Esempio n. 1
        public void InitAndAdjust()
            string        sym     = "IBM";
            ForexSecurity ts      = new ForexSecurity(sym);
            IAccount      account = new SimAccount("TEST");


            // startup position tracker
            PositionTracker pt  = new PositionTracker(account);
            PositionTracker pt2 = new PositionTracker(account);
            // give pt our initial position
            PositionImpl init = new PositionImpl(ts, 0, 0, 0, account);

            // fill a trade in both places
            TradeImpl fill = new TradeImpl(ts.Name, 100, 100);

            fill.Account  = account;
            fill.Security = ts;

            // make sure it's only 100 in both places
            Assert.Equal(100, pt[sym].Size);
            Assert.Equal(100, pt2[sym].Size);
Esempio n. 2
        public void MOCs()
            SimBroker broker = new SimBroker();

            broker.BrokerModel = _trans;
            ForexSecurity tsec = new ForexSecurity(S);

            tsec.LotSize       = 1;
            tsec.OrderStepSize = 1;

            OrderImpl moc = new OrderImpl(tsec, Direction.Long, 200);

            moc.ValidInstruct = OrderInstructionType.MOC;
            PendingOrderImpl pmoc = new PendingOrderImpl(moc);

            Assert.True(moc.ValidInstruct == OrderInstructionType.MOC, "unexpected order instruction: " + moc.ValidInstruct);
            Assert.Equal(0, broker.SendOrderStatus(pmoc));

            TickImpl openingTick  = TickImpl.NewTrade(S, Util.ToQLDate(DateTime.Now), Util.QL2FT(9, 30, 00, 000), 9, 10000, "NYS");
            TickImpl endMornTick  = TickImpl.NewTrade(S, Util.ToQLDate(DateTime.Now), Util.QL2FT(12, 00, 00, 000), 9, 10000, "NYS");
            TickImpl endLunchTick = TickImpl.NewTrade(S, Util.ToQLDate(DateTime.Now), Util.QL2FT(14, 15, 00, 000), 9, 10000, "NYS");
            TickImpl closingTick  = TickImpl.NewTrade(S, Util.ToQLDate(DateTime.Now), Util.QL2FT(16, 00, 00, 000), 9, 10000, "NYS");

            int c = 0;

            c = broker.Execute(openingTick); Assert.Equal(0, c);
            c = broker.Execute(endMornTick); Assert.Equal(0, c);
            c = broker.Execute(endLunchTick); Assert.Equal(0, c);
            c = broker.Execute(closingTick); Assert.Equal(1, c); // should execute on the first tick at/after 16:00:00
Esempio n. 3
        public void Adjust()
            string        s       = "IBM";
            ForexSecurity ts      = new ForexSecurity(s);
            IAccount      account = new SimAccount("TEST", "testing", 1000M, 100, "SIM");


            TradeImpl t1 = new TradeImpl(s, 100, 100);

            t1.Account  = account;
            t1.Security = ts;

            PositionTracker pt = new PositionTracker(account);

            // make we have no position yet

            // send some adjustments
            decimal cpl = 0;

            cpl += pt.Adjust(t1);
            cpl += pt.Adjust(t1);

            // verify that adjustments took hold
            Assert.Equal(0, cpl);
            Assert.Equal(200, pt[t1.Symbol].Size);
Esempio n. 4
        public void PositionAccountTest()
            ForexSecurity ts      = new ForexSecurity(s);
            IAccount      account = new SimAccount("ME");


            TradeImpl t = new TradeImpl("TST", 100, 100);

            t.Account  = account;
            t.Security = ts;
            TradeImpl t2 = new TradeImpl("TST", 200, 200);

            t2.AccountName = "HIM";
            PositionImpl p = new PositionImpl(t);

            bool failed = false;

            catch (Exception) { failed = true; }
Esempio n. 5
        public void DayFill()
            SimBroker broker = new SimBroker();

            broker.BrokerModel = _trans;
            ForexSecurity tsec = new ForexSecurity(S);

            tsec.LotSize       = 1;
            tsec.OrderStepSize = 1;

            OrderImpl        day  = new OrderImpl(tsec, Direction.Long, 200);
            PendingOrderImpl pday = new PendingOrderImpl(day);


            TickImpl openingTick  = TickImpl.NewTrade(S, Util.ToQLDate(DateTime.Now), Util.QL2FT(9, 30, 00, 000), 9, 10000, "NYS");
            TickImpl endMornTick  = TickImpl.NewTrade(S, Util.ToQLDate(DateTime.Now), Util.QL2FT(12, 00, 00, 000), 9, 10000, "NYS");
            TickImpl endLunchTick = TickImpl.NewTrade(S, Util.ToQLDate(DateTime.Now), Util.QL2FT(14, 15, 00, 000), 9, 10000, "NYS");
            TickImpl closingTick  = TickImpl.NewTrade(S, Util.ToQLDate(DateTime.Now), Util.QL2FT(16, 00, 00, 000), 9, 10000, "NYS");

            int c;

            c = broker.Execute(openingTick); Assert.Equal(1, c); // should execute on first received tick
            c = broker.Execute(endMornTick); Assert.Equal(0, c);
            c = broker.Execute(endLunchTick); Assert.Equal(0, c);
            c = broker.Execute(closingTick); Assert.Equal(0, c);
Esempio n. 6
        public void Fill_RegularLiquidity()
            SimBroker broker = new SimBroker();

            broker.BrokerModel = _trans;
            ForexSecurity tsec = new ForexSecurity(S);

            tsec.LotSize       = 1;
            tsec.OrderStepSize = 1;

            OrderImpl limitBuy  = new OrderImpl(tsec, Direction.Long, 1, 133m);
            OrderImpl limitSell = new OrderImpl(tsec, Direction.Short, 1, 133.5m);
            OrderImpl stopBuy   = new OrderImpl(tsec, Direction.Long, 3, 0, 135.70m);
            OrderImpl stopSell  = new OrderImpl(tsec, Direction.Short, 4, 0, 135.75m);

            PendingOrderImpl plimitBuy  = new PendingOrderImpl(limitBuy);
            PendingOrderImpl plimitSell = new PendingOrderImpl(limitSell);
            PendingOrderImpl pstopBuy   = new PendingOrderImpl(stopBuy);
            PendingOrderImpl pstopSell  = new PendingOrderImpl(stopSell);


            // OHLC for 6/21/2012 on SPY
            TickImpl openingTick  = TickImpl.NewTrade(S, Util.ToQLDate(DateTime.Now), Util.QL2FT(9, 30, 00, 000), 135.67m, 10670270, "NYS");
            TickImpl endMornTick  = TickImpl.NewTrade(S, Util.ToQLDate(DateTime.Now), Util.QL2FT(12, 00, 00, 000), 135.78m, 10670270, "NYS");
            TickImpl endLunchTick = TickImpl.NewTrade(S, Util.ToQLDate(DateTime.Now), Util.QL2FT(14, 15, 00, 000), 132.33m, 10670270, "NYS");
            TickImpl closingTick  = TickImpl.NewTrade(S, Util.ToQLDate(DateTime.Now), Util.QL2FT(16, 00, 00, 000), 132.44m, 10670270, "NYS");


            List <Trade> trades = broker.GetTradeList();

            Assert.True(trades.Count == 4);

            foreach (Trade trade in trades)
                if (trade.Xsize == 1)
                    Assert.Equal(132.33m, trade.Xprice);
                else if (trade.Xsize == 2)
                    Assert.Equal(132.33m, trade.Xprice);
                else if (trade.Xsize == 3)
                    Assert.Equal(135.78m, trade.Xprice);
                else if (trade.Xsize == 4)
                    Assert.Equal(135.78m, trade.Xprice);
Esempio n. 7
        public void UsingTrades()
            // long
            string        s  = "IBM";
            ForexSecurity ts = new ForexSecurity(s);

            ts.LotSize  = 1;
            ts.PipValue = 1;
            ts.PipSize  = 1;

            PortfolioManager portfolio = new TradingPortfolio();
            IAccount         account   = new SimAccount("TEST");


            TradeImpl t1 = new TradeImpl(s, 80, 100, dt);

            t1.Account  = account;
            t1.Security = ts;
            PositionImpl p = new PositionImpl(t1);

            Assert.True(p.Size == 100);

            TradeImpl t2 = new TradeImpl(s, 84, -100, dt);

            t2.Account  = account;
            t2.Security = ts;

            decimal pl = p.Adjust(t2);

            Assert.Equal((84 - 80) * 100, pl);

            // short
            TradeImpl t3 = new TradeImpl(s, 84, -100, dt);

            t3.Account  = account;
            t3.Security = ts;

            p = new PositionImpl(t3);
            Assert.True(p.Size == -100);

            TradeImpl t4 = new TradeImpl(s, 80, 100, dt);

            t4.Account  = account;
            t4.Security = ts;

            pl = p.Adjust(new TradeImpl(t4));
            Assert.True(pl == (84 - 80) * 100);
Esempio n. 8
        public TestCalc()
            ForexSecurity ls = new ForexSecurity(stock);

            lp = new PositionImpl(ls, entry, lsize);
            sp = new PositionImpl(ls, entry, ssize);

            //closing trades
            lc = new TradeImpl(ls.Name, last, lsize / -2);
            sc = new TradeImpl(ls.Name, last, -ssize);
Esempio n. 9
        public void OpGs()
            SimBroker broker = new SimBroker();

            broker.BrokerModel = _trans;
            const string  s    = "NYS";
            ForexSecurity tsec = new ForexSecurity(s);

            tsec.LotSize       = 1;
            tsec.OrderStepSize = 1;

            // build and send an OPG order
            OrderImpl        opg  = new OrderImpl(tsec, Direction.Long, 200, 10);
            PendingOrderImpl popg = new PendingOrderImpl(opg);

            Assert.Equal(0, broker.SendOrderStatus(popg));

            // build a tick on another exchange
            TickImpl it = TickImpl.NewTrade(s, 9, 100);

            it.Exchange = "ISLD";

            // fill order (should fail)
            int c = broker.Execute(it);

            Assert.Equal(0, c);

            // build opening price for desired exchange
            TickImpl nt = TickImpl.NewTrade(s, 9, 10000);

            nt.Exchange = "NYS";
            // fill order (should work)

            c = broker.Execute(nt);

            Assert.Equal(1, c);

            // add another OPG, make sure it's not filled with another tick

            TickImpl next = TickImpl.NewTrade(s, 9, 2000);

            next.Exchange = "NYS";

            OrderImpl        late  = new OrderImpl(tsec, Direction.Long, 200, 10);
            PendingOrderImpl plate = new PendingOrderImpl(late);

            c = broker.Execute(next);
            Assert.Equal(0, c);
Esempio n. 10
        public void NewPosition()
            string        s       = "IBM";
            ForexSecurity ts      = new ForexSecurity(s);
            IAccount      account = new SimAccount("TEST");

            PositionImpl p = new PositionImpl(ts, 80, 500, 0, account);

            PositionTracker pt = new PositionTracker(account);

            Assert.Equal(500, pt[s].Size);
Esempio n. 11
        public void Basics()
            ForexSecurity tsec = new ForexSecurity(S);

            tsec.LotSize       = 1;
            tsec.PipValue      = 1;
            tsec.PipSize       = 1;
            tsec.OrderStepSize = 1;

            SimAccount account = new SimAccount("TEST", "testing", 1000M, 100);


            SimBroker broker = new SimBroker(account, _trans);

            broker.BrokerModel = _trans;
            broker.GotFill    += broker_GotFill;
            broker.GotOrder   += broker_GotOrder;
            OrderImpl        o  = new OrderImpl();
            PendingOrderImpl po = new PendingOrderImpl(o);
            int error           = broker.SendOrderStatus(po);

            Assert.NotEqual((int)StatusType.OK, error);
            Assert.True(_orders == 0);
            Assert.True(_fills == 0);

            o  = new OrderImpl(tsec, Direction.Long, 100);
            po = new PendingOrderImpl(o);

            Assert.True(_orders == 1);
            Assert.True(_fills == 0);
            Assert.True(broker.Execute(TickImpl.NewTrade(S, 10, 200)) == 1);
            Assert.True(_fills == 1);

            // test that a limit order is not filled outside the market
            o  = new OrderImpl(tsec, Direction.Long, 100, 9);
            po = new PendingOrderImpl(o);

            Assert.Equal(0, broker.Execute(TickImpl.NewTrade(S, 10, 100)));
            Assert.True(_fills == 1); // redundant but for counting

            // test that limit order is filled inside the market
            Assert.Equal(1, broker.Execute(TickImpl.NewTrade(S, 8, 100)));
            Assert.True(_fills == 2);
Esempio n. 12
        public void MultiAccount()
            _broker.BrokerModel = _trans;
            const string  sym  = "TST";
            ForexSecurity tsec = new ForexSecurity(sym);

            tsec.LotSize       = 1;
            tsec.OrderStepSize = 1;

            const string me    = "tester";
            const string other = "anotherguy";
            SimAccount   a     = new SimAccount(me);
            SimAccount   b     = new SimAccount(other);
            SimAccount   c     = new SimAccount("sleeper");
            OrderImpl    oa    = new OrderImpl(tsec, Direction.Long, 100);
            OrderImpl    ob    = new OrderImpl(tsec, Direction.Long, 100);

            oa.AccountName = me;
            ob.AccountName = other;
            // send order to accounts
            PendingOrderImpl poa = new PendingOrderImpl(oa, a);
            PendingOrderImpl pob = new PendingOrderImpl(ob, b);


            TickImpl t = new TickImpl(sym)
                Trade = 100m,
                Size  = 200

            Assert.Equal(2, _broker.Execute(t));
            Position apos = _broker.GetOpenPosition(tsec, a);
            Position bpos = _broker.GetOpenPosition(tsec, b);
            Position cpos = _broker.GetOpenPosition(tsec, c);

            Assert.Equal(100, apos.Size);
            Assert.Equal(100, bpos.Size);
            // make sure that default account doesn't register
            // any trades
Esempio n. 13
        public void ClosedPL()
            const string  sym = "RYN";
            ForexSecurity ts  = new ForexSecurity(sym);
            IAccount      acc = new SimAccount("TST");


            PositionTracker pt = new PositionTracker(acc);
            Position        p  = new PositionImpl(ts, 44.39m, 800, 0, acc);

            Position p2 = new PositionImpl(ts, 44.39m, -800, 0, acc);

            Assert.Equal(0, pt[sym].GrossPnL);
Esempio n. 14
        public void CreateInvalidFromSymbol()
            const string  sym = "TST";
            ForexSecurity ts  = new ForexSecurity(sym);

            bool     except = false;
            Position p      = null;

                p = new PositionImpl(ts);
            catch { except = true; }

Esempio n. 15
        public void MaxDD()
            const string  sym     = "TST";
            SimAccount    account = new SimAccount("TEST", "testing", 1000M, 100);
            ForexSecurity sec     = new ForexSecurity(sym);

            sec.PipValue = 1;
            sec.LotSize  = 1;
            sec.PipSize  = 1;

            IPositionTracker pt = account.Positions;

            System.Collections.Generic.List <Trade> fills = new System.Collections.Generic.List <Trade>();
            TradeImpl t = new TradeImpl(sym, 10, 100);

            t.Security = sec;
            t.Account  = account;
            System.Collections.Generic.List <decimal> ret = new System.Collections.Generic.List <decimal>();
            t          = new TradeImpl(sym, 11, -100);
            t.Security = sec;
            t.Account  = account;
            t          = new TradeImpl(sym, 11, -100);
            t.Security = sec;
            t.Account  = account;
            t          = new TradeImpl(sym, 13, 100);
            t.Account  = account;
            t.Security = sec;
            decimal maxdd  = Calc.MaxDdVal(ret.ToArray());
            decimal maxddp = Calc.MaxDDPct(fills);

            Assert.Equal(-300, maxdd);
            Assert.Equal(-.18m, Math.Round(maxddp, 2));
Esempio n. 16
        public void BlankPositionReq()
            string        sym     = "IBM";
            ForexSecurity ts      = new ForexSecurity(sym);
            IAccount      account = new SimAccount("TEST");


            PositionTracker pt     = new PositionTracker(account);
            bool            except = false;
            int             s      = 100;

                s = pt[sym].Size;
            catch { except = true; }
            Assert.Equal(0, s);
Esempio n. 17
        private static PortfolioManager Get(string symbol)
            TradingPortfolio np = new TradingPortfolio();

            ForexSecurity security = new ForexSecurity(symbol);

            security.LotSize  = 100000;     //Lots
            security.PipSize  = 0.0001M;    //PipSize in 4 decimal places
            security.TickSize = 0.00001M;   //Size of one tick
            security.PipValue = 1M;         //PipValue, if unable to calculate to base currency
            security.Digits   = 5;

            var account = new SimAccount("SIMULATED", "Sim account for backtesting", 10000, 100, "SIM");


            np.InjectAgent <ExampleTradingAgent>();

            //Set streams
            TradingAgent agent = (TradingAgent)np.Agents[0];

            agent.AgentId   = 115230;
            agent.TimeFrame = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(TimeFrameInSeconds);
            OHLCBarStream ls = new OHLCBarStream(np.Securities[symbol], np.Agents[0].TimeFrame);


            SimpleBacktester.OnMessage  += SimpleBacktester_OnMessage;
            SimpleBacktester.OnProgress += SimpleBacktester_OnProgress;

Esempio n. 18
        public void AdjustedDateTime()
            // long
            string        s  = "IBM";
            ForexSecurity ts = new ForexSecurity(s);

            ts.LotSize  = 1;
            ts.PipValue = 1;
            ts.PipSize  = 1;

            IAccount account = new SimAccount("TEST");


            TradeImpl t1 = new TradeImpl(s, 80, 100, dt);

            t1.Account  = account;
            t1.Security = ts;
            PositionImpl p = new PositionImpl(t1);

Esempio n. 19
        public void FlipSideInOneTrade()
            // this is illegal on the exchanges, but supported by certain
            // retail brokers so we're going to allow Quantler to support it
            // BE CAREFUL WITH THIS FEATURE.  make sure you won't be fined for doing this, before you do it.
            string        s  = "IBM";
            ForexSecurity ts = new ForexSecurity(s);

            ts.LotSize  = 1;
            ts.PipValue = 1;
            ts.PipSize  = 1;

            PortfolioManager portfolio = new TradingPortfolio();
            IAccount         account   = new SimAccount("TEST");


            // long position
            var t = new TradeImpl(s, 100m, 200);

            t.Account  = account;
            t.Security = ts;
            decimal cpl = portfolio.Positions.Adjust(t);

            Assert.Equal(cpl, 0);
            // sell more than we've got to change sides
            TradeImpl flip = new TradeImpl(s, 99, -400);

            flip.Account  = account;
            flip.Security = ts;
            cpl           = portfolio.Positions.Adjust(flip);
            // make sure we captured close of trade
            Assert.Equal(-200, cpl);
            // make sure we captured new side and price
            Assert.Equal(-200, portfolio.Positions[s].Size);
            Assert.Equal(99, portfolio.Positions[s].AvgPrice);
Esempio n. 20
        public void ClosePLWithPipValueAndLotSize()
            decimal pl = -490M;

            ForexSecurity ts = (ForexSecurity)sp.Security;

            sc.Security = sp.Security;
            ts.PipSize  = 2;
            ts.LotSize  = 1; // Lot size as micro lots
            ts.PipValue = 2; // Normal pip value is 2 dollars per pip profit per lot

            Assert.Equal(pl, Calc.ClosePL(sp, sc));

            pl         /= 2;
            ts.PipValue = 1; //If the pip value is twice as low, the results are twice as low due to the value of one pip

            Assert.Equal(pl, Calc.ClosePL(sp, sc));

            pl        /= 2;
            ts.LotSize = 2; //If lotsize is twice as high, results are twice as low since the pip value is based on lotsize

            Assert.Equal(pl, Calc.ClosePL(sp, sc));
Esempio n. 21
        public void MultipleAccount()
            // setup defaults for 1st and 2nd accounts and positions
            string        s   = "TST";
            ForexSecurity sym = new ForexSecurity(s);
            IAccount      a1  = new SimAccount("account1");


            IAccount a2 = new SimAccount("account2");


            int     s1 = 300;
            int     s2 = 500;
            decimal p  = 100m;

            // create position tracker
            PositionTracker pt = new PositionTracker(a1);

            // set initial position in 1st account
            pt.Adjust(new PositionImpl(sym, p, s1, 0, a1));

            // set initial position in 2nd account
            pt.Adjust(new PositionImpl(sym, p, s2, 0, a2));

            // verify I can query default account and it's correct
            Assert.Equal(s1, pt[sym].Size);
            // change default to 2nd account
            pt.DefaultAccount = a2;
            // verify I can query default and it's correct
            Assert.Equal(s2, pt[sym].Size);
            // verify I can query 1st account and correct
            Assert.Equal(s1, pt[sym, a1].Size);
            // verify I can query 2nd account and correct
            Assert.Equal(s2, pt[sym, a2].Size);
            // get fill in sym for 1st account
            TradeImpl f = new TradeImpl(sym.Name, p, s1);

            f.Account  = a1;
            f.Security = sym;
            // get fill in sym for 2nd account
            TradeImpl f2 = new TradeImpl(sym.Name, p, s2);

            f2.Account  = a2;
            f2.Security = sym;
            // verify that I can querry 1st account and correct
            Assert.Equal(s1 * 2, pt[sym, a1].Size);
            // verify I can query 2nd account and correct
            Assert.Equal(s2 * 2, pt[sym, a2].Size);
            // reset
            // ensure I can query first and second account and get flat symbols
            Assert.Equal(0, pt[sym].Size);
            Assert.Equal(0, pt[sym, a1].Size);
            Assert.Equal(0, pt[sym, a2].Size);
            Assert.True(pt[sym, a1].IsFlat);
            Assert.True(pt[sym, a2].IsFlat);
            Assert.Equal(null, pt.DefaultAccount);
Esempio n. 22
        public void RoundTurnStat()
            ForexSecurity ts = new ForexSecurity(sym);

            ts.LotSize = 1;
            ts.PipSize = 1;
            IAccount account = new SimAccount("TEST");

            rt = new Results(.01m, account);

            // get some trades
            List <Trade> fills = new List <Trade>(new Trade[] {
                // go long
                new TradeImpl(sym, p, s)
                    Security = ts, Account = account
                // increase bet
                new TradeImpl(sym, p + inc, s * 2)
                    Security = ts, Account = account
                // take some profits
                new TradeImpl(sym, p + inc * 2, s * -1)
                    Security = ts, Account = account
                // go flat (round turn)
                new TradeImpl(sym, p + inc * 2, s * -2)
                    Security = ts, Account = account
                // go short
                new TradeImpl(sym, p, s * -2)
                    Security = ts, Account = account
                // decrease bet
                new TradeImpl(sym, p, s)
                    Security = ts, Account = account
                // exit (round turn)
                new TradeImpl(sym, p + inc, s)
                    Security = ts, Account = account
                // do another entry
                new TradeImpl(sym, p, s)
                    Security = ts, Account = account

            //fill all trades
            foreach (var t in fills)

            // check trade count
            Assert.Equal(fills.Count, rt.Trades);

            // check round turn count
            Assert.Equal(2, rt.RoundTurns);

            // verify trade winners
            Assert.Equal(2, rt.Winners);

            // verify round turn winners
            Assert.Equal(1, rt.RoundWinners);

            // verify round turn losers
            Assert.Equal(1, rt.RoundLosers);
Esempio n. 23
        public void AccountBalanceUpdateForex()
            SimAccount    testaccount = new SimAccount("SIM1", "Menno's Account", initialbalance, leverage);
            ForexSecurity ts          = new ForexSecurity(sym);

            ts.LotSize      = 1000;
            ts.ContractSize = ts.LotSize;
            ts.PipSize      = 0.0001M;
            ts.TickSize     = ts.PipSize / 10;
            TickImpl tick       = TickImpl.NewQuote(sym, p, p, int.MaxValue, int.MaxValue, ts.DestEx, ts.DestEx);
            TickImpl secondtick = TickImpl.NewQuote(sym, p + inc, p + inc, int.MaxValue, int.MaxValue, ts.DestEx, ts.DestEx);

            List <Trade> fills = new List <Trade>(new Trade[] {
                // go long
                new TradeImpl(sym, p, s)
                    Security = ts, Account = testaccount, Commission = 1
                },                                                                                          // 1000 @ $1
                // increase bet
                new TradeImpl(sym, p + inc, s * 2)
                    Security = ts, Account = testaccount, Commission = 2
                },                                                                                          // 2000 @ $1.1
                // take some profits
                new TradeImpl(sym, p + inc * 2, s * -1)
                    Security = ts, Account = testaccount, Commission = 1
                },                                                                                          // -1000 @ $1.2 (profit = 1000 * (1.2 - 1.0) = 200)
                // go flat (round turn)
                new TradeImpl(sym, p + inc * 2, s * -2)
                    Security = ts, Account = testaccount, Commission = 2
                },                                                                                          // -2000 @ $1.2 (profit = 2000 * (1.2 - 1.1) = 200)
                // go short
                new TradeImpl(sym, p, s * -2)
                    Security = ts, Account = testaccount, Commission = 2
                },                                                                                          // -2000 @ $1
                // decrease bet
                new TradeImpl(sym, p, s)
                    Security = ts, Account = testaccount, Commission = 1
                },                                                                                          // 1000 @ $1
                // exit (round turn)
                new TradeImpl(sym, p + inc, s)
                    Security = ts, Account = testaccount, Commission = 1
                },                                                                                          // 1000 @ $1 (loss = 1000 * (1.2 - 1.0) = 100)
                // do another entry
                new TradeImpl(sym, p, s)
                    Security = ts, Account = testaccount, Commission = 1
                }                                                                                           // 100 @ 100

            //Act, fill all trades
            foreach (var t in fills)

            Assert.True(testaccount.Balance == 10300);
            Assert.True(testaccount.Margin == 11);
            Assert.True(testaccount.MarginLevel == (testaccount.Equity / testaccount.Margin) * 100);
Esempio n. 24
        public void BBO()
            SimBroker broker = new SimBroker();

            broker.BrokerModel = _trans;
            ForexSecurity tsec = new ForexSecurity(S);

            tsec.LotSize       = 1;
            tsec.OrderStepSize = 1;
            const decimal p1 = 10m;
            const decimal p2 = 11m;
            const int     x = 100;
            Order         bid, offer;

            // send bid, make sure it's BBO (since it's only order on any book)
            broker.SendOrderStatus(new PendingOrderImpl(new OrderImpl(tsec, Direction.Long, x, p1)));
            bid   = broker.BestBid(S);
            offer = broker.BestOffer(S);
            Assert.True(bid.IsValid && (bid.LimitPrice == p1) && (bid.Quantity == x), bid.ToString());
            Assert.True(!offer.IsValid, offer.ToString());

            // add better bid, make sure it's BBO
            OrderImpl o;

            // Order#1... 100 shares buy at $11
            o = new OrderImpl(tsec, Direction.Long, x, p2);
            PendingOrderImpl po = new PendingOrderImpl(o);

            bid   = broker.BestBid(S);
            offer = broker.BestOffer(S);
            Assert.Equal(p2, bid.LimitPrice);
            Assert.Equal(x, bid.Size);
            Assert.True(!offer.IsValid, offer.ToString());

            // add another bid at same price on another account, make sure it's additive
            //order #2... 100 shares buy at $11
            o             = new OrderImpl(tsec, Direction.Long, x, p2);
            po            = new PendingOrderImpl(o, new SimAccount("ANOTHER_ACCOUNT"));
            o.AccountName = "ANOTHER_ACCOUNT";
            bid   = broker.BestBid(S);
            offer = broker.BestOffer(S);
            Assert.Equal(p2, bid.LimitPrice);
            Assert.Equal(x * 2, bid.Size);
            Assert.True(!offer.IsValid, offer.ToString());

            // cancel order and make sure bbo returns
            bid   = broker.BestBid(S);
            offer = broker.BestOffer(S);
            Assert.Equal(p2, bid.LimitPrice);
            Assert.Equal(x, bid.Size);
            Assert.True(!offer.IsValid, offer.ToString());

            // other test ideas
            // replicate above tests for sell-side
Esempio n. 25
        public void LowMarginLevel()
            SimAccount    testaccount = new SimAccount("SIM1", "Menno's Account", initialbalance, leverage);
            ForexSecurity ts          = new ForexSecurity(sym);

            ts.LotSize  = 1000;
            ts.PipSize  = 0.0001M;
            ts.TickSize = ts.PipSize / 10;
            TickImpl tick       = TickImpl.NewQuote(sym, p, p, int.MaxValue, int.MaxValue, ts.DestEx, ts.DestEx);
            TickImpl secondtick = TickImpl.NewQuote(sym, p + inc, p + inc, int.MaxValue, int.MaxValue, ts.DestEx, ts.DestEx);

            List <Trade> fills = new List <Trade>(new Trade[] {
                // go long
                new TradeImpl(sym, p, s)
                    Security = ts, Account = testaccount, Commission = 1
                },                                                                                          // 100 @ $100
                // increase bet
                new TradeImpl(sym, p + inc, s * 2)
                    Security = ts, Account = testaccount, Commission = 2
                },                                                                                          // 300 @ $100.066666
                // take some profits
                new TradeImpl(sym, p + inc * 2, s * -1)
                    Security = ts, Account = testaccount, Commission = 1
                },                                                                                          // 200 @ 100.0666 (profit = 100 * (100.20 - 100.0666) = 13.34) / maxMIU(= 300*100.06666) = .04% ret
                // go flat (round turn)
                new TradeImpl(sym, p + inc * 2, s * -2)
                    Security = ts, Account = testaccount, Commission = 2
                },                                                                                          // 0 @ 0
                // go short
                new TradeImpl(sym, p, s * -2)
                    Security = ts, Account = testaccount, Commission = 2
                },                                                                                          // -200 @ 100
                // decrease bet
                new TradeImpl(sym, p, s)
                    Security = ts, Account = testaccount, Commission = 1
                },                                                                                          // -100 @100
                // exit (round turn)
                new TradeImpl(sym, p + inc, s * 5000)
                    Security = ts, Account = testaccount, Commission = 1
                },                                                                                               // 0 @ 0 (gross profit = -0.10*100 = -$10)
                // do another entry
                new TradeImpl(sym, p, s)
                    Security = ts, Account = testaccount, Commission = 1
                }                                                                                           // 100 @ 100

            //Act, fill all trades
            foreach (var t in fills)

            Assert.True(testaccount.Balance == 10300);
            Assert.True(testaccount.Margin == 55000);
            //Lower than 20% (Margin Call)
            Assert.True(testaccount.MarginLevel < 20M);