Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creation de la fonte du jeu
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fontSheet"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>

        private static Font CreateFont(SurfaceFontSheet fontSheet)
            var font = new Font();

            font.AddCharacters(".,\"'?!@*#$%: ");
            font.CharacterIndex += 5;
            font.AddCharacters("()+-/=©<>~§"); //~ correspond à la disquette, § au coeur
            font.UnknownTileNumber = font.GetTileNumber('$');

            font.FontSheet = fontSheet;

Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Start the console
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="machine"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>

        public override async Task StartAsync(Machine machine)
            this.machine = machine;

            // loading some assets and put them in the video memory of the console
            var assetSprite = AssetSprite.Import(this, "sprite", await LoadContentFile("Game/Sprite.png"));

            this.sprite = this.machine.VideoMemory.CreateSprite(assetSprite);

            // tilesheet is composed of tiles of 8x8 pixels
            // tilesheet is a sprite too

            var assetTileSheet = AssetTileSheet.Import(this, "tilesheet", await LoadContentFile("Game/TileSheet.png"), 8, 8);

            this.tileSheet = this.machine.VideoMemory.CreateTileSheet(assetTileSheet);

            // Read the font file and create an AssetFontSheet
            var assetFont = AssetFontSheet.Import(this, "font", await LoadContentFile("Game/Font.png"), 8, 8, FontTypes.PolychromeStatic);
            // Copy the AssetFontSheet to the VideMemory
            var surfaceFont = machine.VideoMemory.CreateFontSheet(assetFont);

            // Get the mapping of the font based on FontSheet/surfaceFont
            Font font = new Font
                FontSheet = surfaceFont

            font.AddCharacters(".,\"'?!@*#$%: ");
            font.CharacterIndex += 5;                         // Jump blank characters
            font.AddCharacters("()+-/=©<>~§");                //~ correspond to the save icon (disk), § to the heart icon
            font.UnknownTileNumber = font.GetTileNumber('$'); // by default an unknown character will be represent by a $

            // set the default font of the Screen
            this.machine.Screen.Font = font;

            // create map of a coin
            this.mapCoin = new Map();
            this.mapCoin.Create("mapCoin", 2, 2, tileSheet);
            this.mapCoin.SetTiles(110, 111, 120, 121);

            // create map of the slice of a coin
            this.mapCoinSlice = new Map();
            this.mapCoinSlice.Create("mapCoinSlice", 2, 2, tileSheet);
            this.mapCoinSlice.SetTiles(112, 113, 122, 123);

            // animator
            this.animatorCoin = new Animator();
                new MapAnimationFrame(mapCoin, 10),     // change every 10 frames
                new MapAnimationFrame(mapCoinSlice, 10) // change every 10 frames
            // launch the animator

            // small screen
            this.smallScreen      = this.machine.VideoMemory.CreateEmptySprite("smallScreen", 50, 50);
            this.smallScreen.Font = font;

            machine.UpdatingCallback = Updating;
            machine.UpdatedCallback  = Updated;
            // Method where the game renders one frame
            machine.DrawCallback = Draw;