Esempio n. 1
        public void IncorrectFootStringIsNotTransformedIntoDomainObjects()
            IFootConverter converter = new FootConverter();
            FootValue      retValue  = (FootValue)converter.Convert("Stupid name that doesn't exist in the file");

            Assert.IsFalse(retValue.Value.HasValue, $"Value should have been null because the supplied name doesn't exist.");

            retValue = (FootValue)converter.Convert(null);
            Assert.IsFalse(retValue.Value.HasValue, $"Value should have been null because null was supplied as the value to translate.");
Esempio n. 2
        public void FootStringsAreCorrectlyTransformedIntoDomainObjects()
            IFootConverter converter;

            foreach (var language in languages)
                converter = (IFootConverter)Activator.CreateInstance(language.Value);

                string json = File.ReadAllText($@"{SettingsFolderPath}\{language.Key}\{SettingsFile}");

                var definition       = new { Language = default(string), Set = new[] { new { Name = default(string), DO = default(string) } } };
                var deserializedJSON = JsonConvert.DeserializeAnonymousType(json, definition);
                foreach (var item in deserializedJSON.Set)
                    FootValue retValue = (FootValue)converter.Convert(item.Name);

                    Assert.IsTrue(retValue.Value.HasValue, $"The Foot string \"{item.Name}\" didn't translate into a Foot type domain object.");