString().ToLower() + "', 'chk');");
        this.chkInheritIsAnswerLimit.Attributes.Add("onclick", "SetInheritance('" + txtIsAnswerLimit.ClientID + "', '" + fgi.GroupIsAnswerLimit.ToString().Replace("'", "\\\'") + "', 'txt');");
        this.chkInheritMaxSideSize.Attributes.Add("onclick", "SetInheritance('" + txtImageMaxSideSize.ClientID + "', '" + fgi.GroupImageMaxSideSize.ToString().Replace("'", "\\\'") + "', 'txt');");
        this.chkInheritType.Attributes.Add("onclick", "SetInheritance('" + radTypeAnswer.ClientID + "', '" + (fgi.GroupType == 2 ? "true" : "false") + "', 'rad');" +
            "SetInheritance('" + radTypeDiscussion.ClientID + "', '" + (fgi.GroupType == 1 ? "true" : "false") + "', 'rad');" +
            "SetInheritance('" + radTypeChoose.ClientID + "', '" + (fgi.GroupType == 0 ? "true" : "false") + "', 'rad');");
        this.chkInheritMaxAttachmentSize.Attributes.Add("onclick", "SetInheritance('" + txtMaxAttachmentSize.ClientID + "','" + fgi.GroupAttachmentMaxFileSize.ToString().Replace("'", "\\\'") + "', 'txt');");
        this.chkInheritLogActivity.Attributes.Add("onclick", "SetInheritance('" + chkLogActivity.ClientID + "','" + fgi.GroupLogActivity.ToString().ToLower() + "', 'chk');");

        // Discussion
        string chkList = "'" + radImageSimple.ClientID + ";" + chkEnableBold.ClientID + ";" + chkEnableCode.ClientID + ";" +
                               chkEnableColor.ClientID + ";" + radUrlSimple.ClientID + ";" + chkEnableItalic.ClientID + ";" +
                               radImageAdvanced.ClientID + ";" + radUrlAdvanced.ClientID + ";" + chkEnableQuote.ClientID + ";" +
                               chkEnableStrike.ClientID + ";" + chkEnableUnderline.ClientID + ";" + radImageNo.ClientID + ";" + radUrlNo.ClientID + "'";
        string chkListValues = "'" + fgi.GroupEnableImage.ToString() + ";" + fgi.GroupEnableFontBold.ToString() + ";" + fgi.GroupEnableCodeSnippet.ToString() + ";" +
                               fgi.GroupEnableFontColor.ToString() + ";" + fgi.GroupEnableURL.ToString() + ";" + fgi.GroupEnableFontItalics.ToString() + ";" +
                               fgi.GroupEnableAdvancedImage.ToString() + ";" + fgi.GroupEnableAdvancedURL.ToString() + ";" + fgi.GroupEnableQuote.ToString() + ";" +
                               fgi.GroupEnableFontStrike.ToString() + ";" + fgi.GroupEnableFontUnderline.ToString() + ";" +
                               !(fgi.GroupEnableAdvancedImage || fgi.GroupEnableImage) + ";" + !(fgi.GroupEnableAdvancedURL || fgi.GroupEnableURL) + "'";
        this.chkInheritDiscussion.Attributes.Add("onclick", "SetInheritance(" + chkList + ", " + chkListValues.ToLower() + ", 'chk');");
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates group forum.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="group">Particular group info object</param>
    private void CreateGroupForum(GroupInfo group)
        #region "Create forum group"

        // Get forum group code name
        string forumGroupCodeName = "Forums_group_" + group.GroupGUID;

        // Check if forum group with given name already exists
        if (ForumGroupInfoProvider.GetForumGroupInfo(forumGroupCodeName, SiteContext.CurrentSiteID) != null)

        // Create forum base URL
        string baseUrl = null;
        TreeNode groupDocument = TreeProvider.SelectSingleNode(group.GroupNodeGUID, DocumentContext.CurrentDocumentCulture.CultureCode, SiteContext.CurrentSiteName);
        if (groupDocument != null)
            baseUrl = DocumentURLProvider.GetUrl(groupDocument.NodeAliasPath + "/" + FORUM_DOCUMENT_ALIAS);

        ForumGroupInfo forumGroupObj = new ForumGroupInfo();
        const string suffix = " forums";
        forumGroupObj.GroupDisplayName = TextHelper.LimitLength(group.GroupDisplayName, 200 - suffix.Length, string.Empty) + suffix;
        forumGroupObj.GroupName = forumGroupCodeName;
        forumGroupObj.GroupOrder = 0;
        forumGroupObj.GroupEnableQuote = true;
        forumGroupObj.GroupGroupID = group.GroupID;
        forumGroupObj.GroupSiteID = SiteContext.CurrentSiteID;
        forumGroupObj.GroupBaseUrl = baseUrl;

        // Additional settings
        forumGroupObj.GroupEnableCodeSnippet = true;
        forumGroupObj.GroupEnableFontBold = true;
        forumGroupObj.GroupEnableFontColor = true;
        forumGroupObj.GroupEnableFontItalics = true;
        forumGroupObj.GroupEnableFontStrike = true;
        forumGroupObj.GroupEnableFontUnderline = true;
        forumGroupObj.GroupEnableQuote = true;
        forumGroupObj.GroupEnableURL = true;
        forumGroupObj.GroupEnableImage = true;

        // Set forum group info


        #region "Create forum"

        string codeName = "General_discussion_group_" + group.GroupGUID;

        // Check if forum with given name already exists
        if (ForumInfoProvider.GetForumInfo(codeName, SiteContext.CurrentSiteID, group.GroupID) != null)

        // Create new forum object
        ForumInfo forumObj = new ForumInfo();
        forumObj.ForumSiteID = SiteContext.CurrentSiteID;
        forumObj.ForumIsLocked = false;
        forumObj.ForumOpen = true;
        forumObj.ForumDisplayEmails = false;
        forumObj.ForumRequireEmail = false;
        forumObj.ForumDisplayName = "General discussion";
        forumObj.ForumName = codeName;
        forumObj.ForumGroupID = forumGroupObj.GroupID;
        forumObj.ForumModerated = false;
        forumObj.ForumAccess = 40000;
        forumObj.ForumPosts = 0;
        forumObj.ForumThreads = 0;
        forumObj.ForumPostsAbsolute = 0;
        forumObj.ForumThreadsAbsolute = 0;
        forumObj.ForumOrder = 0;
        forumObj.ForumUseCAPTCHA = false;
        forumObj.SetValue("ForumHTMLEditor", null);

        // Set security
        forumObj.AllowAccess = SecurityAccessEnum.GroupMembers;
        forumObj.AllowAttachFiles = SecurityAccessEnum.GroupMembers;
        forumObj.AllowMarkAsAnswer = SecurityAccessEnum.GroupMembers;
        forumObj.AllowPost = SecurityAccessEnum.GroupMembers;
        forumObj.AllowReply = SecurityAccessEnum.GroupMembers;
        forumObj.AllowSubscribe = SecurityAccessEnum.GroupMembers;

        if (ForumInfoProvider.LicenseVersionCheck(RequestContext.CurrentDomain, FeatureEnum.Forums, ObjectActionEnum.Insert))

Esempio n. 21
    /// <summary>
    /// Generates the permission matrix for the current forum.
    /// </summary>
    private void CreateMatrix()
        // Get forum resource info
        if (resForums == null)
            resForums = ResourceInfoProvider.GetResourceInfo("CMS.Forums");

        // Get forum object
        if ((forum == null) && (ForumID > 0))
            forum = ForumInfoProvider.GetForumInfo(ForumID);

        if ((resForums != null) && (forum != null))
            // Get permission matrix for roles of the current site/group
            int groupId = 0;
            if (IsGroupForum)
                ForumGroupInfo fgi = ForumGroupInfoProvider.GetForumGroupInfo(forum.ForumGroupID);
                groupId = fgi.GroupGroupID;

            // Get permissions for the current forum resource
            DataSet permissions = PermissionNameInfoProvider.GetResourcePermissions(resForums.ResourceId);
            if (DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(permissions))
                TableRow headerRow = new TableRow();
                headerRow.CssClass = "UniGridHead";
                TableCell       newCell       = new TableCell();
                TableHeaderCell newHeaderCell = new TableHeaderCell();
                newHeaderCell.Text = "&nbsp;";
                newHeaderCell.Attributes["style"] = "width:200px;";

                foreach (string permission in allowedPermissions)
                    DataRow[] drArray = permissions.Tables[0].DefaultView.Table.Select("PermissionName = '" + permission + "'");
                    if ((drArray != null) && (drArray.Length > 0))
                        DataRow dr = drArray[0];
                        newHeaderCell = new TableHeaderCell();
                        newHeaderCell.Attributes["style"] = "text-align:center;white-space:nowrap;";
                        newHeaderCell.Text            = dr["PermissionDisplayName"].ToString();
                        newHeaderCell.ToolTip         = dr["PermissionDescription"].ToString();
                        newHeaderCell.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center;
                        throw new Exception("[Security matrix] Column '" + permission + "' cannot be found.");
                newHeaderCell      = new TableHeaderCell();
                newHeaderCell.Text = "&nbsp;";


                // Render forum access permissions
                object[,] accessNames = new object[5, 2];
                accessNames[0, 0]     = GetString("security.nobody");
                accessNames[0, 1]     = SecurityAccessEnum.Nobody;
                accessNames[1, 0]     = GetString("security.allusers");
                accessNames[1, 1]     = SecurityAccessEnum.AllUsers;
                accessNames[2, 0]     = GetString("security.authenticated");
                accessNames[2, 1]     = SecurityAccessEnum.AuthenticatedUsers;
                accessNames[3, 0]     = GetString("security.groupmembers");
                accessNames[3, 1]     = SecurityAccessEnum.GroupMembers;
                accessNames[4, 0]     = GetString("security.authorizedroles");
                accessNames[4, 1]     = SecurityAccessEnum.AuthorizedRoles;

                TableRow newRow   = null;
                int      rowIndex = 0;
                for (int access = 0; access <= accessNames.GetUpperBound(0); access++)
                    SecurityAccessEnum currentAccess = ((SecurityAccessEnum)accessNames[access, 1]);

                    // If the security isn't displayed as part of group section
                    if ((currentAccess == SecurityAccessEnum.GroupMembers) && (!IsGroupForum))
                        // Do not render this access item
                        // Generate cell holding access item name
                        newRow           = new TableRow();
                        newRow.CssClass  = ((rowIndex % 2 == 0) ? "EvenRow" : "OddRow");
                        newCell          = new TableCell();
                        newCell.Text     = accessNames[access, 0].ToString();
                        newCell.Wrap     = false;
                        newCell.CssClass = "MatrixHeader";
                        newCell.Width    = new Unit(28, UnitType.Percentage);

                        // Render the permissions access items
                        bool isAllowed       = false;
                        bool isDisabled      = true;
                        int  permissionIndex = 0;
                        for (int permission = 0; permission < (tblMatrix.Rows[0].Cells.Count - 2); permission++)
                            newCell = new TableCell();

                            // Check if the currently processed access is applied for permission
                            isAllowed  = CheckPermissionAccess(currentAccess, permission, tblMatrix.Rows[0].Cells[permission + 1].Text);
                            isDisabled = ((currentAccess == SecurityAccessEnum.AllUsers) && (permission == 1)) || (!Enable);

                            // Disable column in roles grid if needed
                            if ((currentAccess == SecurityAccessEnum.AuthorizedRoles) && !isAllowed)

                            // Insert the radio button for the current permission
                            string permissionText = tblMatrix.Rows[0].Cells[permission + 1].Text;
                            string elemId         = ClientID + "_" + permission + "_" + access;
                            newCell.Text = "<label style=\"display:none;\" for=\"" + elemId + "\">" + permissionText + "</label><input type=\"radio\" id=\"" + elemId + "\" name=\"" + permissionText + "\" onclick=\"" +
                                           ControlsHelper.GetPostBackEventReference(this, permission.ToString() + ";" + Convert.ToInt32(currentAccess).ToString()) + "\" " +
                                           ((isAllowed) ? "checked = \"checked\"" : "") + ((isDisabled) ? " disabled=\"disabled\"" : "") + "/>";

                            newCell.Wrap            = false;
                            newCell.Width           = new Unit(12, UnitType.Percentage);
                            newCell.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center;

                        newCell      = new TableCell();
                        newCell.Text = "&nbsp;";

                        // Add the access row to the table

                // Check if forum has some roles assigned
                mNoRolesAvailable = !gridMatrix.HasData;

                // Get permission matrix for current forum resource
                if (!mNoRolesAvailable)
                    // Security - Role separator
                    newRow       = new TableRow();
                    newCell      = new TableCell();
                    newCell.Text = "&nbsp;";
                    newCell.Attributes.Add("colspan", Convert.ToString(tblMatrix.Rows[0].Cells.Count));

                    // Security - Role separator text
                    newRow           = new TableRow();
                    newCell          = new TableCell();
                    newCell.CssClass = "MatrixLabel";
                    newCell.Text     = GetString("SecurityMatrix.RolesAvailability");
                    newCell.Attributes.Add("colspan", Convert.ToString(tblMatrix.Rows[0].Cells.Count));
Esempio n. 22
    /// <summary>
    /// Logs "post" activity.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="bci">Forum subscription</param>
    /// <param name="fi">Forum info</param>
    private void LogPostActivity(ForumPostInfo fp, ForumInfo fi)
        string siteName = CMSContext.CurrentSiteName;
        if ((CMSContext.ViewMode != ViewModeEnum.LiveSite) || (fp == null) || (fi == null) || !fi.ForumLogActivity
            || !ActivitySettingsHelper.ActivitiesEnabledAndModuleLoaded(siteName)
            || !ActivitySettingsHelper.ActivitiesEnabledForThisUser(CMSContext.CurrentUser) || !ActivitySettingsHelper.ForumPostsEnabled(siteName))

        int contactId = ModuleCommands.OnlineMarketingGetCurrentContactID();
        Dictionary<string, object> contactData = new Dictionary<string, object>();
        contactData.Add("ContactEmail", fp.PostUserMail);
        contactData.Add("ContactLastName", fp.PostUserName);
        ModuleCommands.OnlineMarketingUpdateContactFromExternalSource(contactData, false, contactId);

        var data = new ActivityData()
            ContactID = contactId,
            SiteID = CMSContext.CurrentSiteID,
            Type = PredefinedActivityType.FORUM_POST,
            TitleData = fi.ForumName,
            ItemID = fi.ForumID,
            ItemDetailID = fp.PostId,
            URL = URLHelper.CurrentRelativePath,
            NodeID = CMSContext.CurrentDocument.NodeID,
            Culture = CMSContext.CurrentDocument.DocumentCulture,
            Campaign = CMSContext.Campaign
        public void LoadCurrentForumInfo(int fid)
            #region 加载相关信息

            if (fid > 0)
                forumInfo = Forums.GetForumInfo(fid);

            if (forumInfo.Layer > 0)
                tabPage2.Visible = true;
                tabPage6.Visible = true;
                tabPage2.Visible = false;

                tabPage4.Visible = false;

                tabPage5.Visible = false;

                tabPage6.Visible      = false;
                templatestyle.Visible = false;

            forumname.Text    = forumInfo.Name.Trim();
            name.Text         = forumInfo.Name.Trim();
            displayorder.Text = forumInfo.Displayorder.ToString();

            status.SelectedValue = forumInfo.Status.ToString();

            if (forumInfo.Colcount == 1)
                showcolnum.Attributes.Add("style", "display:none");
                colcount.SelectedIndex = 0;
                showcolnum.Attributes.Add("style", "display:block");
                colcount.SelectedIndex = 1;
            colcount.Attributes.Add("onclick", "javascript:document.getElementById('" + showcolnum.ClientID + "').style.display= (document.getElementById('TabControl1_tabPage1_colcount_0').checked ? 'none' : 'block');");
            colcountnumber.Text = forumInfo.Colcount.ToString();

            templateid.SelectedValue = forumInfo.Templateid.ToString();

            forumsstatic.Text = string.Format("主题总数:{0}<br />帖子总数:{1}<br />今日回帖数总数:{2}<br />最后提交日期:{3}",

            ViewState["forumsstatic"] = forumsstatic.Text;

            if (forumInfo.Allowsmilies == 1)
                setting.Items[0].Selected = true;
            if (forumInfo.Allowrss == 1)
                setting.Items[1].Selected = true;
            if (forumInfo.Allowbbcode == 1)
                setting.Items[2].Selected = true;
            if (forumInfo.Allowimgcode == 1)
                setting.Items[3].Selected = true;
            if (forumInfo.Recyclebin == 1)
                setting.Items[4].Selected = true;
            if (forumInfo.Modnewposts == 1)
                setting.Items[5].Selected = true;
            if (forumInfo.Disablewatermark == 1)
                setting.Items[6].Selected = true;
            if (forumInfo.Inheritedmod == 1)
                setting.Items[7].Selected = true;
            if (forumInfo.Allowthumbnail == 1)
                setting.Items[8].Selected = true;
            if (forumInfo.Allowtag == 1)
                setting.Items[9].Selected = true;
            allowspecialonly.SelectedValue = forumInfo.Allowspecialonly.ToString();

            if (forumInfo.Autoclose == 0)
                showclose.Attributes.Add("style", "display:none");
                autocloseoption.SelectedIndex = 0;
                autocloseoption.SelectedIndex = 1;
            autocloseoption.Attributes.Add("onclick", "javascript:document.getElementById('" + showclose.ClientID + "').style.display= (document.getElementById('TabControl1_tabPage2_autocloseoption_0').checked ? 'none' : 'block');");
            autocloseday.Text = forumInfo.Autoclose.ToString();

            description.Text       = forumInfo.Description.Trim();
            password.Text          = forumInfo.Password.Trim();
            icon.Text              = forumInfo.Icon.Trim();
            redirect.Text          = forumInfo.Redirect.Trim();
            moderators.Text        = forumInfo.Moderators.Trim();
            inheritmoderators.Text = Users.GetModerators(fid);
            rules.Text             = forumInfo.Rules.Trim();
            topictypes.Text        = forumInfo.Topictypes.Trim();

            DataTable dt = UserGroups.GetUserGroupForDataTable();
            int       i  = 1;
            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                HtmlTableRow  tr = new HtmlTableRow();
                HtmlTableCell td = new HtmlTableCell("td");
                if (i % 2 == 1)
                    td.Attributes.Add("class", "td_alternating_item1");
                    td.Attributes.Add("class", "td_alternating_item2");
                td.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<input type='checkbox' id='r" + i + "' onclick='selectRow(" + i + ",this.checked)'>"));
                td = new HtmlTableCell("td");
                if (i % 2 == 1)
                    td.Attributes.Add("class", "td_alternating_item1");
                    td.Attributes.Add("class", "td_alternating_item2");
                td.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<label for='r" + i + "'>" + dr["grouptitle"].ToString() + "</lable>"));
                tr.Cells.Add(GetTD("viewperm", forumInfo.Viewperm.Trim(), dr["groupid"].ToString(), i));
                tr.Cells.Add(GetTD("postperm", forumInfo.Postperm.Trim(), dr["groupid"].ToString(), i));
                tr.Cells.Add(GetTD("replyperm", forumInfo.Replyperm.Trim(), dr["groupid"].ToString(), i));
                tr.Cells.Add(GetTD("getattachperm", forumInfo.Getattachperm.Trim(), dr["groupid"].ToString(), i));
                tr.Cells.Add(GetTD("postattachperm", forumInfo.Postattachperm.Trim(), dr["groupid"].ToString(), i));

            dt = Attachments.GetAttachmentType();

            if (fid > 0)
                forumInfo = Forums.GetForumInfo(fid);
            applytopictype.SelectedValue  = forumInfo.Applytopictype.ToString();
            postbytopictype.SelectedValue = forumInfo.Postbytopictype.ToString();
            viewbytopictype.SelectedValue = forumInfo.Viewbytopictype.ToString();
            topictypeprefix.SelectedValue = forumInfo.Topictypeprefix.ToString();

    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

        // Show back link if is opened from listing
        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ListingPost) && (PostInfo != null))
            mListingParameter = "&listingpost=" + HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(ListingPost);

        mThreadMove            = Page.LoadUserControl("~/CMSModules/Forums/Controls/ThreadMove.ascx") as ForumViewer;
        mThreadMove.ID         = "ctrlThreadMove";
        mThreadMove.IsLiveSite = IsLiveSite;

        if (!Visible)
            EnableViewState = false;

        PostEdit1.OnCancelClick      += ForumNewPost1_OnCancelClick;
        PostEdit1.OnCheckPermissions += PostEdit1_OnCheckPermissions;
        PostEdit1.IsLiveSite          = false;

        if (Reply != 0)
            NewThreadTitle.TitleText = GetString("ForumPost_View.PostTitleText");

            pnlBody.Visible = false;

            PanelNewThread.Visible  = true;
            PostEdit1.ReplyToPostID = PostID;
            PostEdit1.ForumID       = ForumID;
            PostEdit1.OnInsertPost += ForumNewPost1_OnInsertPost;
            //New thread
            if (NewForumPostIsBeingCreated)
                NewThreadTitle.TitleText = GetString("ForumPost_View.NewThreadHeaderCaption");

                pnlBody.Visible = false;

                PanelNewThread.Visible  = true;
                PostEdit1.ForumID       = ForumID;
                PostEdit1.OnInsertPost += ForumNewPost1_OnInsertPost;
                // ReSharper disable once PossibleNullReferenceException - edited object is ensured => no null reference is possible
                ForumInfo fi = ForumInfoProvider.GetForumInfo(PostInfo.PostForumID);
                if (fi != null)
                    ScriptHelper.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, typeof(string), "ForumScripts",
                                                           ScriptHelper.GetScript(" function ReplyToPost(postId)\n" +
                                                                                  "{    if (postId != 0){\n" +
                                                                                  "location.href='ForumPost_View.aspx?postid=' + postId + '&reply=1&forumId=" + fi.ForumID + mListingParameter + "' }}\n"));


                ltlScript.Text += ScriptHelper.GetScript(
                    "function DeletePost(postId) { if (confirm(" + ScriptHelper.GetString(GetString("ForumPost_View.DeleteConfirmation")) + ")) { " + Page.ClientScript.GetPostBackEventReference(btnDelete, null) + "; } } \n" +
                    "function ApprovePost(postId) { " + Page.ClientScript.GetPostBackEventReference(btnApprove, null) + "; } \n" +
                    "function ApproveSubTree(postId) { " + Page.ClientScript.GetPostBackEventReference(btnApproveSubTree, null) + "; } \n" +
                    "function RejectSubTree(postId) { " + Page.ClientScript.GetPostBackEventReference(btnRejectSubTree, null) + "; } \n" +
                    "function StickThread(postId) { " + Page.ClientScript.GetPostBackEventReference(btnStickThread, null) + "; } \n" +
                    "function SplitThread(postId) { " + Page.ClientScript.GetPostBackEventReference(btnSplitThread, null) + "; } \n" +
                    "function LockThread(postId) { " + Page.ClientScript.GetPostBackEventReference(btnLockThread, null) + "; } \n"
                ForumPost1.ForumID     = ForumID;
                ForumPost1.PostID      = PostID;
                ForumPost1.DisplayOnly = true;

                if (PostInfo.PostAttachmentCount > 0)
Esempio n. 25
    /// <summary>
    /// Initialize resources, holders, controls etc.
    /// </summary>
    protected void Initialize()
        #region "Captcha"

        // Hide captcha when not needed
        if (!ForumContext.CurrentForum.ForumUseCAPTCHA || (ForumContext.CurrentState == ForumStateEnum.EditPost))
            plcCaptcha.Visible = false;


        #region "Settings of HTML editor"

        // Set HTML editor properties
        htmlTemplateBody.AutoDetectLanguage    = false;
        htmlTemplateBody.DefaultLanguage       = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.TwoLetterISOLanguageName;
        htmlTemplateBody.EditorAreaCSS         = "";
        htmlTemplateBody.ToolbarSet            = "Forum";
        htmlTemplateBody.DisableObjectResizing = true;     // Disable image resizing
        htmlTemplateBody.RemovePlugins.Add("contextmenu"); // Disable context menu
        htmlTemplateBody.IsLiveSite = IsLiveSite;
        htmlTemplateBody.MediaDialogConfig.UseFullURL = true;
        htmlTemplateBody.LinkDialogConfig.UseFullURL  = true;


        #region "Resource strings"

        // Resources
        rfvSubject.ErrorMessage  = GetString("Forums_WebInterface_ForumNewPost.subjectErrorMsg");
        lblText.Text             = GetString("Forums_WebInterface_ForumNewPost.text");
        rfvText.ErrorMessage     = GetString("Forums_WebInterface_ForumNewPost.textErrorMsg");
        rfvUserName.ErrorMessage = GetString("Forums_WebInterface_ForumNewPost.usernameErrorMsg");
        btnOk.Text         = GetString("general.ok");
        btnCancel.Text     = GetString("general.cancel");
        btnPreview.Text    = GetString("Forums_WebInterface_ForumNewPost.Preview");
        lblSubscribe.Text  = GetString("Forums_WebInterface_ForumNewPost.Subscription");
        lblSignature.Text  = GetString("Forums_WebInterface_ForumNewPost.Signature");
        lblCaptcha.Text    = GetString("Forums_WebInterface_ForumNewPost.captcha");
        lblAttachFile.Text = GetString("For.NewPost.Attach");
        lblNickName.Text   = GetString("Forums_WebInterface_ForumNewPost.NickName");

        // WAI validation
        lblCaptcha.AssociatedControlClientID = SecurityCode1.InputClientID;


        #region "Controls visibility"

        ForumInfo fi = ForumContext.CurrentForum;

        // Hide or display html editor/ text area
        if (fi.ForumHTMLEditor)
            ucBBEditor.Visible = false;
            rfvText.Enabled    = false;

            // Define customizable shortcuts
            Hashtable keystrokes = new Hashtable()
                { "link", "CKEDITOR.CTRL + 76 /*L*/" },
                { "bold", "CKEDITOR.CTRL + 66 /*B*/" },
                { "italic", "CKEDITOR.CTRL + 73 /*I*/" },
                { "underline", "CKEDITOR.CTRL + 85 /*U*/" }

            if (!fi.ForumEnableURL)
                if (!fi.ForumEnableAdvancedURL)
                    // Remove the keyborad shortcut for the link insertion
            if (!fi.ForumEnableAdvancedURL)
            if (!fi.ForumEnableImage)
            if (!fi.ForumEnableAdvancedImage)
            if (!fi.ForumEnableQuote)
            if (!fi.ForumEnableFontBold)
            if (!fi.ForumEnableFontItalics)
            if (!fi.ForumEnableFontUnderline)
            if (!fi.ForumEnableFontStrike)
            if (!fi.ForumEnableFontColor)

            // Generate keystrokes string for the CK Editor
            StringBuilder sb     = new StringBuilder("[ [ CKEDITOR.ALT + 121 /*F10*/, 'toolbarFocus' ], [ CKEDITOR.ALT + 122 /*F11*/, 'elementsPathFocus' ], [ CKEDITOR.CTRL + 90 /*Z*/, 'undo' ], [ CKEDITOR.CTRL + 89 /*Y*/, 'redo' ], [ CKEDITOR.CTRL + CKEDITOR.SHIFT + 90 /*Z*/, 'redo' ], [ CKEDITOR.ALT + ( CKEDITOR.env.ie || CKEDITOR.env.webkit ? 189 : 109 ) /*-*/, 'toolbarCollapse' ], [ CKEDITOR.ALT + 48 /*0*/, 'a11yHelp' ]");
            string        format = ", [ {0}, '{1}' ]";

            foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in keystrokes)
                sb.Append(String.Format(format, entry.Value, entry.Key));

            htmlTemplateBody.Keystrokes = sb.ToString();
            ucBBEditor.IsLiveSite        = IsLiveSite;
            ucBBEditor.ShowImage         = fi.ForumEnableImage;
            ucBBEditor.ShowQuote         = fi.ForumEnableQuote;
            ucBBEditor.ShowURL           = fi.ForumEnableURL;
            ucBBEditor.ShowBold          = fi.ForumEnableFontBold;
            ucBBEditor.ShowItalic        = fi.ForumEnableFontItalics;
            ucBBEditor.ShowUnderline     = fi.ForumEnableFontUnderline;
            ucBBEditor.ShowStrike        = fi.ForumEnableFontStrike;
            ucBBEditor.ShowColor         = fi.ForumEnableFontColor;
            ucBBEditor.ShowCode          = fi.ForumEnableCodeSnippet;
            ucBBEditor.ShowAdvancedImage = fi.ForumEnableAdvancedImage;
            ucBBEditor.ShowAdvancedURL   = fi.ForumEnableAdvancedURL;
            htmlTemplateBody.Visible     = false;

        if ((fi.ForumModerated) && (!ForumContext.UserIsModerator(fi.ForumID, CommunityGroupID)))

        bool userCanModerate = fi.ForumModerated && ForumContext.UserIsModerator(fi.ForumID, CommunityGroupID);
        if ((MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser.IsPublic()) || (!ForumInfoProvider.IsAuthorizedPerForum(fi.ForumID, fi.ForumGroupID, "AttachFiles", fi.AllowAttachFiles, MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser) && !userCanModerate))
            plcAttachFile.Visible = false;

        // If user can choose thread type and this is not reply, show the options
        if ((fi.ForumType == 0) && (ForumContext.CurrentReplyThread == null))
            // Only thread can be set
            if ((ForumContext.CurrentState != ForumStateEnum.EditPost) || (ForumContext.CurrentPost.PostLevel == 0))
                plcThreadType.Visible = true;

        // Hide or display subscription checkbox with dependence
        // on allow subscription property value and security
        if ((!AllowSubscription) || (!ForumInfoProvider.IsAuthorizedPerForum(fi.ForumID, fi.ForumGroupID, "Subscribe", fi.AllowSubscribe, MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser)))
            SubscribeHolder.Visible = false;

        // Display signature if is allowed
        if (!AllowSignature)
            plcSignature.Visible = false;

        // Display username textbox if is change name allowed or label with user name
        if (fi.ForumAllowChangeName || MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser.IsPublic() || ((ForumContext.CurrentForum != null) && (ForumContext.UserIsModerator(ForumContext.CurrentForum.ForumID, ForumContext.CommunityGroupID))))
            if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack())
                // Do not show 'public' for unauthenticated user
                if (!MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser.IsPublic())
                    txtUserName.Text = UserName;
            plcNickName.Visible = false;
            if (ForumContext.CurrentMode != ForumMode.Edit)
                lblNickNameValue.Text = HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(UserName);
                lblNickNameValue.Text = HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(ForumContext.CurrentPost.PostUserName);
            plcUserName.Visible = false;

        // Prefill user email and reset the security code
        if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack())
            txtEmail.Text = MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser.Email;

        if (ForumContext.CurrentReplyThread != null)
            string replyPrefix = GetString("forums.replyprefix");
            if (!ForumContext.CurrentReplyThread.PostSubject.StartsWithCSafe(replyPrefix))
                txtSubject.Text = replyPrefix + ForumContext.CurrentReplyThread.PostSubject;
                txtSubject.Text = TextHelper.LimitLength(txtSubject.Text, POST_SUBJECT_LENGTH, "");
                txtSubject.Text = ForumContext.CurrentReplyThread.PostSubject;
            txtSubject.Text = txtSubject.Text;

            // New post - check max level for subscribcribtion
            if (ForumContext.CurrentReplyThread.PostLevel >= ForumPostInfoProvider.MaxPostLevel - 1)
                SubscribeHolder.Visible = false;
        // Edit post - check max level for subscribcribtion
        else if ((ForumContext.CurrentPost != null) && (ForumContext.CurrentPost.PostLevel >= ForumPostInfoProvider.MaxPostLevel))
            SubscribeHolder.Visible = false;

        // Hide subscription if not enabled
        if (!EnableSubscription)
            SubscribeHolder.Visible = false;


        #region "Post Data"

        if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack())
            // Check whether current state is edit
            if (ForumContext.CurrentState == ForumStateEnum.EditPost)
                txtEmail.Text     = ForumContext.CurrentPost.PostUserMail;
                txtSignature.Text = ForumContext.CurrentPost.PostUserSignature;
                txtSubject.Text   = ForumContext.CurrentPost.PostSubject;
                txtUserName.Text  = ForumContext.CurrentPost.PostUserName;


                radTypeDiscussion.Checked = true;

                if (ForumContext.CurrentPost.PostType == 1)
                    radTypeQuestion.Checked = true;
            else if ((ForumContext.CurrentMode == ForumMode.Quote) && (ForumContext.CurrentReplyThread != null))
                // Indicates whether wysiwyg editor is used
                bool isHtml = ForumContext.CurrentForum.ForumHTMLEditor;
                // Keeps post user name
                string userName = ForumContext.CurrentReplyThread.PostUserName;

                // Encode username for wysiwyg editor
                if (isHtml)
                    userName = HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(userName);

                SetPostText(DiscussionMacroResolver.GetQuote(userName, ForumContext.CurrentReplyThread.PostText));

                // Set new line after
                if (isHtml)
                    htmlTemplateBody.ResolvedValue += "<br /><br />";
                    ucBBEditor.Text += "\n";

    /// <summary>
    /// Generates the permission matrix for the current forum.
    /// </summary>
    private void CreateMatrix()
        // Get forum resource info
        if (resForums == null)
            resForums = ResourceInfoProvider.GetResourceInfo("CMS.Forums");

        // Get forum object
        if ((forum == null) && (ForumID > 0))
            forum = ForumInfoProvider.GetForumInfo(ForumID);

        if ((resForums != null) && (forum != null))
            // Get permission matrix for roles of the current site/group
            int groupId = 0;
            if (IsGroupForum)
                ForumGroupInfo fgi = ForumGroupInfoProvider.GetForumGroupInfo(forum.ForumGroupID);
                groupId = fgi.GroupGroupID;

            // Get permissions for the current forum resource
            DataSet permissions = PermissionNameInfoProvider.GetResourcePermissions(resForums.ResourceId);
            if (DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(permissions))
                TableRow headerRow = new TableRow();
                headerRow.CssClass = "UniGridHead";
                TableCell newCell = new TableCell();
                TableHeaderCell newHeaderCell = new TableHeaderCell();
                newHeaderCell.Text = "&nbsp;";
                newHeaderCell.Attributes["style"] = "width:200px;";

                foreach (string permission in allowedPermissions)
                    DataRow[] drArray = permissions.Tables[0].DefaultView.Table.Select("PermissionName = '" + permission + "'");
                    if ((drArray != null) && (drArray.Length > 0))
                        DataRow dr = drArray[0];
                        newHeaderCell = new TableHeaderCell();
                        newHeaderCell.Attributes["style"] = "text-align:center;white-space:nowrap;";
                        newHeaderCell.Text = dr["PermissionDisplayName"].ToString();
                        newHeaderCell.ToolTip = dr["PermissionDescription"].ToString();
                        newHeaderCell.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center;
                        throw new Exception("[Security matrix] Column '" + permission + "' cannot be found.");
                newHeaderCell = new TableHeaderCell();
                newHeaderCell.Text = "&nbsp;";


                // Render forum access permissions
                object[,] accessNames = new object[5,2];
                accessNames[0, 0] = GetString("security.nobody");
                accessNames[0, 1] = SecurityAccessEnum.Nobody;
                accessNames[1, 0] = GetString("security.allusers");
                accessNames[1, 1] = SecurityAccessEnum.AllUsers;
                accessNames[2, 0] = GetString("security.authenticated");
                accessNames[2, 1] = SecurityAccessEnum.AuthenticatedUsers;
                accessNames[3, 0] = GetString("security.groupmembers");
                accessNames[3, 1] = SecurityAccessEnum.GroupMembers;
                accessNames[4, 0] = GetString("security.authorizedroles");
                accessNames[4, 1] = SecurityAccessEnum.AuthorizedRoles;

                TableRow newRow = null;
                int rowIndex = 0;
                for (int access = 0; access <= accessNames.GetUpperBound(0); access++)
                    SecurityAccessEnum currentAccess = ((SecurityAccessEnum)accessNames[access, 1]);

                    // If the security isn't displayed as part of group section
                    if ((currentAccess == SecurityAccessEnum.GroupMembers) && (!IsGroupForum))
                        // Do not render this access item
                        // Generate cell holding access item name
                        newRow = new TableRow();
                        newRow.CssClass = ((rowIndex % 2 == 0) ? "EvenRow" : "OddRow");
                        newCell = new TableCell();
                        newCell.Text = accessNames[access, 0].ToString();
                        newCell.Wrap = false;
                        newCell.CssClass = "MatrixHeader";
                        newCell.Width = new Unit(28, UnitType.Percentage);

                        // Render the permissions access items
                        bool isAllowed = false;
                        bool isDisabled = true;
                        int permissionIndex = 0;
                        for (int permission = 0; permission < (tblMatrix.Rows[0].Cells.Count - 2); permission++)
                            newCell = new TableCell();

                            // Check if the currently processed access is applied for permission
                            isAllowed = CheckPermissionAccess(currentAccess, permission, tblMatrix.Rows[0].Cells[permission + 1].Text);
                            isDisabled = ((currentAccess == SecurityAccessEnum.AllUsers) && (permission == 1)) || (!Enable);

                            // Disable column in roles grid if needed
                            if ((currentAccess == SecurityAccessEnum.AuthorizedRoles) && !isAllowed)

                            // Insert the radio button for the current permission
                            string permissionText = tblMatrix.Rows[0].Cells[permission + 1].Text;
                            string elemId = ClientID + "_" + permission + "_" + access;
                            newCell.Text = "<label style=\"display:none;\" for=\"" + elemId + "\">" + permissionText + "</label><input type=\"radio\" id=\"" + elemId + "\" name=\"" + permissionText + "\" onclick=\"" +
                                           ControlsHelper.GetPostBackEventReference(this, permission.ToString() + ";" + Convert.ToInt32(currentAccess).ToString()) + "\" " +
                                           ((isAllowed) ? "checked = \"checked\"" : "") + ((isDisabled) ? " disabled=\"disabled\"" : "") + "/>";

                            newCell.Wrap = false;
                            newCell.Width = new Unit(12, UnitType.Percentage);
                            newCell.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center;

                        newCell = new TableCell();
                        newCell.Text = "&nbsp;";

                        // Add the access row to the table

                // Check if forum has some roles assigned
                mNoRolesAvailable = !gridMatrix.HasData;

                // Get permission matrix for current forum resource
                if (!mNoRolesAvailable)
                    // Security - Role separator
                    newRow = new TableRow();
                    newCell = new TableCell();
                    newCell.Text = "&nbsp;";
                    newCell.Attributes.Add("colspan", Convert.ToString(tblMatrix.Rows[0].Cells.Count));

                    // Security - Role separator text
                    newRow = new TableRow();
                    newCell = new TableCell();
                    newCell.CssClass = "MatrixLabel";
                    newCell.Text = GetString("SecurityMatrix.RolesAvailability");
                    newCell.Attributes.Add("colspan", Convert.ToString(tblMatrix.Rows[0].Cells.Count));
Esempio n. 27
        /// <summary>
        /// 加载主题所在版块名称
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="topicInfo"></param>
        private static void LoadTopicForumName(TopicInfo topicInfo)
            ForumInfo forumInfo = Forums.GetForumInfo(topicInfo.Fid);

            topicInfo.Forumname = forumInfo == null ? "" : forumInfo.Name;
    /// <summary>
    /// Loads the forums DropDownList for topic move.
    /// </summary>
    private void LoadMoveTopicDropdown()
        if (drpMoveToForum.Items.Count > 0)

        ForumPostInfo fpi = ForumContext.CurrentThread;
        if ((fpi == null) && (CurrentThread > 0))
            fpi = ForumPostInfoProvider.GetForumPostInfo(CurrentThread);

        if (fpi != null)
            bool isOk = AdminMode || ((ForumContext.CurrentForum != null) && (ForumContext.CurrentForum.ForumID == fpi.PostForumID));
            if (isOk)
                var currentForumId = fpi.PostForumID;

                ForumInfo fi = ForumInfoProvider.GetForumInfo(currentForumId);
                if (fi != null)
                    ForumGroupInfo fgi = ForumGroupInfoProvider.GetForumGroupInfo(fi.ForumGroupID);
                    if (fgi != null)
                        var whereCondition = new WhereCondition().WhereNotStartsWith("GroupName", "AdHoc").WhereEquals("GroupSiteID", SiteID);

                        if (fgi.GroupGroupID > 0)
                            whereCondition.WhereEquals("GroupGroupID", fgi.GroupGroupID);

                        DataSet dsGroups = ForumGroupInfoProvider.GetForumGroups().Where(whereCondition).OrderBy("GroupDisplayName").Columns("GroupID, GroupDisplayName");

                        if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(dsGroups))
                            Hashtable forums = new Hashtable();

                            // Get all forums for selected groups
                            var groupWhereCondition = new WhereCondition().WhereIn("ForumGroupID", new ObjectQuery<ForumGroupInfo>().Where(whereCondition).Column("GroupID"));
                            DataSet dsForums = ForumInfoProvider.GetForums()
                                                                .WhereEquals("ForumOpen", 1)
                                                                .WhereNotEquals("ForumID", currentForumId)
                                                                .Columns("ForumID, ForumDisplayName, ForumGroupID")

                            if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(dsForums))
                                // Load forums into hash table
                                foreach (DataRow drForum in dsForums.Tables[0].Rows)
                                    int groupId = Convert.ToInt32(drForum["ForumGroupID"]);
                                    List<string[]> forumNames = forums[groupId] as List<string[]> ?? new List<string[]>();

                                    forumNames.Add(new[] { Convert.ToString(drForum["ForumDisplayName"]), Convert.ToString(drForum["ForumID"]) });
                                    forums[groupId] = forumNames;

                            foreach (DataRow dr in dsGroups.Tables[0].Rows)
                                int groupId = Convert.ToInt32(dr["GroupId"]);

                                List<string[]> forumNames = forums[groupId] as List<string[]>;
                                if (forumNames != null)
                                    // Add forum group item if some forum
                                    ListItem li = new ListItem(Convert.ToString(dr["GroupDisplayName"]), "0");
                                    li.Attributes.Add("disabled", "disabled");

                                    // Add forum items
                                    foreach (string[] forum in forumNames)
                                        // Add forum to DDL
                                        drpMoveToForum.Items.Add(new ListItem(" \xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0 " + forum[0], forum[1]));

                            // Display message if no forum exists
                            if (drpMoveToForum.Items.Count == 0)
                                plcMoveInner.Visible = false;
Esempio n. 29
 /// <summary>
 /// 获取指定用户组和版信息下主题的DisplayOrder
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="usergroupinfo">用户组信息</param>
 /// <param name="useradminid">管理组ID</param>
 /// <param name="forum">当前版块</param>
 /// <param name="topicInfo">当前主题信息</param>
 /// <param name="message">帖子内容</param>
 /// <param name="disablepost">是否受灌水限制 1,不受限制;0,受限制</param>
 /// <returns>0:正常显示;-2:待审核</returns>
 public static int GetTitleDisplayOrder(UserGroupInfo usergroupinfo, int useradminid, ForumInfo forum, TopicInfo topicInfo, string message, int disablepost)
     if (useradminid == 1 || Moderators.IsModer(useradminid, topicInfo.Posterid, forum.Fid))
     if (forum.Modnewtopics == 1 || usergroupinfo.ModNewTopics == 1 || Scoresets.BetweenTime(GeneralConfigs.GetConfig().Postmodperiods) && disablepost != 1 || ForumUtils.HasAuditWord(topicInfo.Title) || ForumUtils.HasAuditWord(message))
        private void SubmitInfo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            #region 提交同级版块

            if (this.CheckCookie())
                if (DNTRequest.GetString("fid") != "")
                    forumInfo              = Forums.GetForumInfo(DNTRequest.GetInt("fid", 0));
                    forumInfo.Name         = name.Text.Trim();
                    forumInfo.Displayorder = Convert.ToInt32(displayorder.Text);
                    forumInfo.Status       = Convert.ToInt16(status.SelectedValue);

                    if (colcount.SelectedValue == "1") //传统模式[默认]
                        forumInfo.Colcount = 1;
                        if (Convert.ToInt16(colcountnumber.Text) < 1 || Convert.ToInt16(colcountnumber.Text) > 9)
                            base.RegisterStartupScript("", "<script>alert('列值必须在2~9范围内');</script>");
                        forumInfo.Colcount = Convert.ToInt16(colcountnumber.Text);

                    forumInfo.Templateid = (Convert.ToInt32(templateid.SelectedValue) == config.Templateid ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(templateid.SelectedValue));
                    forumInfo.Allowhtml  = 0;
                    forumInfo.Allowblog  = 0;
                    //__foruminfo.Istrade = 0;
                    //__foruminfo.Allowpostspecial = 0; //需要作与运算如下
                    //__foruminfo.Allowspecialonly = 0; //需要作与运算如下
                    ////$allow辩论 = allowpostspecial & 16;
                    ////$allow悬赏 = allowpostspecial & 4;
                    ////$allow投票 = allowpostspecial & 1;

                    forumInfo.Alloweditrules = 0;
                    forumInfo.Allowsmilies   = BoolToInt(setting.Items[0].Selected);
                    forumInfo.Allowrss       = BoolToInt(setting.Items[1].Selected);
                    forumInfo.Allowbbcode    = BoolToInt(setting.Items[2].Selected);
                    forumInfo.Allowimgcode   = BoolToInt(setting.Items[3].Selected);
                    forumInfo.Recyclebin     = BoolToInt(setting.Items[4].Selected);
                    forumInfo.Modnewposts    = BoolToInt(setting.Items[5].Selected);
                    //__foruminfo.Jammer = BoolToInt(setting.Items[6].Selected);
                    forumInfo.Disablewatermark = BoolToInt(setting.Items[6].Selected);
                    forumInfo.Inheritedmod     = BoolToInt(setting.Items[7].Selected);
                    forumInfo.Allowthumbnail   = BoolToInt(setting.Items[8].Selected);
                    forumInfo.Allowtag         = BoolToInt(setting.Items[9].Selected);
                    //__foruminfo.Istrade = BoolToInt(setting.Items[11].Selected);
                    int temppostspecial = 0;
                    //temppostspecial = setting.Items[11].Selected ? temppostspecial | 1 : temppostspecial & ~1;
                    //temppostspecial = setting.Items[12].Selected ? temppostspecial | 16 : temppostspecial & ~16;
                    //temppostspecial = setting.Items[13].Selected ? temppostspecial | 4 : temppostspecial & ~4;
                    forumInfo.Allowpostspecial = temppostspecial;
                    forumInfo.Allowspecialonly = Convert.ToInt16(allowspecialonly.SelectedValue);

                    if (autocloseoption.SelectedValue == "0")
                        forumInfo.Autoclose = 0;
                        forumInfo.Autoclose = Convert.ToInt32(autocloseday.Text);

                    forumInfo.Description      = description.Text;
                    forumInfo.Password         = password.Text;
                    forumInfo.Icon             = icon.Text;
                    forumInfo.Redirect         = redirect.Text;
                    forumInfo.Attachextensions = attachextensions.GetSelectString(",");

                    AdminForums.CompareOldAndNewModerator(forumInfo.Moderators, moderators.Text.Replace("\r\n", ","), DNTRequest.GetInt("fid", 0));

                    forumInfo.Moderators     = moderators.Text.Replace("\r\n", ",");
                    forumInfo.Rules          = rules.Text;
                    forumInfo.Topictypes     = topictypes.Text;
                    forumInfo.Viewperm       = Request.Form["viewperm"];
                    forumInfo.Postperm       = Request.Form["postperm"];
                    forumInfo.Replyperm      = Request.Form["replyperm"];
                    forumInfo.Getattachperm  = Request.Form["getattachperm"];
                    forumInfo.Postattachperm = Request.Form["postattachperm"];

                    forumInfo.Applytopictype  = Convert.ToInt32(applytopictype.SelectedValue);
                    forumInfo.Postbytopictype = Convert.ToInt32(postbytopictype.SelectedValue);
                    forumInfo.Viewbytopictype = Convert.ToInt32(viewbytopictype.SelectedValue);
                    forumInfo.Topictypeprefix = Convert.ToInt32(topictypeprefix.SelectedValue);
                    forumInfo.Topictypes      = GetTopicType();

                    forumInfo.Permuserlist = GetPermuserlist();

                    string result = AdminForums.UpdateForumInfo(forumInfo).Replace("'", "’");
                    AdminVistLogs.InsertLog(this.userid, this.username, this.usergroupid, this.grouptitle, this.ip, "编辑论坛版块", "编辑论坛版块,名称为:" + name.Text.Trim());

                    GeneralConfigInfo configInfo = GeneralConfigs.GetConfig();
                    configInfo.Specifytemplate = Forums.GetSpecifyForumTemplateCount() > 0 ? 1 : 0;
                    GeneralConfigs.Serialiaze(configInfo, Server.MapPath("../../config/general.config"));
                    if (result == "")
                        Response.Write("<script>alert('用户:" + result + "不存在或因为它们所属组为\"游客\",\"等待验证会员\",因为无法设为版主');window.location.href='forum_ForumsTree.aspx';</script>");

Esempio n. 31
        /// <summary>
        /// 获得板块信息
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string Get()
            if (Signature != GetParam("sig").ToString())
                ErrorCode = (int)ErrorType.API_EC_SIGNATURE;

            if (this.App.ApplicationType == (int)ApplicationType.DESKTOP)
                if (Uid < 1)
                    ErrorCode = (int)ErrorType.API_EC_SESSIONKEY;

            if (CallId <= LastCallId)
                ErrorCode = (int)ErrorType.API_EC_CALLID;

            if (!CheckRequiredParams("fid"))
                ErrorCode = (int)ErrorType.API_EC_PARAM;

            int fid = Utils.StrToInt(GetParam("fid"), 0);

            if (fid < 1)
                ErrorCode = (int)ErrorType.API_EC_PARAM;

            ForumInfo forumInfo = Discuz.Forum.Forums.GetForumInfo(fid);

            if (forumInfo == null)
                ErrorCode = (int)ErrorType.API_EC_PARAM;
            //string forumurl = "http://" + DNTRequest.GetCurrentFullHost() + BaseConfigs.GetForumPath.ToLower();

            ForumGetResponse fgr = new ForumGetResponse();

            fgr.Fid           = fid;
            fgr.Url           = ForumUrl + Urls.ShowForumAspxRewrite(fid, 1, forumInfo.Rewritename);
            fgr.CurTopics     = forumInfo.CurrentTopics;
            fgr.Description   = forumInfo.Description;
            fgr.Icon          = forumInfo.Icon;
            fgr.LastPost      = forumInfo.Lastpost;
            fgr.LastPoster    = forumInfo.Lastposter.Trim();
            fgr.LastPosterId  = forumInfo.Lastposterid;
            fgr.LastTid       = forumInfo.Lasttid;
            fgr.LastTitle     = forumInfo.Lasttitle.Trim();
            fgr.Moderators    = forumInfo.Moderators;
            fgr.Name          = forumInfo.Name;
            fgr.ParentId      = forumInfo.Parentid;
            fgr.ParentIdList  = forumInfo.Parentidlist.Trim();
            fgr.PathList      = forumInfo.Pathlist.Trim();
            fgr.Posts         = forumInfo.Posts;
            fgr.Rules         = forumInfo.Rules;
            fgr.Status        = forumInfo.Status;
            fgr.SubForumCount = forumInfo.Subforumcount;
            fgr.TodayPosts    = forumInfo.Todayposts;
            fgr.Topics        = forumInfo.Topics;

            if (Format == FormatType.JSON)
Esempio n. 32
        /// <summary>
        ///  得到指定论坛版块(分类)的相关信息
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fid">指定版块或分类的fid值</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static ForumInfo GetForumInfomation(int fid)
            ForumInfo foruminfo = new ForumInfo();

            DataTable dt = DatabaseProvider.GetInstance().GetForumInformation(fid);

            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                DataRow dr = dt.Rows[0];
                foruminfo.Fid              = Int32.Parse(dr["fid"].ToString());
                foruminfo.Parentid         = Int16.Parse(dr["parentid"].ToString());
                foruminfo.Layer            = Int16.Parse(dr["layer"].ToString());
                foruminfo.Name             = dr["name"].ToString();
                foruminfo.Pathlist         = dr["pathlist"].ToString();
                foruminfo.Parentidlist     = dr["parentidlist"].ToString();
                foruminfo.Subforumcount    = Int32.Parse(dr["subforumcount"].ToString());
                foruminfo.Status           = Int32.Parse(dr["status"].ToString());
                foruminfo.Colcount         = Int32.Parse(dr["colcount"].ToString());
                foruminfo.Displayorder     = Int32.Parse(dr["displayorder"].ToString());
                foruminfo.Templateid       = Int16.Parse(dr["templateid"].ToString());
                foruminfo.Topics           = Int32.Parse(dr["topics"].ToString());
                foruminfo.Posts            = Int32.Parse(dr["posts"].ToString());
                foruminfo.Todayposts       = Int32.Parse(dr["todayposts"].ToString());
                foruminfo.Lastpost         = dr["lastpost"].ToString();
                foruminfo.Lastposter       = dr["lastposter"].ToString();
                foruminfo.Lastposterid     = Int32.Parse(dr["lastposterid"].ToString());
                foruminfo.Lasttitle        = dr["lasttitle"].ToString();
                foruminfo.Allowsmilies     = Int32.Parse(dr["allowsmilies"].ToString());
                foruminfo.Allowrss         = Int32.Parse(dr["allowrss"].ToString());
                foruminfo.Allowhtml        = Int32.Parse(dr["allowhtml"].ToString());
                foruminfo.Allowbbcode      = Int32.Parse(dr["allowbbcode"].ToString());
                foruminfo.Allowimgcode     = Int32.Parse(dr["allowimgcode"].ToString());
                foruminfo.Allowblog        = Int32.Parse(dr["allowblog"].ToString());
                foruminfo.Istrade          = Int32.Parse(dr["istrade"].ToString());
                foruminfo.Allowpostspecial = Int32.Parse(dr["allowpostspecial"].ToString());
                foruminfo.Allowspecialonly = Int32.Parse(dr["allowspecialonly"].ToString());
                foruminfo.Alloweditrules   = Int32.Parse(dr["alloweditrules"].ToString());
                foruminfo.Recyclebin       = Int32.Parse(dr["recyclebin"].ToString());
                foruminfo.Modnewposts      = Int32.Parse(dr["modnewposts"].ToString());
                foruminfo.Jammer           = Int32.Parse(dr["jammer"].ToString());
                foruminfo.Disablewatermark = Int32.Parse(dr["disablewatermark"].ToString());
                foruminfo.Inheritedmod     = Int32.Parse(dr["inheritedmod"].ToString());
                foruminfo.Autoclose        = Int16.Parse(dr["autoclose"].ToString());

                foruminfo.Description      = dr["description"].ToString().Trim() != "" ? dr["description"].ToString() : "";
                foruminfo.Password         = dr["password"].ToString();
                foruminfo.Icon             = dr["icon"].ToString();
                foruminfo.Postcredits      = dr["postcredits"].ToString();
                foruminfo.Replycredits     = dr["replycredits"].ToString();
                foruminfo.Redirect         = dr["redirect"].ToString();
                foruminfo.Attachextensions = dr["attachextensions"].ToString();
                foruminfo.Moderators       = dr["moderators"].ToString();
                foruminfo.Rules            = dr["rules"].ToString();
                foruminfo.Topictypes       = dr["topictypes"].ToString();

                foruminfo.Viewperm        = dr["viewperm"].ToString();
                foruminfo.Postperm        = dr["postperm"].ToString();
                foruminfo.Replyperm       = dr["replyperm"].ToString();
                foruminfo.Getattachperm   = dr["getattachperm"].ToString();
                foruminfo.Postattachperm  = dr["postattachperm"].ToString();
                foruminfo.Allowthumbnail  = Int32.Parse(dr["allowthumbnail"].ToString());
                foruminfo.Allowtag        = Int32.Parse(dr["allowtag"].ToString());
                foruminfo.Applytopictype  = Int32.Parse(dr["applytopictype"].ToString());
                foruminfo.Postbytopictype = Int32.Parse(dr["postbytopictype"].ToString());
                foruminfo.Viewbytopictype = Int32.Parse(dr["viewbytopictype"].ToString());
                foruminfo.Topictypeprefix = Int32.Parse(dr["topictypeprefix"].ToString());
                foruminfo.Topictypes      = dr["topictypes"].ToString();
                foruminfo.Permuserlist    = dr["permuserlist"].ToString();


Esempio n. 33
        /// <summary>
        /// 创建板块
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public string Create()
            if (Signature != GetParam("sig").ToString())
                ErrorCode = (int)ErrorType.API_EC_SIGNATURE;

            if (this.App.ApplicationType == (int)ApplicationType.DESKTOP)
                if (Uid < 1)
                    ErrorCode = (int)ErrorType.API_EC_SESSIONKEY;

            if (CallId <= LastCallId)
                ErrorCode = (int)ErrorType.API_EC_CALLID;

            if (!CheckRequiredParams("forum_info"))
                ErrorCode = (int)ErrorType.API_EC_PARAM;

            Forum forum;

                forum = JavaScriptConvert.DeserializeObject <Forum>(GetParam("forum_info").ToString());
                ErrorCode = (int)ErrorType.API_EC_PARAM;

            if (forum == null || AreParamsNullOrZeroOrEmptyString(forum.Name))
                ErrorCode = (int)ErrorType.API_EC_PARAM;

            if (!Utils.StrIsNullOrEmpty(forum.RewriteName) && Discuz.Forum.Forums.CheckRewriteNameInvalid(forum.RewriteName))
                ErrorCode = (int)ErrorType.API_EC_REWRITENAME;

            int fid;

            if (forum.ParentId > 0)
                #region 添加与当前论坛同级的论坛

                //DataRow dr = AdminForums.GetForum(forum.ParentId);
                ForumInfo forumInfo = Discuz.Forum.Forums.GetForumInfo(forum.ParentId);

                string parentidlist = null;
                if (forumInfo.Parentidlist == "0")
                    parentidlist = forumInfo.Fid.ToString();
                    parentidlist = forumInfo.Parentidlist + "," + forumInfo.Fid;

                int       maxdisplayorder = 0;
                DataTable dt = AdminForums.GetMaxDisplayOrder(forum.ParentId);
                if ((dt.Rows.Count > 0) && (dt.Rows[0][0].ToString() != ""))
                    maxdisplayorder = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0][0]);
                    maxdisplayorder = forumInfo.Displayorder;

                fid = InsertForum(forum, forumInfo.Layer + 1, parentidlist, 0, maxdisplayorder + 1);


                #region  根论坛插入

                int maxdisplayorder = AdminForums.GetMaxDisplayOrder();
                fid = InsertForum(forum, 0, "0", 0, maxdisplayorder);

            //string forumurl = "http://" + DNTRequest.GetCurrentFullHost() + BaseConfigs.GetForumPath.ToLower();

            ForumCreateResponse fcr = new ForumCreateResponse();
            fcr.Fid = fid;
            fcr.Url = ForumUrl + Urls.ShowForumAspxRewrite(fid, 1, forum.RewriteName);

            if (Format == FormatType.JSON)
Esempio n. 34
 public int SaveForum(ForumInfo objForum) {
     int UserId = -1;
     if (objForum.ForumId > 0) {
         UserId = objForum.LastModifiedByUserId;
     } else {
         UserId = objForum.CreatedByUserId;
     return dataProvider.SaveForum(objForum.ForumId, objForum.PortalId, objForum.ModuleId, objForum.ParentId, objForum.AllowTopics, objForum.Name, objForum.Description, objForum.SortOrder, objForum.Active, objForum.Hidden, objForum.TopicCount, objForum.ReplyCount, objForum.LastPostId, objForum.Slug, objForum.PermissionId, objForum.SettingId, objForum.EmailAddress, objForum.SiteMapPriority, UserId);
Esempio n. 35
        private int InsertForum(Forum forum, int layer, string parentidlist, int subforumcount, int systemdisplayorder)
            #region 添加新论坛
            ForumInfo foruminfo = new ForumInfo();

            foruminfo.Parentid      = forum.ParentId;
            foruminfo.Layer         = layer;
            foruminfo.Parentidlist  = parentidlist;
            foruminfo.Subforumcount = subforumcount;
            foruminfo.Name          = forum.Name.Trim();

            foruminfo.Status = forum.Status == null ? 1 : Convert.ToInt32(forum.Status);

            foruminfo.Displayorder = systemdisplayorder;

            foruminfo.Templateid   = forum.TemplateId;
            foruminfo.Allowsmilies = forum.AllowSmilies;
            foruminfo.Allowrss     = forum.AllowRss;
            foruminfo.Allowhtml    = 1;
            foruminfo.Allowbbcode  = forum.AllowBbcode;
            foruminfo.Allowimgcode = forum.AllowImgcode;
            foruminfo.Allowblog    = 0;
            foruminfo.Istrade      = 0;

            //__foruminfo.Allowpostspecial = 0; //需要作与运算如下
            //__foruminfo.Allowspecialonly = 0; //需要作与运算如下
            //$allow辩论 = allowpostspecial & 16;
            //$allow悬赏 = allowpostspecial & 4;
            //$allow投票 = allowpostspecial & 1;

            foruminfo.Alloweditrules   = forum.AllowEditRules;
            foruminfo.Recyclebin       = forum.RecycleBin;
            foruminfo.Modnewposts      = forum.ModNewPosts;
            foruminfo.Modnewtopics     = forum.ModNewTopics;
            foruminfo.Jammer           = forum.Jammer;
            foruminfo.Disablewatermark = forum.DisableWatermark;
            foruminfo.Inheritedmod     = forum.InheritedMod;
            foruminfo.Allowthumbnail   = forum.AllowThumbnail;
            foruminfo.Allowtag         = forum.AllowTag;

            foruminfo.Allowpostspecial = 0;
            foruminfo.Allowspecialonly = 0;

            foruminfo.Autoclose = forum.AutoClose;

            foruminfo.Description      = forum.Description == null ? string.Empty : forum.Description;
            foruminfo.Password         = string.Empty;
            foruminfo.Icon             = forum.Icon == null ? string.Empty : forum.Icon;
            foruminfo.Postcredits      = "";
            foruminfo.Replycredits     = "";
            foruminfo.Redirect         = string.Empty;
            foruminfo.Attachextensions = string.Empty;
            foruminfo.Moderators       = forum.Moderators == null ? string.Empty : forum.Moderators;
            foruminfo.Rules            = forum.Rules == null ? string.Empty : forum.Rules;
            foruminfo.Seokeywords      = forum.SeoKeywords == null ? string.Empty : forum.SeoKeywords;
            foruminfo.Seodescription   = forum.SeoDescription == null ? string.Empty : forum.SeoDescription;
            foruminfo.Rewritename      = forum.RewriteName == null ? string.Empty : forum.RewriteName;
            foruminfo.Topictypes       = string.Empty;
            foruminfo.Colcount         = 1;
            foruminfo.Viewperm         = string.Empty;
            foruminfo.Postperm         = string.Empty;
            foruminfo.Replyperm        = string.Empty;
            foruminfo.Getattachperm    = string.Empty;
            foruminfo.Postattachperm   = string.Empty;


    /// <summary>
    /// Generates the permission matrix for the current forum.
    /// </summary>
    private void CreateMatrix()
        // Get forum resource info
        if (resForums == null)
            resForums = ResourceInfoProvider.GetResourceInfo("CMS.Forums");

        // Get forum object
        if ((forum == null) && (ForumID > 0))
            forum = ForumInfoProvider.GetForumInfo(ForumID);

        if ((resForums != null) && (forum != null))
            // Get permissions for the current forum resource
            DataSet permissions = PermissionNameInfoProvider.GetResourcePermissions(resForums.ResourceId);
            if (DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(permissions))
                TableHeaderRow headerRow = new TableHeaderRow();
                headerRow.CssClass = "unigrid-head";
                headerRow.TableSection = TableRowSection.TableHeader;
                TableCell newCell = new TableCell();
                TableHeaderCell newHeaderCell = new TableHeaderCell();
                newHeaderCell.CssClass = "first-column";

                foreach (string permission in allowedPermissions)
                    DataRow[] drArray = permissions.Tables[0].DefaultView.Table.Select("PermissionName = '" + permission + "'");
                    if (drArray.Length > 0)
                        DataRow dr = drArray[0];
                        newHeaderCell = new TableHeaderCell();
                        newHeaderCell.Text = dr["PermissionDisplayName"].ToString();
                        newHeaderCell.ToolTip = dr["PermissionDescription"].ToString();
                        throw new Exception("[Security matrix] Column '" + permission + "' cannot be found.");


                // Render forum access permissions
                object[,] accessNames = new object[5, 2];
                accessNames[0, 0] = GetString("security.nobody");
                accessNames[0, 1] = SecurityAccessEnum.Nobody;
                accessNames[1, 0] = GetString("security.allusers");
                accessNames[1, 1] = SecurityAccessEnum.AllUsers;
                accessNames[2, 0] = GetString("security.authenticated");
                accessNames[2, 1] = SecurityAccessEnum.AuthenticatedUsers;
                accessNames[3, 0] = GetString("security.groupmembers");
                accessNames[3, 1] = SecurityAccessEnum.GroupMembers;
                accessNames[4, 0] = GetString("security.authorizedroles");
                accessNames[4, 1] = SecurityAccessEnum.AuthorizedRoles;

                TableRow newRow = null;
                for (int access = 0; access <= accessNames.GetUpperBound(0); access++)
                    SecurityAccessEnum currentAccess = ((SecurityAccessEnum)accessNames[access, 1]);

                    // If the security isn't displayed as part of group section
                    if ((currentAccess == SecurityAccessEnum.GroupMembers) && (!IsGroupForum))
                        // Do not render this access item
                        // Generate cell holding access item name
                        newRow = new TableRow();
                        newCell = new TableCell();
                        newCell.Text = accessNames[access, 0].ToString();
                        newCell.CssClass = "matrix-header";

                        // Render the permissions access items
                        bool isAllowed = false;
                        bool isEnabled = true;
                        int permissionIndex = 0;
                        for (int permission = 0; permission < (tblMatrix.Rows[0].Cells.Count - 1); permission++)
                            newCell = new TableCell();

                            // Check if the currently processed access is applied for permission
                            isAllowed = CheckPermissionAccess(currentAccess, permission, tblMatrix.Rows[0].Cells[permission + 1].Text);
                            isEnabled = ((currentAccess != SecurityAccessEnum.AllUsers) || (permission != 1)) && Enable;

                            // Disable column in roles grid if needed
                            if ((currentAccess == SecurityAccessEnum.AuthorizedRoles) && !isAllowed)

                            // Insert the radio button for the current permission
                            var radio = new CMSRadioButton
                                Checked = isAllowed,
                                Enabled = isEnabled,
                            radio.Attributes.Add("onclick", ControlsHelper.GetPostBackEventReference(this, permission + ";" + Convert.ToInt32(currentAccess)));


                        // Add the access row to the table

                // Check if forum has some roles assigned
                headTitle.Visible = gridMatrix.HasData;
Esempio n. 37
    /// <summary>
    /// Loads the forums DropDownList for topic move.
    /// </summary>
    private void LoadMoveTopicDropdown()
        if (drpMoveToForum.Items.Count > 0)

        int           currentForumId = 0;
        ForumPostInfo fpi            = ForumContext.CurrentThread;

        if ((fpi == null) && (CurrentThread > 0))
            fpi = ForumPostInfoProvider.GetForumPostInfo(CurrentThread);

        if (fpi != null)
            bool isOk = AdminMode ? true : ((ForumContext.CurrentForum != null) && (ForumContext.CurrentForum.ForumID == fpi.PostForumID));
            if (isOk)
                currentForumId = fpi.PostForumID;

                ForumInfo fi = ForumInfoProvider.GetForumInfo(currentForumId);
                if (fi != null)
                    ForumGroupInfo fgi = ForumGroupInfoProvider.GetForumGroupInfo(fi.ForumGroupID);
                    if (fgi != null)
                        string where = null;
                        DataSet dsGroups = null;
                        if (fgi.GroupGroupID > 0)
                            where = "GroupName NOT LIKE 'AdHoc%' AND GroupSiteID = " + SiteID + " AND GroupGroupID = " + fgi.GroupGroupID;
                            where = "GroupName NOT LIKE 'AdHoc%' AND GroupSiteID = " + SiteID + " AND GroupGroupID IS NULL";
                        dsGroups = ForumGroupInfoProvider.GetGroups(where, "GroupDisplayName", 0, "GroupID, GroupDisplayName");

                        if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(dsGroups))
                            Hashtable forums = new Hashtable();

                            // Get all forums for selected groups
                            string  groupWhere = "AND ForumGroupID IN (SELECT GroupID FROM Forums_ForumGroup WHERE " + where + ") ";
                            DataSet dsForums   = ForumInfoProvider.GetForums(" ForumOpen = 1 " + " AND NOT ForumID = " + currentForumId + groupWhere, "ForumDisplayName", 0, "ForumID, ForumDisplayName, ForumGroupID");

                            if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(dsForums))
                                // Load forums into hash table
                                foreach (DataRow drForum in dsForums.Tables[0].Rows)
                                    int             groupId    = Convert.ToInt32(drForum["ForumGroupID"]);
                                    List <string[]> forumNames = forums[groupId] as List <string[]>;
                                    if (forumNames == null)
                                        forumNames = new List <string[]>();

                                    forumNames.Add(new string[] { Convert.ToString(drForum["ForumDisplayName"]), Convert.ToString(drForum["ForumID"]) });
                                    forums[groupId] = forumNames;

                            foreach (DataRow dr in dsGroups.Tables[0].Rows)
                                int groupId = Convert.ToInt32(dr["GroupId"]);

                                List <string[]> forumNames = forums[groupId] as List <string[]>;
                                if (forumNames != null)
                                    // Add forum group item if some forum
                                    ListItem li = new ListItem(Convert.ToString(dr["GroupDisplayName"]), "0");
                                    li.Attributes.Add("disabled", "disabled");

                                    // Add forum items
                                    foreach (string[] forum in forumNames)
                                        // Add forum to DDL
                                        drpMoveToForum.Items.Add(new ListItem(" \xA0\xA0\xA0\xA0 " + forum[0], forum[1]));

                            // Display message if no forum exists
                            if (drpMoveToForum.Items.Count == 0)
                                plcMoveInner.Visible = false;
 /// <summary>
 /// Logs "post" activity.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="fp">Forum post object</param>
 /// <param name="fi">Forum info</param>
 private void LogPostActivity(ForumPostInfo fp, ForumInfo fi)
     Activity forumPost = new ActivityForumPost(fp, fi, DocumentContext.CurrentDocument, fi.ForumLogActivity, AnalyticsContext.ActivityEnvironmentVariables);
Esempio n. 39
 public override void CancelForum(UserInfo u, ForumInfo f)
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        bool process = true;

        if (!Visible || StopProcessing)
            EnableViewState = true;
            process = false;

        chkForumModerated.Text = GetString("Forum_Edit.ForumModerated");

        // Get community group id
        int communityGroupID = 0;
        forum = ForumInfoProvider.GetForumInfo(mForumId);

        if (forum == null)

        if (forum.ForumGroupID > 0)
            ForumGroupInfo fgi = ForumGroupInfoProvider.GetForumGroupInfo(forum.ForumGroupID);
            if (fgi != null)
                communityGroupID = fgi.GroupGroupID;

        userSelector.ForumID = ForumID;
        userSelector.GroupID = communityGroupID;
        userSelector.CurrentSelector.SelectionMode = SelectionModeEnum.Multiple;
        userSelector.ShowSiteFilter = false;
        userSelector.SiteID = SiteContext.CurrentSiteID;
        userSelector.IsLiveSite = IsLiveSite;
        userSelector.Changed += userSelector_Changed;

        if (!IsLiveSite && process)
Esempio n. 41
        private static bool testForum(ForumInfo f, int i)
            string str = "test" + i;

            return(f.id.Equals(Int2Guid(i)) && f.name == str);
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets and bulk updates forums. Called when the "Get and bulk update forums" button is pressed.
    /// Expects the CreateForum method to be run first.
    /// </summary>
    private bool GetAndBulkUpdateForums()
        // Prepare the parameters
        string where = "ForumName LIKE N'MyNewForum%'";
        string orderBy = "";
        string columns = "";
        int topN = 10;

        // Get the data
        DataSet forums = ForumInfoProvider.GetForums(where, orderBy, topN, columns);
        if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(forums))
            // Loop through the individual items
            foreach (DataRow forumDr in forums.Tables[0].Rows)
                // Create object from DataRow
                ForumInfo modifyForum = new ForumInfo(forumDr);

                // Update the properties
                modifyForum.ForumDisplayName = modifyForum.ForumDisplayName.ToUpper();

                // Save the changes

            return true;

        return false;
Esempio n. 43
 public override List <MemberInfo> WatchAllMembers(UserInfo _usr, ForumInfo forumInfo)
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        bool process = (Visible && !StopProcessing);

        fi = ForumInfoProvider.GetForumInfo(ForumID);
        replyPi = ForumPostInfoProvider.GetForumPostInfo(ReplyToPostID);
        editPi = ForumPostInfoProvider.GetForumPostInfo(EditPostID);

        if ((fi == null) && (editPi != null))
            fi = ForumInfoProvider.GetForumInfo(editPi.PostForumID);
            ForumID = fi.ForumID;

        // Check whether the post still exists
        if (EditPostID > 0)
            EditedObject = editPi;

        // Check whether the post still exists
        if ((ForumID > 0) && (fi == null))

        #region "HTML Editor properties"

        // Set HTML editor properties
        htmlTemplateBody.AutoDetectLanguage = false;
        htmlTemplateBody.DefaultLanguage = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.TwoLetterISOLanguageName;
        htmlTemplateBody.EditorAreaCSS = "";
        htmlTemplateBody.ToolbarSet = "Forum";
        htmlTemplateBody.DisableObjectResizing = true; // Disable image resizing
        htmlTemplateBody.RemovePlugins.Add("contextmenu"); // Disable context menu
        htmlTemplateBody.IsLiveSite = IsLiveSite;
        htmlTemplateBody.MediaDialogConfig.UseFullURL = true;
        htmlTemplateBody.LinkDialogConfig.UseFullURL = true;


        // Regular expression to validate email (e-mail is not required)
        rfvEmail.ValidationExpression = @"^([\w0-9_\-\+]+(\.[\w0-9_\-\+]+)*@[\w0-9_-]+(\.[\w0-9_-]+)+)*$";

        if (fi != null)
            if ((fi.ForumType == 0) && (replyPi == null))
                plcThreadType.Visible = true;

            if (fi.ForumRequireEmail)
                rfvEmailRequired.Enabled = true;
                rfvEmailRequired.ErrorMessage = GetString("Forums_WebInterface_ForumNewPost.emailRequireErrorMsg");

            #region "Forum text"

            rfvText.Enabled = !fi.ForumHTMLEditor;
            htmlTemplateBody.Visible = fi.ForumHTMLEditor;
            ucBBEditor.Visible = !fi.ForumHTMLEditor;

            if (fi.ForumHTMLEditor)
                // Define customizable shortcuts
                Hashtable keystrokes = new Hashtable()
                                               { "link", "CKEDITOR.CTRL + 76 /*L*/" },
                                               { "bold", "CKEDITOR.CTRL + 66 /*B*/" },
                                               { "italic", "CKEDITOR.CTRL + 73 /*I*/" },
                                               { "underline", "CKEDITOR.CTRL + 85 /*U*/" }

                // Register script for HTML Editor forum buttons control
                if (!fi.ForumEnableURL)
                    if (!fi.ForumEnableAdvancedURL)
                        // Remove the keyboard shortcut for the link insertion
                if (!fi.ForumEnableImage)
                if (!fi.ForumEnableQuote)
                if (!fi.ForumEnableAdvancedURL)
                if (!fi.ForumEnableAdvancedImage)
                if (!fi.ForumEnableFontBold)
                if (!fi.ForumEnableFontItalics)
                if (!fi.ForumEnableFontUnderline)
                if (!fi.ForumEnableFontStrike)
                if (!fi.ForumEnableFontColor)

                // Generate keystrokes string for the CK Editor
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("[ [ CKEDITOR.ALT + 121 /*F10*/, 'toolbarFocus' ], [ CKEDITOR.ALT + 122 /*F11*/, 'elementsPathFocus' ], [ CKEDITOR.CTRL + 90 /*Z*/, 'undo' ], [ CKEDITOR.CTRL + 89 /*Y*/, 'redo' ], [ CKEDITOR.CTRL + CKEDITOR.SHIFT + 90 /*Z*/, 'redo' ], [ CKEDITOR.ALT + ( CKEDITOR.env.ie || CKEDITOR.env.webkit ? 189 : 109 ) /*-*/, 'toolbarCollapse' ], [ CKEDITOR.ALT + 48 /*0*/, 'a11yHelp' ]");
                string format = ", [ {0}, '{1}' ]";

                foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in keystrokes)
                    sb.Append(String.Format(format, entry.Value, entry.Key));

                htmlTemplateBody.Keystrokes = sb.ToString();
                ucBBEditor.IsLiveSite = IsLiveSite;
                ucBBEditor.ShowImage = fi.ForumEnableImage;
                ucBBEditor.ShowQuote = fi.ForumEnableQuote;
                ucBBEditor.ShowBold = fi.ForumEnableFontBold;
                ucBBEditor.ShowItalic = fi.ForumEnableFontItalics;
                ucBBEditor.ShowUnderline = fi.ForumEnableFontUnderline;
                ucBBEditor.ShowStrike = fi.ForumEnableFontStrike;
                ucBBEditor.ShowCode = fi.ForumEnableCodeSnippet;
                ucBBEditor.ShowColor = fi.ForumEnableFontColor;
                ucBBEditor.ShowURL = fi.ForumEnableURL;
                ucBBEditor.ShowAdvancedImage = fi.ForumEnableAdvancedImage;
                ucBBEditor.ShowAdvancedURL = fi.ForumEnableAdvancedURL;

                // WAI validation
                lblText.AssociatedControlClientID = ucBBEditor.TextArea.ClientID;


        // Do not show subscribe checkbox if no post can't be added under the post
        if ((replyPi != null) && (replyPi.PostLevel >= ForumPostInfoProvider.MaxPostLevel - 1))
            plcSubscribe.Visible = false;

        #region "Resources"

        rfvEmail.ErrorMessage = GetString("Forums_WebInterface_ForumNewPost.emailErrorMsg");
        rfvSubject.ErrorMessage = GetString("Forums_WebInterface_ForumNewPost.subjectErrorMsg");
        lblText.Text = GetString("Forums_WebInterface_ForumNewPost.text");
        rfvText.ErrorMessage = GetString("Forums_WebInterface_ForumNewPost.textErrorMsg");
        rfvUserName.ErrorMessage = GetString("Forums_WebInterface_ForumNewPost.usernameErrorMsg");
        btnOk.Text = GetString("general.ok");
        btnCancel.Text = GetString("general.cancel");
        btnPreview.Text = GetString("Forums_WebInterface_ForumNewPost.Preview");
        lblSubscribe.Text = GetString("Forums_WebInterface_ForumNewPost.Subscription");
        lblSignature.Text = GetString("Forums_WebInterface_ForumNewPost.Signature");
        lblPostIsAnswerLabel.Text = GetString("ForumPost_Edit.PostIsAnswer");
        lblPostIsNotAnswerLabel.Text = GetString("ForumPost_Edit.PostIsNotAnswer");


        if (!IsLiveSite && !RequestHelper.IsPostBack() && process)
Esempio n. 45
 public override bool UpdatePolicyParams(UserInfo u, ForumInfo f, int minword, int maxmont, List <String> legg)
Esempio n. 46
    /// <summary>
    /// Logs "subscription" activity.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="bci">Forum subscription</param>
    private void LogSubscriptionActivity(ForumSubscriptionInfo fsi, ForumInfo fi)
        string siteName = CMSContext.CurrentSiteName;
        if ((CMSContext.ViewMode != ViewModeEnum.LiveSite) || (fsi == null) || (fi == null) || !fi.ForumLogActivity
            || !ActivitySettingsHelper.ActivitiesEnabledForThisUser(CMSContext.CurrentUser) ||
            !ActivitySettingsHelper.ActivitiesEnabledAndModuleLoaded(siteName) || !ActivitySettingsHelper.ForumPostSubscriptionEnabled(siteName))

        var data = new ActivityData()
            ContactID = ModuleCommands.OnlineMarketingGetCurrentContactID(),
            SiteID = CMSContext.CurrentSiteID,
            Type = PredefinedActivityType.SUBSCRIPTION_FORUM_POST,
            TitleData = fi.ForumName,
            ItemID = fi.ForumID,
            ItemDetailID = fsi.SubscriptionID,
            URL = URLHelper.CurrentRelativePath,
            NodeID = CMSContext.CurrentDocument.NodeID,
            Culture = CMSContext.CurrentDocument.DocumentCulture,
            Campaign = CMSContext.Campaign
Esempio n. 47
 public override PolicyInfo GetPolicyParam(UserInfo u, ForumInfo f)
Esempio n. 48
    //protected void EditDescriptionDialog_OkButtonClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
    //    SelectedForum.Description = DescriptionTextBox.Text;
    //    Forums.UpdateForum(SelectedForum);
    //    DescriptionLiteral.Text = SelectedForum.Description;
    //    DescriptionUpdatePanel.Update();

    public void GetForumDetailsById()
        string forumId = Request.QueryString["forum"];
        _forum = Forums.GetForumByID(int.Parse(forumId));
Esempio n. 49
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates tree node.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="sourceNode">Node with source data</param>
    protected TreeNode CreateNode(ForumPostTreeNode sourceNode, int index)
        if (sourceNode == null)

        // Create tree node
        TreeNode newNode = new TreeNode();

        DataRow dr = (DataRow)sourceNode.ItemData;

        // Check whether item data are defined, if not it is root node
        if (dr != null)
            int sourceNodeId = (int)dr["PostID"];
            int nodeLevel    = (int)dr["PostLevel"];

            // Check on maximum post in tree
            if (!this.UseMaxPostNodes || (index < MaxPostNodes))
                #region "Set node values and appearance"

                newNode.Value        = sourceNodeId.ToString();
                newNode.SelectAction = TreeNodeSelectAction.None;

                bool   isApproved  = ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(dr["PostApproved"], false);
                string postSubject = (string)dr["PostSubject"];

                string cssClass = this.ItemCssClass;

                // Add CSS class for unapproved posts
                if (HighlightUnApprove && !isApproved)
                    cssClass += " PostUnApproved";

                string imageTag = "";
                if (OnGetPostIconUrl != null)
                    string imageUrl = OnGetPostIconUrl(sourceNode);
                    imageTag = "<img src=\"" + imageUrl + "\" alt=\"post\" style=\"border:0px;vertical-align:middle;\" />&nbsp;";

                // Set by display mode
                switch (this.ShowMode)
                // Dynamic detail mode
                case ShowModeEnum.DynamicDetailMode:
                    newNode.Text = CreateDynamicDetailModeNode(dr, cssClass, imageTag, postSubject);

                // Detail mode
                case ShowModeEnum.DetailMode:
                    newNode.Text = CreateDetailModeNode(dr);

                // Tree mode

                    if (this.Selected == sourceNodeId)
                        cssClass = this.SelectedItemCssClass;

                        string spanId = String.Empty;
                        if (this.AdministrationMode)
                            spanId = "id=\"treeSelectedNode\"";

                        newNode.Text = String.Format("<span {0} class=\"{1}\" onclick=\"ShowPost({2}); SelectForumNode(this);\">{3}<span class=\"Name\">{4}</span></span>",
                                                     spanId, cssClass, newNode.Value, imageTag, HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(postSubject));
                        newNode.Text = String.Format("<span class=\"{0}\" onclick=\"ShowPost({1}); SelectForumNode(this);\">{2}<span class=\"Name\">{3}</span></span>",
                                                     cssClass, newNode.Value, imageTag, HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(postSubject));


                if (!this.ExpandTree)
                    #region "Populate deeper levels on demand"

                    // Check if can expand
                    string childCountColumn = "PostThreadPosts";

                    // Check if unapproved posts can be included
                    if (this.AdministrationMode || this.UserIsModerator)
                        childCountColumn = "PostThreadPostsAbsolute";

                    int childNodesCount = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(dr[childCountColumn], 0);

                    // If the post is thread(level = 0) then childnodes count 1 means no real child-post
                    if ((childNodesCount == 0) || ((childNodesCount == 1) && (nodeLevel == 0)))
                        newNode.PopulateOnDemand = false;

                        // No childs -> expand
                        newNode.Expanded = true;
                        if (!sourceNode.ChildNodesLoaded)
                            newNode.PopulateOnDemand = true;
                            newNode.Expanded         = false;


                    #region "Expand nodes on the current path"

                    // If preselect is set = first load
                    if (this.RegularLoad)
                        string currentNodePath     = (string)dr["PostIDPath"];
                        string currentSelectedPath = String.Empty;

                        if (this.SelectedPost != null)
                            currentSelectedPath = this.SelectedPost.PostIDPath;

                        // Expand if node is on the path
                        if (currentSelectedPath.StartsWith(currentNodePath))
                            // Raise OnTreeNodePopulate
                            newNode.PopulateOnDemand = true;
                            newNode.Expanded         = true;
                            newNode.Expanded = false;

                    // Populate will be called on each node
                    newNode.PopulateOnDemand = true;
                    newNode.Expanded         = true;
                string parentNodeId = ValidationHelper.GetString(dr["PostParentID"], "");
                newNode.Value        = sourceNodeId.ToString();
                newNode.Text         = MaxTreeNodeText.Replace("##PARENTNODEID##", parentNodeId);
                newNode.SelectAction = TreeNodeSelectAction.None;
        // Root node populate by default
            // Root node as forum display name
            ForumInfo fi = ForumInfoProvider.GetForumInfo(this.ForumID);

            if (fi != null)
                newNode.Text         = "<span class=\"" + this.ItemCssClass + "\" onclick=\"ShowPost('-1'); SelectForumNode(this); \"><span class=\"Name\">" + HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(fi.ForumDisplayName) + "</span></span>";
                newNode.Value        = "0";
                newNode.SelectAction = TreeNodeSelectAction.None;

            newNode.PopulateOnDemand = true;
            newNode.Expanded         = true;

    /// <summary>
    /// Logs activity.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="bci">Forum subscription</param>
    private void LogSubscriptionActivity(ForumSubscriptionInfo fsi, ForumInfo fi)
        if ((fi == null) || !fi.ForumLogActivity)

        Activity activity = new ActivitySubscriptionForumPost(fi, fsi, CMSContext.CurrentDocument, CMSContext.ActivityEnvironmentVariables);
Esempio n. 51
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        process = true;
        if (!Visible || StopProcessing)
            EnableViewState = false;
            process         = false;

        chkChangeName.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(chkChangeName_CheckedChanged);

        if (ForumID > 0)
            // Get information on current forum
            forum = ForumInfoProvider.GetForumInfo(ForumID);

            // Check whether the forum still exists
            EditedObject = forum;

        // Get forum resource
        resForums = ResourceInfoProvider.GetResourceInfo("CMS.Forums");

        if ((resForums != null) && (forum != null))
            QueryDataParameters parameters = new QueryDataParameters();
            parameters.Add("@ID", resForums.ResourceId);
            parameters.Add("@ForumID", forum.ForumID);
            parameters.Add("@SiteID", CMSContext.CurrentSiteID);

            string where = "";
            int groupId = 0;
            if (IsGroupForum)
                ForumGroupInfo fgi = ForumGroupInfoProvider.GetForumGroupInfo(forum.ForumGroupID);
                groupId = fgi.GroupGroupID;

            // Build where condition
            if (groupId > 0)
                where = "RoleGroupID=" + groupId.ToString() + " AND PermissionDisplayInMatrix = 0";
                where = "RoleGroupID IS NULL AND PermissionDisplayInMatrix = 0";

            // Setup matrix control
            gridMatrix.IsLiveSite      = IsLiveSite;
            gridMatrix.QueryParameters = parameters;
            gridMatrix.WhereCondition  = where;
            gridMatrix.ContentBefore   = "<table class=\"PermissionMatrix\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" rules=\"rows\" border=\"1\" style=\"border-collapse:collapse;\">";
            gridMatrix.ContentAfter    = "</table>";
            gridMatrix.OnItemChanged  += new UniMatrix.ItemChangedEventHandler(gridMatrix_OnItemChanged);

            // Disable permission matrix if user has no MANAGE rights
            if (!CheckPermissions("cms.forums", PERMISSION_MODIFY))
                Enable             = false;
                gridMatrix.Enabled = false;
                ShowError(String.Format(GetString("CMSSiteManager.AccessDeniedOnPermissionName"), "Manage"));
    /// <summary>
    /// Reloads the data of the editing forum.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="forumObj">Forum object</param>
    private void ReloadData(ForumInfo forumObj)
        // Set main properties
        chkForumOpen.Checked = forumObj.ForumOpen;
        chkForumLocked.Checked = forumObj.ForumIsLocked;
        txtForumDescription.Text = forumObj.ForumDescription;
        txtForumDisplayName.Text = forumObj.ForumDisplayName;
        txtForumName.Text = forumObj.ForumName;

        // Set other settings
        txtImageMaxSideSize.Text = forumObj.ForumImageMaxSideSize.ToString();
        txtIsAnswerLimit.Text = forumObj.ForumIsAnswerLimit.ToString();
        txtMaxAttachmentSize.Text = forumObj.ForumAttachmentMaxFileSize.ToString();
        txtBaseUrl.Text = forumObj.ForumBaseUrl;
        txtUnsubscriptionUrl.Text = forumObj.ForumUnsubscriptionUrl;
        txtOptInURL.Text = forumObj.ForumOptInApprovalURL;

        // Three state checkboxes
        chkForumRequireEmail.InitFromThreeStateValue(forumObj, "ForumRequireEmail");
        chkCaptcha.InitFromThreeStateValue(forumObj, "ForumUseCAPTCHA");
        chkForumDisplayEmails.InitFromThreeStateValue(forumObj, "ForumDisplayEmails");
        chkUseHTML.InitFromThreeStateValue(forumObj, "ForumHTMLEditor");
        chkAuthorDelete.InitFromThreeStateValue(forumObj, "ForumAuthorDelete");
        chkAuthorEdit.InitFromThreeStateValue(forumObj, "ForumAuthorEdit");
        chkEnableOptIn.InitFromThreeStateValue(forumObj, "ForumEnableOptIn");
        chkSendOptInConfirmation.InitFromThreeStateValue(forumObj, "ForumSendOptInConfirmation");

        // Check if is inherited value
        bool inheritImageMaxSideSize = (forumObj.GetValue("ForumImageMaxSideSize") == null);
        bool inheritMaxAttachmentSize = (forumObj.GetValue("ForumAttachmentMaxFileSize") == null);
        bool inheritIsAnswerLimit = (forumObj.GetValue("ForumIsAnswerLimit") == null);
        bool inheritType = (forumObj.GetValue("ForumType") == null);
        bool inheritBaseUrl = (forumObj.GetValue("ForumBaseUrl") == null);
        bool inheritUnsubscriptionUrl = (forumObj.GetValue("ForumUnsubscriptionUrl") == null);
        bool inheritLogActivity = (forumObj.GetValue("ForumLogActivity") == null);
        bool inheritOptInApprovalUrl = (forumObj.GetValue("ForumOptInApprovalURL") == null);
        // Discussion
        bool inheritDiscussion = (forumObj.GetValue("ForumDiscussionActions") == null);

        // Set properties
        txtImageMaxSideSize.Enabled = !inheritImageMaxSideSize;
        chkInheritMaxSideSize.Checked = inheritImageMaxSideSize;
        txtIsAnswerLimit.Enabled = !inheritIsAnswerLimit;
        chkInheritIsAnswerLimit.Checked = inheritIsAnswerLimit;
        chkInheritType.Checked = inheritType;
        txtMaxAttachmentSize.Enabled = !inheritMaxAttachmentSize;
        chkInheritMaxAttachmentSize.Checked = inheritMaxAttachmentSize;
        txtBaseUrl.Enabled = !inheritBaseUrl;
        chkInheritBaseUrl.Checked = inheritBaseUrl;
        txtUnsubscriptionUrl.Enabled = !inheritUnsubscriptionUrl;
        chkInheritUnsubscribeUrl.Checked = inheritUnsubscriptionUrl;
        txtOptInURL.Enabled = !inheritOptInApprovalUrl;
        chkInheritOptInURL.Checked = inheritOptInApprovalUrl;

        plcOnline.Visible = ActivitySettingsHelper.ActivitiesEnabledAndModuleLoaded(CMSContext.CurrentSiteName);
        chkInheritLogActivity.Checked = inheritLogActivity;

        // Discussion
        chkInheritDiscussion.Checked = inheritDiscussion;

        // Create script for update inherit values
        ltrScript.Text += ScriptHelper.GetScript(
            "LoadSetting('" + chkLogActivity.ClientID + "', " + (forumObj.ForumLogActivity ? "true" : "false") + ", " + (inheritLogActivity ? "true" : "false") + ", 'chk');" +
            // Discussion
            "LoadSetting('" + radImageSimple.ClientID + "', " + (forumObj.ForumEnableImage ? "true" : "false") + ", " + (inheritDiscussion ? "true" : "false") + ", 'rad');" +
            "LoadSetting('" + radImageAdvanced.ClientID + "', " + (forumObj.ForumEnableAdvancedImage ? "true" : "false") + ", " + (inheritDiscussion ? "true" : "false") + ", 'rad');" +
            "LoadSetting('" + radImageNo.ClientID + "', " + (!(forumObj.ForumEnableAdvancedImage || forumObj.ForumEnableImage) ? "true" : "false") + ", " + (inheritDiscussion ? "true" : "false") + ", 'rad');" +
            "LoadSetting('" + radUrlSimple.ClientID + "', " + (forumObj.ForumEnableURL ? "true" : "false") + ", " + (inheritDiscussion ? "true" : "false") + ", 'rad');" +
            "LoadSetting('" + radUrlAdvanced.ClientID + "', " + (forumObj.ForumEnableAdvancedURL ? "true" : "false") + ", " + (inheritDiscussion ? "true" : "false") + ", 'rad');" +
            "LoadSetting('" + radUrlNo.ClientID + "', " + (!(forumObj.ForumEnableAdvancedURL || forumObj.ForumEnableURL) ? "true" : "false") + ", " + (inheritDiscussion ? "true" : "false") + ", 'rad');" +
            "LoadSetting('" + chkEnableQuote.ClientID + "', " + (forumObj.ForumEnableQuote ? "true" : "false") + ", " + (inheritDiscussion ? "true" : "false") + ", 'chk');" +
            "LoadSetting('" + chkEnableBold.ClientID + "', " + (forumObj.ForumEnableFontBold ? "true" : "false") + ", " + (inheritDiscussion ? "true" : "false") + ", 'chk');" +
            "LoadSetting('" + chkEnableItalic.ClientID + "', " + (forumObj.ForumEnableFontItalics ? "true" : "false") + ", " + (inheritDiscussion ? "true" : "false") + ", 'chk');" +
            "LoadSetting('" + chkEnableStrike.ClientID + "', " + (forumObj.ForumEnableFontStrike ? "true" : "false") + ", " + (inheritDiscussion ? "true" : "false") + ", 'chk');" +
            "LoadSetting('" + chkEnableUnderline.ClientID + "', " + (forumObj.ForumEnableFontUnderline ? "true" : "false") + ", " + (inheritDiscussion ? "true" : "false") + ", 'chk');" +
            "LoadSetting('" + chkEnableCode.ClientID + "', " + (forumObj.ForumEnableCodeSnippet ? "true" : "false") + ", " + (inheritDiscussion ? "true" : "false") + ", 'chk');" +
            "LoadSetting('" + chkEnableColor.ClientID + "', " + (forumObj.ForumEnableFontColor ? "true" : "false") + ", " + (inheritDiscussion ? "true" : "false") + ", 'chk');" +
            "LoadSetting('" + radTypeAnswer.ClientID + "', " + (forumObj.ForumType == 2 ? "true" : "false") + ", " + (inheritType ? "true" : "false") + ", 'rad');" +
            "LoadSetting('" + radTypeDiscussion.ClientID + "', " + (forumObj.ForumType == 1 ? "true" : "false") + ", " + (inheritType ? "true" : "false") + ", 'rad');" +
            "LoadSetting('" + radTypeChoose.ClientID + "', " + (forumObj.ForumType == 0 ? "true" : "false") + ", " + (inheritType ? "true" : "false") + ", 'rad');");

        ForumGroupInfo fgi = ForumGroupInfoProvider.GetForumGroupInfo(forumObj.ForumGroupID);

        chkInheritUnsubscribeUrl.Attributes.Add("onclick", "SetInheritance('" + txtUnsubscriptionUrl.ClientID + "', '" + fgi.GroupUnsubscriptionUrl.Replace("'", "\\\'") + "', 'txt');");
        chkInheritBaseUrl.Attributes.Add("onclick", "SetInheritance('" + txtBaseUrl.ClientID + "', '" + fgi.GroupBaseUrl.Replace("'", "\\\'") + "', 'txt');");
        string btnId = txtOptInURL.SelectButton.ClientID;
        chkInheritOptInURL.Attributes.Add("onclick", "SetInheritance('" + txtOptInURL.PathTextBox.ClientID + "', '" + fgi.GroupOptInApprovalURL.Replace("'", "\\\'") + "', 'txt');ChangeState_" + txtOptInURL.ClientID + "(!this.checked);");

        // Set default values

        // Settings inheritance
        chkInheritIsAnswerLimit.Attributes.Add("onclick", "SetInheritance('" + txtIsAnswerLimit.ClientID + "', '" + fgi.GroupIsAnswerLimit.ToString().Replace("'", "\\\'") + "', 'txt');");
        chkInheritMaxSideSize.Attributes.Add("onclick", "SetInheritance('" + txtImageMaxSideSize.ClientID + "', '" + fgi.GroupImageMaxSideSize.ToString().Replace("'", "\\\'") + "', 'txt');");
        chkInheritType.Attributes.Add("onclick", "SetInheritance('" + radTypeAnswer.ClientID + "', '" + (fgi.GroupType == 2 ? "true" : "false") + "', 'rad');" +
                                                 "SetInheritance('" + radTypeDiscussion.ClientID + "', '" + (fgi.GroupType == 1 ? "true" : "false") + "', 'rad');" +
                                                 "SetInheritance('" + radTypeChoose.ClientID + "', '" + (fgi.GroupType == 0 ? "true" : "false") + "', 'rad');");
        chkInheritMaxAttachmentSize.Attributes.Add("onclick", "SetInheritance('" + txtMaxAttachmentSize.ClientID + "','" + fgi.GroupAttachmentMaxFileSize.ToString().Replace("'", "\\\'") + "', 'txt');");
        chkInheritLogActivity.Attributes.Add("onclick", "SetInheritance('" + chkLogActivity.ClientID + "','" + fgi.GroupLogActivity.ToString().ToLowerCSafe() + "', 'chk');");

        // Discussion
        string chkList = "'" + radImageSimple.ClientID + ";" + chkEnableBold.ClientID + ";" + chkEnableCode.ClientID + ";" +
                         chkEnableColor.ClientID + ";" + radUrlSimple.ClientID + ";" + chkEnableItalic.ClientID + ";" +
                         radImageAdvanced.ClientID + ";" + radUrlAdvanced.ClientID + ";" + chkEnableQuote.ClientID + ";" +
                         chkEnableStrike.ClientID + ";" + chkEnableUnderline.ClientID + ";" + radImageNo.ClientID + ";" + radUrlNo.ClientID + "'";
        string chkListValues = "'" + fgi.GroupEnableImage.ToString() + ";" + fgi.GroupEnableFontBold.ToString() + ";" + fgi.GroupEnableCodeSnippet.ToString() + ";" +
                               fgi.GroupEnableFontColor.ToString() + ";" + fgi.GroupEnableURL.ToString() + ";" + fgi.GroupEnableFontItalics.ToString() + ";" +
                               fgi.GroupEnableAdvancedImage.ToString() + ";" + fgi.GroupEnableAdvancedURL.ToString() + ";" + fgi.GroupEnableQuote.ToString() + ";" +
                               fgi.GroupEnableFontStrike.ToString() + ";" + fgi.GroupEnableFontUnderline.ToString() + ";" +
                               !(fgi.GroupEnableAdvancedImage || fgi.GroupEnableImage) + ";" + !(fgi.GroupEnableAdvancedURL || fgi.GroupEnableURL) + "'";
        chkInheritDiscussion.Attributes.Add("onclick", "SetInheritance(" + chkList + ", " + chkListValues.ToLowerCSafe() + ", 'chk');");
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        process = true;
        if (!Visible || StopProcessing)
            EnableViewState = false;
            process = false;

        chkChangeName.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(chkChangeName_CheckedChanged);

        if (ForumID > 0)
            // Get information on current forum
            forum = ForumInfoProvider.GetForumInfo(ForumID);

            // Check whether the forum still exists
            EditedObject = forum;

        // Get forum resource
        resForums = ResourceInfoProvider.GetResourceInfo("CMS.Forums");

        if ((resForums != null) && (forum != null))
            QueryDataParameters parameters = new QueryDataParameters();
            parameters.Add("@ID", resForums.ResourceId);
            parameters.Add("@ForumID", forum.ForumID);
            parameters.Add("@SiteID", CMSContext.CurrentSiteID);

            string where = "";
            int groupId = 0;
            if (IsGroupForum)
                ForumGroupInfo fgi = ForumGroupInfoProvider.GetForumGroupInfo(forum.ForumGroupID);
                groupId = fgi.GroupGroupID;

            // Build where condition
            if (groupId > 0)
                where = "RoleGroupID=" + groupId.ToString() + " AND PermissionDisplayInMatrix = 0";
                where = "RoleGroupID IS NULL AND PermissionDisplayInMatrix = 0";

            // Setup matrix control
            gridMatrix.IsLiveSite = IsLiveSite;
            gridMatrix.QueryParameters = parameters;
            gridMatrix.WhereCondition = where;
            gridMatrix.ContentBefore = "<table class=\"PermissionMatrix\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" rules=\"rows\" border=\"1\" style=\"border-collapse:collapse;\">";
            gridMatrix.ContentAfter = "</table>";
            gridMatrix.OnItemChanged += new UniMatrix.ItemChangedEventHandler(gridMatrix_OnItemChanged);

            // Disable permission matrix if user has no MANAGE rights
            if (!CheckPermissions("cms.forums", PERMISSION_MODIFY))
                Enable = false;
                gridMatrix.Enabled = false;
                ShowError(String.Format(GetString("CMSSiteManager.AccessDeniedOnPermissionName"), "Manage"));