Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Saves all content to folder hierarchy
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="project"></param>
        /// <param name="path"></param>
        public static void Save(DocProject project, string path, Dictionary <string, DocObject> mapEntity, FolderStorageOptions options)
            bool bExportSchema    = ((options & FolderStorageOptions.Schemas) != 0);
            bool bExportExchanges = ((options & FolderStorageOptions.Exchanges) != 0);
            bool bExportExamples  = ((options & FolderStorageOptions.Examples) != 0);
            bool bExportLocalize  = ((options & FolderStorageOptions.Localization) != 0);

            Compiler compiler = new Compiler(project, null, null, false);

            System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder assembly = compiler.Assembly;

            // -exchanges (or mvd?)
            //  {exchange}.mvdxml - definition
            //  {exchange}.cs     - C# partial classes for capturing exchange --- later
            //  templates.mvdxml - shared templates
            // -figures -- manually added
            // -formats
            //  -json
            //  -step
            //  -ttl
            //  -xml
            // -samples
            //  {sample}.ifcxml - ifcxml is native format for easier browsing, comparing, and validating
            //  {sample}.htm    - documentation for example
            //  {sample}.png    - preview image of example
            //  {sample} - subdirectory if children
            // -schemas
            //  {version}
            //   {schema}
            //    {class}.cs   - definition in C#
            //    {class}.htm  - documentation in HTML
            //    schema.cs    - functions and
            //    schema.htm   - documentation of schema in HTML
            //    schema.svg   - diagram of schema in SVG
            //    templates.ifcxml - property and quantity templates
            //   localization
            //   {locale}.txt    - localized definitions
            //  ifc.csproj

            if (bExportSchema)
                string pathClasses = path + @"\schemas\" + project.GetSchemaIdentifier();
                FormatCSC.GenerateCode(project, pathClasses, mapEntity, DocCodeEnum.All);

                // generate ifcxml for templates
                DocumentationISO.DoExport(project, null, pathClasses + @"\templates.ifcxml", null, null, DocDefinitionScopeEnum.Default, null, mapEntity);

                // XSD configuration // not needed -- can re-read from C# classes
                //DocumentationISO.DoExport(project, null, pathClasses + @"\xsdconfig.xml", null, null, DocDefinitionScopeEnum.Default, null, mapEntity);

            if (bExportExchanges)
                string pathExchanges = path + @"\exchanges";
                foreach (DocModelView docView in project.ModelViews)
                    string pathView = pathExchanges + @"\" + DocumentationISO.MakeLinkName(docView);
                    DocumentationISO.DoExport(project, null, pathView + ".mvdxml", new DocModelView[] { docView }, null, DocDefinitionScopeEnum.Default, null, mapEntity);

                    //... future: once it works flawlessly...FormatCSC.GenerateExchange(project, docView, pathView, mapEntity);

            if (bExportExamples)
                // compile schema into assembly
                Type typeProject = Compiler.CompileProject(project);

                string pathSamples    = path + @"\examples";
                string pathSamplesWeb = "examples";
                using (StreamWriter writerIndex = new StreamWriter(Stream.Null))                //...pathSamples + @"\index.htm"))

                    foreach (DocExample docExam in project.Examples)
                        // generate ifcxml for each sample
                        ExportExample(pathSamples, pathSamplesWeb, typeProject, docExam, writerIndex);


            // terms, abbreviations, references, bibliography, ...
#if false
            string pathTerms = path + @"\terms";
            foreach (DocTerm docTerm in this.m_project.Terms)

            // localization
            SortedList <string, string> listLocale = new SortedList <string, string>();
            foreach (DocObject eachobj in mapEntity.Values)
                if (eachobj.Localization != null)
                    foreach (DocLocalization doclocal in eachobj.Localization)
                        // only deal with languages, not regions
                        if (doclocal.Locale != null && doclocal.Locale.Length >= 2)
                            string language = doclocal.Locale.Substring(0, 2);

                            if (!listLocale.ContainsKey(language))
                                listLocale.Add(language, doclocal.Locale);

            if (bExportLocalize)
                string pathLocalize = path + @"\localize";
                foreach (string locale in listLocale.Keys)
                    string pathLocale = path + @"\localize\" + locale + ".txt";
                    using (FormatCSV format = new FormatCSV(pathLocale))
                        format.Instance = project;
                        format.Locales  = new string[] { locale };
                        format.Scope    = DocDefinitionScopeEnum.Default;
Esempio n. 2
        public static void LoadAssembly(DocProject project, Assembly assem)
            // look through classes of assembly
            foreach (Type t in assem.GetTypes())
                if (t.Namespace != null)
                    string[]   namespaceparts = t.Namespace.Split('.');
                    string     schema         = namespaceparts[namespaceparts.Length - 1];
                    DocSection docSection     = null;
                    if (t.Namespace.EndsWith("Resource"))
                        docSection = project.Sections[7];
                    else if (t.Namespace.EndsWith("Domain"))
                        docSection = project.Sections[6];
                    else if (t.Namespace.Contains("Shared"))
                        docSection = project.Sections[5];
                        docSection = project.Sections[4];                         // kernel, extensions

                    // find schema
                    DocSchema docSchema = null;
                    foreach (DocSchema docEachSchema in docSection.Schemas)
                        if (docEachSchema.Name.Equals(schema))
                            docSchema = docEachSchema;

                    if (docSchema == null)
                        docSchema      = new DocSchema();
                        docSchema.Name = schema;

                    DocDefinition docDef = null;
                    if (t.IsEnum)
                        DocEnumeration docEnum = new DocEnumeration();
                        docDef = docEnum;

                        System.Reflection.FieldInfo[] fields = t.GetFields(System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Static | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public);
                        foreach (System.Reflection.FieldInfo field in fields)
                            DocConstant docConst = new DocConstant();
                            docConst.Name = field.Name;

                            DescriptionAttribute[] attrs = (DescriptionAttribute[])field.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DescriptionAttribute), false);
                            if (attrs.Length == 1)
                                docConst.Documentation = attrs[0].Description;
                    else if (t.IsValueType)
                        PropertyInfo[] fields = t.GetProperties(System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public);
                        if (fields.Length > 0)
                            Type typeField = fields[0].PropertyType;

                            DocDefined docDefined = new DocDefined();
                            docDef = docDefined;
                            docDefined.DefinedType = FormatCSC.GetExpressType(typeField);

                            if (typeField.IsGenericType)
                                Type typeGeneric = typeField.GetGenericTypeDefinition();
                                typeField = typeField.GetGenericArguments()[0];
                                if (typeGeneric == typeof(ISet <>) ||
                                    typeGeneric == typeof(HashSet <>))
                                    docDefined.Aggregation = new DocAttribute();
                                    docDefined.Aggregation.AggregationType = (int)DocAggregationEnum.SET;
                                else if (typeGeneric == typeof(IList <>) ||
                                         typeGeneric == typeof(List <>))
                                    docDefined.Aggregation = new DocAttribute();
                                    docDefined.Aggregation.AggregationType = (int)DocAggregationEnum.LIST;

                            MaxLengthAttribute mxa = (MaxLengthAttribute)fields[0].GetCustomAttribute(typeof(MaxLengthAttribute));
                            if (mxa != null)
                                docDefined.Length = mxa.Length;
                    else if (t.IsInterface)
                        DocSelect docSelect = new DocSelect();
                        docDef = docSelect;
                    else if (t.IsClass)
                        DocEntity docEntity = new DocEntity();
                        docDef = docEntity;

                        if (t.BaseType != null)
                            if (t.BaseType != typeof(object) && t.BaseType.Name != "SEntity")                             // back-compat for reflecting on IfcDoc types to generate Express
                                docEntity.BaseDefinition = t.BaseType.Name;

                        docEntity.IsAbstract = t.IsAbstract;

                        Dictionary <int, DocAttribute> attrsDirect  = new Dictionary <int, DocAttribute>();
                        List <DocAttribute>            attrsInverse = new List <DocAttribute>();
                        PropertyInfo[] fields = t.GetProperties(System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly);
                        foreach (PropertyInfo field in fields)
                            DocAttribute docAttr = new DocAttribute();
                            docAttr.Name = field.Name;

                            Type typeField = field.PropertyType;
                            if (typeField.IsGenericType)
                                Type typeGeneric = typeField.GetGenericTypeDefinition();
                                typeField = typeField.GetGenericArguments()[0];
                                if (typeGeneric == typeof(Nullable <>))
                                    docAttr.IsOptional = true;
                                else if (typeGeneric == typeof(ISet <>) ||
                                         typeGeneric == typeof(HashSet <>))
                                    docAttr.AggregationType = (int)DocAggregationEnum.SET;
                                else if (typeGeneric == typeof(IList <>) ||
                                         typeGeneric == typeof(List <>))
                                    docAttr.AggregationType = (int)DocAggregationEnum.LIST;

                            // primitives
                            docAttr.DefinedType = FormatCSC.GetExpressType(typeField);

                            MinLengthAttribute mla = (MinLengthAttribute)field.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(MinLengthAttribute));
                            if (mla != null)
                                docAttr.AggregationLower = mla.Length.ToString();

                            MaxLengthAttribute mxa = (MaxLengthAttribute)field.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(MaxLengthAttribute));
                            if (mxa != null)
                                docAttr.AggregationUpper = mxa.Length.ToString();

                            DescriptionAttribute da = (DescriptionAttribute)field.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(DescriptionAttribute));
                            if (da != null)
                                docAttr.Documentation = da.Description;

                            DataMemberAttribute dma = (DataMemberAttribute)field.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(DataMemberAttribute));
                            if (dma != null)
                                attrsDirect.Add(dma.Order, docAttr);

                                RequiredAttribute rqa = (RequiredAttribute)field.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(RequiredAttribute));
                                if (rqa == null)
                                    docAttr.IsOptional = true;

                                CustomValidationAttribute cva = (CustomValidationAttribute)field.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(CustomValidationAttribute));
                                if (cva != null)
                                    docAttr.IsUnique = true;
                                InversePropertyAttribute ipa = (InversePropertyAttribute)field.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(InversePropertyAttribute));
                                if (ipa != null)
                                    docAttr.Inverse = ipa.Property;

                            // xml
                            XmlIgnoreAttribute xia = (XmlIgnoreAttribute)field.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(XmlIgnoreAttribute));
                            if (xia != null)
                                docAttr.XsdFormat = DocXsdFormatEnum.Hidden;
                                XmlElementAttribute xea = (XmlElementAttribute)field.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(XmlElementAttribute));
                                if (xea != null)
                                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(xea.ElementName))
                                        docAttr.XsdFormat = DocXsdFormatEnum.Element;
                                        docAttr.XsdFormat = DocXsdFormatEnum.Attribute;

                        foreach (DocAttribute docAttr in attrsDirect.Values)

                        foreach (DocAttribute docAttr in attrsInverse)

                        // get derived attributes based on properties
#if false
                        PropertyInfo[] props = t.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.Public);
                        foreach (PropertyInfo prop in props)
                            // if no backing field, then derived
                            FieldInfo field = t.GetField("_" + prop.Name, BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
                            if (field == null)
                                DocAttribute docDerived = new DocAttribute();
                                docDerived.Name = prop.Name;

                    if (docDef != null)
                        docDef.Name = t.Name;
                        docDef.Uuid = t.GUID;


            // pass 2: hook up selects
            foreach (Type t in assem.GetTypes())
                Type[] typeInterfaces = t.GetInterfaces();

                Type[] typeInherit = null;
                if (t.BaseType != null)
                    typeInherit = t.BaseType.GetInterfaces();

                if (typeInterfaces.Length > 0)
                    foreach (Type typeI in typeInterfaces)
                        if (typeInherit == null || !typeInherit.Contains <Type>(typeI))
                            DocSelect docSelect = project.GetDefinition(typeI.Name) as DocSelect;
                            if (docSelect != null)
                                DocSelectItem docItem = new DocSelectItem();
                                docItem.Name = t.Name;