Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Loop round all AI teams, and select a team appropriate to play the fixture.
        /// </summary>
        public void SelectTeamIfPlaying()
            FixtureAdapter fa = new FixtureAdapter();
            WorldAdapter   wa = new WorldAdapter();
            TeamAdapter    ta = new TeamAdapter();
            ManagerAdapter ma = new ManagerAdapter();

            List <Fixture> AllFixtures = fa.GetFixtures(wa.CurrentDate);

            int TESTf = 0;

            foreach (Fixture f in AllFixtures)
                Debug.Print("Fixture " + f.ToString());

                for (int t = 0; t <= 1; t++)
                    Team    ThisTeam = ta.GetTeam(f.TeamIDs[t]);
                    Manager M        = ma.GetManager(ThisTeam.ManagerID);

                    if (!M.Human)
                        Team          Opposition = ta.GetTeam(f.TeamIDs[1 - t]);
                        PlayerAdapter pa         = new PlayerAdapter();
                        int[,] PlayerGridPositions = new int[5, 8]; // TODO: Maybe not hard code these...
                        for (int x = 0; x <= PlayerGridPositions.GetUpperBound(0); x++)
                            for (int y = 0; y <= PlayerGridPositions.GetUpperBound(1); y++)
                                PlayerGridPositions[x, y] = -1;

                        Formation TeamFormation      = new FormationAdapter().GetFormation(ThisTeam.CurrentFormation);
                        List <AvailablePlayer> avail = GetEligiblePlayers(ThisTeam, f);

                        foreach (Point2 point in TeamFormation.Points)
                            AvailablePlayer SelPlayer = FindBestPlayerForPosition(point, avail);
                            if (SelPlayer == null)
                                throw new Exception("Unable to find a player for this position");

                            PlayerGridPositions[point.X, point.Y] = SelPlayer.PlayerID;

                        ta.SavePlayerFormation(ThisTeam.UniqueID, TeamFormation.UniqueID, PlayerGridPositions);
        private void SetupControl()
            imgPitch.ImageSource = ImageResources.GetImage(ImageResourceList.Pitch);

            // Paging control for formations
            FormationAdapter fa = new FormationAdapter();

            foreach (Formation f in fa.GetFormations())
                FormationPaging.Items.Add(new PagingItem()
                    ID = f.UniqueID, Name = f.Name

            // Create empty circles inside the grid
            // Set the PlayerGridPositions to blanks
            for (int x = 0; x < GRIDWIDTH; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < GRIDHEIGHT; y++)
                    // --- Marker symbol ---
                    Markers[x, y] = GraphicUtils.Shirt();
                    Markers[x, y].VerticalAlignment   = VerticalAlignment.Center;
                    Markers[x, y].HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
                    Markers[x, y].AllowDrop           = true;
                    Markers[x, y].Drop += new DragEventHandler(Marker_Drop);
                    Markers[x, y].Tag   = x.ToString() + "," + y.ToString();

                    Grid.SetColumn(Markers[x, y], x + 1);
                    Grid.SetRow(Markers[x, y], 8 - y);
                    grdPitch.Children.Add(Markers[x, y]);

                    // --- Text ---
                    MarkerText[x, y]            = new TextBlock();
                    MarkerText[x, y].Text       = "";
                    MarkerText[x, y].Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;
                    MarkerText[x, y].Foreground = Brushes.White;
                    MarkerText[x, y].FontSize   = 12;
                    MarkerText[x, y].FontFamily = new FontFamily("Roboto Black");

                    MarkerText[x, y].VerticalAlignment   = VerticalAlignment.Center;
                    MarkerText[x, y].HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;

                    Grid.SetColumn(MarkerText[x, y], x + 1);
                    Grid.SetRow(MarkerText[x, y], 8 - y);

                    grdPitch.Children.Add(MarkerText[x, y]);

                    PlayerGridPositions[x, y] = -1;
        public void SetupFormationTemplate(int FormationID)
            CurrentFormationID = FormationID;

            for (int x = 0; x < GRIDWIDTH; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < GRIDHEIGHT; y++)
                    SetMarkerTemplate(x, y, false);
                    MarkerText[x, y].Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;
                    PlayerGridPositions[x, y]   = -1;

            FormationAdapter fa     = new FormationAdapter();
            List <Point2>    points = fa.GetFormation(FormationID).Points;

            foreach (Point2 p in points)
                SetMarkerTemplate((int)p.X, (int)p.Y, true);
Esempio n. 4
        private AvailablePlayer FindBestPlayerForPosition(Point2 GridPos, List <AvailablePlayer> avail)
            PlayerAdapter    pa = new PlayerAdapter();
            FormationAdapter fa = new FormationAdapter();

            SuitablePlayerInfo suit = fa.SuitablePlayerPositions(GridPos);
            AvailablePlayer    best = null;

            foreach (PlayerPosition pos in suit.Positions)
                foreach (PlayerPositionSide side in suit.Sides)
                    best = (from ap in avail
                            where ap.Side == side && ap.Pos == pos
                            select ap).FirstOrDefault();

                    if (best != null)

                if (best != null)

            if (best == null)
                best = (from ap in avail
                        orderby ap.Rating descending
                        select ap).FirstOrDefault();
