Esempio n. 1
        static void TestAttackDefendPlayMethod()
            Deck d = new Deck();

            Card c2 = d.DetermineTrump();

            //just for testing display trump card
            Console.WriteLine("The trump card is: " + d.DisplayTrumpCard());
            FoolHand fh = new FoolHand();
            PlayHand ph = new PlayHand();

            fh.DrawUpToSixCards(fh, d);

            Console.WriteLine("Current Fool Hand.  Expecting 6 cards.\n" + fh);
            //Card c = fh.Attack(1);
            Console.WriteLine("Test AttackDefendPlay method");
            //Console.WriteLine("Attacking with a card at index '0'.\n" + c);
            //Card c3 = fh.Defend(fh, c, c2);
            //Console.WriteLine("Defending with a card from the deck.\n" + c3);
            Console.WriteLine("Current Fool Hand.  Expecting 4 cards left in a hand:\n" + fh);
            //ph.AddCardToPlayHand(ph, fh, c);
            //ph.AddCardToPlayHand(ph, fh, c3);
            Console.WriteLine("Current Play Hand.  Expecting 2 cards in a hand:\n" + ph);
            Console.WriteLine("Number of cards in the PlayHand.  Expecting 2 cards:\n" + ph.NumCards);
Esempio n. 2
        static void TestAtackMethod()
            Deck     d  = new Deck();
            FoolHand fh = new FoolHand();

            fh.DrawUpToSixCards(fh, d);

            Console.WriteLine("Test Attack method");
            Console.WriteLine("Current Fool Hand.  Expecting 6 cards.\n" + fh);
            //Console.WriteLine("Attacking with a card at index 2 ('Ace of Spades').  Expecting 'Ace of Spades' displayed.\n" + fh.Attack(3));
Esempio n. 3
        static void TestDefendWithSpecifiedCard()
            Deck     d  = new Deck();
            FoolHand fh = new FoolHand();

            fh.DrawUpToSixCards(fh, d);
            //Card c = fh.Attack(5);

            Console.WriteLine("Test DefendWithSpecifiedCard method");
            Console.WriteLine("Current Fool Hand.  Expecting 6 cards.\n" + fh);
            //Console.WriteLine("Attacking with a card at index 4 ('2 of Diamonds').  Expecting '2 of Diamonds' displayed.\n" + c);
            //Console.WriteLine("Defending with a card at index 1 ('Ace of Diamonds').  Expecting 'Ace of Diamonds' displayed.\n" + fh.DefendWithSpecifiedCard(1, c));
            Console.WriteLine("Current Fool Hand.  Expecting 4 cards left in a hand:\n" + fh);
Esempio n. 4
        static void TestDrawUpToSixCards()
            Deck     d  = new Deck();
            FoolHand fh = new FoolHand();


            Console.WriteLine("Test DrawUpToSixCards method");
            Console.WriteLine("Current Fool Hand.  Expecting 2 cards.\n" + fh);
            fh.DrawUpToSixCards(fh, d);
            Console.WriteLine("Drawing 4 more cards.  Expecting 6 cards in the hand:\n" + fh);
            Console.WriteLine("Total Cards left.  Expecting 46. " + d.NumCards);
Esempio n. 5
        static void TestAttackAgain()
            Deck     d  = new Deck();
            FoolHand fh = new FoolHand();

            fh.DrawUpToSixCards(fh, d);
            //Card c = fh.Attack(3);

            Console.WriteLine("Test AttackAgain method");
            Console.WriteLine("Current Fool Hand.  Expecting 6 cards.\n" + fh);
            //Console.WriteLine("Attacking with a card at index 2 ('Ace of Spades').  Expecting 'Ace of Spades' displayed.\n" + c);
            //Console.WriteLine("Attacking again with a card of the same value ('Ace of Clubs').  Expecting 'Ace of Clubs' displayed.\n" + fh.AttackAgain(fh, c));
            //Console.WriteLine("Attacking again with a card of the same value ('Ace of Clubs').  Expecting 'Ace of Diamonds' displayed.\n" + fh.AttackAgain(fh, c));
            Console.WriteLine("Current Fool Hand.  Expecting 3 cards left in a hand:\n" + fh);
Esempio n. 6
        static void TestPickPlayHandCards()
            Deck     d  = new Deck();
            FoolHand fh = new FoolHand();
            PlayHand ph = new PlayHand();

            fh.DrawUpToSixCards(fh, d);
            ph.AddCard(new Card(13, 1));
            ph.AddCard(new Card(13, 2));
            ph.AddCard(new Card(13, 3));

            Console.WriteLine("Current Fool Hand.  Expecting 6 cards.\n" + fh);
            Console.WriteLine("Current Play Hand.  Expecting 3 Kings.\n" + ph);
            fh.PickPlayHandCards(fh, ph);
            Console.WriteLine("Test PickPlayHandCards method");
            Console.WriteLine("Execting 9 cards in Fool Hand:\n" + fh + "\nand '0' cards in Play Hand:\n" + ph.NumCards);
Esempio n. 7
        static void TestCanDefendMethod()
            Deck d = new Deck();

            Card c2 = d.DetermineTrump();

            //just for testing display trump card
            Console.WriteLine("The trump card is: " + d.DisplayTrumpCard());
            FoolHand fh = new FoolHand();
            PlayHand ph = new PlayHand();

            fh.DrawUpToSixCards(fh, d);

            Console.WriteLine("Current Fool Hand.  Expecting 6 cards.\n" + fh);

            Card c = fh.Attack(1, fh, ph);

            Console.WriteLine("Test AttackDefendPlay method");
            Console.WriteLine("Attacking with a card at index '0'.\n" + c);

            Card c3 = fh.Defend(fh, c, c2);

            Console.WriteLine("Defending with a card from the deck.\n" + c3);
            Console.WriteLine("Current Fool Hand.  Expecting 4 cards left in a hand:\n" + fh);

            bool canDefend = fh.CanDefend(fh, c, c2);

            Console.WriteLine("Checking if a player can defend.\n" + canDefend);
            Console.WriteLine("Current Fool Hand.  Expecting 4 cards left in a hand:\n" + fh);

            ph.AddCardToPlayHand(ph, fh, c);
            ph.AddCardToPlayHand(ph, fh, c3);
            Console.WriteLine("Current Play Hand.  Expecting 2 cards in a hand:\n" + ph);
            Console.WriteLine("Number of cards in the PlayHand.  Expecting 2 cards:\n" + ph.NumCards);

            DiscardHand dh = new DiscardHand();

            Console.WriteLine("Number of cards in the DiscardHand.  Expecting 2 cards:\n" + dh.AddToDiscardPile(dh, ph));
            Console.WriteLine("Number of cards in the PlayHand.  Expecting 0 cards after DiscardAll():\n" + ph.NumCards);
            Console.WriteLine("Number of cards in the DiscardHand.  Expecting 0 cards after DiscardAll():\n" + dh.NumCards);
Esempio n. 8
        static void TestDefendWithSameSuitMethod()
            Deck d = new Deck();

            //Card c2 = d.DetermineTrump();
            //just for testing display trump card
            Console.WriteLine("The trump card is: " + d.DisplayTrumpCard());
            FoolHand fh = new FoolHand();

            fh.DrawUpToSixCards(fh, d);

            Console.WriteLine("Current Fool Hand.  Expecting 6 cards.\n" + fh);
            //Card c = fh.Attack(5);
            //Random cards are output -- disregard the notes below
            Console.WriteLine("Test Defend method");
            Console.WriteLine("Current Fool Hand.  Expecting 6 cards.\n" + fh);
            //Console.WriteLine("Attacking with a card at index 4 ('2 of Diamonds').  Expecting '2 of Diamonds' displayed.\n" + c);
            //Console.WriteLine("Defending with a card at index 1 ('Ace of Diamonds').  Expecting 'Ace of Diamonds' displayed.\n" + fh.DefendWithSameSuit(fh, c));
            Console.WriteLine("Current Fool Hand.  Expecting 4 cards left in a hand:\n" + fh);
Esempio n. 9
        static void TestCanAttackAgainMethod()
            Deck d = new Deck();


            FoolHand fh = new FoolHand();
            CompHand ch = new CompHand();
            PlayHand ph = new PlayHand();

            Card tc = d.DetermineTrump();

            ch.DrawUpToSixCards(ch, d);
            ch.CompSortCards(ch, tc);
            fh.DrawUpToSixCards(fh, d);
            fh.SortCards(fh, tc);

            Card lastCard = d.GetCard(d.NumCards - 1);

            Console.WriteLine("Test CanAttackAgain method");
            Console.WriteLine("Determining a trump card.  The trump card (Suit) is: " + tc);
            Console.WriteLine("Last card in the deck - should be the same as the trump card: " + lastCard);
            Console.WriteLine("Current FoolHand.  Expecting 6 cards.\n" + fh);
            Console.WriteLine("Current CompHand.  Expecting 6 cards.\n" + ch);
            Card attkCard = ch.Attack(0, ch, ph);

            Console.WriteLine("Computer attacking a player with: " + attkCard);
            ph.AddCardToPlayHand(ph, fh, attkCard);

            Card defCard = fh.Defend(fh, attkCard, tc);

            Console.WriteLine("Player is defending with the following card: " + defCard);
            ph.AddCardToPlayHand(ph, fh, defCard);

            Console.WriteLine("Current FoolHand.  Expecting 5 cards.\n" + fh);
            Console.WriteLine("Current CompHand.  Expecting 5 cards.\n" + ch);

            Console.WriteLine("Current PlayHand:\n" + ph);
            Console.WriteLine("Checking if compuetr can attack again: " + ch.CanAttackAgain(ch, ph));
Esempio n. 10
        static void TestPickUpCardsTest()
            Deck d = new Deck();

            Card     c   = d.DetermineTrump();
            FoolHand fh  = new FoolHand();
            FoolHand fh2 = new FoolHand();

            fh.DrawUpToSixCards(fh, d);
            fh2.DrawUpToSixCards(fh2, d);

            Console.WriteLine("Test PickupCards method");
            Console.WriteLine("Display a trump card: " + c);
            Console.WriteLine("Display FoolHand #1.  Expecting 6 cards:\n" + fh);
            Console.WriteLine("Display FoolHand #2.  Expecting 6 cards:\n" + fh2);

            fh2.PickUpCards(fh2, fh); //FoolHand #2 picking up cards
            Console.WriteLine("Display FoolHand #1.  Expecting 6 cards:\n" + fh);
            Console.WriteLine("Display FoolHand #2.  Expecting 12 cards:\n" + fh2);
            Console.WriteLine("Display FoolHand #1.  Expecting 0 cards after discrading all cards:\n" + fh.NumCards);
Esempio n. 11
        static void Main(string[] args)
            const string YOU_LOSE = "You lost :(."; //Message displayed at the end of the game when someone loses
            Deck         deck     = new Deck();     //New deck instance


            Card trumpCard = deck.DetermineTrump(); //Determining and displaying a trump (trump suit) card and placing it at the bottom of the deck

            Console.WriteLine("Determine a trump card.  The trump is: " + trumpCard);

            FoolHand player   = new FoolHand();
            CompHand computer = new CompHand();
            PlayHand playHand = new PlayHand();

            deck.DealCards(player, computer); //Dealing 6 cards to each player in an alternating pattern

                player.SortCards(player, trumpCard); //sorting cards
                Console.WriteLine("Player's hand is as follows:\n" + player);

                computer.CompSortCards(computer, trumpCard);
                Console.WriteLine("\nComputers's hand is as follows:\n" + computer);

                bool playerTurn = true; //starting the game with the human player

                //PLAYER'S TURN
                    int  cardIndex = -1;
                    bool canAttack = true;

                    Console.WriteLine("\nPlease enter the Card number you would like to attack with or enter 'n' to end your turn: ");
                    string input = Console.ReadLine();
                    //cardIndex = InputValidation(input, player);
                    if (input == "n")
                        playerTurn = false;
                        canAttack  = false;
                        cardIndex = InputValidation(input, player); //^^^^SOMETHING IS OFF IN THE LINES ABOVE ^^^^^
                    //if (cardIndex == player.NumCards + 1) //entering 1 more than the total number in a hand terminates player's turn
                    //    playerTurn = false;

                    Card attckCard = player.Attack(cardIndex, player);

                    while (canAttack) // playHand is empty - needs more checking     ***|| playHand.IsEmpty || !player.IsEmpty***
                        if (playHand.Contains(attckCard))
                            Console.WriteLine("If you attack more than once, please make sure you attack with a card which value macthes any of the ones that are currently in play.");
                            canAttack  = false;
                            playerTurn = false;
                            Console.WriteLine("Player's card to attack with is: " + attckCard);
                            playHand.AddCardToPlayHand(playHand, computer, attckCard);
                            //check if computer can defend
                            Card defCard = computer.CompDefend(computer, attckCard, trumpCard);
                            Console.WriteLine("Computer's card to defend with is: " + defCard);

                            if (defCard != null)

                                TestMessagesMethod(playHand, player, computer); //TEST

                                Console.WriteLine("\nPlease enter the Card number you would like to attack with or enter 'n' to end your turn: ");
                                input = Console.ReadLine();
                                //cardIndex = InputValidation(input, player);
                                if (input == "n")
                                    playerTurn = false;
                                    cardIndex = InputValidation(input, player);

                                //if (cardIndex == player.NumCards + 1) //entering 1 more than the total number in a hand terminates player's turn
                                //    playerTurn = false;

                                canAttack = player.CanAttackAgain(cardIndex, player, playHand); //PROBLEM SOMEWHERE HERE

                                if (canAttack)
                                    attckCard = player.AttackWithCard(player, cardIndex);
                                TestMessagesMethod(playHand, player, computer); //TEST
                            else if (!computer.CanDefend(computer, attckCard, trumpCard))
                                computer.PickUpCards(computer, playHand);
                                player.DrawUpToSixCards(player, deck, trumpCard);
                                computer.CompSortCards(computer, trumpCard);
                                //Console.WriteLine("Player's current hand is:\n" + player);
                                TestMessagesMethod(playHand, player, computer); //TEST

                                Console.WriteLine("\nPlease enter the Card number you would like to attack with: ");
                                input     = Console.ReadLine();
                                cardIndex = InputValidation(input, player);

                                if (cardIndex == player.NumCards + 1) //entering 1 more than the total number in a hand terminates player's turn
                                    playerTurn = false;

                                canAttack = player.CanAttackAgain(cardIndex, player, playHand); //PROBLEM SOMEWHERE HERE

                                if (canAttack)
                                    attckCard = player.AttackWithCard(player, cardIndex);

                    string doneWithTurn = EndTurn();

                    if (doneWithTurn == "y" && playHand.NumCards % 2 == 0)
                        playerTurn = false;
                    else if (doneWithTurn == "y" && playHand.NumCards % 2 != 0)
                        computer.PickPlayHandCards(computer, playHand);
                        Console.WriteLine("Computer picked up because it could not defend the attack.  Computer's hand is currently:\n" + computer);
                        computer.CompSortCards(computer, trumpCard);
                        player.DrawUpToSixCards(player, deck, trumpCard);
                        Console.WriteLine("Player's hand is as follows:\n" + player); //just for testing

                    Console.WriteLine("Current PlayHand:\n" + playHand.NumCards);
                } while (playerTurn);

                EndOfTurnMaintenance(deck, trumpCard, player, computer);
                TestMessagesMethod(playHand, player, computer); //TEST

                //COMPUTER'S TURN
                    bool canAttack      = true;
                    bool canAttackAgain = false;

                    Console.WriteLine("\nNow, it's computer's turn to attack.");
                    Card compAttack = new Card();

                    while (canAttack) // playHand is empty - needs more checking   || playHand.IsEmpty || !computer.IsEmpty
                        if (playHand.IsEmpty)
                            compAttack = computer.Attack(0, computer);
                        else if (canAttackAgain || (canAttack && !playHand.IsEmpty))
                            compAttack = computer.AttackAgain(computer, playHand);

                        Console.WriteLine("Computer attacks with: " + compAttack);

                        bool canDefend = false; //bool that gets assigned based on whether or not player can defend

                        Console.WriteLine("\nPlease enter the Card number you would like to defend with, or press 'p' to pick up the card(s): ");
                        string input = Console.ReadLine();

                        if (input == "p")
                            player.PickPlayHandCards(player, playHand);
                            computer.OffLoadAttackCards(compAttack, computer, playHand);
                            player.PickPlayHandCards(player, playHand);
                            computer.DrawUpToSixCards(computer, deck, trumpCard);
                            computer.CompSortCards(computer, trumpCard);
                            canAttack = true;
                            TestMessagesMethod(playHand, player, computer); //TEST
                            int cardIndex = InputValidation(input, player);

                            Card defCard = player.GetCard(cardIndex);
                            canDefend = player.CanDefendWithSpecificCard(compAttack, defCard, trumpCard);

                            Console.WriteLine("Checking if a player can defend (true/false): " + canDefend);
                            Console.WriteLine("Player is defending with: " + defCard);

                            if (canDefend)
                                player.DefendWithCard(defCard, player);
                                canAttackAgain = computer.CanAttackAgain(computer, playHand);
                                canAttack      = computer.CanAttackAgain(computer, playHand);
                                TestMessagesMethod(playHand, player, computer); //TEST
                                Console.WriteLine("You cannot defend with this card.");
                                //player.PickUpCards(player, playHand);
                                //computer.DrawUpToSixCards(computer, deck, trumpCard);
                                //computer.CompSortCards(computer, trumpCard);

                                computer.OffLoadAttackCards(compAttack, computer, playHand);
                                player.PickPlayHandCards(player, playHand);
                                computer.DrawUpToSixCards(computer, deck, trumpCard);
                                computer.CompSortCards(computer, trumpCard);
                                canAttack = true;


                    //TestMessagesMethod(playHand, player, computer); //TEST

                    playerTurn = true;
                } while (!playerTurn);

                EndOfTurnMaintenance(deck, trumpCard, player, computer);
            } while (!deck.IsEmpty);

            //CHECK FOR LOSER