public async Task <IActionResult> Forgotpassword(ForgotPasswordVM forgotVm) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(View(forgotVm)); } User user = await userManager.FindByEmailAsync(forgotVm.Email); if (user == null) { ModelState.AddModelError("Email", "No account found to match the email you specified. Make sure you enter the correct email."); return(View(forgotVm)); } string passwordResetToken = await userManager.GeneratePasswordResetTokenAsync(user); #region Sending Email Account Restoration Message SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient("", 587); client.UseDefaultCredentials = false; client.EnableSsl = true; client.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(configuration["ConnectionStrings:SmtpClientCredentialEmail"], configuration["ConnectionStrings:SmtpClientCredentialPassword"]); MailMessage message = new MailMessage(configuration["ConnectionStrings:SmtpClientCredentialEmail"], forgotVm.Email); message.IsBodyHtml = true; message.Subject = "Account recovery"; message.Body = $"<table style='width:100%;background-color:#292C34;padding:50px'><thead style ='width:100%;display:flex;justify-content:center;'><tr style ='width:100%;display:flex;justify-content:center;'><th style ='width:100%;color:#7e0f9a;font-family:Roboto, sans-serif;font-weight:400;font-size:50px'>Family Tree</th></tr><thead><tbody><tr><td style ='padding:30px 0px;color:white;font-family:Roboto Condensed, sans-serif;font-size:20px;text-align:center;'>Dear user, please click on the 'Restore Account' button below to restore your account.</td></tr><tr><td style ='font-family:Roboto Condensed, sans-serif;text-align:center;'><a href='https://localhost:44341/Account/ChangePassword?userId={user.Id}&passwordResetToken={passwordResetToken}' style ='text-decoration:none;padding:10px 30px;border-radius:3px;background-color:#8d11ff;color:black;font-weight:lighter;font-size:20px;cursor:pointer;'>Restore your account</a></td></tr></tbody></table>"; await client.SendMailAsync(message); #endregion TempData["ForgotPassword"] = true; return(View()); }
public async Task ForgotPassword(ForgotPasswordVM forgotPasswordVM) { // Validation if (forgotPasswordVM == null) { throw new ForgotPasswordFailedException("invalid"); } // Retrieve user by email User user = await userManager.FindByEmailAsync(forgotPasswordVM.Email); if (user == null) { logger.LogWarning("User not found during forgot password", forgotPasswordVM.Email); throw new ForgotPasswordFailedException("invalid"); } // For more information on how to enable account confirmation and password reset please // visit string code = await userManager.GeneratePasswordResetTokenAsync(user); logger.LogInformation("Password reset code:"); logger.LogInformation(code); var callbackUrl = configuration.GetSection("Authentication").GetValue <string>("ResetPasswordURL"); callbackUrl = callbackUrl.Replace("{{userId}}", user.Id.ToString().ToUpper()); callbackUrl = callbackUrl.Replace("{{userEmail}}", user.Email.ToString().ToLower()); callbackUrl = callbackUrl.Replace("{{code}}", Uri.EscapeDataString(code)); await emailService.SendPasswordResetAsync(forgotPasswordVM.Email, callbackUrl); }
public async Task <IActionResult> ResetujLozinku(ForgotPasswordVM model) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { var user = await userMgr.FindByEmailAsync(model.Email); if (user != null && await userMgr.IsEmailConfirmedAsync(user)) { var token = await userMgr.GeneratePasswordResetTokenAsync(user); var passwordResetLink = Url.Action("ResetPassword", "Account", new { email = model.Email, token = token }, Request.Scheme); PosaljiMail(user, "Resetuj lozinku", "<h3 style=\"color:green; font-weight:bold\"> Resetuj lozinku </h3>" + "Kliknite na link ispod kako biste unijeli vašu novu lozinku. <br/><br/>" + "<a href=\"" + passwordResetLink + "\"> Resetuj lozinku </a><br/>"); @TempData["sucess"] = "E-mail je poslan na vašu adresu"; @ViewBag.ErrorMsg = "Provjerite e-mail inbox i potvrdite promjenu vaše lozinke"; return(PartialView("RegistrationMessage")); } @TempData["sucess"] = "Dogodila se greška"; @ViewBag.ErrorMsg = "Vaš račun nije aktivan. Prvo morate potvrditi vaš račun!"; return(PartialView("RegistrationMessage")); } return(View("ForgotPassword", model)); }
public async Task <ResponseVM> ResetPassword(ForgotPasswordVM forgotPasswordVM) { using (_userManager) { var user = await _userManager.FindByNameAsync(forgotPasswordVM.UserName); if (user == null) { return(new ResponseVM("reset password", false, "User", "User not found.")); } // hashes the answer and compares to the saved in database var answerHash = ComputeSha256Hash(forgotPasswordVM.Answer); if (answerHash == user.Answer) { await _userManager.RemovePasswordAsync(user); await _userManager.AddPasswordAsync(user, forgotPasswordVM.NewPassword); return(new ResponseVM("reset password", true, "User", "You can now login with your new password.")); } else { return(new ResponseVM("reset password", false, "User", "Wrong answer!")); } } }
public async Task <IActionResult> ForgotPassword(ForgotPasswordVM forgotPasswordVM) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { var user = await _userManager.FindByEmailAsync(forgotPasswordVM.Email); if (user != null && await _userManager.IsEmailConfirmedAsync(user)) { var code = await _userManager.GeneratePasswordResetTokenAsync(user); var callBackUrl = Url.Action("ResetPassword", "Auth", new { email = forgotPasswordVM.Email, code = code }, protocol: HttpContext.Request.Scheme); MailMessage mailMessage = new MailMessage(); mailMessage.From = new MailAddress("*****@*****.**", "Admin"); mailMessage.To.Add(new MailAddress(forgotPasswordVM.Email)); mailMessage.Subject = "Reset Password"; mailMessage.IsBodyHtml = true; mailMessage.Body = $"For reseting password click here: <a href='{callBackUrl}'>link</a>"; SmtpClient smtpClient = new SmtpClient(""); smtpClient.Port = 587; smtpClient.UseDefaultCredentials = true; smtpClient.EnableSsl = true; smtpClient.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("*****@*****.**", "devilprince2012"); smtpClient.DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network; smtpClient.Send(mailMessage); return(View("ForgotPasswordConfirmation")); } //return View("ForgotPasswordConfirmation"); } return(View(forgotPasswordVM)); }
public IActionResult ForgotPassword(ForgotPasswordVM forgotPasswordVM) { var Email = forgotPasswordVM.Email; var Get = employeeRepository.GetAll(); var CheckLogin = Get.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Email == forgotPasswordVM.Email); if (CheckLogin != null) { Guid newPassword = Guid.NewGuid(); Account account = new Account { NIK = CheckLogin.NIK, Password = newPassword.ToString("N").Substring(0, 8) }; accountRepository.ChangePassword(CheckLogin.NIK, account.Password); SendEmailService.GantiPassword(Email, account.Password); return(Ok(new { status = HttpStatusCode.OK, message = "New Password Sent" })); } else { return(NotFound(new { status = HttpStatusCode.NotFound, message = "No account has this email" })); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> ForgotPassword([FromBody] ForgotPasswordVM model) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.Email)) { return(BadRequest()); } var user = await _userManager.FindByEmailAsync(model.Email.Trim()); if (user == null) { return(NotFound()); } if (!user.EmailConfirmed) { return(BadRequest("EmailNotConfirmed")); } await _userManager.UpdateSecurityStampAsync(user); // Generate new security stamp var temporaryPwd = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("n").Substring(0, 6); // Generate a temporary password var passwordRequirement = "P" + temporaryPwd + "n1"; // 숫자, 대소문자 requirement var token = await _userManager.GeneratePasswordResetTokenAsync(user); var result = await _userManager.ResetPasswordAsync(user, token, passwordRequirement); // Temporary password is now the user's current password var emailTemplateVM = new EmailTemplateVM(user.Email, _appSettings.Environment.Equals("Live") ? "" : "http://*****:*****", user.Email, emailFormat.Item1, null, emailFormat.Item2); return(new OkResult()); }
public async Task <IActionResult> ForgotPassword(ForgotPasswordVM thisModel) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000); ViewBag.Message = ""; if (ModelState.IsValid) { ViewBag.Message = "Please check your email to reset your password."; var user = await _userManager.FindByEmailAsync(thisModel.Email); if (user == null || !(await _userManager.IsEmailConfirmedAsync(user))) { return(View("ForgotPassword")); } // For more information on how to enable account confirmation and password reset please // visit var code = await _userManager.GeneratePasswordResetTokenAsync(user); var callbackUrl = Url.Link("Default", new { Controller = "AccountRecovery", Action = "ResetPassword", code = code }); await _emailSender.SendEmailAsync( thisModel.Email, "Reset Password", $"Please reset your password by <a href='{HtmlEncoder.Default.Encode(callbackUrl)}'>clicking here</a>."); return(View("ForgotPassword")); } return(View("ForgotPassword")); }
public ActionResult SendNewPassword(ForgotPasswordVM model) { try { if (ModelState.IsValid) { var mail = new MailMessage(); var loginInfo = new NetworkCredential("*****@*****.**", "Lufthansa224$"); mail.From = new MailAddress(model.Email); mail.To.Add(new MailAddress("*****@*****.**")); mail.Subject = "Password reinitialisation"; Random r = new Random(); int code = r.Next(1000, 9999); mail.IsBodyHtml = true; mail.Body = "Your new password is : " + "<b>" + code + "</b>" + "<br>" + "Use it to sign in"; var smtpClient = new SmtpClient("", 587); smtpClient.UseDefaultCredentials = false; smtpClient.EnableSsl = true; smtpClient.Credentials = loginInfo; smtpClient.Send(mail); // update Aspnetuser var user = UserManager.Users.Where(u => u.Email == model.Email).FirstOrDefault(); var newHashedPassword = UserManager.PasswordHasher.HashPassword(code.ToString()); user.PasswordHash = newHashedPassword; UserManager.Update(user); appDbContext.SaveChanges(); // Change password to our DB Company company = this.db.Companies.Where(c => c.Email == model.Email).FirstOrDefault(); if (company != null) { company.Password = code.ToString(); db.SaveChanges(); } else { Candidate candidate = this.db.Candidates.Where(c => c.Email == model.Email).FirstOrDefault(); if (candidate != null) { candidate.Password = code.ToString(); db.SaveChanges(); } else { return(View()); } } } else { return(View()); } } catch { return(View()); } return(View()); }
public async Task <IActionResult> SendPasswordResetLink(ForgotPasswordVM model) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(View("ForgotPassword")); } var user = await _userManager.FindByEmailAsync(model.Email); if (user == null) { ModelState.AddModelError(nameof(model.Email), "Nie ma użytkownika o podanym emailu"); return(View("ForgotPassword")); } var tokeN = await _userManager.GeneratePasswordResetTokenAsync(user); var link = Url.Action("ResetPassword", "Account", new ResetPasswordVM { UserId = user.Id, Token = tokeN }, protocol: HttpContext.Request.Scheme); var res = await _emailSender.SendEmailAsync(user.Email, link, "Reset Password"); if (!res) { return(View("ForgotPassword")); } return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); }
public async Task <IActionResult> ForgotPassword(ForgotPasswordVM model) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { var user = await _userManager.FindByNameAsync(model.Email); //Check if user exists if (user == null) { // Don't reveal that the user does not exist or is not confirmed return(View("ForgotPasswordConfirmation")); } // For more information on how to enable account confirmation and password reset please visit //Send an email with this link var code = await _userManager.GeneratePasswordResetTokenAsync(user); var callbackUrl = Url.Action("ResetPassword", "Account", new { userId = user.Id, code = code }, protocol: HttpContext.Request.Scheme); await _emailSender.SendEmailAsync(model.Email, "Reset Password", $"Please reset your password by clicking here: <a href='{callbackUrl}'>link</a>"); return(View("ForgotPasswordConfirmation")); } // If we got this far, something failed, redisplay form return(View(model)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> ForgotPassword(ForgotPasswordVM model) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { var user = await _accountService.FindUserByEmailAsync(model.Email); if (!(await _accountService.IsEmailConfirmedAsync(user))) { // Don't reveal that the user does not exist or is not confirmed return(RedirectToAction(nameof(ForgotPasswordConfirmation))); } // For more information on how to enable account confirmation and password reset please // visit var code = await _accountService.GeneratePasswordResetTokenAsync(user); var callbackUrl = Url.ResetPasswordCallbackLink(user.Id, code, Request.Scheme); await _notificationService.SendForgotPasswordNotificationAsync(user, callbackUrl); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(ForgotPasswordConfirmation))); } // If we got this far, something failed, redisplay form return(View(model)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> ForgotPassword(ForgotPasswordVM model) { var user = await userManager.FindByEmailAsync(model.Email); if (user != null) { List <string> roles = await userManager.GetRolesAsync(user) as List <string>; var rol = roleManager.Roles.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == roles[0]); if (rol.IsExternal) { string resetToken = await userManager.GeneratePasswordResetTokenAsync(user); string tokenEncode = System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode(resetToken); CreateModal("exito", "Terminado", "Se ha enviado correo electrónico para completar el proceso.", "Continuar", null, "Redirect('/')", null); return(View(model)); } else { CreateModal("error", "Error", "No es posible realizar la operación.", "Continuar", null, "Redirect('/')", null); return(View(model)); } } else { CreateModal("error", "Error", "No se encontró usuario asociado al email", "Continuar", null, "Redirect('/')", null); return(View(model)); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> ForgotPassword([FromBody] ForgotPasswordVM vm) { var user = await _userManager.FindByEmailAsync(vm.Email); if (user == null) { return(BadRequest("Cannot find email")); } var resetToken = await _userManager.GeneratePasswordResetTokenAsync(user); //email token to user var apiKey = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SENDGRID_API_KEY"); var client = new SendGridClient(apiKey); var from = new EmailAddress("*****@*****.**", "Example User"); var subject = "You are now registered!"; var to = new EmailAddress(user.Email, user.FirstName); var plainTextContent = "Reset token: " + resetToken; var htmlContent = "Reset token : " + resetToken; var msg = MailHelper.CreateSingleEmail(from, to, subject, plainTextContent, htmlContent); var response = await client.SendEmailAsync(msg); if (response.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Accepted) { return(Ok("Verified")); } else { return(BadRequest(response.StatusCode)); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> ForgotPassword(ForgotPasswordVM model) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { var user = await _userManager.FindByEmailAsync(model.Email); if (user == null || !(await _userManager.IsEmailConfirmedAsync(user))) { // Don't reveal that the user does not exist or is not confirmed return(RedirectToAction(nameof(ForgotPasswordConfirmation))); } // For more information on how to enable account confirmation and password reset please // visit var code = await _userManager.GeneratePasswordResetTokenAsync(user); var callbackUrl = Url.ResetPasswordCallbackLink(user.Id, code, Request.Scheme); await _emailSender.SendEmailAsync(model.Email, "Reset Password", $"Please reset your password by clicking here: <a href='{callbackUrl}'>link</a>"); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(ForgotPasswordConfirmation))); } // If we got this far, something failed, redisplay form return(View(model)); }
public IActionResult SendConfirmation(ForgotPasswordVM model) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(RedirectToAction("ForgotPassword")); } User user = con.Users.SingleOrDefault(i => i.Email == model.Email); if (user == null) { TempData["errorMessage"] = "Email address doesn't exist. Make sure that you enter a valid email address."; return(RedirectToAction("ForgotPassword")); } ChangePasswordCode changepw = con.ChangePasswords.SingleOrDefault (i => i.UserId == user.Id); if (changepw != null) { if ((DateTime.Now - changepw.Created).TotalHours < 24) { TempData["errorMessage"] = "Email has been already sent to this email address"; return(RedirectToAction("ForgotPassword")); } else { con.ChangePasswords.Remove(changepw); con.SaveChanges(); } } string value = RandomString.GetString(30); string link = $"{ this.Request.Scheme}://{this.Request.Host}{this.Request.PathBase}/Login/ChangePassword?value=" + value; string message = "Visit this link for password change: \n" + link + "\nIf you don't change your password in next 24 hours this link will disappear " + "will be invalid."; EmailSettings.SendEmail(_configuration, user.Username, user.Email, "Change password", message); ChangePasswordCode passwordRequest = new ChangePasswordCode { Value = value, UserId = user.Id, Created = DateTime.Now }; con.ChangePasswords.Add(passwordRequest); con.SaveChanges(); TempData["successMessage"] = "Email for password confirmation is successfully sent. Check your inbox."; return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public async Task <string> GenerateResetPasswordTokenAsync(ForgotPasswordVM model) { var user = await _userManager.FindByEmailAsync(model.Email); if (user != null) { return(await _userManager.GeneratePasswordResetTokenAsync(user)); } return(null); }
public async Task <IActionResult> ForgotPassword(ForgotPasswordVM forgotPasswordVM) { var response = await httpClient.PostAsJsonAsync("Account/ForgotPassword", forgotPasswordVM); string apiResponse = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); var result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ResponseVM <ForgotPasswordVM> >(apiResponse); return(new JsonResult(result)); }
public IActionResult ForgotPassword(ForgotPasswordVM model) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { User email = _newscontext.Users.FirstOrDefault(x => x.EMail == model.Email && x.IsActive == true); if (email != null) { string resetcode = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); email.ResetCode = resetcode; _newscontext.SaveChanges(); string reseturl = "" + resetcode; MimeMessage message = new MimeMessage(); MailboxAddress from = new MailboxAddress("SportsNewsTeam", "*****@*****.**"); message.From.Add(from); MailboxAddress to = new MailboxAddress(email.Name, email.EMail); message.To.Add(to); message.Subject = "Reset Password"; BodyBuilder bodyBuilder = new BodyBuilder(); bodyBuilder.TextBody = "Lütfen şifrenizi sıfırlamak için linke tıklayın: " + reseturl; message.Body = bodyBuilder.ToMessageBody(); SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient(); client.Connect("", 465, true); client.Authenticate("*****@*****.**", "$Rdot3PxrtV9QQpYFzVYA#w%RpU2!BGC5UN8cSXNhAs@iq@GvZ"); client.Send(message); client.Disconnect(true); client.Dispose(); return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Login")); } else { ModelState.AddModelError("Email", "Girmiş olduğunuz Email adresi sistemimizde kayıtlı değil!"); return(View()); } } else { return(View()); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> ForgotPassword([FromBody] ForgotPasswordVM forgotPasswordVM) { // Validation if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } await this.bll.ForgotPassword(forgotPasswordVM); return(Ok()); }
public async Task <IActionResult> ForgotPassword(ForgotPasswordVM model) { var user = await userManager.FindByEmailAsync(model.Email); if (user != null) { List <string> roles = await userManager.GetRolesAsync(user) as List <string>; var rol = roleManager.Roles.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == roles[0]); if (rol.IsExternal) { string resetToken = await userManager.GeneratePasswordResetTokenAsync(user); string tokenEncode = System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode(resetToken); ConfirmationEmail confirmEmail = new ConfirmationEmail { Email = user.Email }; confirmEmail.CallBack = Url.Action("RecoverPassword", "Account", new { area = "Identity", token = tokenEncode, // reset token u = user.Id // user token, use GUID user id or Usuario.PublicToken }, protocol: Request.Scheme); Boolean emailSent = EmailComm.SendEmailRecoverPassword(confirmEmail); if (emailSent) { CreateModal("exito", "Terminado", "Se ha enviado correo electrónico para completar el proceso.", "Continuar", null, "Redirect('/')", null); return(View(model)); } else { CreateModal("error", "Error", "No se ha podido enviar el email, intente de nuevo mas tarde.", "Continuar", null, "Redirect('/')", null); return(View(model)); } } else { CreateModal("error", "Error", "No es posible realizar la operación.", "Continuar", null, "Redirect('/')", null); return(View(model)); } } else { CreateModal("error", "Error", "No se encontró usuario asociado al email", "Continuar", null, "Redirect('/')", null); return(View(model)); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> ForgotPassword(ForgotPasswordVM model) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(new { status = false, message = "Parameters are not correct" })); } try { var user = await _userManager.FindByEmailAsync(model.Email); if (user != null) { //check if associated account is confirmed by linked email/phone number if ((!_userManager.IsEmailConfirmedAsync(user).Result) || (!_userManager.IsPhoneNumberConfirmedAsync(user).Result)) { return(Ok(new { status = false, message = "Account is not verified." })); } int otpCode = GlobalMethods.GenerateOTP(); user.OTP = otpCode; user.EmailConfirmed = false; IdentityResult result = await _userManager.UpdateAsync(user); if (!result.Succeeded) { return(BadRequest(new { status = false, message = result.Errors.First().Description })); } //send otp via email //----------SendGrid to be implemented----------// ResponseData responseData = new ResponseData(); //----------EndSendGridLogic----------// MessageSender messageSender = new MessageSender(); return(Ok(new { status = true, message = "OTP sent to your registered Email" })); } else { return(Ok(new { status = false, message = "Sorry,Could not found the account with " + model.Email })); } } catch (Exception ae) { return(BadRequest(new { status = false, message = ae.Message.ToString() })); } }
public async Task <ActionResult> ForgotPassword([FromBody] ForgotPasswordVM model) { // This is called when the user clicks "forgot my password", and then submits an email address if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest("There is something wrong with the request payload")); // TODO: Return friendlier validation errors } try { var user = await _userManager.FindByNameAsync(model.Email); if (user == null) { return(BadRequest("Could not find the specified email")); } // Rely on the injected user manager to generate a token string passwordResetToken = await _userManager.GeneratePasswordResetTokenAsync(user); // In a bigger app, the SPA and the API should be independent and the API can't't know where // the SPA is and the setup below would have to change, but for our purposes this is fine for // now and a lot easier as the SPA is available and already comes with all the styling string uri = $"https://{Request.Host}/{Request.PathBase}reset-password"; uri = QueryHelpers.AddQueryString(uri, "userId", user.Id); uri = QueryHelpers.AddQueryString(uri, "passwordResetToken", passwordResetToken); // Prepare the email content string htmlEmail = Util.Util.BSharpEmailTemplate( message: "To reset your password please click below", hrefToAction: uri, hrefLabel: "Reset My Password"); // Send the email using injected sender await _emailSender.SendEmail( destinationEmailAddress : model.Email, subject : "Password Reset Link", htmlEmail : htmlEmail); // All good return(Ok()); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogError(ex.StackTrace); return(BadRequest(ex.Message)); } }
public ActionResult ForgotPassword(ForgotPasswordVM model) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(View(model)); } if (!AccountService.HasSameEmail(model.Email)) { ModelState.AddModelError("", ErrorCode.FORGOTPWDNOEMAIL.ToDescription()); return(View(model)); } SendResetPasswordLink(model.Email); return(RedirectToAction("ForgotPasswordConfirm")); }
public async Task <IActionResult> ForgotPassword([FromBody] ForgotPasswordVM model) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { var user = await userManager.FindByEmailAsync(model.Email); if (user == null) { //// Don't reveal that the user does not exist //return Ok(); // For CRM purposes return(NotFound("email-not-found")); } // Check if email is confirmed, if required in Startup settings // In startup: options.SignIn.RequireConfirmedEmail = true; if (!(await userManager.IsEmailConfirmedAsync(user))) { //// Don't reveal that the user does not exist //return Ok(); // OR return(NotFound("email-not-confirmed")); } // For more information on how to enable account confirmation and password reset please // visit var code = await userManager.GeneratePasswordResetTokenAsync(user); //var callbackUrl = Url.ResetPasswordCallbackLink(user.Id, code, Request.Scheme); var callbackUrl = configuration.GetSection("EmailSettings").GetValue <string>("PasswordResetURL"); callbackUrl = callbackUrl.Replace("{{userId}}", user.Id.ToString().ToLower()); callbackUrl = callbackUrl.Replace("{{userEmail}}", user.Email.ToString().ToLower()); callbackUrl = callbackUrl.Replace("{{code}}", Uri.EscapeDataString(code)); await emailSender.SendEmailAsync(model.Email, "Reset Password", $"Please reset your password by clicking here: <a href='{callbackUrl}'>link</a>"); return(Ok()); } // If we got this far, something failed return(BadRequest()); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Index(ForgotPasswordVM model) { logger.Trace("POST Index()"); if (!ModelState.IsValid) { logger.Trace("Model is not valid - displaying form"); return(View(model)); } var user = await userManager.FindByEmailAsync(model.Email); if (user == null) { logger.Trace("User {0} does not exist - pretending to send notification", model.Email); ViewBag.CallbackUrl = "/"; return(View("CheckEmail")); } if (!(await userManager.IsEmailConfirmedAsync(user))) { logger.Trace("User {0} has not confirmed yet - redirecting to registration", model.Email); return(RedirectToAction("Index", "RegisterAccount")); } logger.Trace("Generating code for password reset"); var code = await userManager.GeneratePasswordResetTokenAsync(user); logger.Trace("Code = {0}", code); var callbackUrl = Url.Action("Callback", "ForgotPassword", new { userId = user.Id, code = code, area = "Account" }, protocol: Context.Request.Scheme); logger.Trace("Callback URL = {0}", code); if (!WebConfiguration.Instance.DevelopmentMode) { logger.Trace("In Prod Mode - initiating email confirmation"); var notified = await Notifier.Instance.SendResetPasswordLinkAsync(user, callbackUrl); if (!notified.Successful) { logger.Error("Notification to {0} failed", model.Email); ModelState.AddModelError("", "Could not send reset password link"); return(View(model)); } } ViewBag.CallbackUrl = callbackUrl; return(View("CheckEmail")); }
public async Task <ForgotPasswordVM> GetSecurityQuestion(string username) { using (_userManager) { var user = await _userManager.FindByNameAsync(username); ForgotPasswordVM forgotPasswordVM = null; if (user != null) { forgotPasswordVM = new ForgotPasswordVM { UserName = user.UserName, Question = user.Question }; } return(forgotPasswordVM); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> ForgotPassword(ForgotPasswordVM model) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(View(model)); } //Validates existense of user var user = await _userMngr.FindByEmailAsync(model.EmailAddress); if (user == null) { ModelState.AddModelError("", $"User with email address {model.EmailAddress} does not exist!"); return(View(model)); } //Generates password recovery token var token = _userMngr.GeneratePasswordResetTokenAsync(user); //Generates an action link to route a user to a recovery page with token var resetLink = Url.Action("ResetPassword", "Account", new { token, user.Email }, Request.Scheme); //sends the reset link as a mail to the user var mailDetails = new MailDetails { MessageTitle = "PASSWORD RESET", MessageBody = $"Click the link to reset your password. {resetLink}", Recievers = new List <string> { user.Email } }; try { _mailService.SendMail(mailDetails); ViewBag.SuccessMsg = "Email sent. Check your inbox"; } catch (Exception e) { _logger.LogError(e.Message); } return(View()); }
public async Task <ActionResult <ResponseVM> > ResetPassword([FromBody] ForgotPasswordVM forgotPasswordVM) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { var res = await userService.ResetPassword(forgotPasswordVM); if (res.IsSuccess) { return(Ok(res)); } else { return(BadRequest(res)); } } else { return(BadRequest("Something went wrong")); } }
public async Task <ActionResult> ForgotPassword(ForgotPasswordVM model) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { try { await _account.ForgotPasswordAsync(model.Email); return(View("ForgotPasswordConfirmation", model)); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.GetLogger().Error("ForgotPassword failed.", ex); ModelState.AddModelError("", ex); } } // If we got this far, something failed, redisplay form return(View(model)); }
public ActionResult forgotpassword(ForgotPasswordVM model) { try { if (ModelState.IsValid) { var result = accountManager.ProcessPasswordRecovery(model.Email); if (result != null) { return RedirectToAction("forgotpasswordemailsent"); } ModelState.AddModelError("", "We do not see an account with that email address!"); return View(); } } catch (Exception ex) { ModelState.AddModelError("", "Error in processing the your request"); } return View(model); }
public async Task<ActionResult> ForgotPassword(ForgotPasswordVM model) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { var user = await UserManager.FindByNameAsync(model.Email); if (user == null || !(await UserManager.IsEmailConfirmedAsync(user.Id))) { // Don't reveal that the user does not exist or is not confirmed return View("ForgotPasswordConfirmation"); } // For more information on how to enable account confirmation and password reset please visit // Send an email with this link // string code = await UserManager.GeneratePasswordResetTokenAsync(user.Id); // var callbackUrl = Url.Action("ResetPassword", "Account", new { userId = user.Id, code = code }, protocol: Request.Url.Scheme); // await UserManager.SendEmailAsync(user.Id, "Reset Password", "Please reset your password by clicking <a href=\"" + callbackUrl + "\">here</a>"); // return RedirectToAction("ForgotPasswordConfirmation", "Account"); } // If we got this far, something failed, redisplay form return View(model); }