private void calculateButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Agent newJuniorAgent; try { //Check validation if (FormValidation.IsEmpty(lNameTextBox.Text) && FormValidation.IsEmpty(fNameTextBox.Text) && FormValidation.IsEmpty(emailTextBox.Text) && FormValidation.IsEmpty(salesAmountTextBox.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Validation failed", "error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } else { //disable textBox control lNameTextBox.Enabled = false; fNameTextBox.Enabled = false; emailTextBox.Enabled = false; juniorRadioButton.Enabled = false; agentRadioButton.Enabled = false; seniorRadioButton.Enabled = false; salesAmountTextBox.Enabled = false; //prepare result for displaying richTextBox1.Visible = true; if (juniorRadioButton.Checked == true) { JuniorAgent newJuniorAgent = new JuniorAgent(lNameTextBox.Text, fNameTextBox.Text, emailTextBox.Text, double.Parse(salesAmountTextBox.Text), true); richTextBox1.Text = ""; richTextBox1.Text = "Junior Agent commission Income Details\n\nTotal commission: " + newJuniorAgent.CalculateCommission(true).ToString("C") + "\nCommission Rate: " + newJuniorAgent.GetCommissionRate() + "\nNote that Junior agent got 0.5% less commission than agent"; } else if (agentRadioButton.Checked == true) { richTextBox1.Text = ""; Agent aAgent = new Agent(lNameTextBox.Text, fNameTextBox.Text, emailTextBox.Text, double.Parse(salesAmountTextBox.Text)); richTextBox1.Text = "Agent commission Income Details\n\nTotal commission: " + aAgent.CalculateCommission(true).ToString("C") + "\nCommission Rate: " + aAgent.GetCommissionRate(); } else { richTextBox1.Text = ""; SeniorAgent aSeniorAgent = new SeniorAgent(lNameTextBox.Text, fNameTextBox.Text, emailTextBox.Text, double.Parse(salesAmountTextBox.Text)); richTextBox1.Text = "Senior Agent commission Income Details\n\nTotal commission: " + aSeniorAgent.CalculateCommission(true).ToString("C") + "\nCommission Rate: " + aSeniorAgent.GetCommissionRate(); } this.Width = 657; } } catch (FormatException) { MessageBox.Show("Validation failed", "error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
private void placeOrderToolStripMenuItem1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Declare local variables string mealType = "", firstName = "", lastName = ""; int hamQty = 0, subQty = 0, fishQty = 0; firstName = firstNameTextBox.Text; lastName = lastNameTextBox.Text; try { if (hamCheckBox.Checked) { mealType += "Hamburger"; hamQty = int.Parse(hamQTextBox.Text); } if (subCheckBox.Checked) { mealType += " Sub"; subQty = int.Parse(subQTextBox.Text); } if (fishCheckBox.Checked) { mealType += " Fish"; fishQty = int.Parse(fishQTextBox.Text); } int comboOption = mealChoiceComboBox.SelectedIndex; //Check validation if (!FormValidation.IsEmpty(firstName) && !FormValidation.IsEmpty(lastName) && ((hamCheckBox.Checked && hamQty > 0) || (subCheckBox.Checked && subQty > 0) || (fishCheckBox.Checked && fishQty > 0)) && comboOption >= 0) { //If Validation is passed then place the order Order aOrder = new Order(firstName, lastName, comboOption, mealType, hamQty, subQty, fishQty); MessageBox.Show("Your order is placed"); } else { MessageBox.Show("Validation failed"); } } catch (FormatException) { MessageBox.Show("Invalid input"); } }
private void saveBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string errorText = ""; bool hasFormInputError = false; if (FormValidation.IsEmpty(accHolderNameTxtBox.Text, "Name")) { errorText += FormValidation.ErrorText + "\n"; hasFormInputError = true; } if (FormValidation.IsEmpty(locationTxtbox.Text, "Location")) { errorText += FormValidation.ErrorText + "\n"; hasFormInputError = true; } if (FormValidation.IsEmpty(checkingAccNoTxtBox.Text, "Checkin Account No")) { errorText += FormValidation.ErrorText + "\n"; hasFormInputError = true; } if (!FormValidation.IsPositiveValue(checkingAccNoTxtBox.Text)) { errorText += FormValidation.ErrorText + " for checking acc no!\n"; hasFormInputError = true; } if (!FormValidation.IsDouble(checkingAccBalanceTxtBox.Text)) { errorText += FormValidation.ErrorText + " for chekcing balance\n"; hasFormInputError = true; } if (FormValidation.IsEmpty(savingsAccNoTxtBox.Text, "Savings Account No")) { errorText += FormValidation.ErrorText + "\n"; hasFormInputError = true; } if (!FormValidation.IsPositiveValue(savingsAccNoTxtBox.Text)) { errorText += FormValidation.ErrorText + " for savings acc no!\n"; hasFormInputError = true; } if (!FormValidation.IsDouble(savingAccBalanceTxtBox.Text)) { errorText += FormValidation.ErrorText + " for savings balance\n"; hasFormInputError = true; } if (hasFormInputError) { showBtn.Visible = false; MessageBox.Show("Please fix the following error\n\n" + errorText, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } else { CheckingAcc aCheckingAcc = new CheckingAcc(Double.Parse(checkingAccBalanceTxtBox.Text), accHolderNameTxtBox.Text, locationTxtbox.Text, Int32.Parse(checkingAccNoTxtBox.Text)); SavingsAcc aSavingsAcc = new SavingsAcc(Double.Parse(savingAccBalanceTxtBox.Text), accHolderNameTxtBox.Text, locationTxtbox.Text, Int32.Parse(savingsAccNoTxtBox.Text)); accountSummary = aCheckingAcc.ToString() + aSavingsAcc.ToString(); showBtn.Visible = true; MessageBox.Show("Information saved successfully!", "", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } }