Esempio n. 1
        private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            // If the user doesn't have any access rights to management stuff, the user should
            // be redirected to the default of the global system.
            if (!SessionAdapter.HasSystemActionRights())
                // doesn't have system rights. redirect.
                Response.Redirect("../Default.aspx", true);

            // Check if the user has the right systemright
            if (!SessionAdapter.HasSystemActionRight(ActionRights.SystemManagement))
                // no, redirect to admin default page, since the user HAS access to the admin menu.
                Response.Redirect("Default.aspx", true);

            if (!Page.IsPostBack)
                // Read all the current existing forums and their section names.
                ForumsWithSectionNameTypedList forumsWithSectionNames = ForumGuiHelper.GetAllForumsWithSectionNames();
                rpForums.DataSource = forumsWithSectionNames;
Esempio n. 2
        public async Task <ActionResult <IEnumerable <ForumsWithSectionNameRow> > > GetForums()
            if (!this.HttpContext.Session.HasSystemActionRights() || !this.HttpContext.Session.HasSystemActionRight(ActionRights.SystemManagement))
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));

            var forums = await ForumGuiHelper.GetAllForumsWithSectionNamesAsync();

Esempio n. 3
        public async Task <ActionResult> AdvancedSearch()
            var allAccessibleForumIDs     = this.HttpContext.Session.GetForumsWithActionRight(ActionRights.AccessForum).ToHashSet();
            var allForumsWithSectionNames = await ForumGuiHelper.GetAllForumsWithSectionNamesAsync();

            var viewData = new AdvancedSearchUIData()
                NumberOfMessages = await MessageGuiHelper.GetTotalNumberOfMessagesAsync(),
                AllAccessibleForumsWithSectionName = allForumsWithSectionNames.Where(r => allAccessibleForumIDs.Contains(r.ForumID)).ToList()

Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the Load event of the Page control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="System.EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
        private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            // this is necessary so the 'clever' IE will also understand what to do: the enter key will then submit the form.
            this.ClientScript.RegisterHiddenField("__EVENTTARGET", "btnSearch");

            if (!Page.IsPostBack)
                // clear tmp results in session
                SessionAdapter.AddSearchTermsAndResults(string.Empty, null);

                // Read all the current existing forums and their section names.
                ForumsWithSectionNameTypedList forumsWithSectionName = ForumGuiHelper.GetAllForumsWithSectionNames();

                // Get a list of Forum IDs to which the user has access right.
                List <int> accessableForums = SessionAdapter.GetForumsWithActionRight(ActionRights.AccessForum);

                foreach (ForumsWithSectionNameRow currentRow in forumsWithSectionName)
                    // filter out forums the user doesn't have access rights for.
                    if (accessableForums.Contains(currentRow.ForumID))
                        // forum is accessable to the user
                        ListItem newItem = new ListItem(String.Format("{0} - {1}", currentRow.SectionName, currentRow.ForumName), currentRow.ForumID.ToString());
                        newItem.Selected = true;

                // make listbox as high as # of forums, with a maximum of 15 and a minimum of 8
                if (lbxForums.Items.Count <= 15)
                    if (lbxForums.Items.Count > 8)
                        lbxForums.Rows = lbxForums.Items.Count;
                        lbxForums.Rows = 8;
                    lbxForums.Rows = 15;

                lblNumberOfPosts.Text = MessageGuiHelper.GetTotalNumberOfMessages().ToString();
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Fills in the forum list based on the selected Section in cbxSections
        /// </summary>
        private void FillForumList()
            // clear list first

            int             currentSectionID = Convert.ToInt32(cbxSections.SelectedItem.Value);
            ForumCollection forums           = ForumGuiHelper.GetAllForumsInSection(currentSectionID);

            cbxForums.DataSource     = forums;
            cbxForums.DataTextField  = "ForumName";
            cbxForums.DataValueField = "ForumID";

            cbxForums.Items[0].Selected = true;
            _forumID = Convert.ToInt32(cbxForums.SelectedItem.Value);
Esempio n. 6
        private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            // If the user doesn't have any access rights to management stuff, the user should
            // be redirected to the default of the global system.
            if (!SessionAdapter.HasSystemActionRights())
                // doesn't have system rights. redirect.
                Response.Redirect("../Default.aspx", true);

            // Check if the user has the right systemright
            if (!SessionAdapter.HasSystemActionRight(ActionRights.SystemManagement))
                // no, redirect to admin default page, since the user HAS access to the admin menu.
                Response.Redirect("Default.aspx", true);

            _sectionID = HnDGeneralUtils.TryConvertToInt(Request.QueryString["SectionID"]);

            if (!Page.IsPostBack)
                // Get the section directly from the DB, instead from the in-memory cache
                SectionEntity section = SectionGuiHelper.GetSection(_sectionID);

                // Show results in the labels
                if (section != null)
                    // Section found
                    // Get the forums in the section
                    ForumCollection forums = ForumGuiHelper.GetAllForumsInSection(_sectionID);
                    if (forums.Count > 0)
                        // section has forums. User is not able to delete the section. Show error message plus
                        // disable delete button
                        lblRuleError.Visible = true;
                        btnDelete.Disabled   = true;
                    lblSectionName.Text        = section.SectionName;
                    lblSectionDescription.Text = section.SectionDescription;
                    // the section doesn't exist anymore
                    Response.Redirect("ModifyDeleteSection.aspx", true);
Esempio n. 7
        private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            // If the user doesn't have any access rights to management stuff, the user should
            // be redirected to the default of the global system.
            if (!SessionAdapter.HasSystemActionRights())
                // doesn't have system rights. redirect.
                Response.Redirect("../Default.aspx", true);

            // Check if the user has the right systemright;
            if (!SessionAdapter.HasSystemActionRight(ActionRights.SystemManagement))
                // no, redirect to admin default page, since the user HAS access to the admin menu.
                Response.Redirect("Default.aspx", true);

            _forumID = HnDGeneralUtils.TryConvertToInt(Request.QueryString["ForumID"]);

            if (!Page.IsPostBack)
                // Get the forum
                    ForumEntity forum = ForumGuiHelper.GetForum(_forumID);

                    // Show results in the labels
                    if (forum != null)
                        // the forum exists
                        lblForumName.Text        = forum.ForumName;
                        lblForumDescription.Text = forum.ForumDescription;
                        // the forum doesn't exist anymore
                        Response.Redirect("ModifyDeleteForum.aspx", true);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    // Bubble
                    throw ex;
Esempio n. 8
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the forum entity with the passed in forumid from the cache. If it's not there, it will be loaded from the db and stored in the cache.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="forumID">The forum ID.</param>
    /// <returns>ForumEntity instance of the forum with id forumID</returns>
    /// <remarks>If forumID isn't found, null is returned. ForumEntity instances are cached indefinitely, until the forum is changed or when a message
    /// is added to a thread in the forum. The forum entities are cached per entity to make the per-entity requests for a forum faster. Bulk fetches
    /// for forum data isn't using this cache, it's fetching the data directly from the DB. This is ok, forumentity data isn't very volatile</remarks>
    public static ForumEntity GetForum(int forumID)
        Cache       activeCache = HttpRuntime.Cache;
        string      keyToUse    = ProduceCacheKey(CacheKeys.SingleForum, forumID);
        ForumEntity toReturn    = (ForumEntity)activeCache[keyToUse];

        if (toReturn == null)
            toReturn = ForumGuiHelper.GetForum(forumID);
            if (toReturn != null)
                // found, cache it
                activeCache.Insert(keyToUse, toReturn);
Esempio n. 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the forum entity with the passed in forumid from the cache. If it's not there, it will be loaded from the db and stored in the cache.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cache">The cache object this methods works on</param>
        /// <param name="forumId">The forum ID.</param>
        /// <returns>ForumEntity instance of the forum with id forumID</returns>
        /// <remarks>If forumID isn't found, null is returned. ForumEntity instances are cached indefinitely, until the forum is changed or when a message
        /// is added to a thread in the forum. The forum entities are cached per entity to make the per-entity requests for a forum faster. Bulk fetches
        /// for forum data isn't using this cache, it's fetching the data directly from the DB. This is ok, forumentity data isn't very volatile</remarks>
        public static async Task <ForumEntity> GetForumAsync(this IMemoryCache cache, int forumId)
            var keyToUse = ProduceCacheKey(CacheKeys.SingleForum, forumId);
            var toReturn = cache.Get <ForumEntity>(keyToUse);

            if (toReturn == null)
                toReturn = await ForumGuiHelper.GetForumAsync(forumId);

                if (toReturn != null)
                    // found, cache it
                    cache.Set(keyToUse, toReturn);

Esempio n. 10
        public async Task <ActionResult> Index(int forumId = 0, int pageNo = 1)
            // do forum security checks on authorized user.
            bool userHasAccess = this.HttpContext.Session.CanPerformForumActionRight(forumId, ActionRights.AccessForum);

            if (!userHasAccess)
                // doesn't have access to this forum. redirect
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));

            var forum = await _cache.GetForumAsync(forumId);

            if (forum == null)
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));

            var pageNoToUse = pageNo > 0 ? pageNo : 1;
            var systemData  = await _cache.GetSystemDataAsync();

            var pageSize   = systemData.MinNumberOfThreadsToFetch;
            var threadRows = await ForumGuiHelper.GetAllThreadsInForumAggregatedDataAsync(forumId, pageNoToUse, pageSize,

            var data = new ForumData
                ForumDescription     = forum.ForumDescription,
                ForumID              = forumId,
                ForumName            = forum.ForumName,
                HasRSSFeed           = forum.HasRSSFeed,
                PageNo               = pageNoToUse,
                SectionName          = await _cache.GetSectionNameAsync(forum.SectionID),
                PageSize             = pageSize,
                UserCanCreateThreads = this.HttpContext.Session.CanPerformForumActionRight(forumId, ActionRights.AddNormalThread) ||
                                       this.HttpContext.Session.CanPerformForumActionRight(forumId, ActionRights.AddStickyThread),
                UserLastVisitDate = this.HttpContext.Session.GetLastVisitDate(),
                ThreadRows        = threadRows,

Esempio n. 11
        public async Task <ActionResult> ManageRoleRights()
            if (!this.HttpContext.Session.HasSystemActionRights() || !this.HttpContext.Session.HasSystemActionRight(ActionRights.SecurityManagement))
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));

            var allRoles = await SecurityGuiHelper.GetAllRolesAsync();

            var roleId      = allRoles.FirstOrDefault()?.RoleID ?? 0;
            var allForumIds = await ForumGuiHelper.GetAllForumIdsAsync();

            var forumId = allForumIds.FirstOrDefault();

            return(await ManageRightsForForum(new ManageForumRoleRightsData()
                RoleID = roleId, ForumID = forumId
Esempio n. 12
        public async Task <ActionResult> EditForum(int forumId)
            if (!this.HttpContext.Session.HasSystemActionRights() || !this.HttpContext.Session.HasSystemActionRight(ActionRights.SystemManagement))
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));

            var toEdit = await ForumGuiHelper.GetForumAsync(forumId);

            if (toEdit == null)
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));

            var data = new AddEditForumData(toEdit);
            await ForumAdminController.FillDataSetsInModelObjectAsync(data);

            return(View("~/Views/Admin/EditForum.cshtml", data));
Esempio n. 13
        public async Task <ActionResult> Forums(int id = 0)
            if (this.HttpContext.Session.IsAnonymousUser())
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));

            if (!(this.HttpContext.Session.HasSystemActionRight(ActionRights.SystemWideThreadManagement) ||
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));

            var modelData = new ForumSelectorData {
                Forums = await ForumGuiHelper.GetAllForumsInSectionAsync(id)

            return(PartialView("ForumSelector", modelData));
Esempio n. 14
        public async Task <ActionResult> Index(int forumId = 0)
            this.Response.ContentType = "text/xml";
            var forum = await _cache.GetForumAsync(forumId);

            if (forum == null)

            var data = new RssForumData()
                ForumUrl   = "https://" + this.Request.Host.Host + ApplicationAdapter.GetVirtualRoot() + @"/Forum/" + forumId,
                SiteName   = ApplicationAdapter.GetSiteName(),
                ForumName  = forum.ForumName,
                ForumItems = await ForumGuiHelper.GetLastPostedMessagesInForumAsync(10, forumId)

Esempio n. 15
        public async Task <ActionResult> Index()
            var accessableForums            = this.HttpContext.Session.GetForumsWithActionRight(ActionRights.AccessForum);
            var forumsWithThreadsFromOthers = this.HttpContext.Session.GetForumsWithActionRight(ActionRights.ViewNormalThreadsStartedByOthers);
            var allSections = await _cache.GetAllSectionsAsync();

            var model = new HomeData();

            model.ForumDataPerDisplayedSection = await ForumGuiHelper.GetAllAvailableForumsAggregatedData(allSections, accessableForums, forumsWithThreadsFromOthers,

            // create a view on the sections to display and filter the view with a filter on sectionid: a sectionid must be part of the list of ids in the hashtable with per sectionid
            // aggregate forum data.
            model.SectionsFiltered = new EntityView2 <SectionEntity>(allSections, SectionFields.SectionID.In(model.ForumDataPerDisplayedSection.Keys.ToList()));

            model.NickName          = this.HttpContext.Session.GetUserNickName();
            model.UserLastVisitDate = this.HttpContext.Session.IsLastVisitDateValid() ? this.HttpContext.Session.GetLastVisitDate() : (DateTime?)null;
            model.IsAnonymousUser   = this.HttpContext.Session.IsAnonymousUser();
Esempio n. 16
        public async Task <ActionResult> ManageRightsForForum(ManageForumRoleRightsData data, string submitAction = "")
            if (!this.HttpContext.Session.HasSystemActionRights() || !this.HttpContext.Session.HasSystemActionRight(ActionRights.SecurityManagement))
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));

            data.AvailableRoles = await SecurityGuiHelper.GetAllRolesAsync();

            data.AvailableActionRights = await SecurityGuiHelper.GetAllActionRightsApplybleToAForumAsync();

            data.AvailableForums = await ForumGuiHelper.GetAllForumsWithSectionNamesAsync();

            switch (submitAction)
            case "save":
                // save the data, then after this action, it'll reload the data and show it.
                data.LastActionResult = await SecurityManager.SaveForumActionRightsForForumRoleAsync(data.ActionRightsSet, data.RoleID, data.ForumID)
                                                ? "Save successful"
                                                : "Save failed";


            case "cancel":
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));

                // nothin'

            // postback which should simply fill in the data and show the form
            var forumActionRightRolesForForumRole = await SecurityGuiHelper.GetForumActionRightRolesForForumRoleAsync(data.RoleID, data.ForumID);

            data.ActionRightsSet = forumActionRightRolesForForumRole.Select(r => r.ActionRightID).ToList();

            return(View("~/Views/Admin/ManageRightsPerForum.cshtml", data));
Esempio n. 17
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the Load event of the Page control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="System.EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
        private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            _siteName = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(ApplicationAdapter.GetSiteName());

            int forumID = HnDGeneralUtils.TryConvertToInt(Request.QueryString["ForumID"]);

            _forum = CacheManager.GetForum(forumID);
            if ((_forum != null) && _forum.HasRSSFeed)
                _forumURL = "http://" + Request.Url.Host + ApplicationAdapter.GetVirtualRoot() + String.Format(@"Threads.aspx?ForumID={0}", forumID);

                // get the messages
                ForumMessagesTypedList messages = ForumGuiHelper.GetLastPostedMessagesInForum(10, forumID);
                rptRSS.DataSource = messages;

                Response.Cache.VaryByParams["ForumID"] = true;
                Response.Cache.AddValidationCallback(new HttpCacheValidateHandler(Validate), null);
Esempio n. 18
        private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            // If the user doesn't have any access rights to management stuff, the user should
            // be redirected to the default of the global system.
            if (!SessionAdapter.HasSystemActionRights())
                // doesn't have system rights. redirect.
                Response.Redirect("../Default.aspx", true);

            // Check if the user has the right systemright
            if (!SessionAdapter.HasSystemActionRight(ActionRights.SystemManagement))
                // no, redirect to admin default page, since the user HAS access to the admin menu.
                Response.Redirect("Default.aspx", true);

            _forumID = HnDGeneralUtils.TryConvertToInt(Request.QueryString["ForumID"]);

            if (!Page.IsPostBack)
                // read sections for the drop down list.
                SectionCollection sections = SectionGuiHelper.GetAllSections();
                cbxSections.DataSource = sections;

                SupportQueueCollection supportQueues = CacheManager.GetAllSupportQueues();
                cbxSupportQueues.DataSource = supportQueues;

                // Load the forum.
                ForumEntity forum = ForumGuiHelper.GetForum(_forumID);
                if (forum != null)
                    // forum found
                    tbxForumDescription.Text = forum.ForumDescription;
                    tbxForumName.Value       = forum.ForumName;
                    tbxOrderNo.Text          = forum.OrderNo.ToString();

                    cbxSections.SelectedValue = forum.SectionID.ToString();

                    if (forum.DefaultSupportQueueID.HasValue)
                        cbxSupportQueues.SelectedValue = forum.DefaultSupportQueueID.Value.ToString();
                    chkHasRSSFeed.Checked = forum.HasRSSFeed;
                    cbxThreadListInterval.SelectedValue  = forum.DefaultThreadListInterval.ToString();
                    tbxMaxAttachmentSize.Text            = forum.MaxAttachmentSize.ToString();
                    tbxMaxNoOfAttachmentsPerMessage.Text = forum.MaxNoOfAttachmentsPerMessage.ToString();

                    if (forum.NewThreadWelcomeText != null)
                        tbxNewThreadWelcomeText.Text = forum.NewThreadWelcomeText;
                    // not found
                    Response.Redirect("Default.aspx", true);
Esempio n. 19
        private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            if (!Page.IsPostBack)
                this.Title += ApplicationAdapter.GetSiteName();

                // first time loaded, fill in properties
                lblUserName.Text = SessionAdapter.GetUserNickName();

                HttpContext hcCurrent          = HttpContext.Current;
                DataTable   bookmarkStatistics = null;

                // check if user is authenticated
                if (hcCurrent.Request.IsAuthenticated)
                    lblWelcomeTextLoggedIn.Visible = true;
                    bookmarkStatistics             = UserGuiHelper.GetBookmarkStatisticsAsDataTable(SessionAdapter.GetUserID());
                    lblWelcomeTextNotLoggedIn.Visible = true;
                    bookmarkStatistics = new DataTable();

                // check if the user has the action right to approve attachments on some forum. If so, show the # of attachments which need approval
                List <int> forumsWithApprovalRight = SessionAdapter.GetForumsWithActionRight(ActionRights.ApproveAttachment);
                bool       canApproveAttachments   = ((forumsWithApprovalRight != null) && (forumsWithApprovalRight.Count > 0));
                if (canApproveAttachments)
                    int numberOfAttachmentsToApprove = MessageGuiHelper.GetTotalNumberOfAttachmentsToApprove(
                        SessionAdapter.GetForumsWithActionRight(ActionRights.ViewNormalThreadsStartedByOthers), SessionAdapter.GetUserID());
                    if (numberOfAttachmentsToApprove > 0)
                        phAttachmentsToApprove.Visible = true;
                        phAttentionRemarks.Visible     = true;
                if (SessionAdapter.HasSystemActionRight(ActionRights.QueueContentManagement))
                    int numberOfThreadsInSupportQueues = SupportQueueGuiHelper.GetTotalNumberOfThreadsInSupportQueues(
                    if (numberOfThreadsInSupportQueues > 0)
                        phThreadsToSupport.Visible = true;
                        phAttentionRemarks.Visible = true;

                DateTime lastVisitDate = SessionAdapter.GetLastVisitDate();

                if (SessionAdapter.IsLastVisitDateValid())
                    phLastVisitDate.Visible = true;
                    lblLastVisitDate.Text   = lastVisitDate.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm");

                // Get all sections which possibly can be displayed. Obtain this from the cache, as it's hardly changing data, and
                // this page is read a lot.
                _sectionsToDisplay = CacheManager.GetAllSections();

                // Per section, create a view with all the forumdata and filter out the forums not visible for the current user.
                List <int> accessableForums            = SessionAdapter.GetForumsWithActionRight(ActionRights.AccessForum);
                List <int> forumsWithThreadsFromOthers = SessionAdapter.GetForumsWithActionRight(ActionRights.ViewNormalThreadsStartedByOthers);
                _forumViewsPerDisplayedSection = ForumGuiHelper.GetAllAvailableForumsDataViews(_sectionsToDisplay, accessableForums,
                                                                                               forumsWithThreadsFromOthers, SessionAdapter.GetUserID());

                // filter out sections which do not have displayable forums for this user
                EntityView <SectionEntity> sectionsToUse = CreateFilteredSectionsCollection();

                // show the sections with displayable forums, thus the displayable sections.
                rpSections.DataSource = sectionsToUse;

                // get bookmarks and show them in the gui
                if ((bookmarkStatistics.Rows.Count <= 0) || ((bookmarkStatistics.Rows.Count == 1) && ((int)bookmarkStatistics.Rows[0][0] == 0)))
                    // no bookmarks yet
                    lblAmountBookmarks.Text           = "0";
                    lblAmountPostingsInBookmarks.Text = "0";
                    lblBookmarksLastPostingDate.Text  = "Never";
                    imgIconBookmarkNoNewPosts.Visible = true;
                    lblAmountBookmarks.Text           = bookmarkStatistics.Rows[0]["AmountThreads"].ToString();
                    lblAmountPostingsInBookmarks.Text = bookmarkStatistics.Rows[0]["AmountPostings"].ToString();
                    DateTime dateLastPosting = (DateTime)bookmarkStatistics.Rows[0]["LastPostingDate"];
                    lblBookmarksLastPostingDate.Text = dateLastPosting.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm");
                    if (dateLastPosting > lastVisitDate)
                        imgIconBookmarkNewPosts.Visible = true;
                        imgIconBookmarkNoNewPosts.Visible = true;

                DataTable activeThreadsStatistics = ThreadGuiHelper.GetActiveThreadsStatisticsAsDataTable(accessableForums,
                                                                                                          SessionAdapter.GetForumsWithActionRight(ActionRights.ViewNormalThreadsStartedByOthers), SessionAdapter.GetUserID());
                if (activeThreadsStatistics != null)
                    if ((activeThreadsStatistics.Rows.Count <= 0) || ((activeThreadsStatistics.Rows.Count == 1) && ((int)activeThreadsStatistics.Rows[0][0] == 0)))
                        lblAmountActiveThreads.Text            = "0";
                        lblAmountPostingsInActiveThreads.Text  = "0";
                        lblActiveThreadsLastPostingDate.Text   = "Never";
                        imgIconActiveThreadsNoNewPosts.Visible = true;
                        lblAmountActiveThreads.Text           = activeThreadsStatistics.Rows[0]["AmountThreads"].ToString();
                        lblAmountPostingsInActiveThreads.Text = activeThreadsStatistics.Rows[0]["AmountPostings"].ToString();
                        DateTime dateLastPosting = (DateTime)activeThreadsStatistics.Rows[0]["LastPostingDate"];
                        lblActiveThreadsLastPostingDate.Text = dateLastPosting.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm");
                        if (dateLastPosting > lastVisitDate)
                            imgIconActiveThreadsNewPosts.Visible = true;
                            imgIconActiveThreadsNoNewPosts.Visible = true;

Esempio n. 20
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the Load event of the Page control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="System.EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
        private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            int forumID = HnDGeneralUtils.TryConvertToInt(Request.QueryString["ForumID"]);

            bool userHasAccess = SessionAdapter.CanPerformForumActionRight(forumID, ActionRights.AccessForum);

            if (!userHasAccess)
                // doesn't have access to this forum. redirect

            bool userCanCreateThreads = (SessionAdapter.CanPerformForumActionRight(forumID, ActionRights.AddNormalThread) ||
                                         SessionAdapter.CanPerformForumActionRight(forumID, ActionRights.AddStickyThread));

            // Controls are visible by default. Hide them when the user can't create threads on this forum
            if (!userCanCreateThreads)
                lnkNewThreadBottom.Visible = false;
                lnkNewThreadTop.Visible    = false;

            // fill the page's content
            ForumEntity forum = CacheManager.GetForum(forumID);

            if (forum == null)
                // not found.
            _forumName = forum.ForumName;

            if (!Page.IsPostBack)
                cbxThreadListInterval.SelectedValue = forum.DefaultThreadListInterval.ToString();

                string forumNameEncoded = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(_forumName);
                lblForumName.Text        = forumNameEncoded;
                lblForumName_Header.Text = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(_forumName);
                lblForumDescription.Text = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(forum.ForumDescription);
                lblSectionName.Text      = CacheManager.GetSectionName(forum.SectionID);

                string newThreadURL = string.Format("{0}?ForumID={1}", lnkNewThreadTop.NavigateUrl, forumID);
                lnkNewThreadTop.NavigateUrl    = newThreadURL;
                lnkNewThreadBottom.NavigateUrl = newThreadURL;
                if (forum.HasRSSFeed)
                    lnkForumRSS.NavigateUrl += string.Format("?ForumID={0}", forumID);
                    lnkForumRSS.Visible        = false;
                    litRssButtonSpacer.Visible = false;

            SystemDataEntity systemData = CacheManager.GetSystemData();
            int      postLimiter        = HnDGeneralUtils.TryConvertToInt(cbxThreadListInterval.SelectedValue);
            DataView threadsView        = ForumGuiHelper.GetAllThreadsInForumAsDataView(forumID, (ThreadListInterval)(byte)postLimiter,
                                                                                        systemData.MinNumberOfThreadsToFetch, systemData.MinNumberOfNonStickyVisibleThreads,
                                                                                        SessionAdapter.CanPerformForumActionRight(forumID, ActionRights.ViewNormalThreadsStartedByOthers),

            rpThreads.DataSource = threadsView;
Esempio n. 21
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the PerformSelect event of the _forumsDS control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="SD.LLBLGen.Pro.ORMSupportClasses.PerformSelectEventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
        protected void _forumsDS_PerformSelect(object sender, SD.LLBLGen.Pro.ORMSupportClasses.PerformSelectEventArgs e)
            int selectedSectionID = HnDGeneralUtils.TryConvertToInt(cbxSections.SelectedValue);

            _forumsDS.EntityCollection = ForumGuiHelper.GetAllForumsInSection(selectedSectionID);